_ 144 miles southeast of Wadsworth, 314. miles|or 112, #rank Huber hit his < Ligh _ . gouthwest of Zion, IIl., known as the old Meyer m"".:.'u.g wit provably E_ BFos. Farm, on S 4 Krumrey team meets Mublke to «e-- ~----*-- AUCTION E~ Declaration in a suit <filed Thurs-- .. ~G@ay in <the --circuit court at Wauke-- _ FRED CGRABBE, Auct _ AUCTION SALES CO'®, Mgr. _ 8. A. DANIELSON, Prop. xd _ 6 REAL HORSES, COWS, HOGS, 80 H. P.!1s ~ STEAM ENCGINE:; all kinds of MACHINERY.|«: e MoH . _--| M! . <gs > i ® WARMER THAN SAME MONTH LAST YEAR SATURDAY, MARCH 5 «BEAUTIEUL SPANISH HOME "LET USs BLOT OUT YOUR INSURANCE TROUBLES® # "We Sittle Claimd At Once" > I wish to announce the removal of my Harness Shop to 118. East Cook Avenue, opposite Pester's , Inquire of Sellers & Petersen «------. _ Benjamin L. Dan W 11 8, La Saile 8t., Chicago MASON & WHITLOCK = . .]) .. ABmbAM®a ----_ |reptened1994 _ _ FOR SA LE commencing at 1:00 P. M. TELEPHONEKE 272 «3% TEAM ; 12 Ti 99 8 494. 597-- 441 410T0 IP W,IGHO T¥ EHCBDCIG 1 TEAM NO. 1 _' fever. To go over the .600 : aansmtarrie" V . _-- 1»-"'"":'4&&: +m ----I} 100 14E Whisht's team were the i o_ * Mn gnnnieaces,. [ BB They ---- t «> "*~ *§3¢ ' 624 '"_m"mmm.n" oo k mmmemmmppmmmmntionmmnmemmmmzmes | third pI&tC. -- _ _ _ _ © -- . _ _ #12 494 168 199 597 579 146 182 42 rst game 548. to 538, 1 F1¥OB_ FTOO | «--trrmmmmmmnmaommmmmmmommmmmminmmememmmminzmes . WMCCRUCN: C388 LAIBNCE AVCE. 16t. -- OHC Weskly pipn Soie in _" Svee Pred| t P RFENT 'Wlock east of Sheridan foad. 2 biccks Tean No. 12 also went .' _ -- --«FOK KEN _ i horth.of Wilson Ave., Chicago. --Telé-- into mmm% rmmbngmanermontinmesick omm phone Sunnyside 6190. 1 It e"' M g hz .." * wiee _ sn is' + f l*--------- T5 "Sag N_ ) mm hy bwo vinezB ' Fest of Half Da: ,",.;..,,""""y'p.",,'.':.' FRED C. "BERLIN AUCTION _ Here is w'iere Wehrenberg had buck s.cmi Ok, Lake F Hiinois. Telé-- _ Public ay % . fever. To go over the 600 mark he phone 410. * s »-'"'.mlym;fxm.u"xfi:':':: w: r "'.fl' 2 a + | M pBNCT money, you can. 'og Cormers, 2 miles west of Kitty Cor-- ~ t's team the vi in | _ w "8 room Brigk bunksionss BO*®. 2 miles southeast of Lake Zur-- they broke a three--way tie, going in :'"g..f'm":""?""""'? feed. Terms: Over $25, 6 mos., 1%. Swan's team, No. 9. Jost first plage trance with ful) length mirror door: Ank. Freelidh, Auctioneet. @x in the two on?':oumm'm ,' ubml ateeenmmmig cancinteie mss and the 'mxo. T Tall ; tiret piace |knchent" m.-mmmu: Bs CONSERVATOR'8 SALE f by two games, and three weeks to §0.|dry frays; hot water tank with gas staTg OF ILLINOIS) Although 'they lost.. tie last game-- rfi*; furniate heat; wg:'m -- -- Yes: .pins, Smith hit 134. Too much{jrooms decorated; extra attlc. COUNTY OF LAKE ) mm~%.ma-w;uu, Into three large bed-- No. 10193. In the Probate Court of ! hitting high mark with rooms; open: inspection Sunday aft-- Lake County. 'g!:'imymmum ammuw'flnwnmmmrammumu of 491. .' t& t:Q m:"m'| Jolin J. Jager, as.Conservator: of N page, with ' good -- money Worthless Theodo inbarske, Insane u:mn.m&'"'::" 3 'l':l;:t !iim into|ceipts. Yours for a home of your own. Pu-m_r:orl'h':v. reazwmer :'I prew we delein recreation parlors Sunday, Feb. 27, between a team from the Peterson lmmmmm«umm [auuw the 'Libertyville Fa;o. the home boys lost, ahn-omm The Indiana f s lost the first-- game by 17 pins, but came back strong and shot a fine game 0 990. Petersen himselt blew & svare in the last frame, as did Harms, which beat the boys out of a Nes ananat ons * 8 $ [Mmmmsw-tlhflln the last game, but they could not cw iit over 500.. Te home boys had but one blow in the first game. The rest were railroads. _ Krumrey --was the only home lad to hit a 200 game. Whi:taker had six and five strikes in the last game, hittiing 144 at that. ~Much cred-- is due the Indiana boys for their sportzsmanship.= This makes a game for each team, and the Liberteyville team will journey to Laportéb for the s aoarey" decide the winnerg and standing. The Krumrey team meets Muhike to 4e cide for tirst place, Second and third places will be fought for by Franzen and Wright. ~Fourth and fifti places are tied by Swan and Johnson. Swan meets Dolph's team. Although Doiph is in last place, his team is eure taking everybody for two games lately. _ Gehrke If you can* guess who ie is, he's the razz of the I'Jb'c.nyvflh.(.'.hb Bowling Johnson meets Suter, and BlubhM ranged so that buyer could sell 50 ft. Tomn to heep out Of the ooher. Teat i Yhen reoraied. 'Hantweod tioots + x een: decorated. meyer' meets < Wilkining, "fim'xm.hmw A u.-m:amw:mw.oml The home, grounds, trees, fruits, prize money. Watch the Independent!and garden form a combination which for teoh next three weeks for results:;is hard to duplicate at this price. At the close of the league season, all | v nrmmm mm averagaes nd staanding, as well as the| One of the newest homes in Oak-- prize winners will be printed. wood Terrace has been placed with us Frank Kenzjedy now has an averagke A spcial match was held at the Mun-- ----<--CP9 m 188 171 189 214 186 197 110 167 1efi 144--513 198--594 167--814 a_ouysl day. o-n-tmn.mts; 201 M east of &X 3 ,,,,wg FOR RENT _ _ | norm or 'whison Are: C Z8¥ * oi oo i pey, hss "oumls < > crRED C--BERLIN _ th"mih * °. i9 $«" day, Marcs 7, 1927, at 1 * | RPOR: ..".ni_ ) Cothers, 2 miilles wen." s hj f W'&': mors, . 2 :ifi-mm ru;mp' compietfon on Kast Sunnyside WA 224 5 miles north of 167 218 132 1 INDEPENDENT Classifled ads get * the pesults you--are looking for. wo m u ith ranfuows mz-';-muuuw iearihs compietion on Kast Sunnyside WC" 204 5 miles north of Palatine, my Ave ; -- loors and trim; tile bath #t°Ck Of horses, cattle, farm tools and adv%zo clothes closet off en (0°d. Terms: > Over $25, 6 mos., 7%. trance w mam door; . AUE. Froclich, Auctioneer. 9 it L Wc m&".'_._"l'_!'{;"!'f"!_'_'_' CONRSEBVATADS ga1n & 'I-- CLASSIFIED | ADS -- 't"o"a'nlv'o.mOuIa:E:d_" pigted only last fall, this h:n. is up to mne:"mm mmm..n#mm erushed stone drin: beautiful oh.-do trees. Te price is only $13,500; terms Cel 1*uuis 107 a uOIne UP JVUL CV B« | -- Person, for leavre to zed} real estate. xtx.-mmgmg';-' . Public notice is hereby given that Phones: . Office 469; res. 269. :hy'virm:thoou::nddmd A fi "fi d Rooms -- |Wizois, entered in the above entitied mmune A. D. 1897, 4. John J. dreger Comery. en % s . Jaeger < Lantks®~ % nlLnnaken : Hiiume u..o'x'." £¥ls mina. "'g.rd l_u.odo_" Jm_ ,_'h-A insane, WANTED--Plain sewing:; neat and reasonablly ~Gone. Mrs.=~: Albert Doepke, 609 N. First Bt. 7 3t FOR SAALE~1 room modern home, 2 blocks from C. X. & 8. P. Ry. Chris Hapvke. 121 Lake St. Phone® 179M _heat; 2 blocks from North Shore Line.~ Inquire at Independent. 8 t Avenue; 1%5 -- feet . paved frontage; best and most beautiful location in We offer w a price of $11500 a &room entirely modern home right in onethird cash. Cld / WAV""Q?E»HW. B:> P.ione $46--J. .. _ S it'___ _ Cost $3,000 four months ago; will | provemehit,according to benefits, the fmwummv»-dimmlmmm the 14th day of Marchk, A. D, 1927, or ' u----'m.'nu':'.:u;:zg: $120, °'°fl"g"d'wlor um.'m W;gemn m'rEMum:;shm of ' ; will & frame top; wainut dining room | Court f persons 'm na:m c-§-m:mmrhnm: lamp; 4 mmnflobmaau |enmninnniifitinepisiiemennininnmionmmnecmmsisnin prmmmmmsmmmmamz . DLOCC WA --| _'nnt-oo-m."g, mwmnldgflmml.. "fi.'fi':'%fi "":}.l:l?"m 'Jl'l"h:"":reu: tt;:-e mwoe m;#:: omm uc m _ ~L preciated.. §32 Leland Ave. 1st. One !ten &nfual installments, 'w*h annual * _ c mfaAs Grar biock east of Sheridan Road, 2 blocks | interest at the rate of six per centum location; garage; paved street;. lot TOx170. Telephone 127--J. 603 Brainerd ground, 110 ft. street frontage, ar-- ranged so that buyer could sell 50 ft. Telephone 451 extra large lot; best location; reas-- onable, Inquire of G. C. Gridley. « 6 tf FOR SALE OR RENT--130 acre farm ~ at Lake Zurich. -- --F.> H.Kuebker, Grayslake, I!I. * . T M FOR SALE--Eight room house, good ~__ HOLSTEINS and GUBRNSEYS _ Close springers, fresh cows and helf-- ers; :car load or less;~all T. B. --tested. from clean county: some with C.'T. A, recotds.: Gilskey Bros., one imnile north of Roung Lake, HL -- --_ _ 0 U Avenue. HELP WANTED--For © house --work. LADY WANTS WORX by the hour or Real Estate For Sale Cook--Avenue 50 ft. wooded lot, 'Livestock For Sale Sellers & Petersen Sellers & Petersen Position Wanted *8. GRAIN FOR SALE--Pedigreed | WANTED--First class, all around ite. ~'Telephone either 670--W.1 | with steady employment for-- teh 'right K. : * > > 9 2t man; must be well recommended and .. Almond Bros. 315 N. First|~ CHANCE FOR YoungcouPpLe BUILDING LOTS For HL. +J| -- Ing oills, greases and paints. Excel-- slon. Jed Oil and Paint Company, ---- . | Cleveland, Ohio. . it llareh.A.D.uz'l.stmhmotll:'ui a'clock in the forencoon of: said day, | at"the East Front Door of the Court | | House in the City 1 Waukegan, Lake ITake County, IMilinois, described as fol-- lows, towit: Commencing at the inter-- section of the South line of land con-- veyed by James W. Attridge and wite 'ufiwmwmw | in 128 uf deeds, page 325, and a 'line drawn paralle! with and two rods east of tas west line of said quarter quarter section; thence East 28.285 : rods; thence south 28.285 rods at right angles; thence West at right angles $8.2%85 rods to a point two rods east | of the West line of said quarter quar-- ter seciion and thence North to the place of beginning, excepting right of way conveyed by Doc. 288295. JOHN J, JABGER, e Conservator of Theodore Dated Feb. 10, 1927. LYELL H. MORRIS, Solicitor. -- . feb 10 17 24 march 8 Branches and connections to be con-- etructed and laid in WELLINGTON AVENUE and other streets in the said Village, Special Assessment No. A7, the Ordinance for the same being on tile in the office of the Village Clerk of saidt® Village, and the said Village hvm:nlhd to the County Court % ke County, Ilinois, for an as-- seasment of the costs of said improve 6'clock in the forencon of: said day,|Of tils notice, to do eaid work at"the East Front Door of the Court 224 make said improvement at ten House in the City f Waukegan, Lake | De°" Cent less than Forty--two Thousand County, Hlinois, offer for sale and sell | Nine®Hundred Forty--nine and $5/100 um*tumthma_tghfl"mfi).mmau_vm right, title and interest of the said : -.fi"h?"m;'édto"l' Theodore Jajoinbarske insane ESternberg--Powell Company. mum'm'muu::,ma' Dated this 3rd day of March, A. D. estate, towit: 1927. An undivided one half interest in JERSSE S. HYATT, that part Of the soutawest quarter of| -- . -- -- W W (BUI%T; the Northeast quarter of Section 24 W. A. NICHOLAS, ment, according to benefits, and an assessment therefor having been made and returned to said Court, the final bearing thereon will be had on the 12%th day of March, A. D. 1927, at 10 o'clock a. m., or as soon thereafter as the business of the Court will permit. tions in-- eaid Court before said day and may appéar at the hearing and make their defense, Said Ordinance pro¥vides for the collection of said as-- gessment in ten annual installments with 'annual--interest at the rate of wix per cent per annum. Dated at Hnndeklxk'nunou. this $8rd day of February, A. D. 1927.. _ = «0 CE IIEM y {ofl;'p ¥ BA VCO wm €RALVE WII' and laid in WELLINGTON AVENUB N and otrer streets in the said villago, N . Notice is bhereby given to --all sons interested that the President ang | [ 200 acres of good Central I!linois Board of Trustees of the Village of Jand; 1/4: miles from concrete Mundeloin, County of Lake and State | [ State highway. _7--room house, of Blinois, havingk ordered the con--| [ Barn 60x100; 200.ton silo, deep atruction 'of a local improvement| Nowing well. Improvements in ouxngflu of --. F _| [f jexpelient condition. 40 miles on 1 & connected system of water |I concrete highway to a city of fogether with hydrantshydrant con--| [ 50,000. Good market. nections, valves, valve boxes and con--| M $7,500 CASH. WILL MAKE The person appointed to make said siderable amount of special-- funds to Jloan oh improved farm or city prop enrty. : We invite<your inquiry.© First National Bank, Libertyvyille, HIL.-- 10tf ciest sllverware; 5 pc. breakfast set; ns S ho er e ie en ate" in on block east of Sheridan Road, 2 blocks north.of Wilson Ave., Chicago. -- Telé-- phone Sunnyside 6190. 7 1t Notice is hereby given to all per-- sons interested that the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mundelein, County--of Lake and State dere and Milwaukee Ave. WANTED--Girl -- for _ work;, : good: wages; : references re-'l y atasnd 1 e, I1., or tele Inone Téer, --__ _ --_--_-- _/ "-- $it MONEY TO LOAN----We have & con-- SPECIAL ASssEssmENT Notlice SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE Act) MARCH 3, 1927; To Loan NB IBARGAIN! .an award of the contract*for the con-- struction of an-- improvement-- herein-- after 'describeqg has -- been <~made to ESternberg--Powell. Company, and that pursuant to the statute in such cases made and provided a contract will be mmnwmwmm an Ordinance passed and ol by the President and Board of Trustees of said Village of Libertyville, on the 19th day of October, A. D. 1926,~un-- less the owners of a majority of the frontage of the lots and lands abutting x*.4 J. W. HART, = 6. F. SWAN, R. W. BULKLEY, ... Members of the Board of Local Improvements, Village of Liber-- tyville, Lake County, IHilinoils. BENJAMIN H. MILLER, Attorney for the Board Local Improvements . -- 9 it NOTICE OF AWARD Public notice is hereby given that an award of the contract for tie con struction of the improvement herein-- after described has been made to Sterouberg--Powell Company, and that pursuant to the statute in such cases made and provided, a contract wili be entered into : wih said Sternberg-- Powell Company not less than ten days from the 3rd daycglureh A. D. 1927, for the following improvement,. to wit: ; i nections and house drains, be con-- structed in McKINLEY AVENUE and other streets in the Village of Liber-- tyville, Ilis. Special Assessment No. 64, in the manner shown and set forth in an Ordinance passed and approved by the President and Board of Trustees of said Vilage of Libertyville, on the 71 day of September, A.D.1926, unless the owners of a majority of the front-- m&mmsndmmtmfi on pwlz:flmtfil'. agents, elect to t said work enter into a written contract within their agents, elect to take said work and enter into a written contract with in ten days from the first publication ten days from the first publication of this notice, to do said work and make said improvement at ten per cent leas than--Five Thousand Two Hundred Twentysix and -- 46/100 Dollars ($5, 2$26.46), tre price at which the same has been awarded jo said Sternbersg-- Powell Company. 4 "%atodthinxrddayotlhmh.A.D. f JRSSH 8. HYATT, + A. L. JOHNSON, s W. A. NICHOLAS, o 'o w'blw.; % E. F. SWAN, -- R;: W.~BULKLEY, --Members of the Board of Local Im-- provements of.the Village of Liberty-- gmmtr.mhflh- , H. MILLER, . . >~ .. Attorney for the Board of ~ Local Improvements. ~ 9 it . Notice is a6reby gi¥en to all persons [ -- 5 * ; fenainghene mttmend [ 0 y ; {fimmohe'ouuuuu% _ % poees Pies alest ht xlll R.B. GODFREY _ en se nc atiens * amen Avenue ' 10 SLAKE in said Village of Libertyville, the or.\ * _ ~ _ ? 8 gamhmmmnm 4 the --office of the Village Clerk of said| S +/ days from the 3rd Uay of March, A.D. 1927, for the following described streets in the Village of Libertyvilie, Tllinois, be improved by grading and W to eaid Court, the final B ---- ... -- «% 12th day of --March, A. D. 1927 = 1w 16 inch Warranted All ©'clock a. m., or.as soon thereafter as N _ . . * hA ¥ the business of the Court wifl permit. N ~~ ® > All persons desiring may file--Objec N . P"re 1 inCc tions in said Court before said day . \-- RAR afd~may appear at the hearing and [ .. -- _ -- _ = .. | make their défense. ~Saig Ordinance | Fy T.E 4 C' p:'ovrlm;:t t:; flt;eoflcch;motndd -:.- TO F EL_lN G rxgh nnnutl interest at the rate of M * *.-- --_ _ M per cent per annum. -- ¥*% \ kss : o Betie en auffe a M Lt rd day is Al ® k * i * .. R MO.W y +4 t The person appointed to make said --|[ at neor A M _ Powell --Company not less than ten in¥A asgsessment therefor having been --~Dated, LAbertyvilie, 11L,«Fboruary 23, sessment of the costs of said improve-- / SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE For a Real Farmer w¥ --w. caniymt, . |i1n > #% #AF LAT T/~@s"~ |ROOFING A. L JOHNSON, service pipes and Aaso hk ds THE INDEPENDENT IS DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR FOR %NLY $1.50 A YBHBAR. NO CHARGE FOR DELIVERY North Milwaukee Avenue. ATTORNEY--ATLAW _ Telephone 551 _ LIBERTYVILLE |, ~ Office at Home on Cook Averniue Office 539 N. Milwaukee Avenue 'Over Walrond's ~Store _ LIBEARTYYILLE -- _ "PHONE 67 es e j -- _« |Telephone 229 LIBERTYVILLEK nmmucfl_rgj'flm Office With Farm Bureau WAUKEGAN, LL Good Meals 50c West Luake Streot LIBERTYVILLE ILLINOIS hepuse complete for a set fig--ure so you will know just what the scost will be before starting. P. 0. Box 843 Phone 614--R2 Night Ph. 497 Day Ph. 5i Libertyville Roofing Day and Night Service Going to Build? TAR and GRAVEL ROOFING Ready roofing over old Shirgles R. L GONSALVES Telephone Libertyville 568 ARLING TON + HOTEL # LINCOLN LUSK Auctioneer The Man With a Word Every Second ~-- --~G. H. SMITH, Prop. We Do All Kinds of Roofing Work Guaranteed AT LOW COST WITH TAR AND PITCH Cali, 218 Park Place J. CICHYT; Prevrietor Shop. ~Prompt Service. *»*" 25¢ | DR. J. L. TAYLOR y Mesets First 1nd Thir® a Friday Nights of Each 3 - WMenth | In Gridiey Hall, First Nationa! SanR f Buliding. Visiting Neighbors Welcame SNO W'S Meets First ond Third Monday Nights of Each Month at Masonic Hall Visiting-- Companions Cordially invited Reverse Charges on Business Calls LORA STURM EDITH LAYCOCK LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS8 Mests Znd and 4th Tuesdays of Each Month at Gridiey riall % W. NAGEL PHONE 306 Office in First National Bank Building HMHours:. 1 to $:30 and 7 to 8 p. m. North Milwaukee Avenue Telephone 551 LIBERTYYVILLE ATTORNEY A T LAW LIBERTYVILLE ILLINOIS LUCE BUILDING Res Phone 136--M Office Phone 16 J. B. .i-. l.u-lvw.'?- 4+ .g E Phone 217--M1 LIBERTYVILLE assortment of material for you to select from. Come in ecnd see us. FRED GRABBE Dr. O. F. LYELL H. MORRIS CICHY'S TAILORING SHOP -- Libertyville Post 329 4 Auctioneering FARM AND STOCK SALES _ A SPECIALTT CATTLE TESTED _ FREF OF CBHarGr > Libertyville Chapter . _No. 272 R. A. M. INSURA NCE A. A. Grandy 2 t e _ _"-- _ 2 American Legion ETS FIRST TUESDAY OF EAcH 2 MONTH AT GRIDLEY HALL : C. C. HOSKINS, Commander A TL O R I N G Telephone 1684 LIBERTYVILLE <1LLINONS IIBMRTYVILLR, ILLIJNOIS LIBERTYVILLE ILLINOS Teams for Hire By Hour Or Job 912 No. County. 8. Columbia Lodse No.. 131 . * Mystic Workers °_ ACME CAMP No. 176 seuee a*