get quick relief without using nar cotics or poisons. ~Apply Tysmol over the part that hurts and the pain will .soon be gone. 'Tysmol: is absorbed through the pores of the skin. It has a eoothing; ~ merves, gradually helping to restore them to healthy condition. §4 Don't sufter any longer. Get a sup-- ------ PBiy of Tysmol at any good drug store-- e mm e /f* f > g Three hundred and thirty'three separate kinds of industries, estab-- HMsabed in the United States, are Hat-- ed-- in the records "of --the United Btates ~government.. Out of these $33 industriee, thoe-- same records show, 310 are now operative in INi-- mnois. That is 28 per cent. Iilizpois stonds first in 36 indus-- tries;~second in 49 indnxties; third in 39 industries; fourth 31 jndus-- tries and fifth in 21 industries! la other words, !!linois stands first-- sec-- ond, third, fourth or fifth in 176 of the 333 irAnstriss reporting to the United States &--.ernment for com-- mercial census! Tha. ©~~% per cent. And here is somer.--. -- °**: Of the 17 largest and most .--»urt-- ant industries in the United States, each one 0° them producing goods valued at more than $1,000,000 yearty Tlinois ranks first in two; second in three third in five and fourth in two! In other words, out of the 11 foremost manufacturing industries in the United States lllinois ranks m" n"u'eo--m'!:--tlfiirdw 'or foarth in al} but five! That is T0 per cent. -- _ These seventeenm leading industries. in <the order of their importance, search department o \'aof-- ~the _ lilixkois Chamber ol Com-- | m erce,~carrying the -- report even ' farther, some very remarkable a n 0 startling -- facts have been devel-- oped. This surrgy is the firet of its kind ever _ com pleted for uy Lester B. Colby state, Here are a few of the main polnts brought out: sgifled) second; bread-- and 1 products,fourth; motor vehicle es and parts, seventh; jron steel, blast .furnaces, third; and shoes, other than rubber, £ -- From the above figures, the year 1mwnmmm£fluam- ord, it is ~apparent t 1926 and 1927 havre not only reached but have surpassed the peak of war--lime prosperity which came in 1919.. -- _ The survel reveals that the 4ead-- ing industries in lllincis rate in the following order: I_--Mdrym and machine shop prod-- %----Car and general construction, re pairs, -- including steam -- raill This State Stands First in 36 Industries and Second in HERE S THE -- REPORT _ (1919 was the peak of wartime prosperity). -- "> l fuge _ following order: 1--KFoundry an« 2----Car and gen pairs, -- in road. . in railroad repair shops. -- 10--Agricultura® implements, s 11----Bread and other bakery products 1%--Boots and shoes other than rub= 1}--Printing and publishing (newe Some of the industries reported as not existing in lilinois are: Firearms, excelsior, bhone black (inclyding car-- bon" black and lamp black), gring-- stones, ©(pulpstones, -- whetstones, hones ,etc.)}, cast jron pipe, jute and _ paper and periodical). 7 15--Confectionery and ice cream. > 16--Lumber and> planing mill prog uets., t 17----Clay products. ~'q d Many people sufter attacks by this archflend, commonly called "nerve in flammation." The ftirst warning is usually a sharp, stabbing pain, which may "come and go" or hurt constant-- ly. You may feel it in the shounlder, neek, fo: small of the back, or an&'mmmumu It is sometimes mistaken for selatica, rheumatism or neuraigla, which trouw-- bles often do end in neuritis, ~-- ----* No matter where you have nerve pains or what caused them, you can 3--Electrical machinery. . 4--Slaughtering and meat packing. 5--Clothing, men's and womep's. As a result of a supvey just com Mo«.. vebictes (not mciud':By . ARF IN ILLINOIS STABBED BY Hlinois ifl Phone 158 R, 'l 1B .. --:.Greyse Iake, DL > BM _: :: linen goods, peanut roasting and rice 'Il _ The complete report will be avail-- able to all who may be interested in studying it.-- * (This is the ninetythird flt& ries of articles written for the nois Chamber /of Commerce entitled "Re--discovering lilinois." Their pur-- pose is to benefit, build and de-- velop Illinocis as a whole., 'The sRext will be published scon). QUICK RELIEF FROM . That is the jJoyful cry of thousands since Dr. Edwards produced Olive .u'.".m & % for 20 years mmm ux.m;m#hcw on meae m little sugar--coated, tab s lets. They cause the bowels and liver to act normailly. Thay never force them to unnatural action. 2A It you have a "dark brown pation, you'll tind quick, sure_ and || to keep right. Try them. 30¢c, ~Olive Tablets do not contain cal-- mel, just a hulhc.:'o'gln. vege able iaxative mited ~olive om{ No griping is the "keynote" of these pole on a busy street. It was said tat was chased up the pole by a rasant results from one or two of . KEdwards'® Olive Tablets at bed-- Your--Garage or --Fac-- tory --with Cold Water w Inside of Your Ts Call Us For An | -- ... An Informal Presentation of ... The New Season's Most Glorified Modes | Thursday, Friday and Saturday -- @ ticing all who see them with their loveliness, their chic. -- You'll pronounce them inimitably PRING'S story in fashion's terms. ent. _Afternoon and evening s of Polypier, Sevres, Prairie