Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 3 Jun 1926, p. 5

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The Indepepdent--$l.50 a Yieari.ih."":_,""/"_'r, I'm " If you desire to. thiedt 2iyieritcere it arill tie ab'so- iuteMate"iroin ioes. 4 . _ LIBERTYVILLE {WES BANK Wherelygu 1eenbe iure"of I study Ind "pcmknnent Where every dak, willbe worth lop cents-in' good Ilil, AlbUCarroll. Glc. Son BUY OUR FIRST MoktcAtEs ' , FOR GRADUATION "Ctiiiigfifet safety . - . New Summer Shirts- times or bad. interest returtvw.ithout worry or tity. q RICH in (culture. tailored to a finished smartneu gnd pledsantly attractive in wagon]. desist] and coltrr combinations-the. kind of Shirts of wruiy you should have at least a dozen hy' the summer months. . . Telephone 14 In Investment AIWaM MT ight Shades in Crepe de Chine . Georgettes Dainty Silk Slips . _ Step-iris and Vests J. B. MORSE & CO. I h LISHT $lgihleuMSeei'u,21f, AND POPL-tdg WITH on WITHOUT COLLAR. ATTACHED . "Everything For Men" LIBERTYVILLE Bible! IMr will be observed at the [Hawaiian church Sunday morning, iand'tan ununual program lu,_phuxned {tor an the babies, their parents and grandparents .nd great-grand parenu. ' I Mr. um In.'L M. Bennett. um Pty1'tr, and Mrs. _Arthur Whitney Jud dnuhter, Margaret, spent- Sun day and Monday In Indiana, Wltr, vu, "In; Mrs'." Bennett's "new. 'e.. . j an: d an: Wm. men. ot Doin. t" we, were here Bunday, gut-mu at Al"' Claude Knuce home on "road: Edi-y. . . .. 2.00 8.00 Rev. and En. John E, yew". or the Pin! Mttlodlit Kpl.tscopdl church. attendtal I u. the Methodist church at Barium haw. and Mr. Dela" rr"""'"' the; wed. dtntr'c.orerttopr, . - Punt Store. and u an experienced un 'ortystlir. xnrnlvn0-r 19 xs-xmn new Pwr'; dwrgakrrgnd' Hohkner. ' tame: These "annular putalm'af ' V " A . "my "gnu-4 abut" Crve Sow)" any," sdil! a-avla-1rsills"i?a'ik'"a"ilist 1teal at! on Jyet. Ist, Mrc%gochheim Mum Numb .prhorii Line next Falqrdny, and .Thtr, "my rank tsith m, mm, .0": Mn mhke a vrrp'lu a mun ot mm: by 1,." trtotttrq Hugh's, of mm..." my. gun! ow-r the new sutkokle yAlty this in Isitke county Mr Jock';, l'rt " Hair» Thu trairttsi'd f,'r(V. MuniVlelu "Jen! at In how much Lo. 11.}: kw the. 'rhei.Epworth League of the Fmtrigt Methodist EDI-cow church. at Ita re- cent Dunne-u meeting, voted to pledge $50 to the new hospital tur Liberty-' ', Mr. and an. June. Gannon of Ev- unuon, were here but!" visiting the latter] humus. Mr. and Mm Srl'. autumn aCli a. n ville. 3m. annual: Sch-um: u reported Egg". If, --'eeW"- "" m a her. home on an; Cook venue.' with n can}! sonnet feyer. There Sam Nulmm "filo-n his are three other cues in the rar" "',e,,ryv)e, that he " r1110 tttia tune. none ot them serti, . movl stars In the loldwn . I: In the contramfn mm ' P. G. Osborne will move his [unity just complete}: 1 'ed he: tiere "rn trom ',',g',igfi,"yt'l, He bu wood tor Tom Mix Sam uk'en tile/ham on":l by! 1:1; Prerby or mow-lint mm "Wharton let' an C DUH' .0031?! H " cornm- and ottte _ I brit ' . of Maple and Barnum I'fonllt Mr _ "f"'" in; Osborne u In. the Ray Ttdralture and Mr, lv'réd' Jorhheim It t Fun Store, ud I; an experienced un orryssllr Ludo-{HT tit {pp dwrtakrrgnd' embnuner. ' . tame: Thee :anttulu Jims Dita-n. - filial-us" "11am- Pm"; "our: 8 A.M. At 8 P.M. Local and Personal to trainsi and pt LIBERTYVILLE Ih0pgEgLNitthr, THURSDAYI JUNE 3"1926' oven" the present Shore Line. Tho {run} will lane {the city at , p. In. tad run. to Lttrertyiille am} Mundeleln ovorl thepes wSkokle Valley Route. After reaching lumen-In. the party lel ii! uken In autwbllel for a View dt the Lulu: County Countryside, the (allow- tux route helm: mapped out'. i'i.i'iii) on Htwlhatn Blvd. to Iaite Avenue, t'vhnc» south omund'htamond Likr t ' Dpllon's Corners, thence east to: Oak Tame and Suum Drive mane-ny- mm; nutmeg-gt on Cook Avenue to 't1r6iaEG'rrvi"nue, thancq south to Bedlam! Road.. thence viva! lo putter- kald Road thenre north to Park h P. was! to St. Mary of the 14k? Brunt nary. From the Semlnnry Ge party will so to the Community Hausa In Muadelein. . t George Small, the allent hardwlré clerk In the Eur More, bu been laid up for the pan two weeks with ftsad "9.153 ot the flu. (home ":3 able to Jil up and talte nntlm thll hvepk, and NI friends will be glad lo gPe him but in; the sign». Mr. nnd In. Ralph Wllvr were hrm {mm Blkhorn. WU., Wednesday 6-va trreetltttt friends Cab looks "fat and nanny" and evtdentfy the cli- mquof the Budgrr Male null; him him to I T. . Sun Nolsun "HIM friends in Lib ony$lle that he " ruioylnx Pte in movi "an In the Iohlwn Aux». Sam is in the compelling hunting". and ban just completed I new hottse In Holly' wood tor Tom Mix Sam Mao tvrltes ot mowunx Clare Wimirror, Urn Lyle" and other, eelebrttier .. ' _ In bed lone and 'hr. {xv-I "Us at Mama-3h In." :11qu Jumwgam and "I to url ot the. sum I'n\"21:;w In": boon N n Ind this In Inmplnn In Burnt! tour, In: I'Mdinl that vs.- h, That In tho boa] w A Stank, Wnrt kin of the g'lrrint 'Hmoa ys, 11.04 m hire hrre The \lr'lma a! name of 'ho yam 'oidentlr wirhsuro than" thtm ram-games. mm mm "mllmrfy' Imf Rm Gettirteer My mm Mr Starrw't tor- to! to toll shout the 'imo ho not n M. nu. the! o our: but of "but us than the Fisttrr hawk whHo 'ryin: to rid the luck of nu. via the "and" route. n _ l' txmaiatgLmiaPhrisssnn A I14 in MrNrral Mr: A IM th COMMERCIAL CLASSES in SHORTHAND, TYPEWR1TING. BUSINESS - ENGLIESH and ELEM NTARY BOOKKEEPING McDonald l Commercial School ' Intuitive Training and Individual Attention Given Positions Jiecured For Graduates mu. Telephone 130 M Mr :ghws. of 1 ly Mr J much ho. H ru- ht 1mm 5 1l FRANK H. EGER " Lib " SOCIAL DANCE and CHICKFN SUPPER IVANHOE M: W. HALL Tuesday Iirenipg, Jun? , -- -"rGiriaii't aim?! pAaiic.itiiiatriu"ta 4'." Adapted from Herman Melville's "Moby 070:" hr the "White What." An'ettrc of the golden aip, M AmoncamIcalarmqjdvcnturv. Vth JOHN BARRYMORE. DORORES COSTELLO aM'GEOEGE'O'KMA. Whahng. a bout Mn" o? other dayn. 800 mi mot! lhnllmg "magic ppm ur'iin ha: ever pregame: (5:1,an pu_ttmg1he.'r hmgth atta"Vt r" ." . the Brute Mrength of a buy you moan" of the deep _ '"nierthis/ sat-Mafiazifimfié'ififi '4'"- v. . . "The Sea Beak?3 ' anduamHowEasyitis toMowYourLawn." AMERICANS". K.a. - '- Mitt, 'triihi'ii'aii'i:'iiii Aaditdriam gheatre sahirdar,smes.r- "'t" "VT"'"" W "3.. , Tat.---- A photo-drama that will "a, Sunday, June F. , Monday,, NORMAN BERAVTHENQV a.-WALn-0_ALL, LIONEL BARRVMORE. AND MARCELINE DAY in a pictur. brum'ull of action. A tale . ' _ of the KlortdtheCourttry, . Thursdgy and Friday. Jime 10 and Ily CORRiNE CR'FFITH In WITH FLORENCE VIDOR, TOM MOORE, ESTHER RALSTON AND roan 8Y£LLING.. _ T t The tale ot a Tart, hi: wife: a beautiful tsiirtds, and I bury or. . _ 'batyljrig beauties. K . Tequires the Use of a Good Law"ter I li -"re:8EG?Alle5 Get One ofOur Easy-Running ' . "t A; 3 'ttt Ypq'rtfy.?.e.eir. Dance Tickets $1.00 16-ir? 18-h 16-in 16-in 18-in 20-in Telephone 17 16. 16-ip. "Comr.resa'l Bantarigg 18-h. "Canines." Ball Bearing 16-in. "Garland" Balk Bearind 16-in. "Marvel" Ball Bearing 18-in. "Marvel" Ball Bearing 20-in. "Maivel" Ball Bedrine, IS-in. "Forest Glen" "rin, I'FederW' 7 _" . .. 16-in. "American" BalLBegring 7 l3.50 l8-in. "American" Ball Bearing 14.50 JACK HOXIE . Thnllu. gun ham: and romance. A Blue sunk Wootccn..hAlOo "The Understudy," and Kinogram News Andy Gump Comedy, 1What's the Ugo" "The Marriage of Nannette" an" mny tro rut-wad It Imwll'u or than t Nevillo'u on or "In In that _ "The Trouble width Wives" Other Well Known Makes Given by Who'd St. Hal's Win in hell: . of Fro-0mm" "odtial Moot. Sum Will Be Served From l0 o'clock 0n -tMGL1tydi1efifl1rh1tfil.W..HWir, 1l1tfp1tlit1t.A "The Keeper of the Bees" drama that will live In your memory as one of tl Aesop Fable and Pathe Review . "ghee; Thu- Stud The moat ttoautlh1 story of the you mad. Into'a . _ - "tagrtitieent maxi?" planar. GENE. "ttATTOtt PORTER". Featuring the popular outdoor anon "it "Ma"ddmoiselle Mediate" High School Auditorium Comedy, 73A Faint Hedrt" "Two.FUted Jones" Friday, June 4th ALL SEATS 50 CENTS A MATRmoMAL MIRIHQUAKE will an} In your memory I mom. " all um... Also an 1'TheBurrerl' "born 1H0. Township High School Hi Standard Time Pr-ttted h Opera LIBERTYViLLE on. of the "not! " "So 14.50 12.50 - $16.00 17.00 18.00 was. at .5 m," 5,..- - 'l OUR WANT ADS Gl' SURE H ""Liiiirvne Lumbg -' Campany w.'.,-,)",","" AND IN MANY OTHER F'IDO CAPAFITIES. WE WILL BE GL GIVE ANY INFORMATION DI AND INQUIRIES WILL BE WM WF, HAW: ESTABLISHED A TRUST. DEPARTMENT IN um BANK AND m: VI'TE YHI'I: nrsnxrzss ALONG THIS» LINE. IN THIS m NNECTION.,WEARE QUALlr'HH) T0 ACT IN THE FOLLOW INC, ('AI'ACITIPZS: id diiiihuecetti- YOQ'VE. ACQT Jro USE LIV/EEK" f, The business ruhutution of out dire' and the experience and ability of 'officers with a i-cco'nl of many"! successful busiii'éss is sufficient Bt) tee that the.jniet"ests of every dam! will be carefully pi'otected. " ' "ity" iii maldnv: loans must know foam"! that his-applicants or suretia'm mtrtt6tri, sible and worthy of credit. .1" "r-"?"" . . -cFdeicrcE5'diurceefc'cqc, "i-LE5i'iri"iz-Eefic irc:': Likdiiiib, - the , Jiudiihr teiG'i?it'"irFratlttiittir know thy character: an.d the tattain-tr"- 0'" th7 bank with which he deals. ".d. _ . t Capital and Surplus 5100.000." "ic', LIBERTYVILLE ILLINOIS TRUSTEE ON TRUST DEED LOANS EXECUTOR OF mus. ADMINIS- TRATOR OF ESTATES. GUARD" s" AN OR CONSERVATOR, TRUSTEE 's, LIFE INSURANCE TRUSTS, TRust'., TEE FOR LIVING TRUSTS. I . if; Lake County? Ntttitsiiii' rum-u - '35 tu,mbrtutNtt--aeihm-- " $53? y-rr"]. The canny} _. '-. 32/ We list First National Bank. 1' Banker ', NEW :31; to convince thid lic of'our din serve them is n merchandise" [fair price. P Confidence it I be won by Ii but by a". ice and (ti 'er, 'r

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