_ ASKS $5,000 ON ~~--~-- CHARGE OF BEING > . Bartholemew Moran, V?m _ _ _ Street Car Conductor, Sues s 4 Highwood Police. ~_ _'PAGE TWO umenememanema en animemmanan _ 1 . We can supply you with genuine, Goodyear--built tires to fit m'm PATH-- FINDERS if you want them, dependable quality at a low price. GOODYEAR ALL-- WEATHERS of you want the finest and best. Each tire is a money saver. Each is > backed by the Goodyear guarantee, and ours. Here are few representative values: ¥ years a condustor with the> Norts Bhore Line, Friday started suit in the eircuit court against Chiet of Police J. C. Frame and Patrolman John Raft-- Accusing the Highwood police of arresting him falsely and causing hiwm to suftter the indignities of being jail ed on a charge of being drunk Bar tholemew Moran, ot> Highwood, for ARRESTED FALSELY Consumers Real Whole-- 1 Dieticians recommend whole wheat bread. They mean whole wheat --not half white flour. Consumers Whole Wheat is sold only at Con Bumers--there is none like it. Con--vince yoursel{. Serve it tonight fo We recently introduced to Libertyyille the first real Whole Wheat Loat. We --discovered a process (our secret) which prevents crumb-- ling, making it unnecessary to use any white flour to make it hold After our announcement, the demand for this delicious --new health zamnmm"mnmmmbwuwu bread in an attempt to "cash in" on another's ingenuity. . How to make Real Whole Wheat Bread remains our secret. You will know the genuine instantly. Consumers Whole Wheat Bread is almost &s light as white bread, yet contains every particle of the wheat. It dees not crumble; its flavyor is delicious--aut--like! , 605 Milwaukee Avenue Whole--Wheat Bread Consumers Originated Real 30x3; ta.................10.00 3O0x3l S., -- ... 11.65 29x4.40 o. Te# Other size Pathfinders and All--Weathers are proportionately priced. Also . :To;m Goodyear Regular or Heavy Tourist Tubq-'-tln world's stand-- e mp hk _ _ Ceesmemnlte d . P s _ Akk ~ Meul We h/ EK the arrest on the night of May 2, 1927 Moran he declazed, was hurried off to jail where he was denied'the right to make bonds. ----~ t "Rafter, as Moran stood clinging to the ra'l, beat Moran over the head with his gun. Frame, hearing the noise, rushed downstairs and grabbed Moran by the shoulders and threw him to the floor. Unconscious he lay there on the floor of a cell in a pool of tlood," Miller statea. Attorney Willard Longcore, for the City of Highwood, stated that Moran bad been fined on a charge of being drunk and that a complete denial would be made to the »marges which he contends are groundiess. «< Attorney Willard Longcore, for the J s Morrow, alderman of a south City of Highwood, stated that Moran :ld:.w:'fl l-hgim. M:Jo form had been fined on a charge of being | of government in Waukegan, exten-- drunk and that a complete denial|sive property owner: of© Waukegan would be made to the etmarges which | and North Chicago and head of the he contends are groundiess. -- |automobile agency bearing his name, im on n in mmmmemmnimmmmiome ;uod away in the M'h.f;ng 'Don't forget the ball game at the Monilca, Cal., Saturday morning at 2: yiteny vite race dnaunde: Bunans July | o coct onsring, % tewrmipte wl at 3 p..mo.. dnplipht perlog Aircs. l.mma which took hold--of him a emmmmmmmmenmmmmmmmmmmmmmememmemmm | tow months 480. _ . . --© _ at TweBty--second street ih North Chi-- eago. =~A section of the large building was also devoted to hotel purposes and stores. $ Cei t 354 After operating this plant four wthmwotnwa eastern manufacturing concern which closed> the local plant but Later James Morrow--purchased a large tract of land on the North Flats which he converted into a sand pit. This tnctd.l;ld grew steadily in hcno'-mot $250 an acre to that of eeveral thousands of dollars an acre before he disposed of it. He purchased this land when it was con-- sidered of little value and its increase In price was considered proof of his remarkable foresight. _ During the years he erected many ) . rge, Richard <John -- and % leather goods ftac-- on articles of manufacture. North Chicago and had-- been active and Mrs. <John Ott. Mrs. Morrow and the daughter had been--with him constantly 'but 'Walter had arrived on Friday at 9 o'clock and therefore had a ftew--hours with his father who talk-- ed business matters over --with him and then lapsed into unconscliousness at 2 o'clock and never rallied, which for many years was forced to Chicago. He was one of four bro-- thers who--were among plonser man-- ufacturéers in North Chicago. More than 20 years ago ~the four "Tnale Realy Gimer Pass" ve = es Awa'yk:t"gm Monica. 'The son had left Waukegan upon receiving an urgent message to get there wiff all speed, a setbhack in his father's condition having developed a tew days ago. r Mr. Morrow had long been promin-- ent in the industrial, commercial and social lite of Waukegan--and North At Mr: Morrow's bedside= was "his wife and son and daughter, Walter GAIN HIS HEALTH 3&3; ((:)l;enize.'........'......'.w 31x4 §5.._.___._ 1445 31x5.25 ».... ... 21.05 Buys Tract on Flats Your Price PATHEINDERS ° ;'~§'~E,:')!u¥~, --| & q tArs. George Sims of Chicago suffered| Billy McFadden died at Grant hos-- a possible skull fracture sand his wife |Pital in Chicago, Sunday night. The mmm,manmm body was brought to Lake Villa Mon-- as a uumm~mmW:?MMMfltm north 'of Antioch Monday afterneon. | held Catholic church * According to reports, Pat Burns of|Tuesday morning, and was buried in According to reports, Pat Burns-- of| 'uesGay morning, and was burlied in Chicago attempted to pass another car |the Antioch cemetery. as the Sims car was passing in the| Mrs. Michael Murphy received a tel-- opposite direction. The cars crashed |@&ram Sunday night telling her of the wrecking both machines.and slightly |death of her sister at Green Bay, Wis. injuring eix persons. zir. and Mrs.|Sbe and Mr. Murphy left for that city DrBubohAlu:hu:ndM * Born, to Mr. and Mrs. James Leon-- s . r8. moved to their homes. hy 18 'Hfl-!jz_?w&;w":'_"':" TWO INJUREDIN -- AUTO ACCIDENT distinction of #gerving for two years His holdings in Waukegan were ex-- tensive andincluded the. property on Génesee street just south of Jullan, the old James Watrous home and the old Dr. Wright place, covering almost half the block; he erected the new Morrow : building southwest -- corner Lake and Genesse atrooct and later sold it after using it for his auto bus-- ingss; he then started the big struce-- ture across the street north and on! recently sold the uncompleted bnflz ing to J. Bluriberg who is finishing It. ~Various smalle¢ properties: over each as memberk "3'&'&& counell irow (fitfgrent wards in Inestiiy: .. . " #:s The Morrow home was for years at Bheridan ~road. While living there Mr. Morrow served as alderman . from his ward and as a city father ho was Mmflt efficient and ~conscientious Business 'of the Recorder's Office|order to get convictions although at for the week ending June 25, 1927.. |times we are able to locate them Number of conveyances filed, 255. | through automobile license plates or Number of Chattel Mortgages, 41. |becavee they leave some mark -- of m:;: »f Trust Deeds and Mort| igentification behind. .z;vonl well gages, 39. known residents of Waukegan have "zommothcmhmb.:;m&upQMwm h'. * p to the present time we havre Total amount. of loans, $1,937,983.60, not been giving out the names of the Corresponding period week ending violators being satisfied to see that June 26, 1926. they are fined. In furure we intend Number of>--conveyances filed, 257. |t, give the matter as much publicity Number of chattel mortgages, 38. |as"possible for it seems this is the Number of Trust Deeds and Mort--|onlty way to stop the practice." gages, 94. Many people probably are unaware m'roulunurotmtmmnu filed, .:muetmtmnunpeuuyx:;o- C * Ivided for dropping rubbish on the Total amount of loans, $572,9383.17--| state highways. The announcement mteanfaanntemammemstmmmntne of Mr. Cashmore will serve as a warn-- the city --were owned 'by Mr..Mcrrow. LOANS FOR WK. AL-- _ MOST ? MILLIONS By A. K. BOWES, Ass't. Secy. of Security Title & Trust Co. NYAE en ie e £. 95 i9 % T % es M J3 ri')L' B :u"! w . -lrifi-. and Mrs. John M. Phillippi and E leen and Vaneta were in Waukegan B AlGate in Waureerd Saiinder afitrnoon. |Cantor in "Special Delivery." * lc /4 A]A..'ID.--JL .....E. ....-...'.a Ts Mr. and Mrs. William Becker had a house party over Saturday and Sunday relatives and friends from -- Chicago --M|being the guests. Their granddaugh-- ters, Marion Starr and Iris Nelson, areé spending the summer with lr.fi ' rs. Becker. 'Mr. and Mrs. Starr ed for Europe June 20th, Mrs .C W Talbott and Mrs Lois ' Avery were Waukegan visitors last a t <~That an active campaign is being waged throughout Lake county to ar-- rest all who violate the state law by dumping rubbish on the state: high-- ways was the statement made today by J. F. Cashmore of 1804 Grand avenue Waukegan.--Mr. Cashm»ye is eupervising patrolman of state high-- ways in Lake and nearby coun.jes. Mr. . Cashmore's statement -- was prompted by the arrest last Sanday tyville Town last Tuesday. The baby lived only a day and was buried in the-- Methodist cemetery at Wilmot. nl:. Wmlln&-H. Sheehan visited i usband at Mary's hospital, in Milwaukee, Monday. Tuesday she vis Ited her sister, Mrs .Annie Mitchell, _ "Mr. and Mrs, Henry Hansen and children from Chicago, are guests of 0o 6e 06e 0 0o 0 0 0 0 o 0o 0 0o 0o garbage on the highway near Lake Villa and was fined. $25and costs when arraigned before Justice Rein-- bach of Lake Villa. +. "While we have not advertised the fact we have arrested about a ecore of such violators of late, "Mr. Cash-- more remarked. "Detection of violat ors is not always easy for it is almost necessary to catch them in the act in order to get convictions although at times we are Aable to locate them through automobile license plates or becavese they leave some-- mark of * a A Hteh o on PP uty patroimenr «f | Dahiquist of Laze Villa. Dah} quist was seen by a deputy to dump J. F. Cashmore of Waukegan, OwNERS WHo DUMP «~RUBBISH IN ROADS Supervising-- Patrolman o f Highways in Statement. where once it used to be a beautiful results© you get with Duco! And it driesa so fast!--for instance, paint the kiddies' toys while they take their nap and the young-- sters can play with them that afternoon!t: , Duco is so easy to brush on!~ are discovering that with You' will be amazoed what Ask for a free color card, her no trick at all, ne7 o #4 ar\ i9 /1927. 94 298 296 Thmdayugguurdwm George Ba from Chicago was a caller at the home of Mrs. Daisy Riney Bunday. Mrs. Riney announces a new grand-- daughter, born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank McClaren, in Chicago. L The annual commencement of Allen-- dale School was held June 25th. ug.mgu.onnwnmmm were Sunday visitors at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Wilton C Mr. and Mrs John Fubher visited their mumnyummm over the week end and, accompanied by them, they drove to Lake Geneva, vheuthtyfl%"th'w- Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Thayer were An-- tioch callers Wednesday. . John Walker is staying at his home here for a feoew days this week. FAMILY REUNION AT AVERYS |and Mrs. Har The home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul of Grayslake; f Main Garage » C. BERNARD, Prop. Phone 456 LIBERTYVILLE, ILL What have you planned for the 3--day holiday over the Fourth of July? Here is one of those holiday--opportun-- "":' too seldom. Make the most of it. «Go somewhere. The highways, of course, will be jamimed. So leave your car at home-- travel in comfort-- use the North Shore Line. If you are going to Lake Geneva, & Lake or the Fox Lake District of lilinois, remember that North Shore Line Motor Coaches, P with North Shore Line trains. offer a most convenient and pleasant mode of travel. sorvh o we e m T _3 Days of Fun over the -- 4* of July|2=> MICHIGAN [CWISCONSIN T win Lakes ' T-i-Nanhflnoul.: -- trains to Kenosha, * North Shore Line 9 Motor Coaches from there on M' regular schedule. LaqtnfiVtLLl TICKET OFFICE 'TELEPHONE 74 Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee es The Road of Service Extra Take North Shore Line to Milwaukee; Pere Marquette night steamer from there; HUDSON' SUPER--SIX Standard Models _ Coach ~ : --_ --=--/ $1285 Sedam -- .0 .~> 1# Hamilin Lake Portage Lake A1ATUDSON SauperSir D/ 4. C e & )\ (apfuege K4 mA IILLINO!s | WISCONSIN Mr. and Mrs. Will Kapple, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kapple and Frances, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Druce and Wesley, all gram. The day was ideal and also the place, and all thoroughly enjoyed it. © Dinner was served on the porch and lawn at one o'clock, aud all did ample justice to it. The men and boys en-- joyed a game of baseball; some went for a swim in the lake and others had boat rides. During the afternoon, Mr. 'Tronson of Antioch--took a picture of the group on the lawn. Avery, on the north shore of Cedar Lake, was the scene of a very happy gathering last Sunday, when more than 70 members of the Kapple family gathered and enjoyed the day, renew-- mgold_mgnegch'muuu"v ones. Some had not met in years, and mma&wmmmm was a very important part of the pro-- Following is a list of the guests: 'The extraordinary speed of Hudson getaway is but a single expression of the brilliant activity of the Super--Six principle, which is carried on to every phase of performance. You see it in the rapidity with which it rolls into high speed; the effortliess with which it sustains fast going ; the smooth flyin'naiodz:hwllichitmuphflk;theloq; reliable service through which it maintains its smooth and brilliant #a 44 " i NHd, waps *A 6 40e i o l ates A ... uy' 'Take Normth Shore Line to Milwaukee; connections at door of our Milwaukee ter-- minal with Milwaukee North-- ern trains for these points. ;wu or tL 'gofiln.i Crystal Lake _ [ tfel Lake County Country Channel Lake I -- Nashotah Lakes Mr. and Mrs. Mortimer ie hom shaacge mps _ to these points with Lester and Gordon, all of Lake Villa; Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Gray and George Gray, of Chicago. This is the center of the beau-- T ake North Shore Line to Mitwaukee ----step into T. M. E. R. & L. crains :'d-d our Milwaukee terminal, these points. Through tickets. side: and the home of the 1,000--acre, ten--million--dollar St. Mary of the Lake Sem-- inary. Best reached by ' North Shore Line trains. ILLI N O 1 S Janice, Mr. and Mts. Paul Avery, Ruth and Paul, Jr.. Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Man-- zer, Mr and Mrs. Al Boehm and Cath erine and Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Hamlin, George Frederick, Madge Frederick Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Greenwood, Mr. and Mrs Chas. Jamison, Marguerite and Charles, Jr., Mrs. Ada Dilts, all of Libertyville; Mrs. Hazel Dibble,, with Fern and Lyell, of Antioch; Mr. and Mrs. Al Reid and Carol, of Liberty-- ville; Mr. and Mrs. John Rodgers, Phyl lis Pickering, Dr. and Mrs. Will Kapnple and Russell Kapple, Mr. and Mrs. Rus-- sel Kapple and Ray Kapple, of Chi cago;; Mrs. Pearl Risher, Viola and Priscilla, of Oak Park; Mr. and Mrs. Kapple, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Keefe and Shirley, Mr. and Mrs. Jahn Shone felt, all of Waukegan; Frank Ryan, of Wadsworth; Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Waukesha Beach Nagawicka Lake Lil il] Mundelein