<C. . «P stt : £-- l s3 > MB 2 . os2 +. malies ~@> ,,; s e s > _ YOLIVA WINNER %' IN $700 L&WSUIT «* «have treated -- _ . 'courts:" The '~=_--_~--Beard within : «------_ terday resuite Pes . the M «_ ~~ OBLF WITH RIFLE _ s oc _ Affer a_EtWwo days fight .be emergod ""E"r'. wictor | the Rep ~\Paint | Brink _ . . wnd Varnish company, go, which | Huber --___ had asked for $700 tor roating com-- | MUbNke _ it > poun @a to Zilon for the purpose ¢ S wo _ M::g»: o hM' % _ _ _ -- veoliva had-- refused to pay thB bill * *3 65 08 . } .::, _It. ~His t, : he | Sehnae A C429 & 'km 'g':\c 1: M A + o h and t:l:h be able to s early e spring rat} ing . until the 'Greenbs : completed _ _ =~-- _ _ Bids were to ho ope . miles of road in !Mlinois . Lmke county picce was « county was let just «**home" job was called. _, Although the south end of the & has protested in Springfield too much paving gass +tn thae _ Wwhile Wilbur Glenn Volva, Zion's 8 t, has contined himselt to the UpE principally, the fortunes of war na¥vo treated him 'um in <the courts:" The second m'o be pard within the past two yes-- terday resuited in another victory for t c north end, the governor has "'...."' fl«mim ill sections will t : gir license taxes warrant, & understood. n ' ' KE "'w m Greenbay road. 'This job, started last September, is more than half done in spite of the bad weather experienced last~fall. He ~has two paving' units nearby, it is understood, ll't!:ldhbc»kumnhouxu early the spring rather than wait-- ing @ntil the 'Gréeenbay road was 1+ the graded p.}gm. m = corners, just woest of La southwest into Fox Lake. ported from Springfield Monday. > __His bid was. $107,010.29, or about _¥he route is known as avenue and the plece to be FEUTZ LOW ON . FOX LAKE ROAD _ AT $107,010.29 obtained He then lay down -fl.h:f%theufltum gun against chest and pulled the ug..m' and the ambulance were summoned bnuo'::-ly and no time w'-luthruhh.h'vletptom J.l..::ltnnl,lu.nvh.m«- inlaw brother--inlaw respectively o ottho-hooux. All were were witaesses of the shooting ' All is said to have Examination showed that hisa life had been spared almost by a miracle. The bullet struck a rib and was de fected upward, missing his heart, Dr. Walter at first endeavored to locate the bullet but because of its location decided that to probe for it would be too dangerous. That the bullet failed to strike a vital organ was indicated Sunday morning when Scroggins was able to be removed to his home. Bar: "Oh, you have chicken blood in you and are afraid to do it," Wagnetr Scroggins was out drinking heavily on Saturday. When he returned home shortly before four o'clock in the afternoon he is said to have made the same suicidal remarke. M. M. Wagner, who stays at the same ad-- Scroggins took exception to the se marks and to prove that he did pos-- Mutthahdm'hh C he has a splendid chance of mrdm&.h ".m s by A on Bu-- .omsocnm'Mh TVE LACA !-D- . weease _ "he . eAE TL T C man living with his wife, 433 Hickory awmwwy. 22 caliber rifle his chest di rectly over his heart late Saturday afternoon, and pulled the trigger. He was rushed to the Victory Memorial Hospital in the Holland ambulance and was attended by Dr. J. E. Waltet. Mel i'- og! ins Shoots Self t were to be : on 136 of road in Minols The scounty piece, was sec-- A half mile strip in DeWitt T was let just before the his at the time. its first viotory m" ore the x --Lake. .Part of by the Chaino-- sue and the the Voliva faco Hulse was the| Franzen to paved Krumpey Lovell . 3rd high teany, 1 game, No.--4-- 563 ith high team, 1 game, No. 7-- 563 Weekly high seore--Johnson, 246. lst high team 3 games, No. 9--1662 Mhumlmg:l---lul 3rq high tesam, 3 games, 8--156€ Ist high team, 1 game, No. 92-- 595 -- mnmm"u'{ The Church of Good Will. "Character and Spirituality in the , Book of Luke" is --the subject for Sun-- | day morning At 11 o'clock. If you are a member of the church, or a Chrizs , tlan, you will want to attend the Monday night we hvo'anochl; mesating of the congregation to hear : one of the pastors of our presbytery, a member of our Boards gnd a lay | "service." Miss Erma Hafemann will worker to speak of the we can all cooperate imour work. sure to ~The young peoole plan a sleighride for the coming week. -- ,.. * subject, "Sonship to God." | Wibertypvilie : Cburches | vm_bnk on the "Immortality of the-- A.tmmbmcfluat_':l?p-lgf to The Lesson--Sermon also in-- cluded the following passages from the Christian Science textbook, "Bcience and Health with Key to the Scriptures," by Mary Baker Eddy : "Ignorance of God is no longer the m-str to Mth'.' 'r;:hody guarantee Qfi-h« a right ap-- prehension of whom to know aright is life cternal" (Pref VII) Son. ~He that hath the Son hath life; anrd bhe that hath not the Son of God hath not life. And we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, even in his Son Jesus Christ. -- This is the trtiie God, and eternal life" (I John 5:11, 12, 20). dfirfl.n Scientist, Sunday, fq- ary 16 :11, "Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of Joy ; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore." Among the citations which com-- prised the Lesson--Sermon was the c og it gloucgl_&_lllh':h_hhh nc CC l! 5n regtinr mmb foe ALL ARE LIBERTYVILLE CLUB BOWLING scorEs]|@ CREATLY REDUCED. » Aml5 [IAN SCIENCE CHURCHES Morning Prayer and Sermon, 10:45. Church School at 9:45. e Rev. Guy E. Smock. Pa mmuo:ng"m TEBAM NO.--8 service at 7:30. -- Sermon 183 117 499 192 210 10 16 172| was in the lower reégions with 400. 188| Joe Wright was also counted. among _._| the lo wones with 499.. > * 129| Koennedy had a big load to carry. mmmuflckoduphhhnvux; 186] Doiph ~dropped. . Wehrenberg ------} pcked up a 496| OM Spark Plug was there with his slough hay, and that's eaty. 123| Harry Meyer sure saprung a good one 143 j about the hoot owl. Who would have 151. thought of such a thing!-- * ----1|~ Three teams in a tie for ninth and 417 | eleventh --places; i lnm'zch-h,lt'"kwnm- 103| kening "621 and Johnson who had ----l'les, getting 527; -- George Lawrence mum&.w%&vfihm 139| last woek,. with 472, and Dode Swan 'w . Aage four points. > ko _ The--surprise of last week wa ter's outlit taking three games |Swan's team No. 9, which tea two records last week. _ boy's team, No. 11. -- '| . ; in By taking three games from team No. 5, Team No.8 goes to the head of the class by two games. .. Hubbelt was lost because Suter and %.mmdwm Bill had a ind time all by himself, x since the first two weeks of bowling. What's the matter with Lovell? He missed three weeks in a row. -- -- 3 . Krumrey's team No. 1 lost first place ' meet at 6:30 Sunday evenings. j The Epworth League will begin its ' mission --study on next Sunday eve-- 'nhc.lnun.u, The older people are invited to attend this study. ~Six | lessons will be taught by six gifferent u«m:'nmovw + | . The *Aid Society will have a ' social for all members and friends of ' the church on Friday evening, Jan. 28. "l'&.fl,lhon,dthfln..thhd ~We haveselected 100 workers for the educational campaign to be car ried on to Easter time. When you :Mv;mmmm" l AMB"". lm»mfmmuml- B'iff for more than 20 years. Funer-- al services were held from the home SBunday School at 9:30 a. m. bride contrary to the court order with Third Floor First National Bank Bldg. | all sides being happy over the nuptia's Mrs. Sarah Steinmets, aged 88 years, a prominently known resi-- dent of Lake Bluff, died --at > the home of her daughter, Mrs. Moon, at 120 North avenue in ~that vil lage Thursday night, after an extended mwmm& "All the girl hbhas been to me is ride party to Mundelein last trouble. 1 gave her permission to go to evening. 'They went to the home Of | Connecticut two monthsago and I Miss Millie Wrench in Mundelein and | thought she would stay. Caesar causes had a pleasant social time and refreshb| just as much trouble. I understand School. Will teachers please f';iofir_nfll__to_o'o! e AT AGED RESIDENT OF '; LAKE BLUFF DIES month--to 'tind the real watisfaction of t.'.!a\lo ing subject at 7:30, will u%"* The Mfmm.umupv'orof mmh,-h a large congre-- BSunday morning, Feb. 6 It will be agreat favor to us. : Doctor will be present and preach--at the 11 o'clock szervice.: Will all members of the church and friends, young people and all otherm please come on that day.-- Dinner will be served at the church for all officials and their fam-- ilies, and the Quarterly Conference CHRISTIAN SCIBNCE SOCIETY Becond Mass at 8 a. m. Third Mass at 9 a m. KFirst Mass at 6:30 a. m. Fourth Mass at 10 a. m. No. 8, also raised his aver-- for , doing the heavy work a meeting at the and Junior Leagues 1lost first place & -- Popular Plaids and Checks ftom the nase|@ Kaynee Suits, Shirts, Blouses and Anp e INDEPENDENT Classiflied ads get the results you are looking for. that there have been fights over this marriage.. 1 am glad that I can wash my hbands of the entire affair," he looks much as if Caesar can take his JjJumped to the probate court to name a guardian and--Mr. Przyborski~was to ask States Attorney A. ¥. Smith to m-thwgumuNhtho eounty court. ) ~proceedings were Cresar -- but the mother, Mrs. Mary Pencak, objected. She went «o far as to Ask States Attorney A. V. Smith to Mary Moraweki, J7 and Ceasar Kalin-- | in a Waugu an filling station in De owski, 21, both of North Chicago, will | cember 1925. Another couple, who be celebrated with the. benefit of | atccompanied the 16 year old girl clergy but it will be sans--the approval |to this city were married at the of a probate court order, it was learn. | same time.-- Disregarding the unro-- ed: today.~ * s <~ . *~-- J mantic setting of their marriage the Ceasar took out his marriage lic--|two ~girlse 'returned ~to ~Milwaukee ense last Monday from Deputy County |confident that although their mar-- MMu.slmmet- rlages would not demand -- much ten approvai of the er was given |space on the society page that both at that time. , s nevertheless were legal. But, and Judge Martin C; DecKer, of! It was not until the boys involved the probate court, claims that the ,had disappeared and the girls sought mother is not the legal guardian of | warrants._ on abandonment charges the 'child. He .&omu mlm:a realized that they had been Joseph Preyborski, of North chielu' . " as guardian montbhs ago so that y Bimntn Fhhat Hima Hacrk aoanatmll t ald child could be taken away from the 'The approaching nuptials of Miss Mary Moraweki, 17 and Ceasar Kalin-- owski!, 21, both of North Chicagzo, will *"@ Caesar Kalinowski to T a k e| 8"*of "Brivein Sptle ol' 1udbe "| Bros: Our Annual 9c. SALE _starts Saturday at 8:30 "It's up to Joe,",the judge said. * don't care," the postmaster--guard-- At that time Mary wanted to wod a. m. Hundreds of use-- -- ful articles on Sale. A#k for Circular, if You Have Not :. " f B i i OnU.A 3. C B Same Garmentg, in 2--piece style, sizes 12 to 16, at........ ed; special cut seat; always comfort-- able; sizes 2 to 12; -- | during this sale at...._..___.._._. $l '59 For Boys and Girlss Good weight Flannels; pretty patterns; frog trim-- Jerseys, Tweeds, Corduroy, Flan-- nel Combinations; Broadcloth Blouse with Wool Trousers. Ete. Every suit Guaranteed and Greatly Reduced. fully figured, at --.------.............. Cut extra full and beauti-- GENERAL MDSE. | B _4 4 JANUAR Y FLANNEL SHRTS WOOL SUITS PAJAMAS 6 % noblewomar, during the time of teh American Army of Occupation. "The Desert's Toll," which comes Baturday, is the story of the gold hunt days, ol a chap who fiirted with death to save a girl--only to learn that she has dgowble crossed him. Any person liking action and outdoor photoplays ends ites showing Friday night, turned out to be a delightful and stirring war comedy. It deals with the romance of an American doughboy and a German GOoOD PICTURES AT AVUDITORIUM THEATRE FOR THE NEXT WEEK _ .Bince that time the' younger girl bhas , becn confined in the county hospital at Milwaukee while the older 'girl has married. With the release of the 16 year old girl from the hospital Saturday juvenile court authorities believing that conditions in.the home. were not of the best arranged for 2:: commitment to the state ind school. viewal of the case o James Oliver Curwood, that prolific The Auditorium $1.69 n Was a Fake by a Buntes, assorted chocolates, Ib.: -- ---- 59¢ Blue Rose Talcum Powder.........21c Blue Rose V anishing Cream, jar, 50c Blue Rose V anishing.Cream, tube 25¢ Pond's Cold Cream, 35¢ size........29c¢ Pond's V anishing Cream; 35¢ sz., 29¢ * Infants. A. Full Line of Sizes and Phoenix Silk and W ool! For Separate Garments; regu-- s lar value, each $1.25; now.. ® now Silver Fleeced Rardom Suits 'I'lefrula.r Value, $1.95; -- 51'69 Regular Value, 75¢, now now ::z :c sxykL o c ts nOWw :....:...:.:222.2.. Regular Value, $3.25; Blue Chambray Work Shirts . . rI'tfle'_'g'u'lar Value; 81'.00; f 89 c 3 s P FLEECED SHIRT AND PANTS CANDY SPECIAL DRUG SUNDRIES # o e e e e c m t t he se en t 6 m e ce ne me o en s cce ce e en e e w e en e e in m m in e o e e m e en m e e en o hn e e e m e mm tm m a a m# e ner he me ce eme c ee e cce ce es ce on ce ne e tm m Patterns; Priced From ar Value, T5¢, now 59C wOOL UNION sUITs _ with House Peters, expect a tremend-- ous drama of the snow country. -- Monday and Tuesday's picture deals vlhcfloryvhichhdurbtbeh:.rt of all. "The Unknown Soildier" is a story of the war and love. The pro-- dgucers could now nave picked a better story of Sunday evening's play. When 50c * $1.50 Value, $2.50; _ STATE BANK, OF MUNDELEN At the pre For a Himi 5 LIBERTYVILLE mss BANK |__a return of less than 4%. r a limited time we %'l;'uy these bonds and pay * _ | the eurrent market prices. Bring your bonds iim.new and take advantage +0 of this offer. & -- $1.19 $2.69° $2.19 sent market prices these bonds are paying cast than Charles Emmett Mack and Henry B..Waithall for this type of picture. .¥ W No picture program would be ocm-- plete without a story of the modern jazz age.. Next Wednesday night's pic-- ture fills of the program. It breaking as it by the fast oz Under State Government Supervision 4 Will be Given Away FREE IJannary 31lst, 8 p. 1 _ Winter Millinery . _ At Cost -- Owing to Limited Space, EVERY HAT MUST GO to make room for "New Spring Line. A New Hat to freshen up your new winter outfit at :\%omly Low Prices. R Ladies' Silk and Wool Union Suits, ~knee length, low neck, €9 A0 wny o v *n _ Underwear Ladies' Fleeced Union Suits, 99 broken sizes, to close at..____.... C Boys' and Girls' Fleeced Union 89 Suits, open and closed seats... C Boys' Part Wool Union 4 Suits, fine quality 31059 Girls' Silk and Wool Union Suits, up to $l~75 Girls' Fine All Wool Union y Suits, each 52 29 no sleeves .....______________ Ladies' Ribbed Cotton Union Suits, reinforced crotch, 95 during this sale ...____________. € BIG ELECTRIC TRAIN | and BIG DOLL and | DOLL BUGCGY _ 1. *~Ask for Particulars. Ago» . _ If you like x7 2 D To YoOur AND NO CHARGE FOR DEBL *tem full of fun, "Love 'Em and L4 "Bm" will be an enjoyable picture HNDENT--ONLY &4