e" --| Specials for Saturday \Cory's Market -- 1 Phone 476 _ Then they will become better citizens . £ "Yhs walidee peigelere ot tho 4. and you will be prouder of them. s . hines ..'a'x""l.. t i 5t , H honnt aih Eumine ho pob IF YOU YOURSELEF are not doing so, _ [( Wms _ > Roasting, Stewing Chickens,. Sirloin Steak ~: ... . . 32¢ Home Made Pork Sausage .. Small Pig Pork Shoulders . . 20c Begin TODAY to teach your children the SAVING habit and the. BANKING Start Savmg Regularly NOW -- > We invite. YOUR Banking Business Investments Teach Your CHILDREN How to TRADE HERE AND SAVE MONEY _ * 545 No. Milwaukee Avenue . EVENTUALLY In _ TREASURES LAKE COUNTY f "NATIONAL BANK . A FEW OF OUR: MANY t & yz * * / §?f§.'_»:?; P®a *T 2 for 39c¢ f a A warrant 4. m rest, and s f The ~fellor and the c ed by Ju# Lo Taw Gpmmmnemmmemenmmmmpariice *--I{ PDon't tforget the , tt as his addresm ~but he was ADA warrant was sworn out for his @r-- \M|rest, and served by Marshal Limberty. . Fred Smith and Iy and the for-- mer's mother, 'i&% Hanny, mo The Presbyterian Ladies Aid wi g.mn an':mwwpd'xi apron sale, on 'April AX Easter musical program will be gven at the Methodist church Easter guartet. The public'is Anvited.> . > after spending the past two n joicing over the arrival of a soun, Monday, April 4, at the Highland Park The Libertyville Garden will meet Tuesda yevening at me of lent program has been € all members are urged to attend. ~_WTho National Daughters of the G. A. R will give a bunco party in St. derella""to be nfidn the high school auditorium ' $ and 9, by the pupils of the grammar school, undeér the direction of Mr. Walker: . The af-- fair is sponsored by the P. T. A. .'The annual election of the Liberty. ville township high school board will bkw&mdg.hflltlm-l'fi' high school. polls will _open at 2 p. m. and close at 5 p. m. Petitions for Linna M. Corlett and Gladys J. Laovell as members of the board havé "The annual mdw'!.?'!': Local C Items Of General Interest To Local People ||! No. 70, Libertyville township, will be held at the grade school next Saturday afternoon, April 9.-- Glenn G. Hosakins is a candidate umo_d.unn?.n president, without opposition, and fOr members of the board teh names of Harold D. Aylsworth and Idea Neal Morris appear on the ballot. both with no opposition. 'The polls will be open troim two until five o'clock in the after-- apparently drove away. ed by Justice Lyell Morris. to her nds | AUDINH®RIUM "The Lady Saturday, April 9 of 'em 1 all. Also Buster Brown Comedy: _ «BUSTER'S DARK MYSTERY Here's Some Cast! LEW!S STONE, BILLIE POVE and LLOYD MHVGHES in .. > the Follies" Ml _ _ ~G.P. W. Porch Paint April 13 --.. ' JACKIE COOGAN will win your heart in this great racing plceure, --. > ALSO NEWS AND cOMEDY Arip roaring thriller of the lden West, Where Horsemen e horsemen and lovers are vers, and Ken Maynard is king "The ke M" «_ VIOLA DANA in _ . A play of thrills and action, KENNETH HARLAN and CORINNE GRIFFITH in DOUGLAS MacLkLEAN in. ° > KEN MAYNARD in "lae"v? o Broter." IMIll -- ---- An exceptional flcor coating for on ALSO A COMEDY. _ > mfl An exceptional floor coating for outside j imay Get Your ||||| Major SparVarnish He gave Plainfield to Mr , April 10 , Tuesday, --and 12 4i was dismiss-- 14 4t . _P. J. Wright, H. Z. Underbrink. Tom Delacey and Dave Flagg were in Chi-- cago Friday to witness the basketball games played in the contest for :z National chammonship of high schoo A big M. W. A. meeting will be held-- in on Friday eve ning, April 15, at hall. A class of 15 candidates will be initiated, and a fine Inch served, an 24;! a pro l'n.hr:wm The wbanfin'a:m"m-a' will be here to put on the degree cer-- mony, and a large crowd is expecte Among those caught for in man, of Chicago, fined $5 and casts. W. C,. Coop, of Galesburg, aiso paid a tfine of $5 and costs for going too fast on the streets of the village. 'A Chi-- cago man was arrested Sunday and put up a cash bond for his appearance Monday.. He did not show up and the 'bond was declared forfeited. : All these cases were in the court of Justice --H. lx.umm.. f < Rehearsals for "Musical Mimics", the show being ataged by the AmerL I -- es ds m durability at a normg :i:t can Legion 's(?hii? school auditor-- m-a.unu.una Ll&fi?"': ,gmnmwco_._ei and songs. 'You will not go wrong in Beeing this show. It will be worth your time and money. Tickets will be os sale by the end of the week, and can }bohultrgnmaheutul 1m00E1] 4100 n + S mAE ---- scA . taa started Monday evening. Girls will be seen in this show, doing many dances w4 "THE COMPLETE LINE OF PAINT"' _ Jt CHICAGO PALINT WORKS, Chicago . _ _ Artcraft Wood Stai Todqdopthlnhofthwoodmdm- ~--' »whasize its natural beauty "Upon Honor" House Paint Hong Kong Oriental Lac | Vn Tt .. oo 8 P M CBigs C gertine 2+A . Te +d ¢ § W~' ks . yqe oL A soft tone interior wall finish C. P. W. Artcraft +oi Athath for the majority of uses i ie 21. d t e n L oc e e 8 un ym mP L* Toem. h * z--==--i| Frank,.Stafford and a crowd of M.' 'Jerry O'Leary, well known man 3( Y 3 e sentet on ie en int ooriind Mondey nig by Officer ._ $ |||at Ringwood one night this -- ang Garland Monday-- charged. with B | B & -- ';.! wd was a little late in ar being drunk and dipt .* He was -- MA | . Prank led the party in his car'arra'gned in the court of Justice Bart "----__" |f'and after driving longer than he tho't lett, and peladed gullty to the charge. ple |!necessary, asked a man in a small He was assessed a fine of $200 and M%Mhm The man in-- costs, the fine to be suspended, hOw-- mec--m--==1| formed thit he was in Spring ever, as long as he stays out of Lib hh Grove. Frank says he knew the road ertyville. Jerry has taken a job on & h'm"' to Ringwood pum,mvutod to farm, and says he would rateher com-- s give his party a exba Tide. mune with the ° cows qdehlckm' asketball ; E ts * xt rather than »ay the two hundred iron iffl' g ?imx:'."i'fi" Croker and Mt.|men to satisfy the law. | schoo!8.[and Mrs. Lee A. Huson and daughte®r] _ _ _ , ) _ 2 y sfonry Smith, the High Grade Enamels formed Frank that he was in Spring _\ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Croker and Mt. and Mrs. Lee A. Huson and daughter, shire, England, in 1869. She leaves many friends in Libertyville, who will regret to hear of her death. C Tuesday. These men constitute a com-- umtmmmnmmad i to the pupils of the eighth ,' 'that a bronze medal would be to the boy and girl.--making. the best grade during the school year. Th aToact, fheintite bormmmanite ville township, St. Joseeph's parochial sohool!, and to each class in 'The "peeping tom" seems to be on the go again. Last Sunday night he was discovered looking in. a window ofa south side home. One of the ladies immediately grabbed a gun and took a shot at the fellow. He went hence in a great hurry. Marshall Limberry was called but found no trace of the fel tow. Monday morning, the lady came S twkes on a mnew espect of life, tiny blades of grass shoot What more suitable time is © there than Easter to renew all m the new# onest Enster will serve the purpose admirably. 'They are now on displey in our store, a" M : . MacDonald's Jewelry and Gift Shop N. Milwaukee Avenue LIBERTYVILLE, ILL + aw* RIL 7. 1927. hodip :snl " C e ces We in C i ie tng dr by a man named 'Church, said :to beNemployed by Sternbere-- Powell Company. Mr. Smith has 015 chased a new truck for the delivery papers.| No one was injured. church. : The public is copdially invited wwmmm'mumfi Sunday. ' At 8 a. m., there will be %mmuw:"tm Rucharistic, sermon and blessing and distribution of teh paims.. Special music will be aung at this service.. _ i & 1 % T wo 1923 and two " 1924 Ford Coupes® Come Down and Look them Over $75 to $195 d acgeatan se * is both oderless and color-- less. possessing those ele ments which make a per-- féct intestinal Jubricant, ; Your Rexall Store lm antees it to posess a specific gravity and vis-- cosity (body) equal to if not exceeding other types of 'heavy medicinal olls. A scientifically e x act ---- $1.00 --= LIBERTYVILLE, ILL tne RexoAMl store Decker & Neville A Pint Bottle Begins Saturday, March 19 _--_ _ and Ends April 15 This Week For $1.01 2 Bottles Type) 4 20 Per Cent Discount on All Merchandise OUR WANT--ADS GET SURE RESULTS FIRST NATIONAL BANK 1 _ Our governiiment knows the value of stor-- ing up Nature's resources. It has built dam afi;;:gam to store up water when it is plentiful for use during the droughts. And, doing.so, it has set an example for YOXH**:%" "Store up"your earning ability now for the opp'oj'!,;'czi'g:s ready cash make avail-- able. Provide for your future financial needs by starting a Savings Account with this dependable Bank! ¥ Your Resources! $ 513 BP PM ib has set an example for Hours 8 A.M. to 8 2.