While little hope had been held out for her recovery, she seemed to be holding her own in the local institu-- tion but steadily declined after being removed to Chicago and her death ended the long period of suffering. The accident in which the young woman was injured occurred when the automobile driven by, another young woman sSkidded from the road and accompanied tie seventh and eighth grades to Great Lakes on Navy Day. A surprise was given in honor of Col. Slocum Friday evening at his home by members of the 500 club. The annual bazaar and roast chick-- en supper will be held Friday, Nov. 5. Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell of Waukegan were Millburn callers Saturday. . Death coming after negrly 20 days of euffering closed the life of Miss Maudesta Herweg aged 23 years of 5070 West Monroe streets, Chicago, in the West Suturban hbospital in that city, Sauturday, from injuries received when an automobile in which she and tour other girls were riding overturn-- ed on Route 21 near Aptioch, on the night of Sunday October 10. The girl was rughed to . Victory Memorial hospital in Waukegan after the accident where it was found that she was suffering from a serious in-- jury to her back. Dr. Frederick Besléy attended the young vm- and he called other specialists the case. Until early last week the young woman was a patient in the Wauke-- moved into their new home Mr. and Mrs. Johansen spent Sun-- mmmmww The sale of W. A. was well 00 0o 00 0 0 0 000 00 0 0 GIRL SUCCUMBS TO Miss Maudesta Herweg, Dies In Cbimzo After Being Re-- moved From Waukegan. Mrs. E. A. Martin and Miss Sheehan CHICAGO C APIL L AC IN AUTO ACCIDENT IF YOU WANT YOUR t 2301 South Michigan Ave., Chicago, IIL. NEW 90 DEGREE Write, wire or phone. I specialize in selling Live Stock and Real Estate by my Quick Sale. System. CADILLAC MOTOR CAR COMPANY . M. WALKER | Ywill youbuy? When you purchase a car you get a dealer with it--his interest, «honesty, ability are "thrown in'"'--yours for the life of the car. On this added «lement of the purchase depends much of your motoring satisfaction. Consider this. i Your Cadillac dealer is experienced, seasoned, acquainted with motorists' needs and how to meet them. If you're a Cadillac owner, you realize what it means to have heic'l at;_v:c; If you're not--ort acquainted. Find out what kind of dealer and service you'll get when you buy a Cadillac. 2327 Berwyn Ave. Phone Ravenswood 9698 have attended. Mr. Bonner and family will move west of Millburn. > Mr. and 'Mrs. Fuller and Mrs. E. Nelil, of Racing Wis., spent SBunday at Arthur Clark, who is i1 with ty-- phoiq fever, still has a temperature of 99 degrees -- 2 'T1e ministers of the Congregational denomination visited 'the church at this place Monday evening. Lunch was nrvodundune'lhmmfl- Mrs. Jennie Pickb}»s spent Saturday and Sunday at the Corners. Almond Pullen, Sr., is visiting at the home of his son, Thomas Webb, near. Grange Hall, > Mr. and "";,SL'"' Webb, of Keno-- sha called on ds here last Sunday Mrs. Philip Gould at Grayslake. & Almond Pullen, Jr.. and Frank Bar-- "il" Waukegan, spent Sunday at the David Pullen home. A Hallowe'en and basket social was given by the Bean Hill school children in tre church Friday evenin'g. $30 was taken in from the sale of baskets. _ o 0 o 0 0o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. D. Thompson and daughter and Mrs, Geo. A. Thompson and sons spent Sunday with Mr. and o o 6 o 0o 0o 0o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o LONG GROVE o o -- "HICKORY . o Haller, of Albambra, II1., will at the Long Grove church. German services at 10 a, m. 0 0o 0o 0o 0o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0o Sunday, Nov. 14, Sister Maria Hamm of Dorlisheim, Alsace, will give a lec ture in tie church at 2 p. m., for the benefit of an orphan's home and hos-- pital in Dorlisheim, Alsace. This wor-- thy woman has come all the way from Alsace to solicit aid for the orphans and the sick and needy. It is hoped a mon in English will immediately fol-- low the German sarvice. f Sunday School will be held in the church at 9 a. m. good attendan greet her. a o 0 0 0o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 & , Nov. 7th, Rev. G. Thos. ILLINOIS e e e e o PWWTI | Several ladies from Deerfield attended. _ Prof H R. Heininger of North Cen-- Mr. and Mrs. George Pettis had as their guests Sunday Mr. Pettis' sister, Mrs. West of Eigin; Mr. and Mrs. Lou-- is Gastman, of Itasca; Mr. and Mrs. Swan Johnson, of Half Day, and Mr. and Mrs., Mulligan, Arlington Heights. Mrs. Charles Tatge, Mrs. Bd Tressel-- hause, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Saimp and daughter, Florence May, of Ravens-- wood were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Fritsch Sunday. Mrs. Harry Clavey entertained & num-- ber of friends at luncheon and bridge at Briey Gate golf club Thursday. Circle No. 1 dtmmza'd'v will serve a luncheon at the day -o?whichvmuhdde. 11 'The luncheon is open to the public. Monday evening, Nov. 15, Dorcas Cir cle No. 1 will meet wit'1 the chairman, DeerfieldShields Township. Sunday school institute will meet at the Pres-- byterian church Monday, Nov. 2. C. W. Getty left Monday on'a two-- weeks' business trip to California. -- Mr. and Mrs. Georga Hesler are now | at home to their fttends in the Hesler bungalow on Green Bay road, High-- land Park. * Miss Edna Fritsch topped the list onm%::um school students at DeerfieldShields during the first six | waeks of tie school year. FiveA's and -- one B were the marks which gave her | tained at a Hallowe'en bridge party Baturday evening at their home~ on Mrs." Glen Bowman entertained the Luhicheon and Bridge club Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Pattarson enter Mr. and Mrs, Ted Johnson enter-- tained six couples at cards at their home on Chestnut street Saturday eve. The C. E. 8. of the Bungalow church held a bo social Hallowe'an party at the church Tuesday evening. Mrs. Harry Olendorf was hostess to La Petite Society Wednesday evening. Emil Juhrend and Felix Thomas, who went. to San Antonio, Texas, in Sept-- ember, like Texas very much and will remain there during the winter. ork is plentiful at this time of the year. William B. Carr atttended the fun-- eral of one of tae St. Paul officials at Spring Valléy, Minn., last week. Mrs. F. -- W. Russo entertained the Deerfield Sub--Civic committee of the Highland Park Women's Club Thurs-- day afternoon f Mr. and Mrs. Harry Olendorf entar tained 12 guests at supper Sunday eve-- ning. Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth LovelP and Mr. and Mrs. Marvic Petersen werte out of town guests _ --E. K. Williams return>g on Monday from the Brown county artiats' colony at Nashville, Ind., and will spend a Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Strong were hosts to a number of friends Saturday at Nashville, Ind., and will spend a month in Deerfield with his familiy. Miss Virginia Farmer entertained a number of littel friends at a Hallow-- #'en party Saturday evening at her The Camp Fire Girls gave their as-- sistant guardian, Mrs. Guy Newcomb, a farewell party Friday evening at the home of Miss Margarat Galloway. Mrs. Newcomb will goon leave for their new home in tae east. < Mrs. A. R. Warner was quite ill last week. She is much better now. The bazaar committse of the Bun-- galow church Ladies' Society met with Mrs, Wessling Monday to make ar-- rangements for the coming bazaar. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Vetter enter tained Prof. H. R. Heininger and Mrs. first place. | Thirty--nine students re ceived tirst honors and 48 second hon-- ors, according to the school statisti-- Rev. Mark J. Andraws was called east by the death of his mother, Mrs. Louis Andrews, of Hamilton, N. J. The burial was at Nazareth, Pa., Tuesday. Mrs. Frank Peterson and family at-- tended the omecoming at the Chris tian church in Waukegan Sunday. Miss Beaatrice Courson visited Wau-- Twenty members of Deerfield O.E.S. attended Worthy Matrog night at Wil-- mette Monday night. Mrs. G20. Deck, worthy matron of the local chapter, presided and the officers of the chap ter acted as escorts. Friday evening Mrs. Deck will assist in tie work at Libertyvilla Chaziter. Mrs. Harry Muhlke was hostess at a bridge party Saturday evening. | Miss Louise Kersten entertained three girl friends from Highland Park Bunday afternoon. sA evening. Mrs, Ruth Pettis gave an excellent talk on "Birds" before the Boy Scouts Of Morton Grove Tuesday. The Scouts, wao are all well versed in wood lore, were very interested in learning of the habits of the birds of this district. Mre. Z€arl Anderson is teaching at Eim Place school in Highland Park this week. jme - Mrs. John Holt of Beelman visited Mrs, Carl Anderson Friday, and assist-- ed in preparing packages of cigarettes which were taken Saturday to the Vet-- erans' hospital at Great Lakes, a gift from Deertield Auxiliary. _ _W, H. Woerner of Omaha, Neb., was a guast Sunday at the Join Stryker ~Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cashmore spent kegan relatives over the week end. Miss Eleanor Meyer attended 'the 11-- lHnois--Pennsylvania game at Urbana Baturday. * Mr. and Mrs. Will Miller, Mrs. W. 8. Millar and Miss Addie Miller of Arl-- ington Heights were visitors at the F. Meyer home Sunday. _ Termen* " SAt Miss Shirley Clark entertained the Friendly Five Saturday afternoon. Friday evening, Nov, 12, Deerfield grammar school P.'T. A. will meet at the school hous:. Deerfield Post No. 138, American Legion, will fiave charge of an Armistice program. Fathers and mothers and anyone interested in the welfare of the school are invitad. /. Merner had charge of the lesson and Mrs, Savage the davotionals. Hostesses. for the day were Mesdames Beskman, ESchar and Kellar. | Heininger of Naperville, Sunday. "Athletics: Intra--mural of Inter-- scholastic' was the subject under dis-- cussion at the meeting of the Deerfield ed a solo at ti1e morhing service. o.e.tp Pfister, formerly of Deer-- at <" Ts ". Thursday aft>rnoon. Alas #ram TrinnrflaldA atian AaA Terrace. Mr. Missionary Society He also render-- at the Bun-- lows in Grand Ave., fell and rud a Nt'ltou from churches in neig raboring of shingle down--his throat' cutting communities who: came to felicitate one of his tonsils badly, The little fel--,; th@ Deerfield church in the 50th mile-- low is recovering from the injury. stone of her existence. Miss Knaak attended a White § eay«~« § Shrine meeting in Chicago 'Monday|OBITUARY--ANNA ANTES LANGE evening. -- > o *] Anna Antes Lange was born at North-- Two comedies, "The Kleptomaniac' | field, II1., April 3, 1874, She was bab-- and "Coats and Petticoats," will be'tised and received her Christian train-- presented by the young ladies of the. ing and consolation in St. Paul's Evan-- Presbyterian church Nov. 27 and 29 at galical church, at Deerfield. Masonic hall. Mrs. Cheoster Wolf and| »She was married to Carl Lange on Mrs. FFrank Russo are in charge of March 28, 1912%. One ca1ild, Eva was tield. died Saturday Oct. 30. Funeral services were held from his late resi-- dence 594 Homewood Ave., Highland Park, and at. Immaculate Conception church Wednesday, Nov, $. 'Burial at BSt. Patrick's cemetery, Everett: ~His widow, Mrs. Manry Antes Pfister, and tour children: Arthur, Eugone, Clar ence and Florence, survive him. Mrs. Pearl Cornell, sister of: Mrs. Amuanamumm to many of our people, died S y at hbher homs in Duluth, Minn. She was 111 for ftour months. Mr. and Mrs. Aus-- tin Plagge will return from Duluth in a few days. Wm. Plagge and family visited Bar-- rington friends Sunday. The three year old zon of Mr.and Mrs. P. J. Anderson, who recently Cr1ased onectul:r(axwm'thybmi':lFt tie entertainment. 'born to this union. m y . iw meo#ng. . A fellowship dinner was enjoyed by| Sept. 5th Mrs. Lange was taken ill| Y. P. M. C. will meet Tuesday the men Oof the Presbyterian church and on Oct. 10 was taken to the High-- evening, Nov. 9, at the home of E. B. Tuesday evening. Fried chicken with land Park hospital, remaining there Foxworthy for the regular business delectable accompaniments "was sery-- until Oct. 24, at which time she re--' meeting. L honn tdsc --arch cdveiecmenl -- Arrvinues mm chctcccdit w cigh c ar ies ccits tb iBR t 0000000 t t s d cathcs S cocatiivitieacti t mt ie ons t Aionto tm ofi Tiantintias s itcss..--ah A. Montavon of Green Tree Inn, tuen>d to her home, but on October 29| 'The Junior choir will meet for re-- #4 A red latter day for Jubilee Week of| WAs in Deerliel; cemstery, tie Presbyterian church was Snnday' She was --an active member of St. The church was filled at both services.| Paul's church For eight years she Rev, Mark Andrews gave a history of~ taught in the primary Dept. of the S.S. Deerfield church during the 50 y2ars and for many years was a member of of its existence, at the morning serv-- the Ladies' Aid Society. She was ice,-- In the &vonm: pastors from the loved by her associates and had ai-- neighboring church>s were present and ways a kindly word with which to gave excellent talks. 'There were vis= greet her friends. She will be greatly itors from churches in neigrboring missed in t1e community. communities who: came to felicitate 8 e the Deerfield church in the 50th mile-- EVANG. BUNGALOW CHURCH stone of her existence. Rev. R. M. Williams, Pastor. 8\ _ > wammmgatdime -- Sunday School at 9:45 a. m.; morn OBITUARY--ANNA ANTES LANGE ing worship at 11; Christian Endeavor 'Anna Antes Lange was born at North--| at 7 p. m.; evening service at 8. ~ : was ahef and received a rousing she was returned to the hospital for an 3.' of thanks for the menu provided. operation. She died Sunday evening, . M. i _ of Omaha., Neb., Oct. 31, at 5:15, at the age of 52 years, rddressed the ' ' His subject 7 months and 28 days. was "Fifty Year Investment," # BShe leaves to mourn her loss her One of the most delightful gatier husband and daughter, Eva. aged 13; ings in Desrfield for some time was two borthers, Jake' Antes, of Seattle, that of the Royal Neighbors conven-- Wash., and George Antes, of Deertield. tion Thureday, Oct. 28. Fully 200 mem Wour sisters: Mrs. Rudoiph Hilshof, of bers were t from different parts Rogers Park; Mrs. George Pfister and of teh eoum.'"snmo ofticers were Mrs. F;: Clavey, of Highland Park, and guests of, honor, . Deerfleld lodge Mrs. Wm. Lesser, of Northfield." proved itself a d&:fim hostess. A| Funeral services were held Thurs delicious lunch was served at noon and day afternoon at her late home on Deer dinner at night for the visitors.' The field Ave., and at St. Paul's Evangeli-- next convention will be held in Wau-- cal church, Rev. F. G. Piepenbrok, of kegan. s , 6t Paul's caurch officiating. Interment A red latter day for Jubilee Week of | Was in Deerfleld cematery., tie Presbyterian church was Sundsy' he was --an active member of St. The church was filled at both services.| Paul's church For eight years she 4* Order through your local dedet or mail coupon -- H.W.SMITH _ YX,--NOVEMBER 4, 1926. When you sit before your set at night and tune in, you come face to face with a mystery that is as fasci-- nating as any problem that has ever worked upon the minds of men. The field is fresh--new--unexplored! | The field is yours! j Some boy awkwardly fumbling with wires and screw--driver tonight may be» fore his life passes send the spark to ~ _ The Chicago Daily News--whose business is to keep pace with the trends of civilization--has devoted a great deal of effort to the development of a Mars! There is nothing in the field of radio that can be declared impossible. Nobody knows. It is a new world--a vast world--where the mind can set out You will find it in 211 McKinley Ave . Monday, Nov. 8, a waffie supper wil be served to members of the orchestra will meet at 4 o'clock for The monthly follow. > -- Tuesday, Nov. 9, tre Mission Band m . m. and the rehsarsal will y *4 .,f f WS /' 2* P s : ' /4*& 7 AL _ sipon /:;'of"f'fi:f / JP / s¥ 95"'9'& . j /'ctéy"'f # >3 < *' PP d C P f 7 JE _ :3 New inventions--radio triumphs-- biracy--legislation affecting operation --advertising--long columns of pro-- grams from more than a hundred sta-- tions--technical advice by experts--no the continent. It is one of the most active stations in existente. On Satur-- day nights, co--ordinating with the Pho-- togravure Section 'of the paper, it pro-- motes one of the greatest educational efforts of the period--the Radio Pho-- tologue--an illustrated lecture over the air. Its concerts delight radio fandom. If your interest is chiefly technical, you carinot find better information and advice than comes in the Radio Section of The Chicago Daily News. The greatest available experts write for 6t and staff correspondents supply up--to-- matter what phase of.radio activity Wednesday evening the prayer and praise period will begin promptly at 745, then merge into the Teacher Training class at 8. Rev. Duffy is pre senting the introductory bibl> course as the first part of this course. Anyone interested in bible study is cordially invited to attend tais class and enroll if you so desire. . Friday evening at 8, the Adult choir will moet for rehearsal. Sunday, Nov. 7, the pastor will speak at both services. 'The evening service will be of spe-- Cial interest, as the Junior choir of 25 voices will sing; also there will be hearsal Wednesday at 4 p. m. 202 South Genesee Street Waukegan A USED CAR is ONLY AS DEePEeNOABLE AS THE DEALER WHO SeLLS ITT at e e t r uk <Sas BETTER THAN BARGAINS : JAMES MORROW & SON gain price. That idea has now become a definite policy. Our customers can We started our Used Car business with the idea that a good car at a fair price is better than a fair car at a bar-- tell you why. At 43 other musical numbers of interest, . _ _ The past week has been one of great _ -- blessing and hbelpfuiness to so many . . »specially to those who have k > dftl the most important step in ue :: : of accepting Christ as their Savior, and . we heartily welcome them into the fel _ lowship of the church. 8T. PAUL'S BYVANG. CHURCH F. G. Piepenkrok, Pastor. Churca School at 9:15 a. m.* Services at 10:15 a. m. s Choir Practice Friday at 7:30 p. m We had quite a treat at our n-= last Sunday. Madam Wagner, of PA a§ 2 o