Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 7 Apr 1927, p. 7

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Mr, and Mrs. Parr are now occupy-- ing the Wrate house on Hawley St._.. Miss Katherine Gridey of Liberty-- ville, spent Saturday witXKX Miss Eriene * The Cemetery Society held the an-- nual election of officers at the home O 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0o electric power, gas and possibly water and sewers in the district. The transaction was carried out with Robert C. Abt, of Antioch as the broker and William P. Carey, of Wau-- kegan, as the attorney for both the seller and purchaser. mma*u'mu,g acres to L. B. Harris, representing: pany of Chicago. ~'The tract brought $170,000 at a purchase price ot $750 an mecre. The sale of the land is of impor-- tance <for several reasons. One is that it has proven the remarkable in Sale of the last of unoccupled lands on the shores of Round Lake was at hp-h.!;--'mafifl:d. area totluddm.-ly. *the subd+ nom-gue&u.m-m # is understood that every improve-- -wthu'flbwhm before it is sold. This will mean the paving of all streets *T o cssen. Sells Fine Tract of Resort Land |geme Setarter with Sss Rxivies For $170,000;-- Will Be ~| 'Ciaude Poliock spent Sunday with line of beautiful Cabinet Kel-- .vinators on our display floors. And remember, if you already have a good refrigerator, we can install the freezing unit in money by saving {eloinato ft:lmme&tely-- redi inj&tafefi keeps the most perishable foods fresh and appetizing for days. It saves food,saves money, saves worry, work and trouble. An investment in economy, in convenience and in health for The greatest achievement of this electric age "SEALTITE" Cabinet houg e i s es > © > * Cenrimg axtraly : ~ _ You can reduce food waste all your household. Come in any time and see the and buy in larger quantities at -- *210 TTUS BROS. For Kelvinator ost perishable start at 8 p. m. --This should be worth while attending.. So let there be a large turnout. x The Adult Bible Class willhave its regular monthly meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs, G. H. Peterson Mon-- day evening, April 11th. ~--The Ladies' Aid wil meet with Mrs. Grandquist Thursday, April 14. There will be an Art Exbhibit at the Hucker, of Lake Vila, were in Ariing-- ton Heights on business Thursday. Chapter uwzu':-n&w were evening, where the Worthy Grand Ma tron of Wisconzin was entertained.> Mrs, J. E. Wagner spent several days last week at the home of her daughter of Miss# Susie Whitehead last Thurs Apriil 14 at 8 o'clock. Mr. Lindeman, who was taken i at the home of his daughter, Mrs. C. H. Kruger, is gotting along nicely.-- He is at the Victory. Memorial hospital in Waukegan. ¥ c + There were 296 ballots cast at the annual towunship election here. Albert J. Stahl had no opposition for school trustee, being re--elected. The propo-- sition to issue $50000 bonds for road parposes carried by 86 3 mc--mmmz-.b cated at the.Schroeder gravel pit east dmtupomum;t& ing ~business. bhave put on a night crew to keep up with orders. 000000000009000 Next Sunday evening, April 10, we. vfln&wtbmmnhmvm pictures. -- The chure hservices w 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0o 0o o -- HALF DAY Pr. C. C. Jessee was in Chicago on ingly low and you can buy on a convenient monthly pay-- ment plan. Visit us today or f a Kelvinator working in your home by tomorrow. vantages o M oc Kelvinator's C s "cold that keeps". All to be had at little more cost than just burning another electric light. Kelvinator prices are surpris eration evening, eX# ----Mr. and Mrs. O'Connor moved the past week to the Dr. Jamizon house (ftormerly the Belie Watson place). : : Teddy Redding and family moved loth.flngrh:kh!hum. _ It is rumored the John Strang farm has been sold by the owner, Mar-- cus: Hoffman. The nurses from the Lake County General hospital visited the Miliburn gan, a . resident of Lake county for bher-- entire lifte of 72 years, and --a 0 0 0 000 0 09 0 0 0 0 0 0 'aof : arguerite, & tow ¥ith her Deceased. Spent All of Her 72) Marsubrite, spent afew days with Years of Life in L ak 6 --| mme meeting of the Ladies Aid has 6 County mother and dayghter "N"""'l »@ was Mrg. Rosé G. Reilly, #th St., Wauke-- *n.M susviile, . Wis., in, a resident of Lake county for is ylatinge his deughtor, Mrs. Robert vinator Salesman. In his easel he carries the illus-- trated story of Kelvina-- tion--*"cold that keeps". See him when he calls, This is the certified Kel-- it 432 Wea n tew * L 'l"mmofflcfiers "I 0 o ? ; She'd Like Are Here "d ,Duqtbzmmm ~> «d¥ Mre. E. C. Thayer were An-- --Mr. and Mrs. E. Q. Heron of Chicago visited their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stratton, over Sunday. Prof. Kimer Beckwith was in town Sunday --evening and helped with the entertainntent at the M. E. church by playing the-- plano while the pictures were being shown. ln-l.lnmhyuldw"br guests this week Mrs. s sinter mwrm-umm boy, L --Mr. and Mrs. Moe LaMary, the bakery. He will conduct his res-- taurant and business in the © Hamlin building. * Mr. and Mrs.~James Leonard, Jr. and Patricia Ann yvisited their home It.m'uhmtucvhuv& his Sunday. Ir.ndhloflma number: of from:| Chicago last 'The gchool students were much pleased with their day in Libertyville last Saturday. <They will repeat the part they took in the entertainment there for the bhome people in the near Mr. and Mrs. Carl Miller gave a par-- ty the evening of April first. Quite a number of their friends gathered to make merry. with them. Joe Koekstra had his tonsils removy-- ed Saturday at a Waukegan hospital. He returned home Sunday, _ The Ladies' Ald meets with Mrs. Henry Potter Wednesday afternoon at her home. Important business will be transacted. ~A large audience enjoyed the "Life of Martn Luther," depicted on screen x"m' at the M. L church. singing was'also praised and the good talk by our pastor, Rev. Mr. Mo-- 'Kelvy, was appreciated. ~~Mizses Dorothy, Marie and _ Alice Riordan and their friend, Geo. Barth, from Chicago, were guests otf -- Mrs. ~¥,. H. Btrang and family of Wauke mmmhm-:w day. The Millburn school received the grand 'prize.© Three cheers for our '-e::a,mammmt : Stephens was elected 'dwmmm at a special meeting recently. / ~~The Mfilburn Mutual Insurancte Co. bheld a sogcial meeting Saturday, and L. 8. Bonner was elected president. _ Mr. and Mrs. 'Aibert Torfin #pent Bunday with relatives in Chicago. > Mr. and Mrs. Barter spent theirvace tion in Millburn: last woek. We were all fooled April '1st, aftter :.:rnkdml;flumtpm snow banks Friday KElizsabeth and Abert from Libertyville were Sunday guests of Mrs. Gooding's parents, Mr. and Mra. Joe Pester. Mrs. 'Troy Ballenger, Mrs. M. 8. Miler and Mrs. C. W. Talbott were Antioch caliers Wednesday. 'They also were in Waukegan Thursday on a bus inmess trip. --~ R day at the Epizsoopal Gulild in Antioch. Mr.--and Mre. John M. Phillippi and family were in Waukegan Saturday. . Howard Wilton was in Chicago Sun-- day to visit his brother, Oliver Wilton, aud family. Charles Kellar has moved from the Peterson block to what was formerly 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 mmnmanum :'J'.J':'m&m m onmmg' N':url! 3 \Mr. C building a home in Gurnge, where he -- Mrse. L. B Gillings and daughter, Bouner, who is very 11. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 t# 4. --% on i\ : FRULY the most varied ?fl and beautiful Easter se-- f f lection we have ever offer-- _ ed. Fresh cut flowers and . hardy potted plants--just !!|~ _: beginning to bud, are here --_ in endless array. We sug-- "||| -- .. gest that you get your or-- ||| --~Gder in early for Easter. -- ||| -- 3 tar e ar Teres " o a ie en se 0 ce m 34 it s a " ie Sec Nce P e e e ie m ar n dn t B usn ol e o s > ip e A 5 "'-ir; es > [.';'u', Games were played and a| E. C. Burnett and wife to H.>Yel-- good time enjoyed. A goodly number|ien. ~QCD $1. Lot 7, bik 1, Sand was present. =« stroms subdn, Sec 16, Wken. _ The many friends ofMrs. Robert| . W;.Glenn Voliva and wife to L Smart are pleased to learn that she|J. Kenovel.. WD $10.. N hf of SW :m,'g.. u,".:.,' WD recent operation. [ . Kenevel: to R. Bartlett. ~ Mre. Ines Ames is quite poorly and|$10, . N hf of SW ar of Sec 14, Ben-- u..,..nfiuuamgmu. ton. é Mr. and Walter Taylor and soni-- w. L. Gotmer and wife to L T. d%mmwmul Gladden. WD $10. Pt of lot 1%, called> on relatives. _ 1Lake Forest. 7 ~~J. Wilson MoGee was a Chicago bus « R ; iness visitor Sunday and Monday. crepmmmemmentpegmencommmenpemncemmenmummeme Gam Tarbell and Louis Stiuiltis have & While in France with the American Army 1 obtained a French prescrip-- tion for the treatment of Rheoumatism and <Neuritis. -- I have given this to thousands with wonderful results. The prescription cost me nothing. 1 ask nothing for it I will mail it if you send me your address. A postal returned home, after spendipg several The decorative scheme of the Inter--| B. H. Matthews and --wife to Pub for will be extremely beautiful, | Service Co. QCD $10.> --Pt of NE Mahogany and white will predomin-- |gr--of NE ar of Sec 17, Waukegan. qh'- The celectrical <lighting> system W. C Belibel and wife to Florence Red. White & | N. Cook, WD $10. Lots 17 and 18, Blue lights will be found | bik. 105, . So Wikgn.> : s in great. profusion. -- Floodlight will}l State Bank of Chgo. to E. A. Har-- make the surrounding almost as bright| rington and wife jt tens. Deed $10-- as day. There. will be parking space|Lot 32, First addn to Ravinia For-- for T00 automobiles. Present plans indicate--that a radio broadcasting station may 'be placed on the top of the auditorinm. * RHEU MA TISM| -- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 O @| Sec 9, Grant. * ¢ * 4 H. Hoyt to H. L. Sceott and wf. Mrs. Fred Kincade has returned to|jt tens. WD $10. Pt of lot 16 and her home after spending a few days)all of lots 17 and 18, blk 1, Marvins the past woek at the home of daugh--| sub, sec 9, Grant. * mmmwm W. Zupkus and wife to E. S. Faulk and Mrs. Warren of Ivanhoe.| ner and wife tj tens WD $10. E. Arthur Verrier has accepteda pos+ | nf of SE ar also 510 acres Of N 25 tion at King's drug store for the sUM--| acs and N 12 acs of 8 15 acs W bhf Thursday afternoon. All are invited.|6 bf--of lot 1, bik 5, NW addn to Mrs. H. B. Gaston and children mo--| Town of Little Fort, now Wikgn. tored to Libertyville Saturday. H. Clinton Burnett and~ wife. to The young Indies of the Methodist] B. Rosenzwelig ~and ~wife Jt tens. church enjoyed their regulsr monthly | QCD $1.--Pt of lot 20, 8 Trs Subdn party at the churtch basement Friday|Sec 16, Wkgn.' PAUL dancters: and > spectators-- about the't0 P R. Birkemeier and wife Jt tens. dance floor. a WD --$2,000. Lots: 54 to 61 inc. Bik ~BillHiard tables will be located in the ]2, Meyoers & Worthingtons Sheridan | west portion of the bullding, and four| Shore Highiands..--Sec 4, Waukegan. | bowling alleys are to be instalied in| D. B. Carney and hus to W. Nor-- | the south side, | A Jlunch room and |Eren and wife Jt tens. WD $10. . Lot ooOOOOQQOOOQOOnI'WIM and hus to H. Hoyt: ANTIOCH ds 17 ind 18. bif 4. Marrins un 0O _ _A IIIILEI ----= _ O@| 1ots 17 and 18, bik 1. Marvins sub, wardrobe space for 1,000 also will be l;m ww.».vl"l hfl' " &M.""l"'_ * fi t me nothing. I «54+1h aAaas P Ry sfi --<s: -- -- without Penalty 3 .'5; Brockton, > -- < a y ¥ _ > a> m -- é DL |.. The Sunday evpnig serfvce of the o = * «church was given over to CTIOAN|the roung people of the Antioch high 16 sechoo!, in honor of their good. work s'z'hm- e ie > > being good, . with toh-- exception of 1, blik 5, adgn:to Re WD $10. (Lot 13, bik 6, First addn to Ravinia Highlands, SW ar of Sec fiombfddum< R faF eE t y o k P lie dacsl is ut 3 re k ht W o gh Oc .. 3 es > d is ; i f >« d ,?_; ,f ?; 3 % ho ,:'f" "\ * D LX U EZIVL & M * : N » s 149 $ "or : * e x * L % veus i + < 7 'r_- PB T 4 0 a J _ s $ B -- © t w > ?: e * s R 3 ft: * 4 k o 4 se e ~o. -- °m ) wp eeeeeees Speeeets < B 00 MB . CABBRe o. 00 e 0. t S :.4 O 1 Ts designed to give superior smoothness on to Ravinia Hig THE DISTINGUISHED * = THE INDEPENDENT------ONLY $1.50 YEAR _ Fourteen Distinguished Body Types--priced from 3:9""3% fithD:'v&u'*::'mm 620 Milwaukee Ave. Antioch Milling Co, Antioch, Ill. Evans Feed Co.. Highland Park, HL 8. L. Tripp Lbr: Co.. Mundelein TibbettsCameron Co., Round Lake 'This is the famous feed that contains Cod Liver Oil and--Cod Liver Meal added to a wonderful group of ingredients, including pure oatmeal. ease and gives the tiny birds a real start. , ST OP.. Best material and workmanship guaranteed. Give us a trial. We will do the rest. and Prairie View. L . A. J. Merchant, Waukegan, UL Gurnee Tor. Co., Gurnee, III. _ Zion Feed Stores, Zion, HL WE. BUILD SHOES FOR CRIPPLES Give your baby chicks a chance to grow into the . _ finest early market birds, or egg producers, you . ©*_ -- have ever had. Feed them a scientific ration-- 5 Don't Let Your Shoes Be Cobbled Let Us Rebuild Them G ""'l"l"'v'wllfl"._é"-- --l "R""". « he Quaker.Qails G@mpany Auto Curtains Repaired The only way to the vast dif-- f lesser types is to drive this Eight yourself. S M. BUSICK CHICAGO, U. 8.A QUA KE R Jr., 1 f P e S 5 E. @.f.g;.'i se#

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