Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 5 May 1927, p. 9

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> 5s hC C * ui4 ay Rirugis hi ARght N8 + & * _TA Tik mase moe ans mus Htua . _ -- .. is 9 d¢ 4 f'@' 4 3 ie m * * L t 7 -- '. h R kL . + a A +<5% _ w S * uk W'T e {ak -- «l + _ v e + m C $ -- Bs > R s sobh * y S' ,n' E' ies & , . C . g ' &~ 3 '.. H a ': M i: + 8 * o .'3,3 I , 4 m $ 4 {' in 40 uns ue + x , + M T 8 °. $ ~Co yB _ * e > % : l © f f f 'FHK ' 3 § -- . '; %, m"" »P" & :} i -. i9 *R "*. > sew l C inl %5. *&., » _ t i 'j' ';'__' * ht b 6 s g t % p «e h _ k prfoonere® x h ce o i watn B 3 L " A anty yubine . s 7 »: ' > . ( i 1 ue w i ¥ 7 * ; (oeepemaerces ies Comgpe: qafbas®+ ie L teica dlts 4 2 30 9 e -- } ¥ w28 * Ea;!otmyt "ll:wd'l'l pottery ? 3 say man's oldest: man-- l&lflnw If" you know ur Bible you may recall in Jere Mink the ' words: > ~ <~>=< i~\ .. « "Then I went down to the 'botter's a proper degree the--.tiles--are taken to the.kilos tnrjuflu'; SBevwet pipe is madefrom twenty« unnhflihdh:lzudmh «ile® ftrom four to thirty--six inches, Opeuware and crocks and the mix-- Ing bowls for our kitchens that "-ut"o::hdhmflhr.'.r w Qfim- It is an economical necessity" that a 'pottery maker manufacture goods ot many sizes. This is because in the burning of one item of a slightly smailer size is placed inside--a larger , Burned, contains a down u'm'mm It kilns must be avoided.© --= 3 The output is in direct ratio to the ability of the makers~to "nest" the goods being made in the kilus.. It cuts down the element of time and the -- cost in making, and plays . an. important part--in--the cextreme low cost oft© atoneware. -- s markings --have come. tC stoneware more colorful. eote, flower mo.'m If glaszsed parts touch in the bura-- gether. Unuglazed parts can' If--the bottoms are glased you ~will probably® find -- three little <~polats. They were there to prevent fusing. ¥Fer ap to 40. gAlODS. . ANG-- IBL LAHT mmmhnhghwl.l_um the ~manufacture bean pots but earthen chicken fountains are want-- ed as never before. Farm papers suggest them because of:absence of are run through other automatic machinery. Making tile is priacticalk Iy the same operation as making hrmno;hmomadg are automa trimmed and set aside to dry. e y Ii you have a large crock--in your kitchen look at it 'The glaze, prob-- awbly, will extend up its sides. 'The bottom and the rim at~the top will not be glazed. There is a reason for --that. in burning, crocks -- are on top of andther,. filled with amallerp crocks. %, f mouthed crocks of the kind the -mro!m'hflm"" cove:. They are made in all sizes ¥OLUME XXXV--NUMBER1s: -- -- f'w.m,mgh.nniehltfl' ::Qm flaski--wall kiln, ~the in of which was esoon to be rnmm pottery world. Llub!.,lhnol.Mhhd t&m And it was here i Hall that the White Hall awar Pine & Pottery Works buillt To Evoilntion, too, --bas come=~10-- iUS siness in White Hall That® Lfirst mmonplace, plain red--ware has be-- ,mn'rul'z'-lootll wotrld * at r.nuehh:d.}. _records, -- but> in . clay--working has made its name felt every-- are. Whits Hall products have 1 prises at international exposi-- is and the name, White Hall, on ise the rural dweller no longer :"k:fx*;;'.?w hk es the the molsture is reduced to to m . town with that historic well 'filled with "spirits" akin to. Steriing on ot the "'"fi'.' of the ~ individual ° bog makes and health sure for hun-- dreds of thousands of hogs.. The serum is now sold from this plant t.'nmnymg:':'fim Athtt-d:- been -- even e ms;ue-uc»vmom-n + ALLEGED BANDIT--S8HOT _ -- ~ Chicago,, May 4.--Edward Clifford, 30, one of~ three alleged bandits, was shot and. perhaps fatally wound-- ed by police today--while trying> to mileg: out.of~town. A.. L. --McClay :ncu it. Legend: has t:.'{ 4 @I, y years k meld o o diaae e into m--m--m," said. "Fine fAavor, .&H"flkw* ie o o. i , Jland and 'the orchar& now w gometimes as many as 500 of apples. in a season, -- * main thing. And then there are -- That's~ the ~story-- of how a Aits & works and --a milk com densery. But clay products are the mlmhnm"udutry.m' Y family operates eightsen hundred acre apple m::n-rw i Chicago, May 4.--John K.. Woitom win h:"n to %mn June 1 Of violating the prohibition law."~ * aperation for of the stomack. -- mumm; Tal-- Mmfivehfl.'lg'hl.coy: Policeman Carrolt others w were in on the raid at Wofton's place were summoned to Chicago this morn-- ing for the hearing. : tenced to servre. one. to-- fourieen years in the state prison for forg-- wa is ~"the Hall ~Pant & Overall ~Co.,-- which ib witness against Woiton, w ing checks on Libertyville merchaats in to be <taken to Joliet today. ~He pleaded the charge that had been brought by the First® National SMITH GOFS TO WOJTON CASE IS IN FEDERAL COURT U TRIAL _ ON= JUNE Irving Chief Tifany is in Mayo Brothers' MISS EPPES HAWES, daughter of Senatér Harry B. Hawes of Missouri, is one of "the most enthusiastie equestriennes in Washington. She was photographed at the 'fashionable Riding and Hunt Club and will ride in the tlub's horse show to be hbheld this monith. of Chief of Police Frank' Reports State That Churchill's any is Cause of De-- . Ambh!fl&'m- PEN TODAY They were written in her girlhood when her niams was Julila A. Flietcher and she lvyed in Boaton.> Mrs,-- Car-- "Little drops ~of: water, little grains . ~(Thig is the. nifety--seventh> of & series of articles written for the 1}-- Hnois: Chamber --of Co-ncreo'n:a titled "Re--discovering +I!linois." Thelr: w is 'to benefit, <build and de-- #elop -- --1l;inois ~as* a< 'whole.© <The next will bo published 'soon.), =>> . Hinn sitlhh © mamerock ia «omm uL E is > Thm: & tion with regurd to war debts. _ .: 'Churchill,; Chancéeller of thé exchequer, and is in reply to recent observations by secretary of the:--treasury mellon on The note wili} be published here to-- Make 'the mighty ocean and the gold: Ing, a widow, at the home' of a eou. She is buried there. 694A i It is understood Winston Churchill, Chancellor _of the. British exchequer, disputes Mr. Melion at many points as set forth in Melion's recent leilter to president HibHen of Princeton. REVELERS ROBBED IN INN _ Chitago, ~»May > 4.--Twenty couples at (the© Highland cate lost an esti-- mated. $3.000 to $5.000 in cash and jJoweliry today when three armed bandits held up <the establishment. are at variance with those recently expressed <by secratary of the troms-- ury melion, has been received at the ::'uumnmww The British note tras been the sub-- Ject of a conference between president Coolidge, secretary mellion and state department officials, but all refused to discuss it in any way. > Becretary Meflon, it was learned at the state--Gdepartment, is now prepar-- ing'a reply to the British communica« tion, and both will be reteased for pub-- Heation*in morning papers of tomor-- -- Washington, May\&--A communica-- CLEAR UP DEBTS ment has seut & hew A0 {'."h;a'mt:.fl +a armw X'n Melion., Brarntrct w discovered in the kitchen, where the 'body--of Mrs. Alberti was fonnd.© A+ bertis' body .was found in the bath-- reom. %m«mwyem- dren and the maid were found in 'bed-- the State Savrings bank. Fimie too mone; Leo, agets, ' G Leo, : aged5, ud tiscrepancics in Albe are no on y uo pecty forksd Jn wat ik-w---,- il;;u P--IT IT Qa;-'m ' Estimate overcome by illuminating gas fumes. Four were members of one family, the . Tos Angeles, Cal., May 4--aAttom|§ Let Us--Lay Your neys for Charles Chaplia, film co-- (IJ:.>> Kitchen with fi dian, ""'"':"'" "'"m' i ML _ 'New Linofeum An>* _ nortain hm-m 1. 1N ~ > Phone for : Chicago, -- _ May 4..--Eight +Iilinois eations for voters; He deniecd that he had instructed them how to cast their ballote. c>4 Immediately after the complaint of traudulent voting > had | been-- made Btates -- Attorney.. Stnith sent detec-- tives down to work up the case: The filing of the information that made the suit possible was the subsequent -- unerns| --"Taade ~p ~He had ordered that. the foufth count be nolle prossed. He took that action explaining that he fifth was a reiteration of the fourth charge and that Lain could not be punished tWice for the same act. He did this after the court had allowed a new trial on %'m not ¥ail his nephew. The Lains live in "wwuw m'nuhufim during the u-.' Lain and all entered pléas of gullty to" fllegal vyoting,. ~Sentences of 10 days in jail and $100 in fings were im-- posed in each cade. ~~ : ~Lain was accusod by the state with taking his employes off a job and dri-- ving them to the pollis to vote for special bond issues being taken up at Highland 'Park.. SBome of the men Lain contended that ho had simply ordered all 'his ummu' vote If they: were q .and hbe stated that he looked up the qualifi> Block Asks Jailing < Assistant States Attorney 8. H. Block, who with States Attorney A. ¥.>Smith conducted the fnvestigation asked that the defendant be "We feel a jail sentence should be imposed in --view of the evidence. The penalty should be sufficiently severe," ki' 7/ Y P Th the % FIGMTS SENSATIONAL CHARGE Leo Alberti, 30, asuistant cashior of the deaths apparently were ac-- gj',','- P is '_,'4 oul 3 4 | _ J : Springfield, 111., May 4, -- Startling Wefi _ |aitmens hi rovoice sn on Ir Karl W o\ Back. acting'nou.,z [DF R/C. Moore, secretiry ot the 11'f '_Dr. Ka ': rak shiad t ve MB |nols State Teachers' association; in ','.'g""- lee Ta* n posit 50) oR |comparing Dlinois with the state of sppointed to the position DY the|wew York in regard to siate school bouniy bourd h;.Mm u" Tunds and facome taxes. afterncon. ; Moore said that the New York Lez-- eememenmnmesmimemmamesmemmansemmamemmememmmmmmmmmmen (ABLEUTC LAS :lut hcmmud ut'!::' f't:'u . ky A school fund -- $16,5£00,000 or _._-- START ~BANDIT TRIAL 000,000 to $70,500,000 a year, besides Jacksonvilie, ~Ore., May ~4.--With |other Iiberal appropriations to univer-- the !lrym',ru-mb- of ev--isities and normal schools. idence in the murder of Hugh |= "In Jilinols," Moore said, "the bud-- d'Autremont, > suspected -- Siskiyou 'get recommends only $8,000,000 a year. train robber, began here' today. _ |for the state school Tund, or'less than UVT. Rarl w. Beck, acting »county physiciah, who m&n&au hb"g; larly appointed-- to position : by county ' board in their meeting this . a7 Years-- 'or Setvu:o in Waukegan '*all 1819 and Have Our Appraiser Look O ver Your Things and Have the Credit Baked Enamel provision ch a m b e r Refrigerator Come 'in and--we promise you the Largest Selection and Lowest Price that you can Here is a suite that will give you a life--time of Happiness. All the broad surfaces are of genuine Walnut veneer. 66--Inch Buffet, Heavy 45x60--Inch Table, ~Good Solid Chairs, with Tapestry, Seats. This suite is a good "Buy" $ 1 59 50 C §$225; T hkY WEEK ................... ....".co . cccoentrtanentisiint o armame cnainonnrim intentncomeommntniniment w 'A Beautiful 8--Piece Walnut Dining Suite $159.50 Seamless -- / _ _ The. New --> :"'. : Patterns At--Only 60 Different Styles > ~A Don't Move Your Old Furniture Don't Go Another.Day Without A New Refrigerator i e eA c on e ce n on . o S oot 4 Settle The New Rug Question Tomorrow Into Your New Home < ] New, York Spends Much More _--1 -- For Schools Than Does I!li-- -- 1-- . . _nois Says Expert. -- > NEED-- --~BETTER TAXATION OF TWO STATE 224 is o oo . Ti w &! . $150.00 ©§1.50 PER YEAR. IN ADVANCE _ .3 Door Front -- Icer Refrigerator ;L,'- B NC s VB e hovar We 2/ % c) 4o oc i Hardwood case.-- All enam-- eled' lmd provision cham-- ber. Special Mays Landing; N. J., May 4.--One hundred nrrus are homeless, an entire town is in ruins and an area of 25 'square miles in South Jersey is in a devastated condition® today, the toll of two giant forest firsse in Atlantic county. _ * . "Therefore,. we should follow an-- other example olll::t' York and lery an income tax. teachers are in hearty accord wilh the farmers, bank-- ers and Iabor federations in endorsing the income tax bill now before the legislature and the use of the proceeds for the state school fund." a'd_l\uah tex'rates and educational "*"I€ seemis only proper for the legis: fature,--which is the. supreme school board of the state, to remedy inequai-- Rl;bfi'flléfllqmtunfiotuomlo * "The New York plan of liveral state ald_ proper!y distributéd is recom-- ended, by . expert --authorities. _ But, ince Our general pruperty tax has down, it is difficult to obtain more state funds from it. ° of the common 1 per cent of the cost . ~@xt2' Rugs. &" en' ~--"proof and Rot--proot. FIRE CLEANS OUT TOWN $18.95 .}F-l'.""--m common .;'J a C *# . ' + Te ts T rsacd fln * .:« x5 dehed Af senools wpan lecar iak= ° *--***** *\ d d 04 + on bmnadfiin it anttedt tthon ie . dn «. M 4 *L is 4t 55. Condiie Seauseg. the thobi. e¥irqthe in . |.*|~/ * 0 C 5o * + % s# 15450 44 % : e4auses, the _ tholt" e¥irqthe ;ing=" |--*|~.* /0 * Visit Our Bungalow OR wes, tria,te,* : § +

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