% .4# t n Auelecthe dnb nfi in ce with them a truck load of brattices, & rmmmmwmmflm' noon descended into mine. No.'2 ef the Saline county coal corporation at t coue Nefi p qh in alwht men * stroyer Paul Jones, waslired OR @§) TLos Angeles, March 30.--Gerald De . it passed Nanking during the night| Mervenx, féncing master, today mm"mMM-..m'mmmm eeveral rifle bullets hit the ve68e!5-- | apainst Commodore J. Stuart Blatk mmtmflu%mmm _ 3 n ,swmqn.:mtr:r_m A -->~The -- jury : awarded . De ~Merveur when it is believed LC lA ax:s / ,m&b'h" 'M.-:J Two members 0 e --team . Jater . were brought back to th6 surface suf Tering trom the efforts of after damp un-o:.i.y the mbd::-.""" lwlifi tnt captomicn and thelr excape wat believed --impossible. ... _\ > . ._._3 Company officials said &as Jn 3 pocket of the mine Nee The fact that two men P mmmmmm the loss of hope that any ot the eight escaped. y The rescue team which descended mmmmmmm the explosion said they did not expect on exptonie ce m td mot takent the mine up with brattices.. #& About 300 men in all were in the m.gmumemm'"b'm curred in the most 'remote :R6f Slout two filles from the bottom of The shaft. The cight believed dead were: Joe Toth,. William Filbet, CJaude Lyuch, George Ambrock, Ceci Rey nolde, Simon Simaitis and Peter Dor-- 7is all of Ledford, and Lee Morris of Carier Mills "as" . Rescuers Trying to Reach Bo-- dies Are Forced to Retire as ©Cu . a10% ners it s ols mfl;nmmhhw believed that any large number were %illed. Such Chinese as were killed were probably: either attacking for-- .m"mwm- No shells were directed> against the Chinese section of Nanking. mss "The effect of the Liring bY z ships was not omly the resague of American consul and party, but also the rescue of all other foreigners in ing fired at by Chinese.. 118 2!8"" requesting the ships to open fire was gent .by an American bluejacket from sent.by 4n * _ _=a_ _ and Wwhile INDIGNITIES ON AMERICANS CcONTINUE BY CANT. TRO« nending it he was Pred@ Al_AOPOW"** * wrhe area in which--the shells 0 the ships féll is largely foreign ow! o un s +5 / u. S aemmmeadk iA« fow unmolested to their ships at the wa-- terfront." s:= o¥ im . The American Baptist mission at Kweilin has been looted, Consul Jen-- kins reported this: afternoon.-- "For-- tunately," he added, "all Americans m'mw several weeks ago. t T. V. Soong, Cantonese minister--of finance, is enroute to Shanghal and later may go to Nanking to invest! puthue-tmmw' there came a report today of--anti-- American attacks in the southermost province of Kwangtung.~ The French | administration o Kwang Chowwan in Kwangtung hbas cabled a report that an . American d rer mt mt iess hnhom'bm-ubh Kochow. ~The -- French --authorities suggest that warships be sent there Thirteen Americans are lsolated at Holhow on Hainan Island, according to the French authorities, and grave fears are felt for their saftety, It is there to investigate. -- -- The Northerners apparently are not &mm:"hdvor:smbm tonese for they have withdrawn in order from Nantungchow to. the north, after the--U. S.--8. Pilisbury evacuated nine Americans in -- Ahat town and in Jukow. Cantonese continue to fire on refuw Cantonese continue to fire on refw} -- . A mmpplufi mll{ruhanrwdm from r f PulJm' .nmm':s $0.----(Perald De stroyer ones, was on 8§]) Los Angeles, Marth it passed Nanking during the night| Mervenx, féncing master, today There were mno casualties although|stood .yictor in his damage suit several rifle bullets hit the vesselS-- | pzzinst Commodore J. Stuart Blat# mmtm'nm ton, movie producer. -- _ y s Standard Qil property in the The -- jury ' AWiH De 'Merveus Mmmmmm""mflm"'_ e redigcs no .'.:',:.'.""., tean destroy®t i. for an elleged" horsewhipping Some Lmh'mmhud"mm & significance > fact that the foreign defenders have| The alleged. assault occurred, a¢ erected barricades along Avenue to the.testimony, when.Black rounded by barricades and is not re-- Mant upou, the French --concesslon for night there were 1400 arrested for failure to observe the curfow law. In the Oblnvese area there atre no rickshaws today, as tho-- goneral la-- bor union bas erdered rickshaw puli-- era to join the urton or face arrest MINERS DEAD IN (Continued ~ ~MINERS > ESCAPE of this house ded that a warship be sent fired at repeated eight men The One) of wcunced that it 4s 'arranging a ber" of mase--meetihge, one : to come Chiang Kat Shek 'and_ a : Poking is Caim Peking, Mar. 30.--In--contrast with the flame of w!uchhndfi over; South. China, Poeking today Marshal:--Chang Tso--Lin, commandéer tots, although the official organ of the: government charges that the Russian 'Soviet embassy is a hotbed of propa-- gandists attempting to incite students and labor leadeys, -- *» ' =~ On the surface there is no anté foreign feeling here. The--only dan-- #wer that may. arise, it is belleved, to celebratée the institution of <the provistonal government, while. stilt *Violent ll&flg:,'lh propaganda nutnihart.cno. . i iarth. > to is "* Chinesé ooneg:n é'fu"';fi";.'...'fi mfld&bi'-uo * ~Fedefal Buildi scores. the British bombardment LAKE ~COUNTY : TITLB :AND | --Aaron : Sapiro, Nanking but curiongly --makes g 1E, -- TRVST COMPANY. -- ...# lerafive King", w ence to w articipa in} : Abstracts «'M.m'?-. he.rack. of cros the bom a agss s > ~-- «Guaranteed }million--doljar . For By International News Service [ > : 'seqWashington St. -- -- % |Federal coutt. * m'mfimfimlm'y.wm has complétely sup i mokeed sutlvicies. of Squlhont s§iX would they attempt to estimate the speed at which the=Cantonese.could advance. -- In--the south the Cantonese had ~practically no--opposition when they marched upon Shanghal.® into Peking and they doubtless would become ringleaders 'it-- rioting could be. fomented. «$ T & smm auien ot hi t ®'s Northern hvuhz'm although a few Amerlicans 'are send ing away their women an dchildgen. military pln:ot s o refuse to speculate upon the posst hility© of a drive northward,. Nor Marshal Chang, in talking with a foreign military attache, reiterated mmmnmhmfi;: the utmost limit of his power. ever, only two out of the original nine ministers remain in the Peking gorernment and further ~d@efections Aré likely,-- leading to the possibility of acomplete collapse of the cabinet. PThis would: be disastrous to a suc Marshal Chang Tso Lin has about 403,000 --troops \in-- Manchuria, the Peking area, Shantung-- province and Honan .province against about 208,-- 1700 Cantonese regulars. -- ~ --The arrival of the Cantonese at the gates of Peking would be affected by possible desertions : of ~Northerners due to propaganda as w% preseut ~frantic appeals of Marsha Chang to enlist foreign aid for his a 8 ar, mmumwmw and that the foreign powers that are antagonistic towards Russia would give him active support. -- fagk king, denied that the departure --of some of the Americans is due to fear, Americans . who . normailly receive leaves of absence at this time of year, are departing whilse others ate ar-- ranging to go to Japan to apend their ::.-uue:floa. l't'ht:.l-mltm plans of some Americans may have been inf@uenced by the un-- certainty vaused by the victories of the Cantonese army and the mob out-- breaks that have followed in the wake «#onsider the Chines~ war as an in-- ternational® struggle and not as civil _ Chang Tso Lin reit@rated his pre: 'vious statements that he would be personally ~responsible for foreign 'lives and property in his domain. > anti--foreign movement will end once it has started," continued the North-- Los Angeles, March $0.--CGerald De. Merveunx,-- féncing master, 'today. Stood . victor in his damage suit agruinst Commodore J.--Stuart Black GETS $500 FOR . ~A HORSEWHIPPING ASK SENATE TO -- ... -- ----OUST ARMOUR C0 -- _ APPEAL ~FROM CHANG Pekin, March 30.~--Chang Tso Lin, rated | Northwood Manor, Sec 36, Deerticld. " to C.T.b'r.o.tol.fl_.cunmn_& !or'tnuubudut_ Lot 8. 14, iginal| Branigar Bros. Woodland Park Sec eking | 29, Deerfleld. ctions| . W. 8. Menmessey to M. Lapenda t « and into every detail of his ¥ a o -- | amazing rise to power in the Ameri-- ~~ March 25, 1927..,--. . -- / {can farm world., s' i s To Reed® & at ~Sapiro's 0. T. & T.--C. to M. C1 Hasenbaig & {statement that he -- omined s4o0.0%0 bhus Jt tens Deed=$7050. Lot 4. J. 8. 'bis practice in Hoviands First Addn to Deerflield. / ~*o 1926. ;, -- T. Gooding & 8: Gooding to G. Goo--] "Reed went back to 1916 to open the W WD $10. --Pt of Lot 8, Bik 1, Ramak-- er'a Subdn, Sec 35, Antioch. %\ ATTORNEYS SEEK -- A REPRIEVE FOR DOOMED SLAYER court could review the case. l in _ Such @n order has never been re.| SAP!TO $5,0% mbymuumcoam.m"n"-"u the clerk is powerless to present the supersedeas plea to the court. suentteniitnabtinmrtenizne Browny' attorneys are making fren-- #led efforts to secure a writ of error | EF but to date no Supreme Court Jus{B _ : tice apparently® has granted one. Thell -- °© ' court --convenes for the April térm on 4 ; April 5, however, and it may be that | § -- some action may be taken by an in-- se dividual justice or by the court as a . Franklin, N. H., March 30.--Two womenand a man lost their Hvyes, another man was seriously injured in a fifty--foot leap into a life net, and twenty--ons other men and wo-- m were rescued by firemen, police and volunteers early today when & block in--the business district here. George Gage, 60. s * ¥red --Benjamin,; '65, #guffered a broken back. when, poised at. the edge of the roof, she jumped fifty feet <through fire ~Aand-- smoke ° to _A Hte--net held by thosge on the strget 45; Mrs. Emma Philbrook, ~68, and Sinclair's fight to aroid jafl was: re-- ® mmm a3: = snn NUinck Koan'" right's First Addn--to Libertyville; | Francisco «. List of = Transfers at ANN K. BLAZEIL _ Horses, Cows, Pigs and Farm _ <[| Auctionceting, bic ubetf. o -;.-» L "...._».1; % v .'x { 0o n ..> e B % ,~ * lm 29 m m h' m t n S SAP ISPBT'QN gfihnmzsummxm ¥ _ +4k z* \ie e k ARAL SS _A Nes 4. uim 32 "Pruth> % i f s § z. " )5 m s * M'v oi > mel :' ATTACT C h & > they go out of business t wA 4 | . ~ SHARATE $t* Reedgrowled. © & L"" uk f & * c * x/¥ 5 w e m "NO." % 3 4 -- £] CROSS EXAMINES HM| myst--v Piay Scores .. «is| ~Federal Building, Detroit, Mar. 30. e C o *f * p . | --Aaron: Sapiro, the so--c@li¢d "co--op--t . "The.Crazy Man," a comedy melo: . t# lerative King", was pilloried today on | drama, wriften ; by :J. Gersham _ and '.-'«.' i+ rack. of exami at the| M. M: Musselman, was given its pre-- *A Animlensdofint PoleBapito livel sait in | micto" at" the Majestic thesire> last Reed wanted to know what share of the fees went to Sapiro in all other Taiv. -- Useatlr, 'Qepie. said, ce pot ¥ .. 4 $0 per cbnt of the fees. $ Reed scored when he produced pa-- rm-'aln;mmw-u. volving Sapiro ~--and two=of his former law partners, Davis--and Law-- rence Levy.. Sapiro' said~ he ~mever read the paper and upon objection of his counsel, the court would not al-- co--operatives. got $25 a month before his salary was increased to $100 a month,. He received spocial 'fees too from the Producers and in 192% he got $6,000 in al from the Association, --~ The California Bean Growers pald him a retainer of-- $1,200 a year {from 1918 to 1924 inclusive, Sapiro"testi-- fied. In addition he received special fees amounting to $574 in 1918, $10, 890 in 1919, and $1,035 in 1920, $4,000 in 19231, $285 in 1922, $1,359 in 1923, and $5,218 in 1924. This made a to tal of $81,761 Sapiro's firm ~received vuly paid him $300 in 1923 and 1924, said Sapiro, Reed seemed surprised. -- "Is that all you got?" he demanded. _ _ "Yes,' 'sald Sapiro. _ The California--Pear Growers paild Sapiro $5,020 from 1918 to 1924. He [.uu.mmmcmmum Burean Exchange in 192%, 1923 and n-";u.' rdnn-n )noueo! in z T ny n-..q. "Phuu are went back to 1916 to open the &' t to 1916 10 0P °Ais4 | cago-- and New York. te «; crowded courtrooam Sen-- Implements and Household Goods Earl Washburn / 'Fred Grabbe n 9 Sent 40 °k) { n Administratrix Est. Chas. H. Hawkins ° % Miles North of Gurnee: ° Milwaukee Avenue, 12:30 O'Clock Noon : Monday, judging by. the enthusiastic :reveption accorded it by an audience that packed the theatre to the doors, At is assured of success when present-- * Pikypoots of Wadpornt and vicinit s J bhave the distinction of being the first to see this production for this is the Sirst time it has been présented on The Daily News publishes a di¥ patch from Scutari stating that the Albanian government has ordered alt @uy stage. -- Plans are on foot now to m.t.i:bthvt:':tuku othcu- 'cago> New 'There po quiktion <but that it is far superior to "I'h"(kfllh.';g compares most favorably with «Bat"~ and other mystery plays. a E«q.finh,wub more or ess of a burlesque on this type-- of Jore there are.an abundance of far-- cical 'sltuations -- that keep the audi-- ence convulsed ----with --laughter even when tragedy staiks forth. It owes much of its success----to iIts very per-- 11 mic effect se jhbgrtl.a:m.ammmbot of the Chet, takes a--leading role with much créedit. Oscar O'Shea, Bill Jule, London, March 30. --New rumors of warlike activities between Jugo Slavia and Italy are attracting' at-- scene is laid in a mystery house, with Its panelled walls, secret passages and weird environments. Much cre dit is due William H. Bevans, now There is every indication that ca-- gcityhom'mummhn the ajestic throughaut the week. NEW RUMORS OF -- --WAR IN BALKANS es t Btek Sro uie 3ucly) 70001 aniiine 625 TA oi oe i in n . * . .T"W 7'; -T'v_:c' s ols 19%4. " The 'Pacific Reg Producers|at Lugano deciares that the Italian m in 1942 --and 1928, sald| war office is planning to mobilite -A Mh-'i'th °! W"m' tm ?" n':s-e ap. 34. :t.I-.......L cce _ _lsc Jay Collins, Ben-- Howe, Emmett O'Shea, . Douglas Cosgrove, ~Miami Campbell and Cecille Elliott of the popular Sistare: Players all took their parts cleverly and deserve credit for the cuccess that crowned,their ef-- forts.-- ~Charles M. ~Hinton, --an added member of the cast, also did well. FOR --SALE -- Dodgo Bros. <Pantl |Office in First National Bank Building TO YOUR DOOR FOR ONLY $1.50 A YEAR. NO CHARGE FOR DELIVERY in good condition, $275. Call High-- land PKk. 1795 after T p. m. body delivery® car $100; As in most plays of this type the INSURA NCE Phone 217--1M -- A. A, Grandy at Nig Hit At Majestic in running OrdCT | s;oure: 4 to $:30 and 7 to 8 p. m. mt voommmmmm)| -- --_ ATTORNEYATALAW _ _ 1 """~" /n 2am rmSmsxIek® . a Office at Home on Cook Avenue PRESSINC AND CBEANING T 18 DELIVERED LIBERTYVILLE ILLINO!S is ¥one right at Cishy's Talloring for the the| MEETS FINS8T TUESDAY-- OF EAcH on | . MONTH AT GRIDLEY HALL C P m,c,vtnomz-u ESNOW 'Sm # HOTEL *# 1 mM / GoodNMeats 50 dll _ CATTLE TESTED Meets First ond Third Monday Nights of Each Month at-- Masonic Hall * . LIBERTYVILLE, JLLINOIS * Meets 2nd and # 1'-.'!:" of M'IJ{UFFLED PETER BOCK EDNA J. NICHOLLS Res Phone 180M _ Office Phone 18 3' ~o n * um'm WHlIVe L 14 £*% PR PE RERINEE Es PBEmmme w < Over Wai F elephone " alrond's Store s o m TT Z _ TC-- _ ~____H LMERTYYVILLE PHONE 67 The Daily 'Telegraph > from Bel-- grade says that Albarians are mase-- ing troops on the Serbian frontier, o North Milwaukee Avenue 'Telephone 551 LIBERTYVILLE T A I L OR I N G -- FREE OF CHARGSE By U. 8. Government Veterinarian || ~~ °* * :_'."'_'.Z.."'..Z___""_'.'_"Z"_'_'" LINCOLN LUSK Dr. O. F. Butterfield Auctioneer LYELL H. MORRIS ||_ ATTORNEYATALAW-- -- -- -- LIBERTYVILLE ILLINOIS FRED GRABBE our speciaity. We have a farge| Telophone 551 assortment of material fOF YOU T0 | umm _ DR. J. L. TAYLOR ~-- Teams for Hire ... 1 Cegams 10f I1ITE "'Smith'S Ta: -- By Hour Or Job | [/|| > c. u. sytm rrop BuemmaSpoddty Day and Night Serv S. J. GROVES & o oo s 2e e No. 272 R. A. M. LIBEARTYVYVILLE ILLINO!IS 912 No. County St. ille Post 329 M. W. of A. E CAMP No. 176 * [ WAUKEGAN, Harry Madill Bart! 3 CREDIT RATOR + '~' REALTOR «3 JUSTICE OF THE PEACE \ Office 172 W. Lincoin Ave., LIBERTYVILLE TC'CM 383 4 [ROOFING Office 539 N. Milwaukee Avenue ARAYSLAKE ILLINOLIS White 26 Inch x 214 yds. 2 Inch Dowble Stiched Self Ruffles Per Pair : 'West Lake Street LIBERTYVILLE ILL "'- .'K m The Man With a | Word Every Second | Phone 392--R 218 Park Place « | Ready roofing over old Shingies Going to Build? m_"m-- pic hr.t'"' se you will know just what the R. L GONSALVES y ay 338 _ Night Ph. 497~-- .. Daz We Do A!il Kinds of Roofing ARLINGTON Work Guaranteed R. B. GODFREY 48c ; AT LOW COST AT ROOFS8S RECOVERED WITH TAR ANB PITCH J. CICHY. Propricter _ _ North Mitwaukese Avenue. --*_ Telephone Libertyville 568 CURTAINS