lm' & _ Dancing at 8 p. m. . Wool-- Socks for School Gboanlgeon Busan LaVelle ; Millicent Christner Classes ard te ins 1' for the child, the amateur dnd the pro-- feasional ltm Local fld.w"-tio minutes from Calvert's electric sta-- tion (local stop . Advance enrollment promises full schedules. Early registration is advisable. * Everybody is cordially invited to come and inspect the new building and have a good time. $ THE HALL IN THE NEW SCHOOL BUILDING OF ST. JOSEPH's PARISH OF LIBERTY. VILLE, WILL BE FORMALLY OPENED _ TO THE PUBLIC WITH A DANCE, ON D A NCE September Lake Forest School of Music 4 MARTA MILINOWSK1 Director é Opening Day, Monday, September 20th : Registration Now -- _ a LIBERTYVILLE NHS BANK A Capital and Surplus $100,000.00 «_ Local Business has helped 'to make this community. This Bank helps in the devel-- opment of local business. -- | Business Men will always find our resources entirely adequate, and our counsel extremely help-- 'Making Each Other WE INVIIE YOUR ACccoUuNt a» 4 Frost Place LAKE FOREST, ILL. Friday Evening -- SPECIAL AT f . PCR Rw Admission 50¢ vVOICE Helen Fouts Cahoon B $ _IT WOULD Seem that now is ¢ t the time' to get that heater in % ; shape for a creditable p.r"orn". 6: * l ante : this mflm '\Per-- 2 _ haps you need a fNew heating +. i .$ fLplant, , See, our Mexting Enge igan to Benton Har bor.m,nwthqmw + Mrs. John Black and daughter. Miss Doris, 'of Big Stone, South Dakota, are here visiting 0'..:."-":! and h?llgn They accompan . Barl annd Jo to last week by auto. They m::-.mam. .. The A: T..FParr family have moved | Fred Zersen is back st his duties in from their summerg home at Round mwmmnmma:: Lake, and are now occupying their er'a vacation motoring, with his-- house on north Milwaukee Ave . _ny..fl"h:vatoguthm:::buq :&'"i'&%'.'.&' a..n,""""a"'ufi' and |Ather places of interest. . h !ehnollortm' gnus: --Mr% «mux'."mw m:lm & Nee and Miss Anna R. Kozelka, of Chicago, Robert and Resee: were in Destfieia |Sept int. The oerements was verfore? Tuesday visiting Mr. and Mrs, Chester|ed at their new home on West Maple A. Wolt. Avenue, by an uncle of the groom, the . rs. Marvic Petersen were ' A> % en 4 on Come, Win, ovee -- the. wellk 1 M s e in tiriie oo en Tad Miao w.ipr Care on woerh td *** [Tiniiing the 0. Geatterdh faraily mt 254 x 4 * Broadway. 1)?1'.'." mtit::l:'o-j Edythe Gagliardi party gan to see Mr. Gagliardi, " mmm-mun't::x:m ""'-'""'""'t "'mwm( muhm.'tonegm&""'"m'"'"_""m § bor.lleh..cnrth"uteld.» e 't&hmummn:j?"'" ~ _ Ufl tmo Mrs. John Black i : much credit' is uoo OOan Fack and daughter. MIiSS!George Holmes, a member of Enginé den Shore, were in Libertyville Mon--| __ _ _ 'day evening visiting Mr. and Mss PMiL.] Walter 1 ip Benginger, on North Street. uuug:u _ Mr. and Mrs. Harry D. Gotti had as | through T guests over Labor Mrs.© Gotti h m ut hrbercatd o aoal 7 us _ | Stout Inst Walworth Oontr"'l:r t mhor:::.. w"' """' Wis., Labor Doy. C# Stout. ' Mrs. A. Clark and Mrs. P. Mr. and Mre.. Chas. D. Naliey &na Wadsworth, were callers . Wntlim went to Chicago r""" Pedeinn ... C f..n.u. m-:'w':inu:j ':r.hadummu the much .talked of "House of David.". '"'Mmh'h" Mon-- Walter McLaughiin 18 4 svfi fp Benginger, on North Street. store. &h&&&w . Mr. and Mrs. Harry D. Gotti had as gnianuuuuawu.mmlu parents, Mr. Mrse. . Kurt, . i: Clinton . Miss Mavis -- Galloway to _ | Stout lum* at lm 'mfllnrw mmgmqmud oluctonn:bhr Walworth County Fair at Elkhorn. Galloway's fourth and last year at Wis., Labor Doy. Stout. % _Phone 17 Mrs. Dussk has gone to Niles, to eare for her mother, who is ill. Irene Dusak spent Wedndgday night !t_tphflndlu.'l'mnlu Zurich team at Lake Zurion. --. / . -- Miss Agnes O'Hern has returned to her home in Omaha, Neb., after a visit with relatives here and in Chicago. The Misses Rose and Antoine Lanti, of Chicago were guests of Miss Edythe Gagliard!, at 214 Broadway. _ : Mr. and Mrs. Will Young of Wauke kagn were visiotrs at the home of Mrs. Mrs. Robert Lill and |Chilareg'speng Sunday with the N. F. LaMagdeleine family at Diamond Lake. > $ Miss Sara Joice, 'of Ivanhoo 'spent Thursday u'th ;&or hcluo.. pvond Sunday, Sept. 12, the Libertyviile A. --The H--H. Meler family, Wwho resided on Newberry Av:nu. have moved . to Mr. and Mrs. X. Blunt of Wilnote, Rt Wednesday and Thursday with R. Schneider. -- *3 --H. DeI. hed Thu lay _(&) to Northwestern University A Bath a Day: C Keepa You Fit in Every Way FRANK H. EGER } oSA Sirkes t Marshal Limberry this year will be. at~"the Stchool street intersection of Cyril Cook reéturned Friday to his home in Oak Park, after having:--been employed at 5t Mary of the Lake this summer > Mr. Cook has enrolled at Cwane College, Chicago, where he will take a preparatory course in landscape gardening, and later will attend the University of Ilinois. ; K 3y ® ertyvile, xgtnmedmmfl t week frtoth? an *thro Wisconsin and filuenh.' They & yisited pojuts dn Cpnage. , _., ... .. The Rev. and Mrs.°H. B. Gwyn re turned on Saturday, from a mo-na'q ¥vacation, spent at Cragsmoor, N. Y. and Long Island, N.~Y. They motored to and from.the Emgt, stopping off in Canada on their return. While in New York, Kit..Gwyn took in the gervices in two Epigcopal churches. *' =_ .' '~A n:;mae; gx llibortyflllo people Claire Willdtor .nd Comad N&g'el in mvioprninar ie opee "DANCE, MADNESS" ue oo 4 xm "u':" e mmmu"ui Comedy: '"Wise O * _ _ 39 _ re of a cation over e ' 'the sStreet paving in our neighboring vil+ # ¥: m\ ; rwise Jawa * i slea CTHE WITARMDBDV AF WIDE! PEOC W a buwa mmal adsenakicas s1 , Mr. and M¥rs, Al Hapke of Chicago and *Mrs.¢Hapke's "parents, Mr; and Mrs. James Mack, 8304 Broadway, Lib Co. No. 68,, Chicago, who was visiting at the A. T. Farr home. Owing to his The paving operations in Sunnyside Park subdivigion were Liaited a day and a half this week on account of the wet weather. Work was resumed this morning, and Mr. Cape, the contractor, hopes to have the big job completed by the end of next week. ipueliiGam oi etiinpnlipctits rer t i: n ommb rntia> t en SApt itc wward ifl?mm "'fi:'?"t:"w Mr. and Mrs. Philip Bensinger, of North street, were in Waukegan Fri-- day and Saturday visiting at the home PAPA is on the \treadmill from morning to night--the rent tread-- mnill that gets him nothing but re-- gret. . Tell him to let us show hiny how the money he pays for rent will buy a chome for his family, ents, Mr. u 5 m w"w- -.--m.' " @N *" " M A "' Saturday m&y C / en la Qfl: wglm,fiil'&i" Sum Mre. Lulu Appley and children, Har-- ' orning W. R. Rwing.Dr. M. D. old and Mary, and Mrs. Lee Whitney gnu.ammmzm Pet-- "'flc.'&.mfim @llmlathhmcch'of hermen mmfih'fl &pent ~several | And vowed not to return .until they--had. days vi Chas Ray agnd family.. flmb:g.fl!a lake. They are ex-- i pected the first of next week. l!:?.manymm..mdm 81. + f r McCann of Chicago were in Lib| A number of Libertyvyille: American ertyville last Friday visiting at ,| Members are planning on attending trome of Mrs."*H. M. Hagerty, 3418 |tie state convention of the orkaniza & 5 OL LHAC -- M Mr. and Mrs, Mike lldflmni:wuomh drovre to the mna?hrmu'm:: m.u th Devil's Lake over week 1 ¥venue a; turning to Libertyville Monday., . JAvenue. _ , Mr. and Mré. George DeVolder and water 1 famiy, o6 iankertn ristted" mt the | orchoms win home of N¥ and Mrs, Dbe Volaer's par. | DorthGim. Wike Avenue. from Mr. and Mrs, Mike | is s -iim'»- I "'People | |larse 'P";fid'tmnu' mwfi. hnere | from Ea K Ccam home, im;ym Sheridan " '.----*'"ll n""'l Tsl ' 'm" "---- A number of Libertyvyille American members are planning on attending :'Re s:t;'.ouvqt:ogdtfieoraw on, held at Springfield Sunday and Monday, Sept. 12 and 13. -- Reser-- ¥ations have been made for fifteen. The local post will send: the firing squad to compete in the contest to de-- termine who shall carry the colors in the parade., A year when the con-- Yention was held u.glncy. the local to repeat this year. George H and son of Lake For-- mmmmdmnm Oof Samuel Insull at Hawthorn Farm.: The work is also being done at the former John R. Thompson place, now owned by Mr. Insull 'The drives story on the screen! From the big * From the play produced by George . also "THE WIZARDRY OF WIRELESS," a two ree! educational film, showing by animated drawings the electrical action and function of the vacuum tubs, and other apparatus employed in radio transmission H':ME could. win the,. °. _ dnm:m bi:w .A;'"" f 5i 60v, Ti 2068 ~Rqammed that | + : : 5'1"4 swings a wicked right! * great . M"..'._.!. 3':';'# 17 ')' with MARCELINE DAY, JOHN HARRON GERTRUDE AsTOR and ~_ _ WARD CRANE s :' Comedy: "Crowned Prince" | | Saturday, September 11: © ' ' ~JACK HOXIE in "A SIX SHOOTING ROMANCE" _ : Buster Brown Comedy: "Buster Helps Dad" Pathe Review MAuditorium Ikeatre Thursday and Fric . Lroes 'by Douglas Furber. ml '!"P'a'b"du- (music used in America by W Hiter L. Rosemont), Choos with Sceluyn & Co. Book Stenley Brightman: and> Austin M uesday and Wednesday, Sept. 14 and 15: e in Hpagbam marn'nZ _Tbe/also went to Creté 'and atentdea [5 rons, guns and horses, was im-- Lorke, [ "oee &' 1e "C" u"m';'thl"ie\ds 6 as they rolled Milwau-- | 25 m #+ lhade ooo has juso'ue houses, gral etc.. has just re ks ":5 t!rnodmoy{uk cently been constructed, and is said \o wlofs* > . "s--p O mmm& ttl:ore water level of Trout L&ke, in aving been n Wisco: '& flw invested there to date with many iring the past: .' All on |thousands to be invested in enlarge tning" W. R. Ewing : Dr M. D.|-- The pumping ~plant at the village -- "*ROLLING HOME" | With MARION NIXON ; + Andy Gump Comedy: "Andy's Hat in The Ring" , September 12: IT'S A RIOT! "THE BOY FRIEND" io croe 2 ol ooo abd Mis: C r..l! o2 2 4 y : 'th; Cole and datighter, ot, artiliery on roue| BHorente "drpre © Henavbod Pabor 'day to see--the 08 races held : Carns Aroa itn KHart ,"____""'nj'_,'__{_'!_{'?ft_}n I!linois care of the little and Friday, Septembe REGINALD DENNY Kinogram News ws ber 13: ]and.omflofivfid, For a while the wa-- ter .came ~down in torrents, flooding [ the northwest upstairs room of the vil-- |hgoun.umnno flower beds that Marshall Limberry takes such pride in, were all but ruined: -- Dennis had put in a lot of effort fixing up the parkway torn up > by installing the boulevard lights, and had grass seed sown. °H work was wiped | out by the larze 'stream of water pouring from the lot 86 It . (Signed) William B. Owen hereby gives no tite that he has sold his farm on the Lake Street Road, and has ceased con-- ducting the business of farming, and that he will not be Hable for any obli-- Egations, except those by him personal-- ly authorized or contragted. into the gutter. m" sasting --driveway.-- Twoenty taake of tarvia Bave beep prdercd tor ber 9 and 10 : NOTICE Lt y P B. Owen. old, dont you? 'Then become indeper _ NOW by keeping in the bank a part of income and always ADDING to ~-- You want to be INDEPEND old. Gdont you? 'Then hernmao) indanandané A very smali percentage g men at the age -- of sixty, liave any money. Most af them are . 6. DEPENDENT UPON OTHERS for support || _ WWen HE'S CALED UPoN \To RRE THE coor X---- @1 &< . # «: S B [ e d ' g#i~. 6 Cw Koase *3 > a , t e -- + ibertyville Lumber | _ & 3. BC »'q_"y '-"' c e v o s e ® l'&t"" ake " " «-..;'? 7 % Te 4 al hin s g*a ' 4 -- i * inf"'h nnnwn E. " at 186,000 ,; 3 Peéer Second _ _ . #+ ~--_ NATIONAL BaN~NK Down by the-- Old Depot--Been @i Twenty Years 'Telephone 47 |-- _ As money transfer agents f0f Western Union Telegraph ank Co., we accept orders for im® transmission of money anywh telegraph, and also pay suc .-;j; This is a service that may pro {? valuable to you. Rememb ? service is available here at the R National, at regular Western UT Have MonEy | irst National Bank Capital and Surplus $100,000.00 M ote o 8 "L,"a"'gi Some People '"'j' D Also Put Off 3 / Ordering Coal _ They watch the prit go up and: when the get near the 'phor with our number a their lips they think ¢ something else to ORDER NOW! % the wise thing to do. 9 e $#