Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 24 Jun 1926, p. 3

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_ Jhe High Cost P 6 ~ Whain!-- acalle m 44 |[V, *00J FIEER WBA EM ~.. grade and into high school this|inski, Anna Catherine Cuden, Mar) i &_. .to the anpual 20-- | peternel, Nelite Adier, Frank J. So 124 h t of T. A Simpson, c0u9-- | gef, Prances Japaly, Annie Dolence a" "Ky .m' of echools. 5.. Frank J. Zupec, Catt H. Jobason. .. .. His complete Hst that names the | * + 'Cemmonweaith --School. . f «_ graduates, the Lindley «cholarships, Josephine _F. Cyganek, : Aolifar . _ -- and. those in perfect attendance, is | Buksas, : Gertrude _ M. _ Siemineki. > ~as follows: CC# x k + Jerome Van Lake, Joseph Korjenek, «»----~ Highth grade graduates in the Mary R. Bena, Dorothy °E. Clark. « achools the names of the puplis are Winthrop Harbor> School. ».-- Arpanged in the order of their stahd Btephen W. Seiton, Otto Schadl, ings. » ~ _*"~_--{Rena Bryant,* George M. Sexton, * * Graysiake Schoolk _.-- -->* !ulh' B Higgins, Edward. Cole, w~~--_ Jack _ Morenberget, _ Francis _ H.)Rlaie L. Lindstedt, Helen Gunuderson, '---- Geary, Mildred Tegen, Everett A.| Robert Malmberg, Florence ~Alige Drombiee, Frances, A. Kapple, Helen|Johansen, Ruth E. Johnson, Mimer Virgil Pech, Deibert A; Smith, Paul| H. Langwood," Arthur A Gonyo. . . _ L,_ V. ©Wendeiken, Morris®> ~Fraser.| _ Round Lake. School. _' + _ Erlene Berron, Donald Ross Knigge.| ° Annabel F.*Funge, Gwennie' C. -- Fdith L. Chard, Avis Wigh, Josepb | Kiliey, Marion Luciie _ Drummond, «»--Wickersheim, Jobn J. Globis, GeorR® | Irene May PilMlng, Anna Eriandson, Thomson, Josephine | °G. . Novotny, Walter White, Antoinette Cossman., _ Leo Diets, ~| Julia Marie Cossman. *s / ~ Murtdelein School. us Gurnee---- School. w -- : . Paul Grabbe Wells, Robert v. Geraldibe Franceg Fenlon, Martin _ Wieox, Harry M. Rouse, Genevieve | A' Johnson, Stanfo$ Dean Ray, Allar . K. Waells, ~Elotse,. Frances Willflm-e.,'r_ Bmith. Williant: K. Fiood. * " ~.: W1l Ridgeley Ray, Marion M. Ke! Fox . Lake Sthool. | P303 ,» Vinora ~Lilien Prasl. ---- ~~-- Hazel B. Nordstrom, Truman G.| Lake Zurich: Schoot. Gerretsen, Norman E. Tweed, Rob. ~-- Lydia loenabuh. Elmer ¥F. Delh}, ert J. Minaban, Truman W. Cushet, | Alfred Otto Glese, Vlrxts Rose | Marths Grace White, Louise Lucilic, * Mary Sigwalt, Edith Charlotte Weay--| Simms . . > | . At, Ira C. Ergst, Rorris Charles + "&"" -- School. | Froelich, Seima E. _ Steil, _ Juliug Henry Damm;. WNliam--~G. Strat ) , -- Louts Geary.~ _ -- _ |tom, Eveign J. Crage, Meivia -- G.| 4. Wauconda Schooi. . | Wiedeman, lz;.w. Anderson. -- \-- --~--. Louise G. Baseley, Marjorie Lage Hawthorn lidated School. > #ebulte, LaVerna Claraa Hapke, Maud Dorothy -- L. Reuse. Theimas, CV. :. Mithel Wheelock, La YVerne ExsteNs|Clift, Wiifted B --Wrench Aunia m' JAMES MORROW & SON [ 202 South Genesee Street Waukegan Telephone 228 4 'f" --GRADUATED FROM . .COUNTRY SCHOOLS Pesnor G. Visck, t»'ser BR Pu'!~ George A @anklewict Gcorge FA4 | Ja win °P. Kapleim, $ »+e M. Baiec Ham Eutd td CwE RRZ °WO ES, | Daube, Wthe! Bromptop, Everett M. Fish, Russell J. W. Boehm. Bouth School, North CGhicago Leonard W,. Lighthal, John Mar-- tin Schropp, George T. McKentiec Thross . Margaret --Corrigan, BRuth | Isabella. Andsreon © Helen Veronica, m Adrain Jordsan, 'rio-u' R Jreme _V. Gedman, Eis | wurth _Dorton, Fred4ore=k -- Marundi x Isabe} Moras Luciile Yan-- * l::m J Repas, mm} E. tner, John Colberg. Joseph o # w# oo k# PP] '."'" IP-m" Clzde Heim Gordon A. Ham'in, Amelia A. Burnolfo, Fiorence Marie Beeger, Alice Seeger, Hyrile E. Leimim,~--Bvelyn Helen Addersoy~ * 'set . Antioch ~School i Barrett Suyder, Mary i. Anderson, Eimer Mouofer, Lilazsh E. Hawkins, Esther A. Barthel, Leslic A. Hanke, Harold G. Hoftman, Frainces H. Davis, Elmer Arthur Baethke, How-- uré J. Mastne, Charles L Hawkins. Robert J. Beiter, Russell W. Barthel, Agues M. Peterson, Edwin J. Huck-- en > s J00% (200 CC DTE sNOTTIS CHAAFIGE * 1 -- School. Froelich, Seima E. _ Steil, Juliug Henry gmn;~ WNliam~G. Strat Louts Geary. > > * _' ftom, Eveign J. Cragg. Meivin -- G +. Wauconda Schooi. . Wh'gmu.lz:.w. Anderson. -- \-- . Louiss G. Baseley, Marjorie Lage Hawthormn lidated School. #ebulte, LaVerna Claraa Hapke, Maud Dorothy -- L. Reuse. Theima, CV Rthel Wheelock, La Yerne mm'cmz. Wilfred B. :v«ucn. Annie M 3 A G . CHIft. i e hmm..t'.;.u.l.él!u uise | _ Resgie ll&xmm. unmzé Stanciift, 'ern -- Marlie ~ Glliman, brose N. Conway. _ * Alvin G. Stahi. Harold Bertel Pet-- Oak.. Grove School. ereqn, Rewa D. Gleason, Waller H.| Rose S. Strazyz, Helen M. Sch ¥ L n tene n in m inss e _ C un C i sehool * v , Eleamor G. Viack. C# " Se hot § F * . Narth Chicage Mary A. Vondracek, Dim d lake School Genvieve P Wells, Mundelein School f Pau! G. Wellk. Mundelein S Y have been graduated trom Vilta <f ropreannagrage of an exceptional amount over a fong period of life. Grahany Brothers trucks --have a larger pro-- portion of pay load to chassis weight than is usually available in their respective capaci ties. Careful buyers are giving this due recognition, as their marked preference for Graham Brothers trucks indicates. Built by the largest exclusive truck makers in the world--powered by Dodge Brothers Excess weight in motor trucks is expensive. It increases the purchase price and it costs as much to carry as an equal weight of pay load. Its cost is even greater, because it must be 1--Ton Chassis (G--BOY) $930.00 1%--Ton Chassis -- -- -- $1297.00 MBM Low Chassis -- --, $1347.00 :] .'.. comw --louooc."m 3 * osephine _ F. ganek, _ ar 3 | Buksas, © Gertrude® M Blemingki, + Jerome Van Lake, Joseph Korjenek, ® | Mary R. Bena, Dorothy °E. Clark. e Winthrop HMarbor> School. --i_ Stephen W. Se¥iton, Otto Schadl, --~| Rena Bryant,* George M. Sexton, Raymond Edward Magger, Irepe Sybtila Meyer, Mary Anna Mabber. § Diamand Lake Sthool. > Mary _ Aunie * Vondracek, _ Helen Ming, Amelie Marle Celba. s _ ~ _ Gilmer School. Fremont Center School. _ _ Raphae! M. Tekampe, Henry G Hertel, WNiiam M. Bebm, Bernard H. --J.. Hertel, Leo Teka n pe . & Montovilie Schoot. Martip Johnson, Lioyd °C. Atwell. lena 1. Ne}lsob, WWUliam. E. Nelson Gordon C. Martin, * Josephine Ruby Novak, Aonic Pes dir, Tony Frank Hodaik, Olga Kam-- | Inski, Ansa Catherine Cuden,; Mary) ,, Poternel, Neliie Adier, Frank J. Se| dej, Frances Jupaly, Annie Dolence, | Da Frank J. Zupec, Catl H. Jobnson. Klizabeth School to <to 29 °CA nik. | Pepper. °_ Saugatuck School. --Dorothy A. Freeman,. Carrie Em ma VanHaecke, _ Mamie -- Jokinen, Louise Mary VanHzgecke. ___ Oakland Schooi. -- Dorothy _ Mae _ Hughes, Robert Bhgehanp:: .. ~ . agy Oz L* Uak School. JoBn J. sengki, Olen V. Coop rider. . -- . * Aptakisic School. _ > John Donald Busch, Marguerite Zimmjer. * w * LE > Russeit School. Walter A. Smoger, Anoa R. Mo EJroy. Pearl M. Orval L. Gross, Herbert James . Rugene -- Runyard, Ruth Dorris McCorkle. .. > Grace A. Harrts. 0 c * $ _ . Keisey School. Elegnor Frances Wiemuth 1nd iT CR CIECT E7. 47 Esfiily .M. Wilton, Lois E. Hunter. North Chicago. North Prairie School. Muyrray Cam Billy B.--Ferry, Lloyd J. Griffin. 'I;ireaa N. C § Progressive School. No Chicago. H"el -u#l'. Frank m"'o"'- Hen[y Da mm + Farifieid School. Homer /E Estella Net!a--Hapke. _ ~__| Sehool. . & York House School. . Francis H. Ge George: Golwitier. ' Truman G. C Wilson School. + » Bchool. Lester W.--Flood. a Clyde Heign, * Miliburn School. -- 24 por ArandiWiplaint. asd Mildred Lee Emmons : Sohool. -- Marguerite E. Kulaik, -- Maurice Lilllan Clars Mireck!, Mildred B. Avon Center School. ~ Gwendolyn Robinsqn, James Hubbard School. Spauiding. School. Swan Hill School E. Benwéell Pauline Fishgr, Bernice .Fisher. Millburn School Mildred Lee, Fredrick Wiman, Ly-- man Bonner, Phyllis Lorfia. , MHickory School Homer Edwards, Harold Kennedy, -- j Ward Edwards, lillian Wells, John ~--~4 Nie{sen, Howafd Wells. fikks Avon Center School Sherman-- Pdwarda, Glenn Edwards, Harriet Rdwards. s Lange, Harrtet Sttyker, Marion Tay. tor, Stanley Mlfilohg-lm Warn Deerfleld School Carl Freeman, Anthony Thompéon, Charles On@born, Alice Simone, Jun-- lor Simons«;~Ernest Hertel, Risie Sam, ueleon, Mary Hoftman, Jessa Mapicie, Dubby Péterson, Ruth Franz, Eva 0 Everett School * Robert Donglas, Murray C Steve Kostial, Julla Verbeke John Connell. ' Louise -- Zelesnik, North -- School North Chicago. Stearmns School Dorothy Champney, Andrew Mag ger. Betty McCougbey. ~ . Fox Lake $choo! Helen. Eitern Francee Stafford Emmons schooi Ardis Talt, Orville HWawkine, K neth Wills. Raymond Hills« Aptakisic Schoo, Ralph Gisse, Gladys Gise * .__ Money Lake School Perfect--in Attendance Graysiake School Harry Lask. Klizabeth Christensen George Churchill, Chester Behnine Edward Krumrey, Francis Geary Helen Pech, Philip Hildebramdt, Bad %%g_x:mu, i dienGoare f * MHE §¢hoot' --~~*** School. s P e . _ PI«_)I.C F. Williams., Mundeleig Sarth Kane, Alice Hutchings Lenore Doyle Fverett Tromblee, tw a Behool. Bennett School Irene Koffen. Mildred Teswen. G Thomas R Tif{an North Chicago : Murray School Martha Batz, Kenneth Batz: bor School. s G re ce V Shielde, Wadeworth School p Sophie L Skwarskoweki. Staftord School. -- © ~Barrett Snyder. Antioch Schanl Anve Tanly . Bessie Kostial, Everett School. --~|£0 SPent Sunday at the home of Mré. _ Leonard Lighthall, South School | HM@rkDess' parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. North Chicago. < ' _ f¥Woegner ) uj & 0 _ ... s Raymond Magger, Stearns School. i Th# W#Méscapol Choir of Christ's . Gporkge T. McKenzie, Ssouth School. [ ChU"Ch, Waukegan. are exjoying (heir Frances Megec, NortH Seih»o!. Nor h | °009@! encampment at Druce Lake. Chicago. * 5 $ Mrs. Smith of Chictga is a guest at LillHan C. Mirecki, Bennett Schoo},| D8 bome of her son, L G. Smpith. Hazel E. Nordstrom,. Fox -- Lake Mr. and Mrs. Johansen and son Gor-- School. . t d&l:i:pent SHunday with friends atLake Emogene Olson, Rosecrans School { toke Prearay * tielen ¥. Papp, South School, North Mrs: Jeake Drury, of Waukegan is Chicago § visiting at the home of her sister, Mre. Anna E. Petranek, Beach Schoo}. | C0°°E® Frazier. - WiH K. Ray, Mundelein School. m es Lydia Rockenbach, Lake Zurich | MAYTAG WASHER Now School. _ on BBanabw aw Schook O Harry M. Rouse, Mundelein Scho6l. Geotge A. Sankiewjoz, Centra:l School, North Chicago. * John Schropp. South School Nartk Evelyn Reese Brick 'School Floy Wait, James Neish, Frark Emily~ Wittor School © ~~ o0 00 9 0_ _ _ _'(Al'._llle C. Kille}, Round Behobl _ © _ ~ _ 7 0 0 52 0_ --=-- .| ber of her puplis'gave a recii _~George E. Kapheim, Cent;a) Schogs.| home on Saturday aftérnoon North Chicago. Frances® A. Muyrray Campbell, Evereit School. 'I;ireaa'l\'\ Corrigan, South School, No Chicago. Te * Henry Damm« Ingleside School. Homer 'E. . Edwards, Hickory BSchool. _ . #; +2 * Francis H. Geery, Grayslake School _ Truman G. Gerreteen, -- Fox Lake Bchool. * .5 un' ts sp * Clyde Heign; Lake Villa School. * Jack Horenberger, ° G T a y sTa ke. School. ° § & ¥ 4 t _Dorothy Hughes, Oakiland School.> m Mornovilie School. t *A N. SHear? sez Ruth 1. Anderson, South North Chicago. . \Steve --N. Balen, Central Nerth Chicago. * Fether B. Ball, Central The following are the nemes of the filty pupils-- who made the highest average in the fine} examinatiop; these are arranged in alphabetical urder,.not in order of standings; the WNifferences in the standinge is slight and all are entitled to this bonoraole mentiqnrt ° -- -- -- Townehip 439--Albert -- Roessletn, Courtney Sehool. . Township 4311--Dorothy ~Reuse Hawthorn '*Consolfdated $chool. =-- -- Township ~ 43--10--Lillian -- Mirecki Bennet School. Township _ 44--10--Rosery Wilcox, Muudele¢in School. . Township _ 449--Louige Baseley, Wauconda School. Township 43--12--Bessie Koetail Ev-- erett School. Mundelein School. Township 45.4--Hazse} Nordstrot. Fox Lake Sthool~,© ' > To':lxp 44--12--Leonard Lighthall, Bouth ool, North Chicago. ~; Township 4411!--Paul G. Wal, ; Township 45--11----Sophie Skwerkow-- eki, Stafford School. o _ Township 4611--Grace V. Shields, Wadeworth School: CC ALC ) h'%""ll---uo-u E.. Ea-- wards, H Behool. § Township 469--James F. Runyard, Channel Lake School. Township 45--1%--Rleanor G. Viack, Central School, North Chicago. ~Aopntbip At--10~Jack--Horenberger. | dan,. Francie.. Piesegski, Jobn Praseo-- bip All--»Jack--Horenberges.| dan,. Francie. Presegski, Jobn Praseo--| _ . Schropp, South School, Nort» Oskland School Wells. Mundelein Schoot. ¥. Wicor, Mundelein Snyder, Antioch School Striyz, Oak Grove School Te«en. Grayelake $chool T masmed al \ADCERHN--AUiR ic fhe it t Antrntmnmtent Bsc 4 K: L > cz es io. T SGery citee o m us .u.t." fi*vw- F. Junge, Round -- Laksé| --Miss Mary White, assisted by a nunt *4 ¢ s * | ber of her puplis'gave a recital at bet Roesslein, °C o u r t Berton, Wisthrop Har-- fi;.:'m CA $ , Schoo! Schoo!l Kelroy, _ Muridelein Kapple, -- Grayslake Anderson School Schoot Schuol There, to banker and baker, buyer andn bride; to Wousewife and to movie star; to remvesentative citisens from pearly every community in the United Btates; to distinguished visitore from the OM Worls and @westricken ar-- rivals in the New .World; to thirty million pairs of eyes each month, the MAYTAG names shines forth in ef-- blinks Its way to It is fitting, indeed, that the spectac-- ular flee of the Maytag Company from a position of dbscurity to dominance in the industry, in the brief pertod of five years. should be clintared by this epectacular display at the "Cross Roads of the World," as Times Square is so often called. . The whole action of the ~display brings into play the brillance of some 6500 lamps--a volnme of light which would provide illumination for every mou in a whole city the size of sport, Ind.. of Lawrence Mass. The name "MAYTAG® is in ten--f6ot letters, and contains 500 50 watt lamps while it takes 225 twenty--five watt lamips 'o spell out "Aluminum Washer Each of the three messag» flashes re-- requires approximately 600 twenty--five In the washer, which is 40 by 35 t there are some 2,000 twenty five watt white lamps. On the clothes line, the large garments are 9 ft. high and con-- tain about 60 twenty--fivewatt colored lamps, while the smaller garments ay-- erage 44 ft. high and contain from thirty tb fifty builbs each To renro duce the clothes line, with the gar ments and the swaying action requires approximately one fhousand lamps. Of the vartous units of the displax. Some conception of n}" immenece a-- mount of material a the skill and amount of labor involved in creating this masterplece of electric display construction is gained from the deails . As an accompaniment to the absorb ing action of this dgisplay, in sequence there appear in the burning sky, three of the outstanding MAYTAG sales mes sages--first WASHES FASTER axt CLEANER then CLEAN CLOTHTE® IN 3 TO ? MINUTES and third" W O R L NS FASTEST SELLING WASHER, _ * they pass, to the seventy--foot aerial clothes line and there strink them-- selves across the Manhattan sky tine. al} the while swaying to and (fro as if fMa«bes on. The motor revoilves. Barsts of light Mash to all parts of the sign giving vivid suggestion to the gyro-- scopid action within the --washer, while the clothes are befug washed. The }id goes up. one by ohe, through the re-- volving ringer, come dainty *undies." hose, towels, baby things. each detail in electric outliné" ~As if by magic. theatre, cabaret or movie, to wsatch its facinatiig actiony Bestdes the stéady burning MAYTAG rame, in its self about forty--five feet' leng.--the elec-- tric light reproduction of the latest Maytag -- Aluminum Washer -- modei Etched in brilliant lights, every as sential detail clearly outlined by, a myriad of lamps, the marvelous MAY-- TAG electric spectacular display is the new star among the ejectric die-- plays of Times Square _ Crawds pause on the(r way to the Haerkness' parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. J f "t * l 4,"'rmwr * the . ~ £ p _ Theé Waiscapol Choir of Christ's 4 church, Waukegan, are exjoying (heir ' , annual encampment at Druce Lake * < 6 w Mrs. Smith of Chictga is a guest at R One-- would ominarily think of ata least 15,(000 places to look for washing macines before thinking of Times BSquare. Broadway-- Yet the fact is. that the Maytag, the world's fargest and greatest washing machine, is now to be found in the very heart of Am-- erica's night Hfé center~ ~~ ------ Over forty feet high anfd thirty--five feet wide, this giant among washing machines towers above the nightly Broadway throng--a million s:rong ~ Theé Waiscapor Choir church, Waukegan, are e annual encampment at I» Mrs. Smith of Chictea Mr. and Mrs.Bob Harkness of Chica-- go spent Sunday at the home of Mrél spent SQnday with re#ahtiyes here: Mrs. Oscar Olsen and daughter Doz othy and Mré. Getchel and children, of Round Lake, sperft Monday visiting the zoo at Milwaukee, Wise. _ _ Mrs. Tobias entertained the memb-- ers and friends of the Congreagtionail Alid Society at her home on the west shore of the laKe on Thursday after-- uoon, there being nearly forty in at-- tendante. ~ . " Several members of the local 0. E. 8 Chapter were entedtained last Friday evening by the Crystal Lake Chapter. Miss Aldah Loftis accomvanied by Miss hucile W»'b of Waukegan, mot-- ored to Menominee las( .week where they will spend several days. -- --.. Mrs. D. G. White and daughter Mary were Chicago visiters on Tuesday. o 0 0 0 0 0 06 0o 0 0o 0 0 0 0 0o 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0o' €| Hubbard $choo! Karl Lohman, Frederick Groes, Orval Gross. s ind )iPommet, it No > To n intncct Autrin ul 111 Ti ichoviens $ 1# w tR 0s ------:----r------'--.--;------'f;"% 'r of her puplis'gave a recital at bet No o# * s10f 5 *: [ « &~ . *A JBE a « *---; me on Saturday aftérnoon . } w inloce Fivncs c Read All the News that is NEWS in the ent SQnday with refatives here: * * se , # a T A UD _ Behak | --~Rosecrans School Emogene Oleon, Bilanche Leable. j Oakidnd Schoot . + EstheF Abdersen, George Andersen . '~ Kelsey . School Marie : Lohman, -- Herry -- Lobman Anma Pepper. h °___ Gage's Lake Sghool _ Nanoy Beake;,. Alice> VanZandt. Lone Ouk School Clifford Hogan, Catberine Rior-- Kathryn Pepper.. _ . _ > -- Grange HMall Schoot --~* Emily Beckey, Evelyn Novotay. Helen Tonyan. GRAYSLAKE on Broabway 24, 1926 '."* 14 39 Avyg phese Shie n rpeshmersg ,S}V_ee_,!;l!}z.w_w Price Reductions > Paper, the Libertyville lndcpgnd'tw Aluminum Washer Hudson Brougham _ Hudson 7--Pass. Sedan ESSEX 6 COACH . HUDSON COACH . that it washes big tubfuls in 3 to 7 minutes. . That it wuhepSOpognch of clothes (dry weight) in one hour-- twice as much as other washers. tion of any kind. That is the only real way to prove th'e_I(AY'l'AO_'Sm week MAYTAG CO., Highland Pr 5414 Central Arenue : MAIN GARAGE . CHAS. BERNARD, Proprietor 345 North Milwaukee Ave. _ MAYTAG in your TITUS BROS, Libertyville, P Bumpers front and rear; a'utomall'c.' windshield cleaner; rear view mirror; transmission lock, bm"lt':';; Tlov __ahlltcn; motometer; cambination stop anc il light The above prices include following equipment: To WAU';(!"N MAYTAQ COMPANY Phone 18246 Al P,nc.n( F: 0. B. Detroit plus government tax 4) > #s To New Low Prices Effective June 9 ho'c-ykh.tnmthw placed wringer, that instantly ad-- justs itself to a handkerchief or a it wasl -- Ek and grimy fompérs in 10 minutes. See it wash collars, cufts and wrist-- Washes your finest ~ bit * «ul ¥;

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