. W. W. Carroll & Son ,Co.' Cory's Market Phone 476 Full Line of Fresh Vegetables Our Best Creamery Butter, lb. . . . 49c Native Steer Beef Pot Roast lb..18c, 20c Good Boiling Beef, lb. . . . 12 Me Premium Pork Loins, nice, small, . 25c Little Pig Pork Shoulders, lb. . . 22e Swift'sPremium Bacon, lb. . . . 42e Hetzel's Sugar Cured Bacon, lb. . . Me Hetzel's Sugar Cured Thtm, lb. . . 30e Manor House Coffee, lb. . . . 55c Savty Coffee, lb, . . . . . . 50e Yellow Cling Peaches, large cans, . . 25c Tomatoes, fancy, 2 cans . . . 25c Peas, Early Aims, 2 cans, . . . 25c Pure Wool Blankets 70 x 80 Inches . " Part Wool Blankets 66 x 80 Inches " - SPECIALS for SATURDAY iii :95, _ - 6"" 3":-- a h ' - fl (ir,,,?,) ' et'." .7 Qi)? r. si, ' " ME " ld " [SNS), ' " @2" tii-lt? tii.iiti "gilt; tiii.,(,)iiii'i: «mf' Rtit iiil ' t ' E 'iyd, ' tN, Ill IIN 50' ri?), " Beautiful, UnbreaimbU bq7 , rd 'l'Aivmn nnIIo iiiitQt _ WARM GIFTS [:3 545 Milwaukee Ave. Formerly Uptown Market Few of\0ur Many ~For each penny . spent at our store . N during the period sl 3 stated above, each . ,1 customer will be V allowed one vote. ,,,,,,,s/t Ask your friends to save the voting coupons for you or to put them in the Ballot Box in our store. Call at store for rules. Ddcker & Neville) These Dolls sell at $2.25 to $15 We are going to give them away to the 15 little girls re- ceiving the lagest number of votes between Nov. 27th and 10 o'eloek Friday eve- ning,_Dec. 24. The awards will be made CHRISTMAS MORNING; at 10 o'eloek. TALKING DOLLS Given Away! For "The Rexall titore' -, " T' $975 $4.25 to$5.25 50c 25c 25e 25c an" ttA.M. Mr. M. P. G. Osborne and runny left Wed. nesday of this week for Ottatm to spend Thanksgiving with "the. at Bountiful. line of to" and Christian Gifts. unworthy; 1t Mn. E M. nudity In I Wake an mum- Saturday momma. t Mr. and In. "no: Jolly and son. ot Chicago. - Sand" " the home at Mr. and In. Rom .Belter. Rev. John E. my. pastor at tht First Methodist 'tltruetirpat church, and - will attend n Tunhgiving din. ner at Belvidere. where thy funnies of the relatives of In. Dalian; hove s reunion. _ Mr. ma lira. John Chphun and non- Jam. Jr., um timers, ot Wuhan, visited Quad" at the home ot Ham-y and John Almond. on But M P. E. Sentr- um! My are in Yfi- wnukeo today. to new the Thanksgiv- Intt holiday vim mum; Min 811mm Spellmn. of Wake- nn. visited friend: nnd minim here Int Sand". ' Bloom Hosiery sue-men's wom- en's ma chizl'drpn'l homr--%rttins tNt. urdsy. Nov. . hmorthy'u 1t Mr. nnd Mrs. Wesley Waters, Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Prouer. Harry 3133):» ar and Rudolph Wagner anon a show in Wnukegnn on Sunday evening. Mrs. Henry Enter and'son. Alvin. were Waukegan visitors on Saturday max-noon. Daniel Whigun was ln-Wtukemon Tuesday. guest nth-lends. . Miss Myrtle Wehrenberg wu 3 Wm- so, business caller qn Monday. _ Mr, and Mrs. Maurioe Swan spent Sunday afternoon at the home at the latter's "rents in Wankenn. Local and Personal Items. Of General Inter'ést To Locai 'Péople LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER,25, 1926 (tft tSh Dick Bar! is going around mumbling 202.' All count of no tact {baton tut Snturxy he sold the 20an unto- mobile this your: the "can" plate. on his ctr bou- the numeraU 203. and no telophone numiaer " (he - is the maaie number 202. Next time Dick sum south with . party of friends he my drive 202 miles, but not likely. ' J f PIANO TUNING . In] G. Alden The men and boy: of St. hymen? church will make their comma can amnion on Sunday. Nov. Sit, at 8:80 a. m. This ia the ma! custom of the men 1nd hon of an. xvi-com] church wroughout the United m on the' first Sunday In Advent. This dual-noon will be 1 time at neck! Lester. John Lester and my N. Smith were in Chicago Mondny night tovattond . banquet It the " Bone tsothi, tttran by wholesale firms with when John dun. Mr. Smith VII no" of Mr. payer and intttreeaaion on the etiureh. '. Funk Bammmrtn?rr, Jun; of Inn- deieirr left today for Chicago. where he will communes rebut-Ids with nov- enl other talented musician who are to perfect a mutual act in mun- tlon for Btatrspremttation with the Orpheum Circuit. Semi-maul Hosiery Sale. Lant worthy'a. "w , _ 1t The poetomce will be closed after 10 o'clock u. m. Thanksgiving day. No mail will be delivered by the carriers. This applies to both village and rural carriers. All mil will dispatched on the um! schedule. . Pun to so t6 the annual bemrof St. Lewrence'l church on Tueedn)'. December T, "lemma end evening. in the perish house. The chicken din. ner'rilit-tsdtromstorr.nt. Osborne. They made the trip in Essex cur. Rqeiraorioeated N.W.cond i Windward ' I L P. G. OSBORN Real M, Laminar-no. ammuoomm 'ttAr.MlNimrtteoAtm 701.4. LET u help youplm. Then go home and tell your wile that you no going to move into your new home. It'll aka ton you: ott her lite and wrinkles from her rent-worrying 1mm. ' vta'2in ofPinnoTnnar 1""!an & tln-M REALTOR My people crowded into the town wr'rueudsy night to participate In the 500 and buneo we: which were the main rental-e- ot the card party xiveh'by the American Legion end the Auxiliary. Prizes were "and"! in etch we, nnd during the Mme of the evening the winner of the Auxil- hr! hope chest was moaned. John Cole "and on Karting n post on"! his own. One guy this week he stepped into, the {pet office con- ducted by Uncle Sun. carrying n pu- eel of freight car proportions. and uk- the clerk If he "could send (hit off for n am." Atterpreitrhintr the memo John was informed that it would not An nuance": decorated table, in Thanksgiving style. and a."turkey dia. ner, we. whet awaited numbers of the Lucky'ls Bunco Club when they finished their weekly pinyin; " the home of In. John Dryer, Mechanics Grove Road, rt',thri,fig,'"t,',t, Prizes untied to" winners In e bump eon- teetn were In. H. Selma-men. timp, Mrs. 'Md Quentin, Md. end the con- eohtlon to Mrs. Henry Essen. L. B. Rice is the new representative of the American Railway Express Co., " the Libertyville office. He is kept busy all dar,and part of the night tak- ing care of the business of the com- pany in the village. Mr. Rice says a great mount of express " coming in sad it is continually trr0wintr,utn w- count ot the approaching, holiday sea- son. C. G. Sweatmsnn. who ha been here for several months. hu'been sent back to his home in Hal-uni, and rep- resents the Express Company " that place. '. "MEN OF STEEL" . The police department of Milwaukee Saturday notified Libertyville officers ttttyt the Oldsmobile touring car belong- ing to Simon Roppelt, which was stol- en from in front. ot St. Joseph's Cath- olic dhurch Sept. 19th, had been found in the Wisconsin city. Mr. Rowen went to Milwaukee and brought the car home with him. - WHERE PM" Illii Wlth gottettA' MLSTON and Lows; onus". , Truly a MI (Pte, ter on. ' only. tted Mm a" 'hat,elt,iq Mg. "rt tarttUh '9. pun t-'uetea. l iatur(dar, Nov. 27: Sunday, Nov. 28: ROD LIROOQUI In the Famouo ' cm by [DNA FIRBER, A Complete Line bf Converse and Goodrich one-' and four-buckle Jersey Arcties, All- Rubber Arctics and Light Weight Rubbers S26 N. Milwaukee Ave. "Chasing Trouble" Prepare for Winter Thursday, Friday, . Nov. " and 26: l Thursday at 2:30 PIT: humanism: In HI. Jim! Slut 8ka _ for Men, Women and Children. BEST KNIT WOOL HOSIERY FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. C van. 00m; KENYON Cannon Comedy , ' " "m" """v HARRY LANGDON In "GrGolLo" _ l "The Strong Mari MILTON SILLS In RAY. N. SMITH 'rr'IHEA'"rRE kw " , Caboose The' Converse Heavy Duty Rubber with the White Band Around the Tot, for Men and : Boys. For Men, Women and , Children. ' Babette _ The N e w Converse , Hookleu 'Cglosh for i For Women. ' Miss adolyn Gould, of North Chi- cago, t merly of Libertrvitle, is an entrant in the Movie Queen contest "on" by the Howitzer and H com- ponies f the National Guard unit in Wnuke being conducted in connec- tion vi h the Thanksgiving festival. which 0 ed at the Armory in Bram Jretran may night. Miss Gould is the da hter of Mrs. Edith Gould. of 137 Jo n Ave; and represents the Chteago Hardware Foundry Co., of North Chicago, by whom we in em- ployed. In teh contest. Mug Charlotte Buyers, L. T. H. tr., high :43th girl. repreeelta Libertyville in the contest. mu Bttrertf picture was printed in the Irtdeperret Nov. 18. She is the. "tighter of Mrs. Mary Ellen Snyers, of North .Milwap1ree "Avenue. FOR RENT-we hue I modern nine mow house. well located, one car "Me: $60 per month; immediate nonunion. Sellers than". It With a salute from the rifles of the local American Legion firing squad and amid colorful exercises. the American flag will be unfurled to the breeze over the new St. Joseph's Cath- olic school building Thanksgiving momi at nine o'clock. The Kiwanis Club vi 1 take part in the exercises, as well as tae American Legion and the Auxilia . A flag pole was presented to the chool " the contractors. Pet- ersen and Weeks, who erected the build The dilldren ot the 8021001 will att nd in a body, and many mem- bers of he parish will be on hand. The flag mi in; exercises will start imme diatcly. er the mass is ended. " "The Clinging Vine' tlc Carroll Gridley, Libertyville banker and resigned conservator in estate of J. Seeley Gridley, unsound mind, Monday filed an appeal in cir- cuit court from probate court, in which Judge Martin C. Decker had ruled that an accounting ot a $27,000 him back te.gito have the parcel de. livered in Philadelphia. John paid, but has not been in a good humor since. Thursday, Friday, December 2 and 3: Wedneulay, Dec. 1: sttdtrgitht .' ll L A K E C '60 trT Y. t Wyn»! "can. In T NATIONAL iid'tilk- Goodrich Zippers Tuesday, Nov. 30: ' PETER B. KYNE'S f "WAR PAINT" Monday, Nov. 29: The rldin', Fightln', Smilin' Son "The Texas Streak" Comedy: "Vamplni labia." BENIN? OF GRAMMAR T "Moot. With TIM MoCOY and PAULINE STARKE. A Grout Outdoor Story CARTOON COMEDY Leatrice Joy Hoot Gibson MINI." may. Libertyville " Read the Classified Ads in the Independent Many persons have wrecked their. , tunes upon the rocks of SPECULATION. safe, BaneJnanrer than to take ajshanesud LOSE ALL in wildcat schema. we will lie glad to advise you on money I) matters and investments. Come in. . "THERE'S ENOUGH DRAM, IN ONE MOVIN' PICTURE AUDIENCE FOR A DOZEN PLAYS Ps---- (101.067 __ Y SEI: Libertyville Lumber Company At is better by far to sgve your money in a Down by the Old Depot-Been there Twenty Years Telephone 47 Start Saving Regularly NOW The" Most Painful Drama is the Tragedy of a Cold House Order our coal and discover meal speedy delivery. Burn our cod and learn comfort. , Phone for (me- diate attention PAGE FIVE