Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 21 Oct 1926, p. 2

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T4 4 k . cemer p---- F 7 f k = f : £ crammue f k F > Commmee x ar weumeee + *= & Cmmc is < 1 ' @ ,'; y i ces & R , E. @ f -- Toas: «$ v a anemink ; : &a A P es ¥* cominee «omm 2 % Guwmume ,& _'( ent'over the loss of his wife _ who left him after a quarrel a week CA ~§ pbert Learmort, aged 20 years s k A an, tried to end his lifo --_-- by le into the lake while fully --_. lot] from near the end of the beth-- K};gf'; at the foot of Madison street _ at 8:30 o'cleck Monday morning. _ PRIES SUICIDE R~ Several Witness Plunge. The plunge into the chilling waters & the 'harbors was witnessed by =vl Irwin, cretker of Lake Frost _avbo with Joseph Steadala, as-- 4 keeper watched the struggles of the man who for a amin and then hurried to the city k; where they notified Geo. f engineer in charge of the pump ~ station. Wirth Summoned the pol-- _ Police summoned by spectators 4 the crazed man from the 3 o after receivicg bim with I respiration mothds they rushed him to the Victory Memoria) found the youth floating Pens Farewell Note Leaps Into Lake. | ) Head Pure Bred, Registered olstein Cattle. T. B. Tested. Saturday, November 6 Of the John L: Nicholson Herd NZEN LUMBER co. EMIL GEEST tyville, HMlincis Aptakisic, H!linois CH MILLING co. 8. L. TRIPP LUMBER co. tioch, HMlinocis ove Mundelein, Hlincis UVUMBER & COAL co. BARRINGTON LUMBER co. wnee, lHMiMlinols Barrington, IHlinois HULKE & HAGER TIBBETS CAMERON co. 'ington, Hlingis Round Lake, Ilincis FEED COMPANY A. J. MERCHANT nd Park, HWilinois Waukegan, Iilimois . H. HUSSEY J. H. PATTERSON LUMBER Cco. Forest, HMilinois Wauconda, lilinois .|-- ... P.L. HAPP J.,;H. PATTERSON LUMBER co. orthbrook, IIH. w Lake Zurich, Hilincis : ms lay right through the year if you put them on 1is is the famous feed that contains Cod Liver eal. It's just chock--full of choice, clean and re egg--building materials, and hens relish it. s all feed--every ounce does real work and u'll get more eggs, bigger eggs all through the ar, if you put them on this feed right now. LL FARM POSCH PR rchmont Farm WALTER H. BRANDENBERCG, Prop. ne MéHenry 632.J.1 yais x4A REGISTERY NO. 374363 530 Julian Including the Herd Sire INGLESIDE, ILLINOIS close enough to the pier to be dragged from the water without the need of a boat. He was fully dressed even to wearing a heavy reefer. Regains Consciousness. . When --Captain Thomas Booth, and Patrolmen Harry Quandt and Jack Metz arrived at the harbor the ree-- cuetrs were using methodg of artifical respiration to revive Learmont. Booth called an ambulance from Wetzel and Peterson,. When Learmont was being placed in the autulance he regainea consciousness enough to open , bis eyes and look about him but be again quiekiy . lapaed into insensibility and remained unconscious for more than an hour before reviving in the hoepital Mrs. Mary Learmont, mother of the young man told the police that he bhad been greiving tftor the past week since being seperated from his wife and that she had feared that he might in-- jure himself. The fact that he was out of work also served to discourage him, she believes. Leaves Farewel!l Note. Before leaving his home this morn-- ing the youth penned a faerewell note to his mother, in which it is under-- stood he stated hbis inability to live eapart from hig wife and their infant child. about in 6 feet of water apparently in After regaining consciousness Lear-- mont refused to give his name or give any reason to the police for his attempt to end hig ows life. His ideni ity was determined however from gevera)} grocery bills which he carried in one of his pockets. * NnR Tom NC 2 Miles north of Volo + Mr. and Mrs. Harry: Obandort 'and Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Carr motored to 'Como Beach, Wis., last Sunday. | ~FFourteen delegates from the local ! Presbyterian <Missionary Sociey at-- I tended the quarterly missionary meet-- !ing of Chicago Presbytery at Evans |ton Friday. _' l Miss Sande'im, school nurse at Har-- | vey, was a week end guest of Miss | Eleanor Meyer. |-- en tss Deerfield Post No. 738 of the Am»r--'lon held the regular meeting day Oct. 15, at Masonic Temple. Nine new menibars were initiated. The post holds a good record on member-- ship. All ex--service men in Deerfield Miss Ella De S10ng, of Moody Bible Institute, was the week end guest of Miss Frances Lay, She spoke at the avening service of the Bungalow church. , Alvin Knaak has purchased a n>w Chrysler sedan. (4§ j4¢ Miss Theresa Klemp was hostess to La Petite Societe Wednesday eve. Mr. and Mrs. Koch are building an artistic English cottage on their Hazel avenue lot. Dr. and Mrs. Ozanne of Oshkosbi Wis., visited at the Fred Meyer home Saturday. -- & < Fred Kersten of Chicago visited in Dearfield with relatives Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. L Holimes and Earl are visiting relatives in Missouri. Deerfield people who attended the card party at the Rebakah lodge of Highland Park report a most enjoy-- able evening. The week will be a gala event for members and triends of the church. r Mrs. Mary Koebelin attended tae ba-- saar and supper a* Wheeling Wednes-- day, given under the auspices of the Presbyterian Ladies'® Aid Society. Miss Irene Rockenbach, of Lansing, Mich., will visit her {father, George Rockenbach, and other relatives over the week end. s Mr. and Mrs. Pottenger and childran have moved into the Franken home, which t2ey recently purchased. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Strong are spend ing the week end with friends in Ch+ cago. Dorcas Circle No. 3 will meet with Mrs. Hutchison Friday afternoon. Taursday, held in the Presbyterian mn.:u. church. e r and Mrs, A. Lemm and children 'Two comedies, '"The Kleptomaniacs" visited Mrs. Lemm's parents, Mr. and and "Coate and Petticoats", will be Mrs.FE. C. Hanson, at Melody Farm, given in Masonic hall Friday evening, @unday, * , Nov. 19, by the young ladies' class oOf _ Rey, M. J. Andrews and family mo-- the Presbyterian 8. 8. tored to Ephram, Mici., the fore part Plans for the Jubilee week ObserV-- of the week and visited friends there. ance at the Presbyterian church, OCt., Miss Helen Swanson of Chicago was 30, to Nov. «, are nearly completed. the guest of Miss Franc»s Loy Friday. The week will be a gala event f0f -- Mrs Ann Sherman has returned tn ~Frank Kottrasch, Eqward Selig and Joim Vetter'attended Masonic Grand lodge in Chicago last week. * Miss Dorothy Lidgerwood was the guest of Miss Evelyn Schee! at the EBcheel home in Rogers Park Monday evening. , Mrs. Seth M. Gooder entertained eight ladies at luncheon Wednesday. In the afternoon *"1ey attended the Household Display of Highland Park Woman's Club., $ Arthur (Parsa of 369 N. Ayers Ave., Chicago, a caddy at Briargate Golf daughter, Mrs. Jaka Schrock . and Ruby Schrock, of Akron, Colo., are vis-- iting Mrs. William Huhn, Mrs. George Antes and other Deerfield nl;tlnl: Several teachers in Deerfield church schools attended the Lake County 8. 8. Assn. convention at Highland Park Mrs. Christine M. Knaak spent the week end with her mother in Wau-- club, broke his right arm Tuesday, when he slipped and: fell on teh tile near the grounds. The arm was set at Highland Park hospital, and his par-- ents notified of the accident. Te baked ham supper given by the Dorcas Circle No. 2 Tuesday evening was a great success. About 200 peo-- ple wers served and the ladies were complimented upon the appetizing Mrs. Carl Mau entertained a group of Royal Neighbors Wednesday aftar-- noon. Mrs. George Benz, of Melvin, Ill., and her daughter and little grand-- mR proved its ability last Sunday evening, and 'we are planning great thngs for them n the weeks to come. All other rejsarsals will merge into the Special Meetings of the week --as follows: Sunday, Oct. 24 at 11 a. m. and 8 p:; m. .Dr. Kimmel, president of Naperville Theological Seminary; on Monday, Oct. 25, program as printed in bookleat; Tuesday, Oct. 26, Rev. Mr. Schriver, of, Northfield; Wednesday. Oct. 27, Rev. James 0. Duffy, of Ch+-- eago; Thursday, Oct. 28, Rev. J. C. EHller, Naperville; Friday, Oct.. 29. Rev. J. C. Finkbeiner, Highland Park; Bunday, Oct. 81, at 11 a. m. and 8 p.m. BVANG. BUNGALOW CHURCH Revr. R. M. Williams, Pastor. Bunday School 'at 9:45 a, m.; morn ing worship at QDhristian Endeavor at 7 p. m.;--evening service at 8. Junior choir rehearsal Wednesday afternoon at °4 o'clock.. This choir Morning worship and sermon by the pastot, "The Why and Wherefore of the. Loyalty Campaign" at 10:46. Spe-- clal evening service to w'aich all the women of the church are especially in-- vited at 7.30. The subject, "A Church W}.t:out Women." All are cordially in-- vi to be present. Mid--week meeting for bible study and prayar every Wednesday at 7:45. _ --Clircle No. 3 of the Dorcas Society will meet on Friday afternoon with Mrs. 8. P. Hutchinson. Let all help to make this first Sun-- day of our Loyalty Campaign a great day and outstanding from 'the point of attendance. "Loyalty Lifts the Load." Our great Jubilee Week will begin With Sunday, October 31. § Always a cordial welcome to all our services. i * CHimess CITO'L, AWID Wi V & er folks & clance to :o:]tr:b;nt: 'lg":':e Do you know'what is in your library service on Sunday morning or in your attic? Do not destroy books Eightsen from St. Paul's .churc'h at" and magazines simply because triey tended the Arlington, Heights Sunday be found in the dust covered atrice of school convention at Palatine Sunday. be fo n the dust covered attics of Two hundred sixty registered dele. °_ old families. Mrs. Charles Harr gates were in aitendance. It certainly mesfes a copy of "Uncle Tom's was an inspiring convention n," autogravhed by the author. Be-- A membership ts under sides this, Mrs. Harr has two bound way." Bevernt h":!fim c von n:e volumes of the now almost forgotten promise to join St. Ptull a'.ld'chu Ich Oth-- ?uhamab Ibfiiulne,_whlch was made ers afo giving it thoughtful considers 4tor Bdser Allen Poe is Park tion. / If you are not a member of any g:ufifidm Nee :f fs.. Ta"k church in town we welcome you t0 Book, published in uols iss Bidwell possess a most interesting *4 book on "Tae Art of Surveying," pub FIRST PRERSBYTERIAN CHURCH lished in London in the year 1763. Sur-- Rev.gMark J. Andrews, Minister |veying was mihly lmpoat'nnt in those Sunday, October 24 This Sunday 9Y# Miss Margaret Gilbert has a is being oboem as Roll Call Bundl; copy of the New England Primar. This in~every church of Chicago Presby-- book has bee nin her family for years. tery. Special house to house visitation WhAt 'nteresting book do you own? will be made in preparation thereof. Arthur Howard, of the high school, Our goal is a 100 per cent attendance YA0 bhas made & study of early Ameri-- of our membershiv. s °___| Can literature, is especially : anxious Church School at 9:30. Adult Bible !¢ &°t in touch with the dwners of old class at 10. | and rare books. The Independent will . Morning worship and sermon by the P° Pleased to print a list of finds of pastor, "The Why and Wherefore of-- this nature. Send a dgescription either the. Loyalty Campaign" at 10:465. Spe-- direct to this newspaper or to Mr. clal evening service to whaich all the HOWard at Gurnse. women of the church are especially in.| _ Gurnee friends of Mrs. Frank Har-- vited at 7.30. The subject, "A Church den were grieved to learn"'of her death fi"g Women." All are cordially in-- at Antioch Saturday. Mrs. Harden ed to be present. |leaves he rhusband and one small Mid--week meeting for bible Mchfld. two sisters: Mrs. Mary Hook of and prayar every Wednesday at 7:45. Gurnse, and Mrs, Aura Burgess, of €ircle No. 3 of the Doreas Society Libertyville; three brothers. Leo, of will meet on Friday afternoon with Washington; Ervin and Ben, of Wau-- Mrs. 8. P. Hutchinson. kegan. Teh fun>a)} services were held Let all helpo to make this nm,sm-!fl Antioch Tuesday. ; Eightsen from St. Paul's church at-- tended the Arlington, Heights Sunday school convention at Palatine Sunday. Two hundred sixty registered dele-- gates were in attendance. It certainly was an inspiring convention, . A membership us paign is under way. Several have already given the promise to join St. Paul's church Oth-- ers are giving it thoughtful considera-- tion. / If you are not a member of any church in town we welcome you to join St. Paul's Evang. church. 8T. PAUL'S EYANG. CHURCH F. G. Piepenbrok, Pastor. 'Church School at 9:15 a. m.; Eng-- lish service at 10:15 a. m.; German service at 11 a,. m. The young men's class will meet for a short business mesting Thursday evening at 7. Come on time. After the meeting we expect to motor to Niles Center for a few hours of bowling. _ The choir will meet Friday at 7:30 p. m. Every member be present We expect fo sing two anthems at the sery ite Sunday. Plans are under way to organize a Junior choir. ' This will give the young-- er folks a caance to contribute to the service on Sunday morning. A The Misg>s Gortmde'and Margaret Schneider of Chicago were week end guests of Miss Eva Ender. -- Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Bingham of Chi-- cago, Mr. and Mrs. Bruhnke, of Wil-- mette; Mr. and )lu:Chrlea Fish, of Waucoma, lowa, and J. C. and Jo in Schneider, o€f Chicago, were guests at teh Endér home Sunday. , _ Rev. M. J. Andrews and family mo-- tored to Ephram, Mici., the fore part of the week and visited friends there. . . _ Miss Helen Swanson of Chicago was the guest of Miss Franc»s Loy Friday. Mrs. Ann Sherman has returned to her home, after visiting her sister and son in Chicago for three weeks. ' Wiliiam Kreh has returned from Albion, Mich, where '21e has been vis iting relatives. I '\-- A speaker from Laird House 'Chi--' cago, gave an excellent talk at the meeting of the Presbytarian mission-- . ary society Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Fred Haggie was hostess. { --Mr. and Mrs. Sims, who were visit} Lllrs. Charles Timson was hostess to the Deerfield Garden Club Wednesday afternoon. \Mrs, E. C. Becker entertained the luncheon and bridge club Tuasday. ing their-- son in Chicago for several weeks. have returned to Deerfield. Mr. Sims is on the sick list. Mrse. Philip Sculley and two daugh-- ters visited Mrs. R. Stace in Milwau-- kee Monday. % Rev. Roy Williams spoke 'ruesday evening at tae special services held at the Prairie View church. a Miss Luella Plagge of Chicago visit-- ed her sister, Mrs. Floyd Stanger, and other relatives Sunday. P Deerfield members of the Waite Shrine of Lake Forest will attend the ceremonial meeting Friday evening. Mrs. F. W. Russo and Mrs. J. A. Reichelt, Jr., attended a meeting of Highland Park Woman's club Tuesday aftarnoon. * | . Mrs M. Lemm, mother of Ernest A. Lemm, is recovering from her recent and vicinity are cordially invited> to jJoin, 'This post has furnishad complete & receptio nroom in the veterans' hos-- pital, North Chicago, and.on Sunday, Octobor",st!&n..thponwm'o in a body byrauto to visit ta1is room. All members and friends are invited. Bee Gus Klemp for raservations and if you have room in your car for more passengers it will be appreciated. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Merner, Mr. arid Mrs. Floyd Stanger and Rev. and Mrs. Roy Williams celebrated their wedd'ing anniversaries by a dinner at %Wr home Thursday «svening. es were laid for eleven. Dr. €. Johnston Davis returned last Monday from a visit with relatives at Caillicothe, Ohio. Miss Nellia Schnelider, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schnelder, and Malcolm Hance, of Northbrook were married Saturday evening at the Evan-- %.Ial Bungalow church. Rev.. Roy lliams officiated at the ceremony. 'visiting her sister Mrs. C. 8. Kiest, at Dongola, I!1, for the past six weeks, returned to Deerfiecld Sunday. Williams officiated at the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Hanse will make their home in Deerfleld. at Melody Farm, '4 The wives of the faculty members 'and the lady teachers of W. H. T. 8. | were guests of the girls of tha school Friday afternoon. Dancing and games were enjoyed by all. Punch and waf-- ers were served. The girls were anx-- 'ious to welcome the brides of last summer--Mrs. Milo Johnson and Mrs. William Jones. iss » First cofit.« tht"t\ m3 ouI The hunting season has opened and Joe Dada and Lioyd Benwell have been épending days hbhunting ducks. Evi-- deontly the ducks know Joe is a good shot, so they stay away from him. " Charles Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brown, received the honor of _ being elected prosident of the Sopho "nonelulofthovnlveultyotlm- . nois last week. Charles is a graduate _ of St. Join's Military Academy at Del-- afield, Wis. A .. Miss Evelyn McCullough spent a few days this woek visiting her sister, 'Dorothy, at Lake Forest college . i~-- Miss Agnes Berge returned Thurs day from Madison, to resume her du-- ties as teacher in the Primary dspart-- ! ment of the local grammar school. | _ Mrs. Gus Westerberg is visiting at the home of her daughter in New | York City> Mrs. Mottier is also out of town visiting her daughter in D» troit, NMiGx . > ; | | ~Mrs. Julla Frank and gaughter, Rose mary, spent the week end in Rockford.. Mr. and Mrs# Lawrence Haines are the parents of a daughter, born on Oct. 5, at the Lake County hospital. Miss Stella Haines of Caicago was a wesk end guest at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Haines. Winifred Howard is Gurnee's cham-- plon theatre goer, for he '1as seen ev-- ery play the Majestic players have produced since they came to Wan-- kegan. Friends are congratulating Mr. and Mrs..Melvin Amstutz. Bafore her mar-- rtage Mrs. Amstutz was Miss Beatrice Freestone, of Chicago. VCL b, at the LAke County hospital. Gnmoefr&.dnofln.fl.B.Am- stutz were glad to see her before she and her husband sail on Nov. 5th for Mandalay and Singapore, India. | The second annual Warren Town-- ship Community Fair has come and ; gone. Mr. Reid and Mrs. Frank, prom-- ied something big and better, and they made good their promise. The 'sexhibits were unusually fine. Miss Ruth Kelly's $150 pullet attracted a great deal of attention. Every class of »xhibits was splendid. The grain |exhibit reflected the poor season: In tae evening sessions there were movie shown in the auditorium. Thursday 'the Ag»>nda girls presented a playlet entitled "Curing Mother:" -- Friday an-- iounr group of Agenda girls gave --"Choosing a Hat." Inasmuch as the ,leortyvfl.lo fair has passed out of ex-- 'istence, it is a splendid movement on the part of Libertyville, Gurnee and Waukegan to present such affairs as the one at Gurnee. thrilling football games, Warren scalp-- d Arlington Heights twice on the same day. 'The scond team won with a score of 19 to 6. The first team won ;'hsnli'tmhtmwlthnma( to 13. «/o organs. Three sizes. All druggists, Insist on the original genuine Gorp Mapar of Naperville. haarlem oil has been a world-- wide remedy for kidney, liver and The-- Hallowe'en party, which was planned for the business meeting of t1e E. L._C. E. the evening of, Oct. 26, has been postponed until Tussday eve-- ning, Nov. 2. o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0o 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Fak~ s GURNEE Harold R. Heiningeor, M e tw you think of 1: 'ng of Nutan. \ vll's fot go bad ceord Read the Classified Ads in the Independent JAMES MORROW & SON 202 South Genesee Street Waukegan A Whole Weeks Washing FREE t _ ONEIL HARDWARE CO,, MAYTAG CO., .. _ Lake Forest. Phone 500 641% Cen: Try&tw Test it in every ! Make any compari: emember, if the Maytag 3..,.-: a:'Hy itself, don't keep it. «eP hk ~--* TITUS BROTHERS PHONE 64 --and the Reasons: Graham Brothers production in the first 9 months of 1926 increased more than 75% over the first 9 months of 1925. The figures: 1925 (Ist 9 mos.) « 16,440 & 1926 (Iist 9 mos)~« 29,336 Phone. 1826 See how long the water stays hot in the life--lasting, cast--aluminum tub. The tub that holds more clothes--;that holds 21 gallons in-- stead of the usual 17. The tub that drains and cleans itself in 30 seconds after the washing is done! VE to yourself the May-- tag's greater washability--its more thorough, easier, quicker washing! See big tubfuls washed in 3 to 7 minutes! See whole wash-- ings--50 pounds of clothes (dry weight) washed. in ome short hour! See even collars, cuffs and wristbands washed clean, without hand--rubbing! LIBERTYVILLE, WLL. obligation or ex-- pense of any kind. Phone ---- Use a Maytag next Telephone 228 without

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