| Cory's Market| se * <pvevenarner--agmamiietes. Phone 476 -- Hetzel's Sugar Catsup, 2 for Premium Pork Loins . . . 23¢ Leg of Veal Pure Creamery Butter . . . 43¢ Lard, 2 Ihs. for . --.-- . . 25C Specials for Saturday Pork Shoulders, small, lean.. . 17¢ > _TRADE HERE AND SAVE MONEY iGF and are always glad to 'talkK over-- financial matters m&x you, whether or not you are a depositor in our bank. We give not only security but SERV-- ICE and are always glad to "talk over'" We invite YOUR Banking Business a LAKE COUNTY NATIONAL BANK The Wealth of Our Nation is back of the Federal Reserve System of Banks, of , Thnzxves greater SECURITY to our depositors. f CA CS Two Row, 12 Shovel Janes-- .: H & ville, $85.00 P . 545 No. V We are a You Will Soon Need A Few of Our Many «4 e ~ I| ># 1| Items Of General Interest To Local People ||| ..®=.*.*. and "Monaar with ber prandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Simon Alkofer and Mrs. Rogse Alkoter were guests of Deer-- Thomas is reported as seri-- flvm-b ® 'of his daughter, W. J. f-mm 'The Raymond family of Fre-- mont Center were guests at the Hd Diets home Sunday; Mrs. Helen Freder'¢ck was here the tirst of the wee kfrom Fremont Céen-- ter .vigiting at the bhome of her son, H. J. Beckman, of Waukegan ,trans-- wegek,to remain some weeks, looking after his large farm there. Mr. and Mrse.. Peterson enter-- Mr. and Mrs. 2 Strong of Deer-- Mre. Fred Jochhéig left Tuesday for Fort Wayne, Ind., wheer she will visit relatives for a week or so. & «~ Mr. and Mrs .Dewey Sumeriski mo-- mwmwu the Deceoration day . returning Mr. and Mrs. Ivar Lock and family, of Hammond, Ind., were nere for Memor-- in} day visiting at the home of Mr. and systematic method of dizaposal at low cost to storekeapers and householders. Call 21 or 5620--W, for particulars. 19 are visiting u«L nome of Mrs. Root's mother, Mrs. E. M. Hagerty, on Memoria lday visiting relatives in Lib Margaret Kramer, who is attending Gilbert Lnce 'wont to Montana last Mrg. Raymond Nutt was hostess to Noewberry ENBAR'CI your beauty with a per-- manant wave.. We give every u'x an: in-- dividual in-- bar mueh tive 4 ~--PUSH WAVvE $10 r particu-- oi C400 o aan's se | in collision with a Ford coupe. The sen market. The cause was the Ford mmmmmumm said to be traveling at a rather high rate of gpeed. 'The Ford lost a rear wheel and fender, and the Buick was somewhat dented up. The damage was settled without court action.; * Thmn.'mwo(thol.l. church, will meet at the home of Mrse. ts villege, 3ie apent the night in Jat and was discharged next morning. Charley Johmison returned home on N omlint sombk time honlng aiter hes spending time looking after his real 'estate interests there. Charley on . and says The B. Wilcor family apent over last Bunday on a motor trip to the central part o flilinois. Mr. Wilcox says most o fthe land in that section is covered with water, and that Lake county looks better to him every day. _ Special services will be held at St. "w'msul'w "sg.b-dm';h' Bplyculn'xatl;.'n. At the service of the Holy Eucharist at 11 o'clock, there will be special music by the choir. The children of the church school will be given their annual re-- wards for proficiency and attendance at 10 o'clock. All gervices on daylight saving time, J. R. Mack, of Broadway, employed g:lm m d'hm on account of a Jack: fallipg on his~foot, <and badly sprained ankle. -- The -- accident oc-- curred last Thursday afternoon. George Mason returned home Tues-- day from Mason Lake, Wis., where he has been for several weeks building a summer home. This lake is between Porteous and Killbourn, and is one of the prettiest of the many fine lakes in the badger state. San Diego, Calitand are visidae at * are Kthe bomgs of their brother, Judge B. A ~Chicago griving j . John Burton, LeKRoy | tion. : The ballots were delivered to N'&.:'idunr:-mu cnulmmmhmwauom Rapids, Mich., were guests at p, | today. m Ames home over Meesorial Gay. County Clerk Lew Hendee has re-- DeVolder and> family of 'Waukegan, |commissionér, was he only one of & m»mmmwmumom»mg the week end. mummm The Foorth Year Jun'or Girls of the |Eoodelt aa0 Obas" E Rossoll it is mmmmww'ghmumm a baked bean and brown bread sale at iname Lobdell as chief of the 'l'lun.&u.mnonm.hul. :llll'v'li:'fiml- .t-u. meeting at 3 o'clock, daylight saving time »-- |next week. Othe rdetails of this will Mr .and Mrs. Fred Smith and duagh-- be found in the setond section of this ter, Frances, and Mr. and Mrs. Peter |199%e. Hansen, motored to Allegan, Mich., j Bunday, where they & tives| Nels Johnson, Gus Petersen and over dJecoration day. valtted feil Waiter Brodie, three local men, were mmanmsuduuthd'iii; uncles, John and Henry Aimond, _ Mrs, Perry Walton was nere from Waukegan <Friday afternoon, visiting at the home of he --parents, Mr. and Jim Storch, 4746 Lawrence Avenue, Chicago, was taken into custody SBun-- day night, when he was acting in a Mrs. William Silbery (formerly Miss "'!':."S_'!) and her sister,. . Miss Mr .and iMrs:. George James were here from Waukegan Monday, guests at the Almond home on First street. 4 x4 Fred Jochheim, and other rela: §100 0e 0e 2 .5: % . *' e _ _, ' ||| Proctor and-- Mre.. Weilch,. --All who 'wigh to attend are requested to be at h ~Jl{ the church at:--1:30, and cars will be .. _County Clerk Lew Hendee has re-- celved word from Springfield that R. M. Lobdell, present couny highway commissionér, was he only one of & class of five o pags he examinaion for wo men e h uuoummi'gnmn. It is conceded to be certain that the board wil Iname Mr. Lobdell as chief of the scounty's highways, at the meeting next week. Othe rdetails of this will be found in the sectond section of this Nels Johnson, Gus Petersen and Waiter Brodie, three local men, were arrested Bunday and arraigned before Bartiett, charged with driving WM The first two were fined $100 and Brodie was given $50. They Pichie, foth of Chicago, were fined $10 and costs in the same court, on charge dm%fln:fi I!.D-lr..: m.n::'cmmm Among The Judicial election for the 17th Jw dicial District, composed of Lake, Mc-- Henry arfd Winnebago counties, will be held next Monday, June6. There is no contest, all the present judges be-- They are Judge C. C. Edwards, au-- kegan; Judge Edward Shurtleif, of Marengo, and Judge Arthur E. Figher, of Rockford. The polis wil be open the same hours as,any general eleo MALOLA AALMANRA J + LA _ KA Pichle, foth of Chicago, ll'-Lwi':hgr.otMAvm of 'Wauconda 'Tuesday evening, May S4th. Twenty young ladies made the W"W'W"'" jJolly party... An program of games formed the entertainment for oi ind io e party departed for Wauconda. ,I::.'hrrvn;w o fthis club before moving to Liberty-- tw This powder contains real sold cream. It is soft, anooth, fragrant.: _A scarcely . perciptible powder that stays on until you take it off. . 3 JONTEEL With every purchase of a --_ »~ S#e box of ~ Face Powder ne RexoAl store 75e Value Both for 50c, Decker & Neville Cold Cream GIVEN AWAY Carchcre Welacs SfC am»e|| "The Sea Tiger" Myrtie Wehrenberg was in Chicago last woek visiting her sister, Mrs. Wak ter. Jelly. _ . Don't forget the dance given by the American Legion, at the Libertyville Town Hall, on Thursday (tonite) eve ning.© Ladies 25¢, Gentlemen 75¢. -- _ ' Also News and 'Comedy. a Mevwg--Goldioyn--Mayet neruen GARY COOPER in a Paramount Weetern Wednesday, June 8 Monday and Tuesday June 6 and 7 A dgrama of a woman's struggle II' to overcome her environment.: . JETTA GOUDAL as the beautiful Spanish dancing Greatest Thursday--Friday June 2 and 3 '"Held By the Law" ||| JOHNNIE WALKER MARGUERITE de ia: MOTTE s usten bomwt ronaky: "Illl-- .~ and RALPH LEWIS in a sensational melo--dra ADMISSION 20¢ and 40c funniest film ever! You will cheer--you'll! love it with MARY ASTOR. Also Comedy-- and News. MILTON SILLS in Also a Comedy. se es o of deser-- Lake County Insurance Agency THE LOWEST RATES CONSIS8STENT WITH GOOD INSURANCE Telephone No. 8 Or 628--M--1 « -- « EVERGREEN LUCK! K erc., where you want fhre--safety and per-- manence at lowest We recommend this especially for garages, HAVE YOUR AUTOMOBILE INSURED IN THE for the l8st fime f this bank. Your'savings will earn 3 per cent compound interest here. Make sure that your luck will con-- tinue, year in and year out, by build-- ing up a Reserve Fund with regular To have enough money to live com-- fortably and without worry is to be "&r Capital : and Surplus $100,000 Mwmdnhrdt-wb 'bottom, and should not be confused with ordinary rag--Aelt shingles, whilch although slightly cheaper-- in price can pever;have the permanence and fre--safety that go with asbestos. . 4A tos Shingles right over the old roof -- at a great seving. You don't have to pay to have the old shingles torn off and tarted away. And you have a 'beautiful, fre--safe and permanent roof in a much shorter time. tones of red, green and blue--black--whichever, ' _ We carry a roofing to fit every price require~ .. _ tos Shinvies right over the old roof --~ at a hite and color LIBERYVILLE, ILL «i x¥ ** z4* t#