C Phlnqpnra in oiee PPPP Ave irmcing sove. k " M. accidents Cook E: "fihm'-utthflnut ho es The-- figures, made public at i »Atregs mt ahoret thrge porsans *a ie s persons -- a ?«S?* run over and killed in E"é:& . streets of, Chicago. * Sheriff--elect : Doolittle H..ust' 3 --'FATHER -- TO T. Griftith & wi--to P. W. Roberts i# wt, it teng, W.--D. $0. -- Lot 6; Bur-- gtonse ewdn, Lake Forest. . €G. Schift &s--ut to = E. Vipond, WD. $10. Pt lot 10, 1, Kirk and Powells.addn, Waubhegan. ';a."n:. vg:owi.-mbwl. o --$10. ©28, Butrick> Bodlevard CT. & T.R Co, tr to Anna--M. Merk ham. Deed $10. Pt NW qr of see 20, suitner was motive in his campaign for wheriff. and has a wide acquaint-- panoe all over the county. It has been Rlocomotive tender and baggaze law Mr. Doojlittle--must file his bond sometime before ho takes offite but in the case of the other: oMicials they merely have to have them ready fer acceptance on the day they take charge. Mr. Doolittle's bond is $10,» 000 and County Cléerk's Hendce's bond is $25,000.. Both --of them heve had their bonds filled out. § _The county treasurer's bond is $1,+ fieations of the various applicants and he has finally segregated them down until he now will make his <choicg of five of eighteen whom he has--reserved for his final decision. MNr., Doolittle has aot yet made known the name of any--~deputy with the--exception of his father who it is gemerally known--will become one of is chief deputies, posdibly; bailiff of %he Circuit court Mr,; Doolitt®'s ome of the positions. 400000 and Mr. Bracher is npow get ting it filled--out. Amne E. Sullivan & hus to Eleanor' Toblaski; W.D. $1. LOt 447 in J. L. Shews 2nd! subdny, pt--eecs 33 & 314, Antioch. [ 1 MWillie Wells & hus to A. Hodal et al, W.D. $10. Pt_. lot 21, block "14, Brey :s subdn, pt sec 338, Waukegan. A. Cismadia & wf to Constan Angdromedas, W.D.© $10. Pt lot 1 g.':m.umduncgm . T. Webb & wt et al to A. K. Phulyaw, W.D. $10.° Lots 15, 16, 1T 38, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 38; 39, Wobb & Jensen's resubdo, Wauke 4 BSBheridan Terrace subdo, Wauke between the engine and tender. seis Dut 3100 a month>Sheri{? Doo-- Hittle admits today that he has had 150 applications for the five jobs to be dilled. B'_duhn!flntho.hl who @ssumes office on December 6th ie having is hande fuil trying.to de-- eige. wno are to be deputy sheriifs @uring his administratipn. H. G. Peterson & wf to A. F. Boeanw en, W.D. $10. Lots 15 x 16, block Getting Bonds=Now County officials have Reen busy the ist few> daye getting. their honds Sherift--Elect 800 AUTO DEATH TOLL of List of "Would=be's." TO HANBFUL OF 18 a rane'> -- woel elder Doolittle in «<*C, "., "-- _ | 51 ART EDUCATIONAL etflto&l'm wm paid© deputy Doolittlé -- ~"Buch an attitude isn't fair-- when: pue looks at it coldly. It actually 4s m form of 'buck pazsiug"* that the aver--. ageo motorist would sot be guilty «t 1t he looked «t«<it in the proper light." "Suocesstul «driving--that 40,; driv-- ©very variety, even the most misor-- every intenstion. Thousands ol aoc+ Gents are caused annuznlly in all parts of the country because some --dr Talls 'to give a signal and anvther as suming that hbe knows the firet man's Too many motorists never achieve perfection in their driving; their rec-- ords 'are marred by accidents of vari-- kinods and their car operation and upkeep costs are high merely becaugse they Jail in the fitst fundamental of ' Artving--the necessity of giving be achieved." saving time, M C o fit a A.----Mr. and Mrs. Hall and myself. * o I went urstairs after supper to read ' _ DAYLIGHT SAVING UPHELD \'.:---lh:'qd)lr.ll-n.uy:.'xm- ~Washington, Nov. n.-a-dqn- u.u':'u tonight. é:dt want ¥ight* to establish so--called A member that pight? ~ _ _: -- _ ----> __ bcidents and Wrecks Show That Drivers Do Not Learn kLby <~omplying with the 'signal lation, Tar--reaching results cannot Thankful? m although not in u m *Hr day's a M;vfiflu--h:fiqah;-ht,km don't C caus w : _Q.--Whaut were your movements ns j 3 j ----I was . ew -- Btunswi ,'mthe-o!ordhwdn&n::r.l _ @~~--Who was at your home theat plon Holstein bull--Bir Fuobes 'Orms by ~Hengerveld--wilt show under I+ linois=colors <next year, R. V. Ra» mussen, Deerfleld, IiL., -- purchasing the ~champion for $7,100 : during the national Holstein sale --at Wauke swha.. The 'price 'was not up to e# peotations, -- for 'breeders freely pre-- Aicted the #--yearold> would outséli apple Pébst, selling a year Ago to Canadian buyers 'Lor $15,000 «t the bull, showing: to perfection 'tollow ing the victory at Detroit, was $5,000 m""r'.'.;...'-.:' C n the * lers ~ram--> Offer up to. $7,000 and for a time it appeared Mr. Rusmuswen had jost terest. ~His additional -- $100 bid ber hose from Auctioneer Bob Hae: mnight? 1t ts A.--I was yery restless that night Wisconzin's national grand than *g ¥3 Tat. . ¢orRs ~a s3 .ts3 Township high school and was in her 'wexilor year at the time of hber mar-- 'Victory Memorial hospital at 2 O'glock yesterday afternoon that her ..:t.:.-fi* operation, ' light of--day. :-fltnflwmn. weighed five pounds --sat birth and weports from 'the 'hogpital state that the child is strong and 'healthy. awakened at 2:30 by my uister who asked me to go salong to the church as Rdward, Dr. Hall, badn't returned "Did you have anything to o with the murder ~of Dr. Hal and Mrs. Mils?*" defense attorney Clarence case breaths ~as Willie answered firmly, and in a loud penetrating tone: and <was 'rushed to the Victory Me-- orial hoapitul where shoe under-- went the aperation st 1:15 o'clock eurprisad the :courtroom. -- ~ --<. _ ~-- Mrs. Hall beamed at her brother. -- ~ BABY WEIGHS FIVE POVNDS Babe Born Thru Cacsarian Op-- eration to Mrs. A. L. Jenkins-- 'Willie talked 'In m cool,; There was no doubt that ° t 1w > [ u. ut t xq e oc 6 A Small Down Payment and T mnimo n myre lanonme ---- Modern Gas Burning Appli -- 0 th . ALESS CHANCE --OF ILLNESS ) BABIES ONBOTIHLE Show that about--70 per cent of all "" of ~all infant sickness are among: the artificially fed. If these figures 'hold good in Illinois, we find Abat 7,000 of the 10,000 annual infant «Sleaths--occur among the 50,000 babies who are denied > the privilege of feeding in the wey provided by I !* geems ridiculous," Dr. Rawlings continued, "that anything so obvi-- busly advantageous as 'breast feeding Sor infants requires emphasis in this day of vaunted intelligence. Care mm:maw of -- childrep examined at baby con-- child born in McLean county con-- | &re §A berning the importance of breast | the ma Seeding and to bring every possible| the le% #scientific --mssistance to those moth--| to TeE »erswho find breast feeding diffi--| as the 4 meems ridiculous," Dr. Rawlings | Olution cL."htm- Obyi. | county. H.: Richardson of New York, one of the leading pediatricians of the country, delivered a series of lec-- tures before the physicians, the murses and the women of Blooming-- ton.--mand wicinity. An effort will be made to inform the mother of every child born in MclLean county con-- verning the importance of breast Feeding and to bring every possible #scientific ~assistance to those moth-- trs --who find breast leeding diffi-- < Springfield, II1., Nov. 23.--Pointing v that. 50,000 o1 the 140,000 babies iAs physically able to nurse 'her baby and that in so doing she chooses the best possible thing for the child baby and that this procedure is the greatest single preventive of infantile McLean county," Dr. Rawlings said. and avoids a inst of grief for That Breast Fed Babies £2+ C3 redarren. 30 e S olkk s w ie CE UA i% w ies on 02 w %;5;{{,::' RCOB FSRRIS doc k 3 sn % S ho w s but mo Extensive damage is reported. Nimes, France, Nov. 28 --An earth guake of threee seconds duration was registered here today. The walils of His sled shot into the path of Sergeant's automobile. intensive search was started today for exgirl members of the House of David, with a view to bringing addi-- tional charges against "King" Benaja-- t the breast lose but $,000 of th tufbance, Tor instamse, which is-- most always associated with iaulty diet, caused 1,748 oOf the 9$$1~i@ fant deaths in the state while many Of those resulting Trom infoctious dis eases doubtliess originated in poor nutrition. From 6 to 9 months at the breast is for a newly born inlamt what a "n:: egg" is for the poiem tial busin man about to start his> careéer. Lack of these thing*® is a handicap that can be overco®m®e but it makes <progress much mare difficult and frequently ends in d# aster." Several members of the Lake Coun-- ty board of cupervisors are viewing with considerable approval the atti-- tude of the Winnebago county board of supervisors who have made e de-- mand that the Illinois | legislature pass a drestic road house ind dance hall law. At present there is n»o law which regulates road houses,. al-- though there is a law which provides for the licensing of dance halls. The Winnebago county board {eels3, it is «aid, that a drastic law w'hich dncorporates both road houses cnd dance halls in its provisions, should be passed by the state in order to give county boards more power in ty regulation of euch places. The re# olution urges the state legislature 40 take up the matter at the forthcom ing session in order that it may tbe -- come operative for next seasor. Members of the Lake County board are said to feel much the same about the matter. They believe that uuder the lew they should be »+mpowered to regulate the road houses as. wel as the dance halls and it is indicated that they may decide to pass a res-- olution similar to that in Winnebage ASK STATE FOR NEW LAW Favorably Impressed With Ac-- . tion of 'Winngbago Cc. Benton Harbor, Mich., Nov. 22.--Ar Board On:--Read Houses. MEMBERS FAVOR NEW REGUL ATION WITNESSES S$OUGHT bead of the House *4 of FATAL