| _ Art of his. . 4 'Friends "Them others might be all right," was Rastus' rejoinder, "it's all right to lock up the bhenhouse, and the meat, 4nd the grain, but there ain't nobody in this here neighborhood what's go-- ing to break into a toolhouse to steal tools to work with." 5> * Yéou will make :=ore friends in a week by getting yourself interested in people, than you can in a year by try-- Ing to get people icterested in--you.-- Have reached where -fim'lm yl'iln%"'t w Then T news When you've eaicn seo:ngthh. that doesn't agree--Stuart's is a boon and OQLD FOLKS WITH ~ YOUNG STOMACHKS! "But the wonders to scientific men who visit our aquarium are somewhat @lfferent. -- The two creatures thai arouse their greatest curlosity are the rseshoe crab, or limulus, and the zdlsh. or bowfin, known as amia: Tie horseshoe crab, which looks like "m Hattened beehive with a rat tail, is the only living animal related to the extinct trilobite, whose fossils are so well known. The mudish, which looks + Not That Ambitious This story is told of an Indianapolis business man who bought a farm down honoot_flomthunbdcou--; ties of Indiana along the river, where he could hunt and fish and spend his vications in the open on his own farm. Rastus had beef retained as a care-- luker, and was being instructed in the duties he was expected to do. "Now I want all these> buil . locked," he Was instructed, "a pad-- loek pntqntbochictcnbm.pul.l lock on the granary, one on the smoke-- blind fish want with a searchlight? Nobody knows, but perhaps the light attracts smaller fishes when the ip-- mops is hungry. It is brown in color and of rather small size. "'Then there is the stylophthalmus, & silver--colored, eel--like fish with two long stalks sticking out from its head, "Many--deep--sea fishes are luminous «----'lit up'--to illuminate the surround-- ing gloom. There is the lantern fish, tw® inches long, yet with nearly a hundred lights. 'These he can turn on or off,--as he wishes. They lure small ;abenqdhlpuumhhenem. the astronesthes, eater of stars, whose favorite meal is a well--lighted lantern and eyes at the end of the stalks Also, he has a string of lights along either side that makes him look like a subway train. *blind ipnops,' for instance. . It has no eyes, but carries a searchlight on top of its head. Now,-- what does a under terrific pressure and intense ecold, umeture has evolred som# of the like many other fishes to laymen .ex-- cept for a thickening of the tail, is a descendant of one of the early forms of fish life. It belongs to a line long extinct, dating back unknown thou sands of years. _ "In the eternal darkness, miles down, un-p.m.u-ummlu eling to --seaweed and other maringe ebjects, "Our sightseers like little things and big things. After the sea horse; they like to look at the 200--pound grouper, one 'of the biggest: of fishes, --called Jewfish in the books. They like to watch the shark swimming about with 'shark suckers' fastened to his. under side. ~These suckers attach themselves by air suction disks, like vacuoum :::r the scraps that fall from --his e The suction disks are among nature's most remarkable appliiances. The whale, the shark and the sword-- fish are other of the big things which the public likes, | horse that climbs trees. He is among intérview in Popular Sciance Monthly. "People who come to. the aquarium are more interested in the little sea -- What are the greatest wonders of the sea? Ask Dr. Charles H. Town-- gend, director of the aquarium, New York city, and you will, hear some strange and interesting things. "What makes the public wonder most, and, what is most wonderful, are not always the same," he says in an Strangé Fishes That Climb Trees and Do Odd Things. a padlock on the tool-- § i' e¥ ¥Y~1° | ~IT L T hz *sny _ l > x c 3 & s C = 4 JHY : 4 ? And as 'she delightfully reveals fashions' newest achievements, the warmer touch of the sun, the bluer--blue of the sky, the tender green of the growing grass and the budding trees have a magic charm that induces one to cast off. all that is old and start afresh. Then fashion bids you view the fascinating apparel, the adorable hats, the colorful new fabrics, the charming acces-- sories that Wfi! MWomnm, afl so. completely shown in this superb spring display and all so gloriously ready, so delightfully individual, so distinctively fashion right. _ March 24th It Is Indeed A L.;J tb s To Cooiin Pss a s iag ie Story Spring Has To € ® cmd 11° 44 x 4 i *#