g; *4A 4 *% s h: -- > f 2 F g * > _ * e e _ * ' - x se' x .. » * k mt . ~ o > % 4. < C 2l < ¥* ® a . . s a # 7 . 4 > . * *"*: i i ad @ > & I-- % * '- 4@ ue W * . GUILTY AS CORKS -- . POP FROM BOTTLES * «Jury Finds Deerfield Man Guil _ ty on Two Booze Counts _ _--_*«<--jin County Court. 0o 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0o ° Claude Colby, of Crystal Lake was a Monday caller at the Esse Figher ~Mre. Clinton Ravin spent Monday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rich 3*'."«'%3 \_____._ _ Automotive Equipment . ~ y -- Accessories, Replacement Parts, Tools 00000000 0 0 0o 0o 0 0o a sold. As it heated up in the court Foom the ftireworks started. First one sork popped and hit the ceilling and ately©: rapped for silence. Assistant States Attorneys Minard Hulse and Harold Hansen en,tered a technical plea of guilty from the stand. &mmm booze, possessing it, and»then ing it. He obtained it originally for eounts of possession. ~A motion for a new trial is to be made Tuesday before Judge P. L. Persons by --At-- Rorney Jack Bairstow. (In the event tell of finding better ~than -- three gallons of booze at the Christ Peder-- son home, Deerfield, Friday returned #vith a verdict oft guilty. As the corks popped out of his hootch cbottles in the county court Mr. and Mrs. Lesalie Davis, Mrs. L. C. M. BERNARD, Prop. Telephone 456 LIBER"] We have installed the latest equipment for repairing radiators, and are now ready to serve you in that line of work. There Is No Need To Go Out Of Town To Have That Leaky Radiator Repaired ALCOHOL Man Garace WE. ASSURE PROMPT SERVICE AND ~~ _ FIRST CLASS WORK * 188 Proof. Waukegan Tire Market V OLO * es t 4 50c sallor Mr.-- ~and HEATER Hlltw| & )|a business caller in this community|C. Monday. * C O0| William Geary--of Wauconda was in| _ °mmmyumwm.m Ir.m:u.lmmmlh& as | Edna avent Thursday evening| -- er|at the E. H. Meyers home in Fremont. | an Robert lhlafl.'fll¢m'bth= y | Stratton farm first h | Miss Johnson and mw spent the week end with relatives of | un is | the former in Chicago. in T. C Thomas Dowell and James Dowell were Monday dusiness visitors at the Mrs. Robert Vasey was a Waukegan | caller Monday. % | ~Mrs. Joe Vogt and daughter, Mary, w mouren?y in ine near Lutlure. |. _ The E. O, Wilson {amily of Libér-- Archie Rosing of Round Lake was tyville will be guests of Mr. and Mrs. .bmmrhmnm-muc.gw.w;uuy.muflwn Monday. R Carr on Christmas day. ~ William Geary of Wauconda was in Miss Eleanor Meyer of Harvtey vis N;rbwiqmmwrn.gimm&rnmum, Edu.&rmntmm mtb.'mdlfiilr at the E. H. Meyers home in Fremont |and Mrs. Ray Reeds, whose hand was Mmmmdmrmmmmmumhms Miss Johnson and _ Miss Raether| Wesley Memorial Hospital, Chicago, rBise hc'h:uo. dh»a' ufim"e::'ti-'-fii the former 4 m.mucmuhmnmumumq.@' awmumumugo_ng.m hamaa THelAaw Mre. Esee Fisher and daughter, Bd-- | ~'The Primary nga and 'Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher | terian church s motored to Waukegan Friday. _ mas party Tue mmmmmgmmm of the week on a hunting trip "n the| Gren have alre southern part of IMinois, . m'm& Mra. Lovi Wait wpent last Thursday pared ""m'."' wihi Mis: Rart Townsend, given <at thep mmmvmmwmwm driving new Ford coupes, presented to * This a+ them by their father. t nwtthoeu m'""t"m&.m,m"n" 'mhwmm. ----| ~The Harold E owners of a new Chevrolet sedan. e to Higl Earl Potter is working on the Lowis |_ Mr and Mrs. Lusk farm in Fremont. moved into thei Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rossdeutcher and| Miss Sadie G som Kenneth, and daughters, Arlene|cousin from Wi and Shirley. attended the bazrar and| Mr. and Mrs. « supper at Ivanhoe last Thursday. their new home Mrs. D. V. Wait epent the week end| Highland Park, with her daughter, Mrs, Harold Stro--| Harry .Norto: ker, at Wauconds. guest at the Fre William Vanderbloom plans to move | Sunday. _ _ _ Archic Hosing of Hosnd Lake l ramkg ut by , was % be a business caller in this community|C. A. Woif aal Monday. .w Carr on Christm William Geary of Wauconda was in m-? this. locality on business Wednesday.|ited the * Nes se atme Leer e Peeeer ano alse [ Mr. anct M at the E. H. Meyers home in Fremont |and Mrs. Ray R Robert Daisiel will move *to the | severely: Stratton farm the first of March. _ |iive wire *"'uwmfid' o ts 3 business callers at Paul Schumach-- er bhome Wednesday: C n Miss Vera Vasey, teacher at the Roseville school, is i1 this week with Mrs, Leslic Davis and --Miss Rdna Figsher were in --McHenry on business Mr.--and Mrs, Joe Wagner and son, s posty snd will report on | hh 'long w on The teachers and officers of: the| the story mmwh?rydommu ing : the : of 8t. Paul's Evang. 8. S. gave a party | Nativity for their pupiis Sunday morning. A|sweetly'r }mwmmmmm out thie p much to the spirit of the occasion.| The iH "The teachers remembéred all thair| trees 'at T >--a I d PiNien. uie Onlatonnetiiiniss e ith o sc M 4 c vAC _ Mr. and Mro. A. M.>Johnson of Chi|dobation toward the affair, M»cumm eago, will be guests of Mr. and Mre. A.|licited the candy and did all the work |and sisten J. Johnson, Osterman Ave., Christmas. | in {connection-- with }'.' Donations |ner and -- . Twentyfive young people of* °t Were received from O s, . the| Mrs. Lis: Paul's Evang. church went about the | KNaak drug store, Mierhoff's, Mro. Min village Sunday. night. singing Electric ~Shop, ww_ a ay carols. The season was thereby | Steinhaus Market, Shapiro, A. ar |nnmmimnst more pleasant ~for themselves | Mallot & Johnson (wholesale & s and the homes in which the _ songs | Of Chicago), Gordon Baking .| resounding. _ After the mmmw"lzh'cowmww% y gathered at the home of Rev. and|And others. 'The Leigler & Haut Drug| | Mrs. Plepenbrok for a social hour and C"ol..umubdtholcomumb- ~A hfihnhugdmnnm CHRISTMAS VHSPER SERVICE |_ as their own. girls met at the | .m'~'m : ~« e t:qun. Richard Farmer last| ThoC vesper service of the| $i _ and had a fine time. 'They made| Presbyterian church, held at 5 o'clock| #a-- $11 at the bakery sale Satunday, and |Sunday afternoon was a beautifui serv--| $ wigh to thank the patrons for their in |ite and the memory of the effective home of "Mra. Richard Farmer -- last| _ The Christnias vesper service of the woek and had a fine time. 'They made| Presbyterian church, held at 5 o'clock $11 at the bakery sale Satunday, and mmwu;bnutlnmq wish to thank the patrons for their in m'udmmma&d«un' mmmmm;_Mflm_th 6rful lighting, " mmvflmmvmuuumhmg that later. ; ~~] those. present, -- Mrs. n "told C&uu'" "mmm ':en.a:«;amm.'"m departments ¢ &# hold-- uummzam.;m Nativity music By a quartet was for their pupiis Sunday morning. A | sweetly rendered at intervals through-- much to the spirit of the occasion.| The iHumination .of two evergreen The teachers remembered all their|trees 'at the church entrance seemed pupils with presents.~ The Supt. told|like a cheerful invitation to all who" a.Christmas story and the children | pagsed to come in . and share in the sang Christmas carols. Everyonse con | service. The offering for the evening tributed to --make the occasion a joy--| was sent to aid the missfonaries in the Masonic lodge attended the instal-- W:Chhaf.:layonm Day id Derby of Deerfleld was installed as . Kynett Hachner of Des Moines, Is., ies a guest at the John Stryker home this week. _ & _:A family cetebration will be held on Christmas day at the George Stanger home. ~Relatives from Rogers Park, Wheeling Ravinia, : Highland -- Park, Deerfield, and Mrs. Entdors, of Mon-- tana, will be pregent. Mrs. Entdors is a sister of Mr. Stryker. '"The King of Christmas" was render: ed by the junior choir of the Bunga-- tow church, in connection with the Christmas program, given .by the on-- tire school., Miss Miriam Stryker of St. Luke's a conference at the Bungalow church :ufimmm at . _George Stanger and daughter, Mrs. mmummw'n m&"wu?uun.o.% attended the opers, "La Boheme, mflhmhmvmnéd tiole family reunion Christmas day. wiich will be held at the Fred Meyer home. Samuel Hole, of Sheby Mon., will also be present. ~Mre. L. C. Hole, ##enjauil H0l0, O LCASDOF, mzmmmnm mother, Mrs. L. C. Hole. He is now in Toronto, Canada, on a visit, but ek-- pects to return in time for the Philip Miss Elizabeth Rackenbach, who is at Highland Park hospital is improv-- ing slowly.: Miss Viola Rockenbach visited her Friday. M The Primary Dept. of the Presby-- terian church school enjoyed a Christ mas party Tuesday afternoon at the church pariors. This group of chil-- dren have already sent away their Christmas packages to the Indian Mis-- sion in Arizona. _ The children pre Em:tf:ummwu:': " " . o" - ; .-- The Intermediate Dept. will have a party at the church Dec. 30, while the Uuniors will celebrate Dec. 28~~ ' --The Harold Bennett family expects to move to Elgin next month. -- Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Meyer have -mdhbtldrhtuw-n. Miss Sadie Galloway entertained-- a Mr. and Mrs. Gus Klemp moved into their new home on Ridgewood Drive, of Deertield members© of Hole, evening the cantata, attended the Christ-- % hy € Byria. Rev, R. N. Williams, Pagtor.. Sundsy School at 9:45 a. m.; morn-- ing worship at 11; Christian Endeavor at 7, and gospel service at 8 p. m. -- iD i Cns s o m e were received from Olendort«" w subject for the moseir lc Tok _ 100/ment -- He is reported at present, as o s i oi i e | o ns naprat n a o. mew, for the 1927 Ga ,". Hach member | Memoria! hospital, is a liitle better. was called upon to report the progress John Irving is on the ailing list just c .'...'" wore given. , | F. A. Martin apent several days with wm..'.-'u"""'.h the Lake Co. supervisors last woek. Mrs day, Jan. 19, at the home Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stroha! and ped w"""'*"mu&mw"nvmmh Tt + Olhlcol;onnd-y e avouue, . . in P. T. A. PARTY Bio SUOCBRSS |wna, hn Te ape" e} npr o m"""'""""""""'-m;mmvumm mmd_mr.r.xu'mmm W. A. B fi evening "INIIII m' Saturday Miss Vivian Bonner left Saturday m", .m- as an-- | --Mr. Mrs. erson are en-- ":u M"""Ml::mmcuagoom 'time. _ Dancing was held in |the week end. ' 'Mm"""'"mm The Masons and Eastern Stars held borchestra furnished the music. The|installation of officers Friday evening part of the entertainment, card| _ Miss: LiHian Strohal will entertain &""'~-""'4M--rumvmwan.m_-t a w'""'"mmummmu ~ khe of the games. a There will be a Christmas entertain-- '"Wflnmhmmmumenmm,mmg. fh_""' were provided, al| ~ Mrs. Mary: Bonner Knox,. formerly c P roses 33 CC3 well natronized. of this vicinity, wife of D. 'T. Knox, of . used in tarnishing tCE "Hll b¢| Alpéna, South Dakota, died Saturday | fis: t.'"""3"Ifil'llllll.lht.a.'u..tthouoct'll': M Ork of organization wish to|last Monday: ves follow-- thank the merchants who so kinaiy|;"," 1M lLEY., ~fe leaves the follow-- s Sm (Hn Oe e e ee " u«. & Hod subject for the meeting was "Reports un.lmo.:gum"fi for the 1937 t ".Each member | 13. was called up f U 4 2D ho Brtden, and many interesting | at ~Whe next meeting of the club will be |+». t the lhald Wednesday, Jan. 19, at the home amw.melismun: iy cletied president pregahe" "ny,| 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 To oo Saiitees eos ue spvointed | 0 MILLBURN . o wmfi.'m, 000000000 000 0 0o 0o Wikien . Mm- W d22deee ol | _ Poter Strang was taken to the Lak dan. Farner and n "p ; MuNM** J" |County General --hospital formfle Deerfleld Garden Club met Wednes-- day, Dec. 15, at the home of Mrs. E. B. mmmmwmmmnmnnmnn d were guests at the party. The|C. E. social and Watch Night service. assembly hail and junior room were | This affair will be held in the Hersch-- prettily decorated with Christmas col berger hall and the friends and neigh-- ors and bells and a tree sparked with |bors are invited to attend. ;mwm Our mew E. L. C. E. offivers will be . A short program, in which Rev. M. |installed Sunday, Jan, 2, in our eve-- WI!nawm flmh.:lr.m?lnflual & there were songs children, | t on hand make it an impres-- was. given. 'Then the small guests|sive service. were marched into the junior room,| We arée gind to hear that Caroline lore they found tables set for them | Hans has been pronounced well again and es & QMaaqi.mthqufll,hnbhtom was given, a ing ~filled ~~with| _ Bervices beginning Sunday, Dec. 26: Christmas : nes. _ * ~ . ]\@unday School at 10 a. m.; morning _A feature of this affair| worship at 11; E. L C. E. at 7 with '-'l,ht-u_h%.mumunt: Wednesday at 8 poor ~ children. committee in | (at the parsonage) prayer and praise mmwmnmm-muunmmm rmann and Mrs. Getty. sonage) annual S. 6. meeting:; Friday ~. _ Mesdames .. Meyer, Sherman, Kocb lin and Hicks were hostesses and they served delicious--refreshments at the close of the meeting. ~ AT .PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH _ The Christmas party for the Begin-- ners' and Cradle Roll Déepts. of the natt EVANG. BUNGALOW CHURCH DEERFIELD GARDEN CLUB ~Clavey . ++ #mP €f 4200A dn 23 n PARTY ing of the gifts of all gifts, namely: _ Jesus the Christ Child, God's gift to "| the world. May Jesus and all that He and | has dong iIbecome so real to us this Mrs, | Christmas season that this may be to all the hapblest Christmas ever. «C000( CC0O;_ 700. 209, L io . ag0-- UOL P1 }m Burial was made at Alpena | last Monday: She leaves the follow-- f!n: ~children: -- Arthur, Edgar, Harry and William, and Mrs. Etta Mearns andg Mrs. Helen Hollingsworth, of the home vicinity, and James Knox, of | California: also the following brothers "mhihhnmwc:t JH.Bon-l m, + mn" Mrs. Listle Mnaawcnuu. a:!' Tpnv&b:.nmnunun- ment --at urch Friday evening, . Mre, Mary: Bonner. Knox, formerly octy-v!m.wnean.'r.ma, Alpena, South Dakota, died Saturday ; morning, Dec.| 18, at the age of 71 at 9:30 (at Herschberger hall) Watch 000000000@0903 (By Rev: H. E. Grimme) ; Onrmm'!'nl hold its annual meeting on Dec. at 7:30 p. m., at the parsonage, and at 9:30 the same evening we wil} have our E. L C. E. social and --Watch Night service. 'This affair will be held in the Hersch heoies Athoot toom Thursday evening 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0o ships of u?_;. O. J. club andthe young men's club will be held at the the church Jan, 1, at 10 a. m.. 'The past year had much in store for us, mmthhamamdn&:ln 1927. It 4s desired, therefore, All who are interested in the church and work, come to the meeting: v ~A meeting of the combined member-- ~«Everybody is cordially invited to at-- Attention is 'hérewith, called to the annual meeting of the members of St. Paul's church,. which will take place at The various services at the. church will again seek to do jJustice to the greatert of all seasons. -- Don't fail to gee and hear the 8. 8. children in thoir program Christmas éeve, Friday, Dec: 24th, at: 7:30. Dec, 25, at 10 a. m., German Ch;ultg m'mm{nea at: 10 : 15. Tree Outfit 8 ||-- on an eight--foot ping device for add-- ing-- <extra units, a cheery gift for Onty $ 50 Compicte Kight colored lights LINCOLN LUSK _ Auctioneer _The Man With a Word Every Second 218 Park Place ~-- the U. 8. T SKATES |J ~Right now the young folks (and a few of |J the --older ones) are enjoying the wintry (|f weather, for it brings the fine sport of J skating. The skating place at Cook Me-- |J morial Library has been put in first class «J --and is for the benefit of all. Frank H. Eger | f HARDW ARE | Phone 17 e e T Ts ncfcenmrnn ..' The ice and snow--covered hills are just right for coasting. Gladden that boy or girl with a fine new sled--made to stand the hardest kind of use. _ HIBBARD GLIDER SLEDS $1.35, $1.50, $2.00, $2.25, $2.75 SlXFl' HIBBARD COASTERS, $6.75 All sizes of leather straps, each ._____10c Union Hardware 16--in. Racers._______ $8.00 Bo Nestor Johnson Hockey (shoe)........$7.50 un oi 50) Pase tt d e y ts t t o ue + l poms é > 8 .4{,:.\_. 4 SLEDS FOR COASTING neatly wrapped in Chistmas boxes. °_ _ Our gift Flowers go on their mission Many gift--givers fall back on this worthy suggestion--so we suggest your order at once so that your selection may be all you wish it. > : *> The Appropriate Way of Saying "Merry Christmas®*' --with a lovely boquet of holiday Flow-- ers to your dear ones. They express a re-- gard--an affection not told in gifts more material. § cE CS