~ SOME _ DISTRICTS HIT «_ To the question of what part of _the total cost of the public schools --stkould be borne by the state and _what part by the local school. dis-- ticts,--proponents of the measure an-- _Bwer that the state should pay at Jeast 25. per cent of the cost, that _ theo present appropriation is less f 7 per-- cent= of the cost and that . even if the appropriation is _ made, $10,000,000 it still will be only _# little over 8 per cent of the cost. _ BlG SCHOOL FUND , _ --TO EQDALIZE TAX| . ; _ * SOLVES MYSTERY 'Tell the scout.to locate a hydrant." . Cirected the director, R * ~--"Teos, Hir." P -- "And, Andy, you bring along a coll _ _Of garden hose." x _ * «Yes, sir." _ ; --_. #James, have, you the watering pot?" -- _ "Yes, sir.". ® ~--. The big boss happened to be pass --ing and inquired: "What's upt" and educational opportunities. There rae hnearly 12000 separate school districts in llinois, each with., its «ownu taxing power, and each This ing nearly a"> its school funds: by tares on property within:its boun-- daries. --But there ~are wide <ine qualities in the distribution of chil dren and assessable wealth among these districts and in some districts there is 100 times as much &Adgess-- able property per child as in others. : Since these inequalities, the tegch-- ers contend, are not--in accord / with the impartial . treatment . Illinois should> give its children, they are spousoring this bill to alleviate the present situation. BOMB NEWS PLANT : FOR WAR ON THUGS met Index, community newspaper, the second 'gb within a week was explodgd in rear of the building rn._u mwz.:m d#eclared --by Carl Morgan, tor. to be the work ot gangsters and .boodlums in the district, against whom he has been _ To thoke who> question. the pur-- pose of the state school" fund the answer of the 'Illinois Teachers' association is that a large state fund is uecessary> to <prevent the most 'glaring inequalities in taxation Chicago, April 6--a»ess-- than. an hour after a police gaard was with-- drawn from the plant of the Calu waging relentless warfare, Mts. ° Jessie L. Dillon and. four roomers occupying 'quarters above the offites, were thrown from their sue, .tLOtaling . $21,33U0,00V0 WOR . 0J & margin of three to one, returns from yesterday's election revealed today. At the same time the voters turned down Mayor Dever's "Home Rule" by 15,000 yvotes, largely ~because of g it would only ml. under Springfield, 1i}.. April 6.--With in troduction --by Rep. Elbert Wl?br of Tamaroa. of a bill providing for ap-- propriation -- of ~$10,000,000 per' an-- num instead of the $8,000,000 _appro-- Al --for several years past for m ~state: distriMuitive sthool fund. several ~questions of interest Lave beew uncovered. by public atilities, it was was exrpected to recover. HOME RULE LOSES i -- IN CHICAGO VOTEF shot and killed: and another seriously wounded today when irate husbands IRATE HUSBANDS SHOOT TWO MEN of the disappearance early nmnnlhhnflutrMI ..'l:o. otthphu' two occupants s KEdward Neher and Albert Shaller, are believed to have met tnstant death The cause of the accident probably will never be known. One man grasp ed a flash --light as if thelights of the plane might have falled. + * Theé--plane apparently made a land-- ing then struck an obstruction, turn-- ed over and: crashed its two passen Miinois Teachers' Association _ Backs Bill For More State exercise control over. Chicago's won . by o a The greatest lessons of life are to 'tearn to wait, to be {aithful, to be fuil of 'hope and to abound in charity.-- dear. Hare you any sandprper? ~ 'Blake--No, but Ill lend pr0 a mt _of my wool underwear. : 'Be not ashamed to learn, even from your . inferiors.--Confucius. : In despotic governments peop! eruel; levity reigns in moderat::: ernments.--Montesquleu. _ Turned Down Ann {(rather stout)--You want to marry me? You're quite ambitious? Ted--Yos, I always strive for big .Men by doing nothing soon learn to do mischiet.--Cato. ; We often see misery dwellihg in the midst of splendor, whilst real happl-- James Sillion in Gems Is Dirt to Him A billion dollars worth of dia-- monds and gold is merely so much dirt to Major Alexander Wilicox: 'The major, arriving recently in Los Angeles for his first glimpse of Amfl::. has supervised the ex-- traction Illvo. 'fl!'fl worth : of gems n: precious metal from the South African mines. Mrse. Blake--I've hunted everywhere is found in humbler stations--= FROM THE WISE GoodService withGood Lamps ":}?'s': ~E,l,.'»§& "'--.-7-"-M ounding" Yhotor }:--. Mr«. Stewer--Jobn,.. at . times : 1 feel n o d dhony ' bue af the [Tbat there is nothing wore for me to event of :1926 oceurred in bue of the |*" C Te m tife > * _ _ , yeat's trafiv jJaws, siys Motor Maga--]" Mr. Yep! téei ;f tuiked out »in«.. >.~>*~ 9 '@t tince, °I ----New © Bedtord Two ears ~collided> with damaging ;:au ::" fllw?! J G y o effect 'on both, but the dtivers wereq ~ "--"*."*-- --; ey unhort.. One nian jJumped to the sireet. 4. + l e e e t e is i0 uunugrt.. une nman juiupeg 10 1086 s1reeL it * BA 4 . s ay c uals uqy o o g + and declared that he was entirely to | : "ww «. 40-- biame for the accident, and-- apologized | . : Mothered by a dog, four pigs are |[_ profusely, But the second driver pro--| thriving on a farm.at. Kiimacrensan, |{ _ tested vigorously. 8. ~| JJopegal, Ireland.. 'A zow on the farm> ""This one is on me," was the retort. f:" bm:g:fl:.:r&l{:'p. About Whereuy history was maude. e same 1 . puppies, }§ -- L-----------« ----. The farmer drowned the pupples, so |[. * + the, dog adopted the four pigs from the [ Sand--blast . outfits,. uging Jow--pres-- An Ideal T oy & sure atr, are beipg . successfully Jones--I: want a drum for the baby. to dry--clean eggn. 'This moden metb'| and can you givre'me a pair of bead od has been adopted in preference_t0|'phones with it? _ o _ ':zhtndkhid .one 'of washing eE8§| . Clerk--Hesd .phones? What for? -- Fith sonp and water or with cleausing | . Jones--So, the baby can hear it and. eempounds. -- ak 4: : » . the rest of us can't. > circuit, you do rot get the full benefit of this 111 So. Sheridan-- Road WAUKEGAN, ILLL. THE G.M.A.C. TIME PAYMENT PLAN-- . _ ADAPTED TO INDIVIDUAL REQUIREMENTS Chas,. E. Bairstow--> ONS of dollars are every move . in it ting and tuning up USED J YyOU sow. oA AND YOUNG MEN ARE LEARNING THAT. EACH WEEK SEES eA WISH TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE SAVINGS THAT 1$ MADE k: BY. OUR "STRICTLY CASH" POLICY, ° fae .cy x3 : : HERE ARE VALUES TYPICAL--OF--THIS STORE. _ WE SELL FOR 'TWO TROUSER SUITS _--__-- SILK LINED HATS *For 'the benefit of you who--are not acquainted with our shop, _we are pleased to submit the names of a few of the best and the most widely advertised lines of nterchrandise which are confined to us exclusivelyl --_24 : -- -- ~=>4$*z =:=~i > s SILK LINED TOP COATS :B UstsonNeckwaus~ -- ---- | _ * wWAUKEcaAN, uL. | Waukegan's Finest _ Men's Store 24 at=ez $¥ ¢1T ?¥ :+%4