Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 16 Jun 1927, p. 3

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Built to thrill 0 nuison e § HE WALKS AGAIN ---- NK _ 10-- LA SA + sections is unfair to 20,000,000 work-- um&mh:namb':fl from w each day, according & public statement made by Lacius S. Storrs, managing director of the Amer-- jcan Hlectric Railway Association. "Of the 43,000,000 daily workers in the United States more than 20,000,000 are handled during the morning and evening rush hours," he says. "Most of these 20,000,000 are anxious to get to their places of employment or to reach home after a hard day's work." He then cites the injustice of pet-- mitting one man to par khis car at the curb and throw traffic over in front of a street car, delaying seventyfive or more workers. A widespread protest against down-- town parking is already under way in this country, according to Mr. Storre. "Downtown parkine must go," he says. "Nothing so unfair to a majority of the people can remain." OLASBIFIED ADS will impress you with their importance. Parked Automobiles Delays U. S. Workers of the case. "Then we swung him from a crose--beam over his bed, which permitted him to be turned from side to side and kept pneumonia from developing. Later, the cast was removed and a plaster shell fitted to Brace Comes Off Soon "Within three and one half months afterward, he was able to walk. We now are keeping a small steel brace on his back to protect him from strain. He sleeps without it, and will soon be able to take even that off." _ "This ought to show that a broken "Within half an hour after he was hit, we had him ewung by the arm-- pits in an improvised harness, while we put him in a steel cast from his arms to his knees," said Dr. H. B. Roberts of Highland Park, in charge w\ next door and sunlight dapples nmnmmm tors 'und nurses who lifted young Em-- mmflummuu feot, say: t-- medical science, mir aculous determination on their pa tient's part and the cooperation of mhu:cmcu-mm thern Illinots, for which work ing at the time he was crushed by the pole, have helped to write a new chapter in his complete and quick re covery from what used to be regard-- ed as a fatal accident.-- sudd as over. . it cortainiy doote gooc, let me tell you." » Out at the--beautiful little hospital, where quist® breezes drift in from the "My batk was broken in six pla ces, after a 1,200 pound iron electric M)obhndodunmhow. everybody who didn't say I was fimrcumanxm. because T'd be paralyzed forever if 1 Gearge Emmett, as 'he swung down the steps of the Highland Park Hos-- pital and out to its gramey back yard to see hbow it felt to posh --a lawn mower again, "they all said last Jan-- nary that 1 was a dead one sure. torts of a noted physician and attend-- ants at the Highland Park hospital to sarte the lifte of George Emmett, BACK BROKENIN -- |(; Companion Car to CadiHine=--Prom $2498 to $26885, f, o. b. Detrot; the men who think in terms of miles per minute. Meanwhile its graceful beauty, its distinguished lines, its rare fineness of appointment, have opened for it the most exclusive gates of motor-- dom. And the La Salle price is a challenge in FOR A SMALL DOWN PAYMENT--with the ap-- praisal value of your used car acceptable as cash --you may possess a La Saile on the liberal teerm-- payment plan of the General Motors Accept-- C "w KE _8 i »apgcn 4 * °_ Te # It's lon--the famous C. M. A. C. plan. cago, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Russo Friday. > Mrs. Edna Orsborne was the week end guest of Mrs. Yager in Chicago. 'The Daily Vacation Bible School opened Monday at the Evangelica} Bungalow church. Twenty--three pupils _ --Miss Bertha Weiss, teacher of piano will give a recital of her pupilz at the Bungalow church Friday evening. --~Thursday evening the baseball team of the bungalow church played a game on the church lawn. The club is com-- posed of the young men of the church. } Ethan W.liman and family of Des Moines, lowa, were week end visitors with Deerfleld relatives. ----Mrs Emil Giss entertained the La-- dies Aid Society of Prairie View Evan-- gelical church Thursday afternoon. . _-- Irving Plagge of DeKalb was a<week end visitor at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.lliam Plagge. Mrs. Harvey Smith of Evanston was the luncheon guest of Mrs. Harry Olen-- dorf Wednesday. Mr. and-- Mrs. Harry Johnson of Northbrook were guests of Revr. A.T. Johnson and family on Sunday. The Young Peoples'® Missionary Cir-- cle of the Bungalow church enjoyed a weiner roast at Dam No. 2 Tuesday evening. Mrs. John Stryker had the young people in charge. ant ommmwwm' President. Foester is a quiet, mild mannered man who has{orgotten more | about 'government: affairs than self-- Styled experts will--over know. * Though the Supreme Court functions effectively and noliselessly, its pro-- nouncments are egarly awaited by the world of law and finance. The highest tribunal has adjourned until the fall term which opens in October. It has been said that the Chief Justice and h s associates are desirous of clearing the calendar but at present they are 2 tyuuboundinthdrhbon. These learned gentlemen have real .prob-- lems to solve. l Just at a time when everybody be-- Meved that Lindbergh's visit had bolstered up the relations between this country and France, the question of debt settliements arise to plague the diplomata. The agreement reach-- ed between representatives of the two governments some months ago, has | never been ratified by the French Sen-- ate and indications are given that the French want to dicker again 'with the view of obtaining better terms. Ac cording to opinions expressed here the American Government went the limit in concessions and may demand h'gh | er mates in event a new pact is drawn.| White House here.. Little is known out President of the United States. . His title of "exescutive clerk", a position he has occupied during four adminis-- trations. -- Cabinet officers and 'others, report direct to him and he forwards whatever reports he believes import-- lost its ~most important citizen for three months. mhnlo"'h.'a full force as Cabinet Oéficers and iecusme on io darte ons P the exodug from the on's 4 It is a splendid-- place for nine or ten months, but July and August in Wash-- ington are periods to avoid because of the bumi'dity. ¢ side the The bulk of the work demanding the attention of the executive branch of the government still comes to the lage of LLE NEWS FROM DEERFIELD Preabyterian Snyod at Bloomington | _ ==_ _ ___. ; this week. --| WILMOT--SCHOOL P. T. A, MEETING Mr. and Mrs. Thilo Toll and Mr. and| / The Wilmot school P. T. A. will con-- Mrse. Clarence Sherden attended BA |guet a business session and social rington Chapter~O..E. 3. last Friday |hour at the school Friday. evening evening. * June 17, at 8:--o'clock. 'This will be.the Mr. and Mrs. Rarl Varper and daugh MWWW mdw .t'g.m H l dipmitmeg 5 .N . A ily are visiting relatives in Washing-- | ~(hfidren's day was observed in Deer. emplified the fork. ... -- _ Miss Ethel Kreh entertained Mrs. Frank Russo's Sunday School class of which she is a member, last Friday wille,: were guests of Deérfield rela-- tives Sunday. Rev. Mark J. Andrews attended the were enrolled, and more are expected. 'The school will be open four weeks. Mrs. Roy Tronjo of Ch cago visited Mrs. Mary Cooksey this week. Miss Frances Loy entertained the Misses Diana and Petronella Franken of Palo Alta, Calif., over the week end. The Bwanson family of Chicago were also guest Sunday. Rev. A. T. Johnson broadcasted over W. M. A. Q. at the T:30 worship hour spending a few weeks with relatives Beptember. 'The controversey over & special department for aviation has been revived in the American Legion, and will find its way.--to the Senate and House at the next session. There is no question about the effect of the Lindbergh: and Chamberlin flights in offeial circles. mornings Mrs Beckmon, Mrs. Wess ling and Mrs. Merper sang over the same station. Alvin Meyer was the guest of Mr. *The renewed interest in aviation will be reflected in the budgets of the Army and Navy th's fall. It is said that revisions are now under--consid-- eration and will be ready for Con-- gressgional committees which meet in stay here. -- Visitors 'will be referred to Mr. Everett Sanders, the secretary to the President, and the political con-- Mmtmmflmm say that the is not at all distrurbed, as organrized farmers en-- dorse various candidates for the Re-- publican Presidential nomination who are friendly to their legiglative pro-- gram. He refuses to be stampeded, even as the political scouts report dis-- satisfaction among the farmers. In some quarters, it is said that the Pres-- ident is side--stepping efforts of leg's-- lators, to place the responsibility for farm relief conditions on the execu-- tive branch at fault rests with the leg-- measures, it is said, that leaders of various agricultural groups are plan-- ning conferences in the Black Hill}s. Mr. Coolidge has let it be known that he will appreciate privacy during his which convenes in LDecemver, is so 'crowded with important matters that flood reliet would be side--tracked. The mprhtlon bills usually take up ?m:::nthn'thomm reduction, mwm tests must be settled before the 3-- identia! conventions in June, of 1928. and the time is short. 'The politicians feel: that 'Mr.. Cool-- zovln bave time to study form re-- f plans this summer, while sojourn-- ing in the farm section. With a view national group" in the United States: . ; Increase. > | + | ive "taxing powers "o y ~supe Those remaining in the city OR Of' | yisors through Hlinols are be'ng take ficial business are pondering Over the | togay through 102 counties in the rumors and denials of an extra 8 state. Lew ~A. m,m'mt'c'"' of Congress. It is certain that no. was informed through Joseph Kelle Becretary of Commerce Hoover | who has --urged the--county board t "'m""'mw& take action to encourage the genéri to recommend to the legisiative bran: sesembly to pass a bit allowing th Prvery precaution will be taken' . 10 | ~oonviee to tax on full valuation. Prone "Poore o fmaye the fnofeney A form resolution, that 1s being pr m.lmwmkmonm sented to each board in the state, wi Highland Park and Mr. and .Mrs. | tained Miss Eva Ender and Dr. Law« ram-thmm't- rence Dondonville at dinner Tuesday & of Oak Park Shrine eve. ;| evening. *¥ Mesdames "John Vetter, Chestor| --~Mrs. Alex Williman--entertained at a 'essaling and Beckmon were hostesses | luncheon Monday in honor of Mrs. | _ r the Mission Band Tuesday afte"-- | Rarl Kress of Pasaic, N. J. son. Mrs. Merner had charge of the | Mr. and Mrs. John Weber visited The program of the regular session, B Y W IL LLA M_P AL EY N. E. A. Correspondent Lake Fodrest Chapter ex-- and family of Liberty-- 408 i 1. CemAWi--# CC ae '| yig e t s y o h ce 2e iess eraant |. 2*3 6 %*%fi i uoc a> F C iss +4 $3# 2" sls 3 o EeP in 900 54 Nes on it W biggest and best yet. Mr. and Mrs, Eugene Ender enter-- tained Miss Eva Ender and Dr. Law« rence Dondonville at dinner Tuesday evening. * Mrs. Alex Willman entertained at a luncheon Monday in honor of Mrs. Karl Kress of Pasaic, N. J. -- Mr. and Mrs. John Weber visited {triends at Zion Bunday. R. M. Calukins has sold his home on Brier Hill to a Mr. McKilup, who has taken possession. (Mr. and Mrs.: Calk-- ins are at the Morraine Hotel in High-- land Park. : "'Miss Isabel Lemke of Waukegan vis mM' a The Presbyterian church achool offi-- vers and teachers met at the home of Mrs. Wm. Kooblin Tuesday evening. . -- Deerfield Garden club will -- meet. Wednesday afternoon June 22, at the muummmm 3 plans in tom-h 8 are progreas p_oqnhqunlnlonhuflthm orut-do(mo.l.s.mdhflu Alice Chapter O. E. 8. in Chicago Wednesday evening. Thursday evening Deerfield Chapter Order of Eastern Star celebrated the birthdays of the Worthy Matron and Worthy Patron of the Chapter by giving a party after the meeting. Cards were played. and a lovely birthday cake and ice cream were served. -- Mra. Caroline Becker was a guest at a birthday party at the home of Mrs. Klug of Northbrook Wednesday Mre. Emily Mueller of Foley, Ala., arrived Tuesday evening at the home of her daughter, Mrs. C. Becker. She will make an extended visit in Deer-- |. Mre. Shuitis, Ray Shultis and Ray Reardon of Waukegan were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Cashmore Friday. Mr. and Mrs. John Bensli of Chicago were week end guests of EBd Selig. 'They attended the band concert Sat-- borlsrminatnstactres -- Ainalitteatowetc zit c id John Woodman and family are vi# iting at the home of Miss Sadie Gallo-- Mrs. Becker and William Barrtett at-- tended O. B. 8. Chapter at Winnetka Miss Erna Reeb entertained a num--| Fadden at Grant hospita!l in CBHI-- ber of friends from Chicago at a picaic mlfluzm He was al Several members of Deerfleld Chap * ter O. E. 8. attended the official visit -- ; C O L of .the Worthy Grand Matron Ida M. Stacey at Campbell Chapter O. T. S Wednesday afternoon. Mrs .E. H. Selig and Ethel Jean, her ; scenery and climate in California. 'The Sunday School state comvention | 0 O 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 will be held at Kankakee on June| Mr. and Mrs. M. Murphy and their 21, 22 and 23. daughters, Virginia and Edith Mary, Rev.--F. G. <Piepenbrok and family | drove to Waukegan 'Tuesday. . are enjoying a vacation of two weeks.| <~Mrs. Daisy Riney had her sister for They are at Lake Tomahawk, Wis. |a visit the past week. © Earl Tilley of Chicago visited Deer--| Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Thayer vis'ted field relatives SBaturday. © their son Arthur Thayer, and family Mrs. Leroy Stace and daughter, Pa hmgm'_ one day recently. tricia, of Milwaukee are visiting at the | They were in Antioch Wednesday. Philip Scully, Sr., home this week. Mr. and Mrs. John' M. Phillippi and Miss Gladys Fritsch and Joe Glats | family and Mrs. C. W. Talbott were in Mr. and Mrs. Wm. C. Kooblin and son, Edmund, were guests of Mrs. He} en Wilmot in Chicago Monday . Deerfield Camp R. N. A. enjoyed a pleasant social 'hour after the meet-- ing Thursday evening. * Five candi detes were received into the organiza-- Mr. and\Mrs. Robert Birge and son, Jerry of Bloomington, are staying at the Philip Scully, §r., home. * Miss Louise Huhn will return home Friday from Turk Lake, where she has been visiting Miss Irene Rockenbach. Under the constitution of the state the county boards are barred from boosting the rates. --; Kellerstrase urges that the boards | platform, lighted by eelctricity,> had write the legislators asking them to |\béeen erected for the use of the band amend the second bill allowing 40 |and everything was in ship shape for cents on the full valuation as the-- new |the boys. > rate. This, he --believes, would relieve | _ 'The well arranged program was ren-- a bad situation. dered in an expressive manner and the Under the constitution of the state |audience favored with several encores the county boards are barred from |in response to the hearty applause. The bill that bas r=esed the state senate and bids fair to pase the house calls for the taxing on the full valua-- tion: But there is a second bill that is amendatory in value tnat will pro-- bably trail it in ratification, This calls for décreasing the rate one--half so that the taxing powers in the end would be just the same. cents on the $100 assessed valuation. for county highway purposes. Assess-- ed value is just half of the full. state -- Lew A. Hendes,=county "clerk, was informed through Joseph Keller strasa, county clerk of Peoria 'county; who has urged-- the=county board to take action to encourage the general aesembly <to pass a bit! allowing the counties to 'tax on ful!~ valuation.: A form resolution, that ts being pre-- sented to each board in the state, will be present Monday when the supervis-- ors convene for their June <mesting. Under the ilaw tha county can ask for 50 cents on the $100 assessed val-- Steps ~to cireumvent the restrict-- ive "taxing powers ~of -- county »super-- visors through Iilinots are being taken today through 102 counties in <the Counties All Through the State Mre E. Wood of Rosemary Terrace ts of Mr.--and Mrs. William <yx" from North Chicago Mr. ~Prigé friends drove to Waukegan Saturday | pome through the wife; cvconing and attended the theatre. should her husband bonor Mrs. Emeline Hall visited BJly MC-- shoulid be . careful lest Fadden at the Grant hospital in CB!--| women to woen, for God ¢ Mr. and Mrs. John' M. Phillippi and family and Mrs. C. W. Talbott were in Waukegan -- Saturday evening. pany from Bristol, Wis.. Sunday. Miss Mary Kerr is sufftering froin a severe attack of 'nflurnza. Misses Helen and Jeanita Nicker-- son, accompanied by their mother, mo-- tored to Michigan recently with Law-- Hansen in his car.. They visited a number of places and spent some time with relatives» at Charlotte, Mich. Helen Nickerson says she had the pleasure of an air ship ride Sunday at Antioch. She said she enjoyed it 00 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -- 0 06 DEERFITELD BAND GIVES CONCERT The open air concert in Jewett Park m:mwuu Saturday 5, under the direction of Frank W. Russeo, was a big successs. A large to hear the initial concert. A large platform, lighted by eelctricity, had .filq ) ~and serviceat at 10+46. 'fin-:otat.rn'h Evangelical church are most welcome to 'this service in the absence of the r pastor. f congregation worship on Bunday, June 26, at St. Paul's Evan-- gelical church. 'The minister of this mt"mmmm sermon. 'Troop 5%, Boy Scouts, meets every Friday evening at 7 p. m. A cordial-- welcome to all the serv-- ites of this church. tve Church achool at 9:30 a. m. Oftde pirniy UVL 4n IUM . ds : * to kecp%" . and plenty of is stant "cold t You'll appreciate this feature of Kelvinator. It makes ice instead ways gives you. call todoy -- -- tS S will bring "Cold that Keeps" to you tomorrow nelt it + SMs C 4 i c s us 133 * ¥ f F h. % § P s . 4 % o B ty p § § . T P pe: Pib & L a L a 2% & 0 T s * M . n 2 C | ~KM-- & 3 C Eo Y "% e p" r | i 16,; C -- id should be .careful lest <they cauuse women to weep, for God counts their #%ears.--The Talimud lowed to sit up for a short time that day. He expressed himself-- much pleas ed to see his friends, and spoke of boy-- hood and school days and also of his mother. ; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hodgkins and son, Robert, spent the week end at -- Clarencpe Millier and Edwin Kapple were in Waukegan Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Wiilton and lit-- tle gon from Chicago visited the r par-- ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A., Wiilton, and Howard Wilton Saturday and Sunday. EHileen Phillippi was operated on for throat trouble at the Victory Me-- morial hospital Wednesday morning. Bhe is convalescing nicely. Wudom From the Taimud p ; o% p P 3 i &5 <# * I '# 2 f e s | P is C f asa o l C i g s pe , MA n . tA 20 e r l ' jitf Custom Buikt Modeis "*_** line--of beautiful gab'lilnli:t Ko'lvinatoj; ou interested in new low--priced steel--clad: "Sealtite" model--$210.00 installed (wiringextra). Or, if you already have a good refrigerator, you'll be glad to know how easily we can put in the freezing 1385 t Main Garage A thrill, never to be forgotten, and a zest that _ A hililmycannotdnfl.mmmformwben you take your first ride in the Hudson Super--Six. The swift esse with which it is under way is but -- one.expression of the virile, stirring power that mbbfqllpafo:wnngc. Hu&ongim,tberalmydrdhbflity.long libnfifmadomfiommpuir,uwdl.modam James Morrow & Son 150 -- 156 80. Genesee Street Telephone 5100 WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS t unit and make a Kelvinator of it in just a few hours-- to "plugin" for "cold --~ -- _ LIBERTYVILLE, ILL 5. 34

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