_ JAMES MORROW & SON ~§ hmmmwwz Telephone 228 '__ /A useDp CaR is ONWY As Derennasue _ at --Home Fri ariey R=4 S oral l s . # E* s _ MASON & WHITLOCK * TAKENBY k« ~--_"We Settle Claims At Once" sell at Plablic A uction onwti)--el;&is; E:'o?e v',vgm fevrtc h h } auconda, es w Center, 7 miles south of Grayslake and Wl 1O o Op in Southof Cravelake and k ho o 4* F t# l e i o F A A CE -- R iead of Lm «-- 11 Milk Cows, TB tested. and to be sol 60--day restest; 1 Swiss Stock Bufi' ng two years old. f t . wt. 2800; L good Gray Mare. _ _ Delivery _ All sums of $25.00 and under, cash; over that #-.rm be given on bankable notes bear sst from--date. No goods to be removed until} terms . CQIUOVYaIOTs .. 4 -- Power go iing and * ~© N. N. Weber &--al, to R. A. ane, . o 222 L. ; Reversible Wriger and Stand . |[|W.D. $10."COt 7. Oakland ut mm ' Lot of 1 14 inch Wateés Pipes: ||| °* 3+ Antioch. F *A . m"mw € ~ A. L Ostermann & wf to P. _\ s <s. . YJ <~Barge Dinner Bell _ ------ maker & wf, Jt tens, W.D. $1. fer:. :. 'Mm 3 |L. :G. Wainwrights subdn, pt s Tools and Infblements are PRACTICALLY NEw1~ ||| Y24kezan _ _ _ > __ y, January 25,1927 at 12:30 p. m., the following: 124 Belvidere Street Wire: W . n saerk sez SCT Mrs. Mitchell. h I ackte \ rod "which ahe" hnd pessed sirce daugh um k Halzan Aunze. 14 o S eels on | o tars Hk o "o odoalts. Li 4 -- Mabe! Rablingto John H. Rahbiiag; Ts ht donnnpuened mflafmtmm '-imn. 0. 85 3&»&% 'r of Week when she valled'is atty ciar| Give Site Eor Institution. _[sec 35, & pc 8w New wl r sennanstepnmmmmmnamns J5 o*k 8. M}hl!' m-iav'l;" & Clie : > Manor, pt e :s > ; /!~ in : s is mt c w ; NP s * ; $ .n'uux-m,m'l: Q'.. Ne 25 | | egpe t i rgg + uniipnoces anearee o ILLINOI8 Prsteris ; ~W.: Larson +~&. wt to --P.Schumaker & wt, it tens, W.D. $10. Lot 9 J.'G. Wainright's subdn," pt: sec 20, Wauke-- E-- W. Colby & wf, et al; to H. Bulk-- ley & wf, jt tens, Q.C.D. $10." Pt lots 3 and '30, ~school sec 16, Libertyvilie. J. J. Distmeyer, to C. N. Shore & Milwaukee RR. Co. Deed $1. Pt lot !Mculotl.blo,ekn,fmto!l. c."l'.&fi!.'flo..u'bn.!.hr& ley. $1,500.-- Lot 226 in Krenn nd Datos Highland Park addn. Htlhfil. Waukégan. e ¥. Swift to:board of education for Lake --Forest, known as Sehool Dis-- oL. the NE ar of 200. 1. Doordeld." * er s G. A: Tu.ofi"t to I. Cataldo a&%u.o.m. Lote 2. 4, 5, block 1. to 24, block 10,--lots: 1 to 11, block $8, lots 1 to 6, 51, 52, block 30, lots 46,--47, 48, block 52, lots 5, 6, 7, 8,:9,--10, 11, 12, 18, block '58, lots 4, 5, ,t.v.t.t.%mu.uun.un 36, 36, 37, block.12, lots: 28," 24, 25, 26, block 34, all: in: Spring Biuft addn, pt G. aA, Truésdell:& wf to M. Catoldo, Q.CD. $10.. Lots 25, 26, 27, 28, block 10, Spring Bluffs addn,' pt Sec 3, Ben-- Urion . 8. B. Martinto A Hein, et al, W. D. $10. Lots® 95 dand 96. Lincoln Bartictts North Shore ~CT & Tr Co., tr to Helen A. Ko-- m"nui $10. ~Lot 31, block 5, * Bros Sunset Terrace, pt sec 22%, Deertfield. 4. § _ EB T. Barnard & a}! to Barnard and Miller, a corp. ~Deed $10. Lot 19, So Highland addn to H Park. ; ~ F. H. Bartlett, tr to Marie Kulyan. Deed. $10. -- Lot '£&, block 17, F. H. t'nton Bank of Chicago tr to Androa i t ies . L Lyon & wt, Jt '&'i?zx:?';: 206' 16.' Wauks-- J. K. Fulton & wt to 8. Hotfiander & wi1, it tens, W.D. $10. Lot 76 in «--~A, Hein & wf to J. 8. Hyatt & F. J. Kramer, W.D. $10. © Pt lot 7, Buelis sub, jsec 28, Waukegan. .__C. A. Shepard, et al, to C. 8. Lamb, W.D. $1. ~Pt sec 17, Warren. _ e --W. I Lyon & --wf to G. Reed Lyon, wW.D.$10.°%Pt-- lot 11, S.T.S. sec 16, Sec 4, Shields., ~ A. Mavis and wife to J. C. Plizgge, QCD. $1.090 Pt Sec. 35, Wanconda. + _J. C. Plagge to A. Mavis and wife Jt tens, QCD. $1.00. Pt See, #5, Wan conda. ' _"C. M. Evanse to T. E. Gray,. WD, $10. Lot 12 in James A. Reeves Sub Sec. 16, Waukegan. -- s L E. Ray and wite to L. C. Ray and in j G. Ray and wite to L. C. Ray and wite, Jt tens, WD,--$10.00. Lots 60 and g&m-numnn.m. J. J. Morley and wite to J. W. Mc: Millen and wife, WD, $10. Pt. See !.4. *Kimbell Trust and Savings Bank ' # 4 h 10 :A.a-m-.n.n.n.n.»u $4 Barron and Von Achens Grayelake Sub, Sec.--26 and 23 Avon. b ) Understood That Sister:--Com--| see-- 23. Deed $10. Lot tp Waun-- Ibufl.hflc::.' &d Ol".ml:t ?1 J:l.i. 16, Biltmore County Estate, pt Sees 1% und 14 Cubsa. -- ---- -- > -- . --_ "~R. Borregard and wils to G; Sea-- " e & ies ds es oo W L. ~SEHS & > T . 0 '?l'nt Of @% Ar to E. A. &» Deeéd --$10:~ Lot 19. 'Waod: land a"dn 'to LAkQ Forait, pt sec 1, MII. m __' R .; * A CT: & TA.. Co.,.. tr ~to Petroncila Hawkinson.~ Deed :$10,~ Lot5, block 2. Braingiar Bro%Sunset 'Terrace, pt 26, ~ State Bank 'of Chicago, tr to R. C Rddv. ot al. Mw 21, Wood-- land d@#dn 'to Lake : pt see t, *. Emanuelson &5wt to T. A. Eman uelson, W.D. $10,,° Lot 10, block 1 Siyfiled subdn, pt a*e ©20, Waukegan A Lady Got T v-- _ _ °~ meve uy u TUuIin OoOf the mm Al T * s 3 3e ralet mtb light it should, because it be. "~«" * *) 454 . 3 ed on a lighting system twice #HIS Company's lamp sere _ .. ag : _"» zerful. Science says this vice m afly standard : Simagies nonneuse 0 ----and put them to workinherhome } hi!" "..'::hi'l'-ucdy mmmw It _ enough.: It went ¢ for the in a blase of giary y iesu,oet . Wasofthecorrectstrengthforthe HE second" lamp was is esn !"!.'rd'nmofhg. -- prot w 0s __VC. J. Hager and wt: to F:=G. Hager and wi, jt tens, WD, $1000. . Lot 12 Hagers Subdn, sec 35, Cuba. _' K. C. Pitman to A. Helss and wi, guuvm.m. Lot 38, Petite Lake __!i_fllu_hflu. m alare "a--stack ~dividend of 300 -- per _' A Meoeting 0f the stockhd iders will. be held this mugrm purpose of :gudut:: m.\ltoek .,koht::.- Shares " w 2o 'that the additional 120,000 --shares: will be available for distribution to its stock-- Stockholders to Act On iIn-- . E. Pratt and wf to N. K. Reese c -- -- sorkens soroyrmes _ _ [1~ i Smith's Taxi - % ie & f ____ G. H. SMITH, Prop. _ Nor lirst installations, to all Rate "A" ---- _ * iss e vithout charge in hange 1 t installatione. toall Rate "A Service includes the tA :~ Telephone 3704 _ 113 Gretta Ave. WAUKEGAN, ILL. s %#*: ; uo M ofing c o 200 60 0 a Te o e . J0 j B ~w@ayoC H:'" L W E* k ' w 3 %w&l'fl"'fif- EP ':f e' > ';' * ces * 4\: n . *> * Tose driw whin, merria h. parlft ® _._. _ .} _ x . » P Libertyville Post 329 . 57 2Ograrker and ut to A. 5. Kn( S Ey = ITUOISE 1 wekrs riner tuesoay of eac R'w- 't" m' wnfl_".ng', ~ 3 r a 3 ~ * "*__' V'_':, e * _ t"'mv ".'l F:-iaumuuun.mmn. tam 10 * > C e e e : C. C. HOBKins, c y °_ _A A. Laurideon and wft to R. J (§ | Eo. & w i _ : Telephone 345.J Henthorn and: wi Jt tens WD $1700 1 'HWM" agk €: «.____** Lot 17, J. 8. Hoviands srd Addn to|[f . > s Highland Park. ( f €3 ' , L ---- <W. J. Egan & wf et al to A Sucks { P $ {' ~A 7 4 ME & 9t 38 ts t ¥or hre erma l _ 120 ~*-- PVINSURA NCE Lotl}.Block&,loxBlvereprlm, & e * _ MV 2. 1t Hupig nd wt to H { | * i. '§z & . MAu aR « & 7 WD $10, Lot 1, First Addn to Grand |[J / 3 - !'5 A. A. Grandy miri io ot o yumkes : --Il -- o --p: GODFREY 1| s :V. nm"v%p':ucdoxfing;fi:; [ * <The quaihny ecargh ; || o | and --wi it tens . t | of the NE gtp--of sec 32, Antioch. ,i GRAYSLAKE , ILLINOIS ' Phone 217--M LIBERTYVILLE i 'J. J. Dorsey and wt to D. W. Fet|f _ «_ . .. iss ho MR O lets and wf jt tens, WD $10 'Lot 6. npmtrateatem MEIL L s Nonald and: wf jt tens !,M'i"fl;;nb,-rr-fl Acme Coal Co. Good Clean Soft Coal, $9.75 per Ton Coke, $13 per Ton ling.to Pub Ser Co of N §:: g BW :g of sze¢ BM "and part of L i0 idwe.. C K ~:~:] M Repair shop located N. W. come ane .o Ond T8 _ Kayser's pure dye, -- [\ WAUKEGAN, ILL. [ROOFING Night Ph. 497 Day Ph. 51 PIANO TUNING J Teams for Hire < Earl G. Alden << [ B By Hour Or Job 'Memiber National Association _/ UR Racements a Unaniah Good Meals 50¢ is done right at Cichy's Talloring Shop. Prompt Service. J. CICHY Prevrietor Telephone 551 LIBERTYVILLE ARLJNGTON 4 HOTEL #: Gomg to Build? TAR and GRAVEL ROOFING Ready roofing over old Bhingies . _--swor ane material on your house complete for a set fig--urse so you will know just what the cost will be before starting. R. L GONSALVES We Do All Kinds of Rooefing WITH TAR--AND mfl Work Guaranteed | Office in Residence at -- || : FREF OF C H A R GF Gu:lnh&lAmLM:vng It'yu.t_.mvmm LINCOLN LUSK Auctioneer The Man With a Word Every Second Call, Phone, or Write to AT LOW COST Telephone Libertyville 568 218 Park Place TELEPHONE 67 | D. C.. Grinneli, K e JC % . of Each Month at Masonic Hall -- Visiting Companions Cordially invited SNO W'S Meets First ond Third Monday Nights LORA STURM ---- EDITH LAYCOCK Meets Pnd and 4th Tuesdays of Each * ~Month at Gridley rial! -- Reverse Charges on Business Calls J. B. WETMORE, Secretary. _ _ !-- our speciaity. worv.. tary assortment of material for to select from. Mhmzn | Telephone 829 _ LIBERTYVILLE _ > ' Office With Farm Bureau n.' 'm "'*"' S e Telephone 551 LIBERTYVILLE y Meots First 1nd Thire - Friday Nights of Each '."'fl-y Hall, First National SanB P ti® -lAn'.".':g:' Neighbore Welcome 'u' a me a _ __C 00 CC COVe PPEA RADLOFFE, N. MADOLE, Office in First National Bank Buliding Hours: 1b3:~and7u.p.-_ FRED GRABBE ATTORNEY --A T LAW LIBERTYVILLE 1LLINOS LUCE sBuiLome Res Phone 136--M Office Phone 16 Auctioneering FARM AND STOCK SALES A SPECIALTY 912 No. County St. CICHY'S . TAILORING -- SHOP No. 272 R. A. M. Dr. O. F. Butterfield ATTORNEY--AT--LAW _ Office at Home on Cook Avenue CATTLE TESTED DR. J. L. TAYLOR A I L OR I N G Telephone 162--J LIBERTYVILLE ILLINOIS LIBERTYVILLE ILLINOOO Columbia Lodce No. 131 Mystic Workers . COLBY [--TUESDAY OF EacH F GRIDLEY HALL H. MORRIS CAMP No. 176 Post 329 *