Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 7 Jul 1927, p. 7

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~--___ IACK OF COPPERS . * _ TOPATROL ROADS they were asweet peas, great boquets of red, white and blue, and that was not enough; he added great bunches of pink, larender and blue.. The ftrag-- rance was so sweet, and made every-- one happy, and they were given and carried away by the audience. Each . The Fourth was all hat could be ex-- pected this year. We were wishing for warm weather, but it was most too warm several days last cek. The town was full to overflowing Saturday, Sun-- day and Monday.© A long holiday for people which they will not have over the fourth for some time. Bunday morning Mr. Poliock from Anntioch filled the puilpit by request of Rev. McKelvey, who has gone away with his family for their summer vaca-- tion. A most interesting address was enjoyed by those present. The interior of the church was a bower of beauty, made so by the abundance of beauti-- POul blossoms. Mr. Policak said he had one got a few of all colors and they certainly made pretty boquets. Mr. and Mrs. Will Pester entertain-- ed Mrs. Pester's sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Peterson, and her neph ew and wite, Mr. and Mrse. Carl Peter-- gen. over the fourth. Mr and Mrs. Harry Nickerson had township is to lay off its two men July 1 and Lake Forest is to curtail its department. One complaint recently reached tho sheriff from a farmer who stated that he had tried to bring his cattle from amb.:'h»hnt.'ol.m:" road was doing uhmm&-mmflu to show courtesy enough to lot the board of supervisors at their > fall meeting in anticipation of trafftic for next summer but there is little hope ftor him to find funds to provide any men right now. The sheriftft has wanted more dep uties for sometime but the earnings of his office have not been suffictent u. mt solute negilgence are exhibited at all bours of the day, the sherift states. Lawrence Doolittle for the past few weeks for motorcycle police to patrol the routes and give them what they ask in the way of protection from motorists, he admitted today. _ ~He may take the matter before the would have a good effect on crimina'ls who now realize that they can use no one to molest them except possi biy a deputy sent out in the county Wants Motor Force But Lacks Funds:; to Ask Board For ~-- Some Relief Soon. Farmers along pared roads i8 the wEeT wASH, HYDRO, ROUGH DRY, FLAT DRY and NEW WAY 15 -- 20% DISCOUNT CASH AND CARRY OVER AND UNDER--UP AND AT 'EM THE NEW-- WAY LAUNDRIES --THROVamoUur The Chicago Wet Wash Co . -- Juanita had an air-- And a Small Weekly Payment Solves All Your Laundry Problems _ Why invite more trouble than to call LIBERTYVILLE 705 ab-- Most everybody in town had com-- pany or-- went somewhere and Sunday evening there was such an overtlow at the hotels and rooming houses that the telephones were kept busy, and many took the strangetrs in. . _ ----~ The E. J. Lermann family enjoyed the beautiful days «4or golf playing with relatives and friends. The cad-- dies from here were worked overtime, but they were happy with extra pay. Take it all together, it was a glorious as far back as the Thirteenth century. ¥Vor a long time it was supposed to sontain sulphur, and hence the naame "sulphuric sther" was applied to i. Its true composition was established by Saussure (1807) and by Gay--Lo#» Mr. and Mrs. John Fubrer had a vis 1a:numm. mm'&'ifiw mner eenan en 'a s lu.Jm-mDuuhy_whh Waukegan Saturday. mm Isry':luohy was shopping . 'onn n Pniliped snd family drove Mer. and Mrs. Edward Bartiott had Mml;n u'd._ny for a visit Aast Mr. and Mrs. Will Fisher had Mrs. Fisher's brother from Michigan and friends and hber brother, Richard Rose dale from Desplaines for a visit with fourth, one to be rememberd. ---- _ ~_. Mr. and Mrs, Joy Nadr, Miss Dorls Barnstable and Charles Britton drove to Starved Rock and Joliet, visiting the_state prison. -- They left here Sun-- day morning and returned -- Monday into the other machine, Nelson was driving on the wrong side of the road when the collizsion occurred. Micke _ Mr. Poliock from Antioch will speak next Sunday morning at the Methodist truck on a charge of assault with a deadly weapon. Nelson, who sufferec a fracture of the skull,~ and other injuries ~died while being : removed to the Alice home hosapital in Lake Forest. . Cause of the accident has not been determined by the Lake Forest police who have been investigating into the tragedy. According to the story of Matt Micke 1420 West Wisconsin avenue, Milwar kee, driver on the L. C. L. transporta-- and spent Monday at the Dells in Wis-- consin. They spent a very enjoyable week with his sizers and their families eweetle her little sister ran into the room and jumped on my lap. She sat vreal still for a fow minutes, then sud-- ONF KILLED IN He Conldn't W ait CHICAGAO children of Cross Plaines, Wisc, were|a11 our services. People of all fai guests at the George P. Karch home, m?:b:":"'mum'chux 0&'%"'%" Mmdwchllydonmvmmtdm the Bungalow church held it's regular Rvangelical and Huthore® (4i(: Mre. John Stryken acted 42 NOst®! | ons Qame of quolts was probebiF in charge. ete t mua--&uudm Mr. and Mrs. J. Webber entertain--| 8t. Mary's City, Port Tobacco, Dum-- J4ur tis woek sht * & huo:: Virginia and Maryland, Arthur Cdark, of Regina Canada.| by the early citizons of those places, is visiting at the Bert Eastom home.| 1t was no doubt played in the stable Mr, and Mrs, Peter Perry are visit-- yard of the barnyard of southern and ing their daughiter, Mrs. And@rS0D, 84 | S storn home, than a century Paw Paw Lake, Mich. : s ' more f . The Rev. A. T. Johnson and wite| before America began: to think of a entertained Mrs. Johnson's mother and | Dectaration of Independence. White father, and other guests, from Freaport men in buckskin cliothes and skin prn?fimmum en "":nm 'u-aunhm R ay * vyers iye meeting of the Young People's Mi#--| shoe > "ring" the sionary Cicle, of the Bungalow church | «,, -- o MMeae All mat . . " on Tuesday evening. -- . --. > . -- e a . t .. Miss Miriam Stryker, of St. Luke'# |meet at the church at 2 p. m. Automo-- Hospial accompanied by her friend,|biles will be ready to convey them to mn O'Connor, of Aurora, spent |the picnic grounds. Parents, be sure to and Monday with her parents|send your child. Do not think your Mr. and Mrs. John Stryker. chidl is too young to go on & picnic. Kynett Hallen, of LeMars, loa, WA# | The teachers and some of the parents: '""'klmfi"""m""wvmbommmmm1 Mr, and Mrs, Frank Seaman and| A cordial invitation is extended to children of Cross Plaines, Wisc, were|a11 our services, People of all fai ' over the week end. -- __--._._~~|Repecially do we invite people of the Pirron stt mite "Oostscl, of Lh | _ Ths ipccn teren adntl prsetiinns Frank Jr. and Mrs.: E.--K. Williams spent the Fourth at Slocum's Lake. The Daily Vacation Bible School, of the Bvangelical church will close with a special program on Sunday evening. The course has been well paronized, and very successful. A. 6. Cashmore and family are at present, spending two weeks with' Mr. MVMOCM% Bert Easton and Walter made .mm;muw@ Mre. Irving entertained four guests at a luncheon, last Tuesday. 'Mry and Mrs. C. W, Getty entertain-- ed company over the week end. _ Mrs. George Engstrom and children returned--last Friday from a visit of a month with relatives at Burbank Cal. Mrs. A. H. Muhike and Mr. and Mrs. Mte. 8. P. Majors of Libertyville was ; fine display of firewoks added to the a guest of Mrs. Chester Wol#f Monday,! enrtertainment. -- 4 > Mrs. Edna Orsborne . and m!&mmm.acmu g:cu,mmmmnn@r her grand mother, Mrs. Wm. * )luorhnu:.nood.whohuunl ~Mr. and Mrs. Walhoefer and daugh-- uabummtrb.mmom&,'m,qtmnnMnllr.ul returned home to spend: the fourth | Mres. Christ Wednesday. with his family. * 1 -- Miss: Hunter, of New York, wmuu.W.n.cmmnwmmmmmofmm Wherace 'Come Boach, Wis. --Their| . Wiss Y i Grenning: of Gfenview cot at erna B h guests were Mr. and Mrs. Chester |visited at the home of her aunt, Mre. Wolt, Mr. and Mrs,-- L Olsen and son |Christ Willman over the week end. :. Harvey, of Chicago, and Mr. and Mrs.| Mrs. Matthew Grenning, Sr., Miss Raymond Meyer, of Deerfleld. Jullana~Genning, Ms. Matthew Gren-- tgmmmdmmmmwm-&.w week end guest of Mrs. Frank W. Grenning 'and children, of Glenview, Russ. y Mrs, Chrisiana Knaak and children It will be of great inerest to Deer--|of Deerflield picnicked on the Chri# tield people to know that Frank LOy.]|Willman lawn on . Thursday, brother of Miss Frances Loy, has been| _ Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Geary and fam-- elected supervisor of the training |ily have returned from an extended hi cvk oke® *4 Mr. sod Mrc." Bhen Wilinan and ity. ¥54 5e f ¥ r6. i Mr. snd Mre>Edward Schley enjoyed |ramily of DesMoines, Miss Luelia Wil} an outing at Lake Zurich, the. Fourth. | man of Chicago and Miss Nina Knigge Delbert Meyer was a guest of friends Fourth of July guests of Mr. and a Bronstews; I!1., over the Fourth. Mrs. Christ Willman. ~A picnic dinner A large number of Deerfleld peoPle | was served. ; attended the.funoeral of George Bock.| ~The Swan Johnson family of Ha¥ brother of Miss Frances Loy, has been| Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Geary and fam-- elected supervisor of the training |ily have returned from an extended i oV some N > n l '&..w&.« y t "w . £ % & n. an outing at Lake Zurich, the. Fourth. | man of Chicago and Miss Nina Knigge Delbert Meyer was a guest of friends KFourth of July guests of Mr. and a Bronstew»y, I!L., over the Fourth. Mrs. Christ Willman. ~A picnic dinner A large number of Deerfleld peoDle | was served. ; attended the.funeral : of George Bock,;| ~The Swan Johnson famfily of Ha¥ Bock was a prominent lodge man and mnmmawm the funeral ~services were conducted |son on Thursday evening, in honor of by the Masonic lodge. Interment was | Badwin's %M at Ringwood cemtery. Mrs. Christ and children, Alvin Meyer spent a few days with |spent Tuesday at Dam No. 2 on the relatives at Killburn, Wise. DesPlaines river., Mr. mummu Mr. --and Mrs. Edwin Johnson and tended he golden of Mrs. MeY-- | family and Mrs. George Pettis visited er's grand parents, Mr. and Mrse. Reeds |relatives in Harvard Sunday. They of Glenview, on Sunday. One hundred |roung ~Mrs. Pettis® uncle slightly im-- ghfly;flmmflom p:y:d,m ite R great occasion. day meeting of Dorcas Mr. and Mrs. Paul Diets motored t0 [Soriety was held at the church last EStarved Rock Satuorday and spent th8 | mrnumday A not Inck Innch was serv-- at NEWS FROM DEERFIELD ent. | -- Rev. Mark J. Andrews, Minister. itrie | © Church School at 9:30 a. m|. | i. Morning worship at 10:45.| I 'm..tlln 4 'l?w' 1 ldh&-'xflhm I Mrs.| 'The monthly meeting of the clh and | achool staff will be held next a evening, July 12, with Miss Viola Ro | W ceived.. --The progress ot'tho'ghd young soptano is nothing short of re The game of quoits was probably played in the streets of Jamestown, St. Mary's City, Port Tobacco, Dum-- tries andPiscataway, ancient towns in tidewater Virginia and Maryland, by 'the early citizens of those places, nmmmm.hfioq&. yard of the barnyard of southern and eastern homes more than: a--century before America began: to think of a Dectaration of <Independence. -- White men in buckskin cliothes and coonskin ene and one--half feet long and is com-- mon throughout the United States and ) Yag 3 ie to : Chicago, where she caught a train leaving the Contral station at 2 o'clock on the Big Four railroad. The piane in which she made the trip was piloted by J. H. Miller, in-- structor at Waukegan school and rec Mrs. August Byrnes of Cham-- bersof Commerce in Flight ----FLIGHT IN RACE Taking off from the Waukegan avi-- LET US SERVE YOU with Lumber and you'll get only the good, permanent; well seasoned sort that builds for permanency rather than increased carpentry costs that accrue when buildings have to be gone over when the structure settles. AGAINST DEATH Against Time. Save Next Year's Carpentry Costs t e oaae en o o Te o oo dn s .+ 1t ty street, and wife, were slightly in-- mummmm was satruck by a car driven by K. G. Leuthesser, 240 Euelid ave-- aue, Osk Park,. D. Moran, Wilmette, was. being held, Deputy Thomas Tyr-- rell stated, as a witness: -- War-- rants were signed against the driver by LeBaron before Justice Sam Tar-- reported, agreed on settling--the mat-- ter between themselbves..-- 4 AldiR iA AVARLLI AVE§& IVIL fersoorms of opunt op are is 15| MEETS FIRST TUESDAY OF EACH Soth» br R. M. Lobdcll, county sup.| --MONTH AT THE TOWN HALL -bl%tdhflml.vfihm C. C. HOBKINS, Commander next fow weekseso as to give his de-- Telephone $45.J are " . i vey 3 m&%u.w W. of A. 41' (Mivaukes avesus) and Grand| _ Acme Camp avenue. This intersects at a point| N0.176 fiet sootfont! of the b sinees cuntel Meots First and Third of Lake Villa. a p 'm-"&:w.u;n&:muuty.: rm,mgm«m carries the steady stream of cara| in Gridley Hail, First National Bank from Chicago to the lake regions. Building. Visiting Neighborse Welcome. Another intersection to be checked | w. NAGEL, A. 8. DOUGHERTY is along the same route but farther Consul Clerk mfiuflohwneflonothn:.u:'l W'M'm w Munuinnaeteaniterateete encz g;nomthn limits of the village | . LibertyvilleClnpter The check will be made over the No. 272 R. A. M. week end and will probably cover a f period of 12 hours. * 2MA SURVEY TRAFFIC . |-------------------- ON RURAL ROADS . ---- TO LEARN EXTENT Lobdell Orders Survey to De-l -- e + termine Cars That Concrete ' Roads Are Carrying. Libertyville*Post 329 8. E. Gordon, colored, of 4949 Cal-- 38 s #5h.20 Fotct O Rei e s Jr. rAm m 7 2. ts . Lo9 7R rs.. the sheriff e ssaline o n the acean is ttling--the mat-- #ufficient to make a block of salt ve, ... measuring 4,800,000 cubic --miles. If nashed spread over the entire surface of the Joliet, driving | United States, exclusive of Alaska, it ) ~Sooline, : Mil. | Wwould--form. a--crust more than a mile r in a smashup | and a half deep. One per cent of the B¥ in By U. 8. Government Veterinarian D. C. Grinnell, Inspector in Charge 'Telophone 329 LIBERTYVYILLE Office With Farm Bureau Waukegan, !llinois REVERSE CHARGQES ON BUSINESS ; 410 N. Milwaukee: Avenue 'Telephone 551 LIBERTYVILLE T A I L O R I N G is Our Specialty. -- We Have a Astortment ol Materia) for vou t ° * Belect From. Come in and sse Us. FRED GRABBE Auet A Farm and Stock Sales A To and From All Parts Of The World ATTORNEY--AT--LAW LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINO!TS T LUCE BUILDING Res. Phone 97; Office Phone 18 Bilious Fever and Malaria. y it Kills the Germs, Meets First and Third Monday Nights of Each month at Masonic Hall. Visiting Companions Cordially Invited J. A. TREPTOW. H. P. J. B. WETMORE, Secretary Colds, Grippe, Flu, Dengue Harry Madill Bartlett 172 W. Lincoln Ave., LIBERTYVILLE v 'Telephone 388 & -- <._ _ CREDIT RATOR REALTOR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE ATTORNEY--AT--LAW Office at Home on W. Cook Avenue a 'Telephone 162J LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINO!S ichy's Tailoring Shop INSURA NCE -- _A. A. Grandy Phone 217.M LIBERTYVILLE STEAME&HIP TICKETS E. W. COLBY is a pescription for SN O W'S PHONE 306 LIBERTYVILLE PHONE © Dr. C. H BETZER | DENTIEST T2 :s Office 529 No. Milwaukee Avenuse, Over Wairond's Btors > WAUKEGAN, ILL] _ Smith's Taxi| Day Phone 51, Night Phone 497 LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINO!IS Day and Night Service Good Meals 5( TAR AND GRAVEL w READY ROOFING OVER OLD ROOFING ;-- for Men Women and § "The Quality Store" CGRAYSLAKE §LL Telephone 568, LIBERTYVILLE SHINGLES FLAT ROOFS RE -- COVERED WITH TAR AND PITCH > P. 0. Box 843 Phone 614--R2 LIBERTYVILLE ILLINOIS 'JANTZEN SUITS' E. labor and ::ur:u;w--h; be, before stasting. R. L. CONSALVES Going to Build? ARLINGTON* # HOTEL # | We Do All Kinds Of Roofing Work Guaranteed °[ _ S. J. GROVES & Known For Their E_ R. B. GODFREY AT LOW COST _ BATHING I , sUITS [ Teams for Hire _ Athletic Cut and B Call, Phone or Write to BY HOUR OR JOB West Lake Streot %.

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