Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 17 Jun 1926, p. 21

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(1--2) Mile, more or less, to &n inter-- : section with Sheridan Road, State "-unr .....':"".'.'5':.'."5 & C % m-un,fv::nb'-m -- al':uyn:q:" 3 cont % . 60) Dollars, meking a Toost 'Hond § lesue of §$150,000.00. $ : .__ Aye and Nay vote being had Super visor Kirschnuer's motion was carrlied _ by the Jofliuwing zote: . Those xoting n on Hian . _ w Supervisor Bletsch moved that the report be actepted and adopted. Ays and Nay vote being Supervisor ~-- Bletath's maotion was by. the tolowing vote: "Thosé "Aye* -- were._ Supervizore Burke pietsch, Cory, y Fick®s Funk, Srmt. E phy, Nabet, Obee, O'Connt "-H"!',\'.'""",'"?"'-' " ain'_ ."' "l_rf'.:ii.'-,. '"' "_T-'-." sont and not voting were Supervisors Austin, Mawmans, Monsban, Mever, %"Mwu the Resolution be accepted and adopt «0. Aye and May vote being had Gu-- pervisor Kirachnor's motion was car BE IT RESOLNED by the Board of Aupervisors of Lake County that C3# Mvision of Wighwaye, Department of Public, Works.and Buildiags,. bo ro-- quested to add to the system of State Ald Roads of this County, the tollow-- The following seuted and read nore. Austin, Bairstow, Brown, Borke, Cory, Dronwen, Garnett, Harkaugh, Kel-- Iy. er Murton. Maather, Murphy, Obes, Pot ter. 11. Thaose abseat and not voting were Supervisory Monzhan, McCul "Nay" were Supervisors Bletach, Di+ the Resolution be asmended by adding Jbe following: _ f o * POX "IAKE ROAD--That 'portion . --f Grind Avenue now ynder cor struction--baing a part of State Ald Route No.'6 in the Village of Fox Lake, to be completed'ior a distance Of one--third (14) mile. more or less, Sxtending Westerly--to the C,. M, 4 #t. P. Railway to be improved with a graded way 80 11. widge and with an 18 1t Portiand Cement Con-- "Aye" were Supervisors Austin, Bair: Garmett _ Harbaugh ing members : the Roso! Vorcoe . The Road and Bridge Committee and County Superintendéent of Migh-- ways be authoriged to confer with the Division of Highways of the Depart ment of Public Works and Buildings tor the purpose of securing their ag-- proval and consent to the proposal! contained in the foregoing reso'sition. Meyer Hendee Naber Hoban .. Wwo and threeghiarters -- (2 34) miles, more or less to the CM & S1. P Hallway in Wadesworth. An extension Wenterly of State Ald Routs No. 12, begtuning at the Westerly ans and onobsall (1 12) miles more ar lees, to the West lHine Of Hec.24 in the Town of Orant. An ertansion Weseteriy of State Aid Ronts No. W slong a highuily be the ond of said route at the Wauksyahn Road,. so called, in the Village of Deerfalé; thence 'West one and three--quarters. (1 34) miles, more or less, to an Route No. 9 exterided, in the Village of lake u. beginning at Greon Bay Road (F¥ederal Ald Route 424) The following revort ot. Per Diem and MNengo was presented and read PER DIEM AND MWILEAGE wersrem. * -- Kirschner, Martin, Mawman, Mey-- Tot REBOLUTION _ ' at an 15 15 of the tollow-- 1$10,000.00 ) 11 17 16 17 17 17 17 17 14 17 18 16 17 _ --Bupervino: Bletech moved that the Board appropriate $100.00 for mem-- bership fee in the Chicago Regional piaaping Assceiation same o be Paid Motion carried." _ The Chair appointed as such. com-- mittee the Read. & Bridge Commiltee «nd County Superintendent of High-- cox. 24. 'Those voting "Nay" nome. Those dbsint and not vbting weoere Supervisors Bairstow, Hobant, Kirech-- mer, Masther, Martis, Monahan, Me-- Cullough, --W~ J. Stratton and Vercoe. Bletech's motion was carried by the Chairmas appoint a committee to com-- fer with the Highway Department at SpringNald with© réeference to the ted LAKE COUNXTY $ Mr. Chairinas and Gentliomen of the Board of Bupervisory: _ Your Fees and Salaries Committee to whom was referred the petition of Philo Burgess and Mrs. Rurgess of the County Farm for an inctrease in sal ary, beg leart to repart that we Fee-- ammend that the salary of Mr. Bur-- to be increased to $185 per month. All of which is respectfully submit «s --_ -- JMASB KELLY Chatrar@z _ -- B C. W, MEYER report be accepted and adopted. . . ~_ GRO. H. BAR&ETOW *¥ K AUSTIN, -- -- ; Motion Aatried. & _ | -- MH. L POTTER Finance Committee Supervisor Marbaugh, Ch'h'!': ' Committee on ~Settiement Buperrisor Mawman moved that] Dt Comm#ftteo on . Settiement _ =---- ; with County Clerk. . | the report be nccepated and ado _| the Circyit Cterk and Recorder, sub . ~SBupervisor Murphy moved that the Ann'm,v«amusm Initied the following report: report be accepted and adopted. visor Mawman's motion was carried 1e Tirniety Baeky® "' e : 'Motion carried. by the fellowing rote: Those present ""'m"'"m' * The following communication wus{fnd voting "Aye". were Supervisers| M°%"* O Lake Connty, Hilno#: _ placed on fle, 8@ Supetvisor O'Connor, Chairagyn of the Fees & Salaries Committee, sub mitted the following report: ~ Board of Bupervigors March Session March 11th, 1924 STATEH OF HIIJNOAS ) 1 would greatly & ale any action m-fltuhhmthh- pletion oft the improvement otf. said 15 the County Clerk hereby submit the | Rimm of Beston Township were following report: > . ' fetrred, beg leave to report that We have examined the books and| have investignted 'uaild . applicatic accounts of lew A.. Hendse, County | and fing that both parties hare be Clerk. and tind same to be correct and | examined by The. County .Physic u&thnhuaudlemf-flfihwnrw byl.l.:ndflu"u.d we therejore recommend that by im with the Agures report--| pension be aflowed them in the m ed by the County Clerk. of $250 per year each and that : -- AM of which is respectfully submit.| pension commente April 1st, 1926 presgnted and read: Macther, Monahen, Meyer, -- Mc lough, W. J. Btratton, Vercog. -- 40 Supervisor Kelly, Chairman of the Committee on Settlemént with the County Clerk, submitted the, following féport>.... .. e s STATE OFP I11JNOI8 ) -- LAKE COUXTY As owner f property on the untm-- Board of Bupervigore a lake County,' }inois. + l"." y2. z08 00 "" gre8. 90 JiAMES 'OCONNXOR Board .of Supervisors $29 North Utica Street . Waukegi#n, iliinots. 111.00 12 66 244 10. #o 1000 t 0o )88 )88 $3,005.99 91.00 11400 property: sbyth of the road, it . will 'An ertBnsion westeriy of State be imporsible for me to gecure the| Ald Routa No. 11 beginning at dedication of any additional roadway| the west limits of the village other than the 66 feet already plat| of DeerMeld at a point appror ted. & * 4s 4 . imately rter : of a mile Yours very traiy, Amto(tgmhnm«_ %.. 3011_ vattnueows. ection . 1«:;:: a youh Bupervisor RBairstaw. moved that ge Abj . ¥., i oc en o ie aae d t s e s the -- Committee with er t , _ more. . of>_ to n . act. ue' > f **"* tertection -- With the . northerly Motion 'carried. is" and * berly hbighwray at & Bupertv isor Cbairman "wf '»»M bie --thod»>: the Committse «on t. with| -- sand (1060) {feet .cast of the tM,('lrg'l:. uhnd Recorder, sub| southweost. cornéer : Section 30, mitted J report : 'Township 43 Range 12 -- Hlinot«, KEast of he 3rd P. M,. "March lith A. D. 1926. Aupartizor --Brown moved that o the Moborkble Board o! Super--}ibis Resdiution be accepted and ¥isors of Lake Co€nty, Hltinois: |adopted, Aye and ')3 &-ig: Your . Committée on Settiement M:lauvorvhor Bro v with the Recorder of Deeds nvs ca By the following ¥ote: Those that we bave \ the Re ¥ "Aye" were Bupbrvisors 'Aue and Actounts of -- O. . Btrock:|tim, / mmz: way; Recorder .of Mm'ahll nen," Diger, Fonk, Garnett, ':-r ending, December §th,. and | bdugh, Hoban, Hatton, My;m'u:_ 4 the samwe coftect, _ _ --~ _ ~}mer, Martis, Mawman, Meyer, Mur Motion carried. in _5 Supertv isor 'w.'nfl !'b: 'g;o-m n-' i t vn: the, Cireuit ecorder, su mitteg n.% report : 1 am in sympathy with the o4 'beving the romds ax wide a: with me to that extent, on my part 1 will try to obtain we dedication t a sufficlent amomt of rmad to make an 80 feot width. This «uh division ts the only -?Md. from %:umy line east } HolJo® w Route S§9 will :A . A so c that by doing this an foot road would be assured. f 4 If 1 tried to do thiy would the Board of mh{% coopetste with me to of having the County Higb perintendent aid in the re--location of the road and having any concrete parement. wrich might later. bo laid put in In the center of the road as relocated. If ibe Board w1ll, by resolution, agree to cooperate the west lmdtheo'ltyllg have a width of 80 {eet. This is undoubtedly the one which bas been _ platted _ for 'the _ Pistagua Heights Subdivision as the Pista-- qgus Heights Highway. On that plat the width of the road is given as 656 leet. Lots have already been sold with reference :o that width. On March #%th the Trustres of Pistagua Heights Subdivision are un der cantract to conrey propert; ob the south side of the road. J might Supervisors of Lake, County Buve passed a resolution with referetite to i S e e e n President and Hutton, Kely, Maetber, Ma¥man, Meyer, Marphy, Naber, Obee O'Con-- nor, --Potter, C. H. Strattos, Theomp son, Wilcox--26. Those veting "Nay" --Nome. Those 'absent and abt vot-- Ing were Supervisors Hobans, Kirach-- ferred, beg leave to report that we have (nvestigsted 'uaid . applications and find that both parties harge been examined by Tthe. County Physician and were found t6 be totally blind and --we therefore recommend that a pension be allowed them in the suim of $250 per year each and that said Finance Committe® submitted the fol-- lowing report»---- ... ho es t the ~applicationg for benefit for the Mr. Chairman --ap¢ Gentiemen of the Baard of Supetvisors: * f STATE OF HALINOIS ) COUXTY OF LAKE -- )"~ resident _ and -- Members . of © th _Io_-u_:luhmmn of Lake Co. %.Vm. Monahan~--7." following . communtcation was Cory, Wartth, McCulloug®, W J.| R ! ICo I d ! L% T I : March Session ° March lith A. D. 1926 CoUunTY? OP LAKE ) RE SOLUTION STATE O¥ ILLixOIs ; _ BE 1 mfi OLNED, By the Board umm Lm' County in '".--;!'".; qAM':) nove a* bo. and herd@by aro dezsignated Thaose . not present wite Supervisors Cory, Monahan, W. J. 'Strittos and Minutes of the praceding meeting were read and upon motion of ~8u pervisor Fick*, unanimousy ap proved. ; The (foliowing resoluiion was pre sented and read: --None. Absent and not voting were SBupervisors Austin, Garnett, Hoban, Kirmohner, Martin, Mewman, Mona-- han, McCullougb, Obee. W. J. Strat Supervisor Bairstow moved to 1# journ to Friday, Marth 19th A. D. 193 at ome o'ciock p. m. Motion carried. Board met pursoant to adjourn ment with Chairman Paddock prestd ing and the following member? pres ent: Supervisors ©Austin, Bairstow, Brown, Burke, Bietsch, Dromes, D# ger, Ficke, Funk, Garnett, Harbaugh, Hoban, Hoeldridge -- Hutton, -- KeBy. Kirschwer, Martber, «»Martin, Maw-- mat . Meper, Murphy, McCullodrgh, Nabeér. Obee, O'Compmor, Potter, C. H. was carrtied by\the"following voie: Those voting "Aye" were Supervi-- sors _ Bairstow, _ Brown, _ Burke, Bletscbh, Cory, Dromen, Dilger, Ficke, Funk, Harbaugh, Hokiridge, Hutton, Kully, mcr Meyer, Murphy, Na ber O°C , Potter, C. H. Strat-- ton, Wilcox--21. Those yoting "Nay" sarnings of{ .saidoffice in excebs of to $1078.98;. and "g receipts of said --office in excess of expenses for said balf year amount <o $591.58. Committee Supervisor Bletsch moved that The report be acrepted and adopted. Motion carried. Supervisor Meyer moved that the Clerk be directed to issue warrants for the several amounts to the sev-- eral claimants for all bills allowed at* the December 1925 session Of this --Board. Aye ant Nay vote be-- inz had Bnnr\uor Meyer's motion was rarried by\theTallowine vetsi Aapproxtmately (hre the center of Wection 19, T. 45 Nortb, Range 130 East of the Ird.P. M., ~ uhi ettendiag in a northwest erly <and westorip direction se and one hail miles trord or Jow*, to &n Intersectton with the ex-- Irting Kighway. along: the west linp of Section 21, , Township 45 North, Range 9 Kast of the 3rd All of which is respectfully sub mitted. _ _>~ ! _« . . CHARLES ° HARBAUGH, _ B. C. THIMPSON, > M. P. DILGER, Decemitr --6, "A. D., 192%5, and find the seme to be correct. : ; We do further find that the earn-- Ings : of said Cireuit Clert® during said haill year amoust to the sum of $5514.50; thit the recéipts of the auormummm to. $5047.10; ihat the total expense Your committee on settJiemeat with the Clark of the Cireuit Tourt would respecifully report that we have ex-- amined the report and accounts of LL J. Wiimot, Clerk of the Circu® year there{for filed with this yeport. . _ | _WHERKEAS, it is advisable® that i We hm therefore --recommend ."'l"l: .':'-'_nlntua l'o"m territeries t the report of the Recorder tatively prov wiur reads O"M be anproved. -- _ ifeor. the future so provided, lare; that the. receipts of office Yor the said chalt year 'Em to Eighteen Thousind Nine Hundred Twehty--tbhrée Doillars; that the total nrxunuubrtio halt yznm': # 8 IM '!'-u:;,-bo and 57100 Doliars; that the eurnings in excess of expenses amoust to Six Thousand Nipeteen and 38--100 Dolars; that the receipts in excess of expense amount t the ° Al of which is respeotfully sub mitted. ' Ninety--three _ and ©'42$100 Doliars,| LAke Cgurty will continve to be west highway bexipaing at Ctate Ald Route: No. 4 on the porth line of Section 31, TownsBip 46. Kosth R. 1f East of the Ird4 P. M., n: extending #esterly --two and: milts, -- more Beginging at a potnt on State Ald Rodte 1% and its intersec tion with, the existing hbighway rannthy northerly and soutberly . fot March 19, A. D. 1926 ratton, Naber, --ILf. < 06 of . the lés4, to an intersection with the northerly and southerly higbway . at a point approximately one thousand (1,000) feet east of : the southwest corfier = Bection _ Bré. P. = to be improved with b:bm ovel" D on :. «pproval of the D. vision 'ut Migh®ays of mm-n-u of Public Works and ings be fe quesied 16 approvre of a Bond Issue .ro' as follows : f . 1. That the Staté <Aid Roads bereinafier enumerated shall be ap mu undef the. Highway Act of and subsequent ameandments thereto of the Laws of the State of Vlinois, and that the estimated cost «t the improvement o(-- th¢ same is the sum of Seven Hundred Thisty Thousand ($730000.00) Doliars. . State Aid Route 14 beginning 4i its interseation with State Ald . Route 6 at the southeast cormer or Seetion lk Towaship 45 N., . R. 10 E. of the $rd FP. M., and extending northeriy and north . westerly Sollowing the general location of said Btate Aid Reute | J4 for a distance-- of five and ene--hall (5¥%) miles, more or less . -- to ap intersection with Siate Aid . th.u."l".::.}d l.l.mtu..t; I ; , R. 10 E. of "Ird P. M., to be improved with ~ tersection with # A)A Route 1, to umm a graded .'3 thirty four {(34) feet wide, with an eighteen (18) foot Wide Portiand cement concrete pavement at an estimated cost 1 --Fighty T hanssnd --{480 446 00 DolNare. -- mm:amhv'nnfly the / aenenel 7 x' the location of said State Ald Route 1% for a dis-- tance of one and one--halt (1%) miles more or jJess to «u inter-- ¥ith the existing --high way the west line of See-- 2'::4.... 45 °N. R. 9 E. of the . M., kgeping south of the Chtcago, lh"moomm. Paal , -- t improved -- with m way thirty (30) Teet of the ird P. M., and exsending Jn a northwesteriy and sorth the ~gemeral location of said State Ald Route 1% for a di=-- tance of one and one--halt (1%) mmufi):u!o'::bu"r- with-- exiet b af thas e weet Timg ot Ser Btate Ald Route 11 beginning at its inpterseciioc with the Tele-- Toisa ts mnblet Prang 1g and extending westerly following 'the geperal jocation of salid %Gta Ald Route 11 for a distance of one and three-- quarters (1%) miles, more ~or mated cost of Thirty{ite Thow sand (%5,000.00) Dollars, State Aid Route 17, beginning M ,its. intersection with State 'Ald Route 4 on the north line of Géction 31, T. 16, N. R. 12 K&.--aoft the #rd P. M., ant ¢* winding : wosterly following the ation of said Stata ; ite 17 for a Aistance of at its intersection with Center Avenue in the ViHage --ot Gray» Lake and extending northeriy m' the neral locat dn of said te Az.lum 1 for a twe $rd P. M., to be fnproved with. a graded way thirty (30) feet wide and with an cighteen (18) foot wide Portland cement conerete pavetrent, at an est!-- wide, and 'with an eightsen (18) toot wide Portland cement con-- mt.',:vmt. «t an pflln:t;' C0#% « Forty Thousant ($40, 0#00) Dolliars. _ Ald Route 5, thence northeriy following the gemeral location of EStaie Aid Routs 5 'or a distance of one--ha¥ (a) wile, more or less, to ~an intersection with Siate Ald Route 4 in the west halt of Bection 18, T. i6 N, R, 12 E. of the 3rd P. M., thence mortherly following the general location of said State Aid Route 4 for a distance f two --(2) miles, more 6r less, to the State line, making a total distance of five and threetenths (53) mies, more or less, to be improved with a graded way thirtyJour (34) fect wide, and with an elghigen (18) foot wide Port land cement concrete pavement, at an estimated cost of One Hundred and Fifty{ive Thow sagd ($155,000 00) DoUara. . Btate Ald Route 2, becinaning at # Ald Route 3 for a distance of two and thre@quarters (1%) distance of one and one quarter (1%) miles, more or less, to an Intersection with State Bond is wae Route 21 on the east lime of west highway in the west halt of Section 3,'T. 4 N. R 11 E State Alq Route + boctn' at the end ol the'present pay roadway in Section 3%, T. 146 N. R. 1% E. of the-- 3rd P. M., and tion -- follewing the gemeral l0 @ation Of State Aid Route 4 for a distasce of two and eight-- teaths (24) miles, more or }*ss, to as intersection with Siate cast of Oue Hundred and Sitiy-- five Thousand ($165,00000) Doi}-- State Aid Route 1, beginn'ing fte intersection with Center CC AZAPMEHp, TW 0g00 3, it is edvisable'® that _ Route 2, becinning on sald route at its is an eightsen. (418) N. R 10 E. at Moldridge,. Mag| .--Railway, --approximately _ one~----| Pinance A Py M¢#. Bairstow and | went into thiw matter very carefully with the At-- tormey General's Office, and 'we were advised that the descriptions of the roads were not complete emough. is erder to save the County Board time and trouble, we have revised the same in accordance with the diree tions of the Attorney Generals Of-- fice. It was necessary to strike out the Rockland Road i". Village of Lake Bluff be the Attorney Geperal's Office stated that 1t would not be legal to iprove such a road «'nce there is no 'State «Aid road on the other side of Lake Batl with which such a road could be connected. in the opinion of the attorneys conmsulted, the entire bond issue --might be invalidated if this was made part of the resolution, and wea have therefore taken this: sec Thé --resofution designating -- the three additionst . State Aid roads should be passed by the County Board and approved by this Depart ment before the resolution asking for the improvement of the various roads is passed because obviou=ly Road and Bridge Committee and County Superintendent of Highways be authorized to comfer with ihe roting _ "Nay" _ were Supervisors Ficke, Fuak Holdridge, Maether, Murphy, Obee, Potter --L Those ab sent and pot voting were Sppervisors Burke, Cory, Monshan, W. J. Strat ton and YVercoe --3. STATE OF I11JNOH WARTIT OF PUBLIJC KORK® § AND BUILJXNGS W!RDON OF HIGHWAYS >\ Spring!ield, March 18, 1826. ~Wmm esohrtlons. Mr. leaw A. Hendee, F County Clérk, j roads is passed because obvyiously some of those roads would not be official State Aid roads until the resolution designating them as such has been passed by the Board and approved by this Department,. The above reselutions, when 'r:{ erly passed by the County Boa and certified by the County Clerk will m#et the approval of this De-- roads, and °(2) of State Aum'uuummm tion out of the resolution and beve made a deduction of $20,000 in the total amount of the bond issue. H. E. SURMAN, $ Engineer of Design. Supervisor Mawman moved that the communication . be Feceived and 1 am returning, by Mr."Ba r,vuw revised resolutions cov (1) the designatian of o«un:d"glun Ald sum of Seventyfive (75) cents on each One Hundred Dollars (§$100) of the valuation as !imited by the Con-- stitution : and laws of the State of Bilinois, and that such additional tax wil amount to the sum of fi!-- teen 'cents (15¢) on each Ome Hun-- dred Dollars ($100) of the valsation and the question of levying said ad-- ditional tax of fifteen cents (15¢) en --each One Hundred Dollars ($100) of the valustion during each of the years 18426 to. 1947 inclusive, shall be submitted to the voters, st a spectal election to be held on the #th day of April A. D. 1926. _ Hobas, -- Hutton, Kelly, Kirschnoer Martin, -- Mawman, Meyer, MoeCu) leughb, Naber, (FConper, C; M. Strat Dear Sir pose county bond issue BE IT FURTHER RESOtYED that a Committee consisting 6f the following members bad _ Supervisor Mawman's motion was cartied by the following voie: Those roiing "Aye" were Superriaors Austin, Bairstow, Brown, ~Bletach, proposal-- contained in the foregoing DMvision of *' Highways of the De un-.lotmi{d.ulm- ings for the purpose of securing ~of Fox Lake, at a point approx-- _ imately ome--third (13) mile east of~ the Chicsgo, 'Milwaukee and * Bt. Paul Railway and ertending in a '-Jrly direction follow-- Iify the general location _ of Grand Avenue in the village of 'Foxr Lake, for « distaice of one third (1--3) miles, more--er lese, to the: Thicago, Milwaukee and ' St. Pau! Railway, to be im-- proved with a graded way thirty (30) feet wide, and with an -- eighteen (18) foot wide Portiand cement concrete phvement, at an estimated cost of Tea Thow sand _ ($10,000.00) Dollars. Bec. 2. That the cost of constrac-- tion of --said romds shall be met by County in the sum Reoven Hun-- Mighwaye M'lq;\mu the The following communication was Yours very truly Supervisor Marmas moved that Jess, . to an intersection with State Boud Issue Route 31 in the east balf of Section 35, T. 45 X. R. 19 E. of the 3rd P. M . w . be improved with a graded way thirty (30) feet wide, and with an eighteen (18) foot wide Fortliand cement concrete pave-- ment, at an estimateg cost of sand ($115,000.00) Doliars, State Aid Route 6 begiening State Aid Route TA beginning; Al its Wiersbction with State A+d Route U at Irankoe, and extend-- following the gemeral location of BF TE Y o" s até ~werr y PRANXK T. SHEETS, Aciing Supt. of Highways 3rd P. M a graded wide and lo0ot wide CHICAGO NORTH SHORE & Mil» BIEFTON 4 Bt D. Prosidest n.l':' lhl'nu. P e . 1926. SQMM moved that the communication be received and Motion carried. R --@upervisor Thompson moved that the Shefiff be and he is berstby authorized to carry out 'the orders of the State's AttgrBey in regard to* Beard of Sdpervicora Lake County, HMinois Gentlenren For .the purpose 4( a more 1w + . wblie and ntore efficigat wlactric. pot«,-- . vice to the Vm\,n ot Anthcab, 7 surrounding territory, the PubBHe *3 vice compeny of Northern d $ nereby _ petitions your Monerable . Board for permiasion to o electric lines along the east el o Fox LakeAntloch l.'# We _ tersection with the th Grove -- Board, the (County Clerk sngd *h# Recorder . of -- Deeds, be «acharged und that the Chairman~appoint a bew Plat Committee. o * % ::uo- cartied . L e Chairman appoisted as suc® ~ Piag® f'sdnltu'o Bupervisorts Ma«~-- man, Garsett and Bairstow. > :rvw Obese moved that the adjourn to Wedsesdsy, Ma:~ h Mth A. D. 1916. st 1:00 a'ciok P '! Waukegan, Hiinnt« . March %4, 1926 Board met pursuant to adjearnome~t with Chairman Paddox« --presidirs and the following -o'-'-'ow: Supervicors Austin, Bafata®w., Rrowa, Burke, Bletsch, Dronen, Miger, Ficke, Garnett. Harbaugh. Haldridge, HWut-- ton, Kellr. Kirechner. Macther, Mar tin, Ma¥man®. Meror, Marpby, Me Culloughb, Neber, Obee, O'Connor, C. H. Strattos, Thompson, Wikr=. 2# Those members absert wore Supd»> visore C&v_ Punk. Hobaen. Monthes, Potter, J. Strftton and Vercte, Lo (33) M Minutes of the preceding meetin« were read and upon motion of Super-- visor Bletech, unanimously approved. through the city of Waukegan, M noie, from Grand Arenue and Gene-- see Street south on Geneses Street to --Belvidere Street, then Wonteriy on _ Belvidere Street to Jaikszon Rtreet, then~ South on kfiat Street to Tenth Street and ret Information ©concerning the -- time and place of bearing may be bad from the Secretary ol the Winois waukee . RKéitroad Company. to aper-- ate motor busses from Grand Avenue ...'NM. ll'or'o 'u'o("" Jackson . Bely and Street to Tenth Street,-- all in the City of Waukegan, lil}inbia To alinois Commerce Commission -- by Chicago North Shore and M@waukes Rallronmd Company for Certificate of FHuperritor Obes movred that> tre present. Plat Compmittee consistink of the Cbairman' s the County Waukegan, lllinvis, _ ~ . Dear 8ir: * . 1 enclose herewith copy of notice wt n!n' application with the lllisais Commerce Commission for pertmi+ wlon to CUlicago North Shore & Mii-- The following communication was reamd : f CHICAGO '*NKORTH SHORE AND . MILWAUKEE RAILROAD . COMPANY e Chicago, March 12, 1924 County Clerk pf Lake Counts, _Nay"--None. Those absent and not voling . were ~Supervrisors Austiz, Cory, Monahan, Obee, W. J. Stration and Vercoe --6. Bupervisor Murphy moved that the rules" be suspended --and that the bill of-- William .E. Herr for $410.60 for legal services be allowed, an#t that the Clerk be authorized to +s swe a warralt in payment of tb.: same, inst the State's Attormey' tfidu";,cu Aye and Nay vots being had Supervisor Murphy's me-- tion was carried by the. folowing ky following vote. Those voting ' Aye were--~ Supervisors _ Austin, w, Brown, Bletsch, Dronep, Piiger, Ficke, Funk, Garnett, Har baugh Hoban, Holdriige, -- Hutton, Kelly, Kirschner, Macther, Mawmar, Martin, Meyer, Murphy, McCullough, Naber, Obee, O'Connor,. Potter, ©. H. Stratton, 'Thompsoos, Wilcox. --28. Those vating Niéy--None Those ab PUBLIC SEAVICE courany or NORTHERN ILLINONS , Wankegan. Hleo'®, -- March 19. 1°#8 ther recommend that the County Clerk be authorized to lflcu & County Warrant upon the County Treasury in faver of Mr. Ablstrom, ms Boon as money j% avgilible. * Respectfully submitted, ~-- &« H. C..W. MEYER, . :~-- C. K. £USTIEK. R -- Finance Commitiee: Supervisor Kiréciner moved that :h;.'r:.y:r}'be accepted and adopted. ay vote being had, Super-- visor Kirschner's motion was cartied win Abistrom, Sheriff, be paid to -- . STaTE OF IL Mr. Chairmen and Gentiemen q'fi Board of Supervisors:=~ Yol & Your Fiuance Commiitce 3 recommend that theé sum--of: 4 alowod at the March Sesston LAKE COTNXTY The following communications were "his line wil be of Motion carried. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ~ _ MARCH SESMON . -- PREDERICH E. #TOUT, Assistant to-- Gebheral Counse! * mudaeree mnnread s not voting were Supervi-- e Cory, Monakak, W. J. March 19, 1926.

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