_ [ SUNDAY, JULY 31, 1927 Kiz Furnace That Will 1 ~--~--Outlast Your Home ¥K gmmmmu * They made no effort to break 'With their suspicions aroused De-- w Géorge Heckinger and k they 'W'MM"MI. G::"um t to uncover 14 gallons of -fit' rye whiskey boing carried by two men' from Milwaukee to Chicago. ~Phe driver of the machine, Henry o . 3 ons on | numerous clips of cartridges in kets, the deputies reported to Cvmu Doolittle. . w Montgomery was Jack Car-- 4 was M tm m"f '" 1":;-«. according to deputies. fontgomery made no effort to use his gun and it probably would© not have been found if the deputies had not made immediate search. _ That both of them wanted to evade 7 was established very plainly the fact that they offered $50 .each. of the deputies to gain their -- It» was reported. -- Both of gmom.nhoolabout K# was reported at the --sheriff's ry was driving a Ford car and was going south just Zion and near the Crawford &1 _ MAN buys a cheap car, figuring he will trade it'in on an-- other car in a year or two. Bntyoucan'tbuiad::: "*_**. furnace and trade it in every few years--it costs too much to change furnaces, and nobody else wants a furnace that you t pays; therefore, to buy a furnace that will outlast your house: ind over in fuel savings--not to speak of the health and comfort &A Premier "De Luzxe" is neither expensive nor cheap--yet it is ie longest--li mmthfl'mbbmlt. Yopun;tbea:li&:; mw can think of--and th Imk Come in and see it. bpd:wymm-. ldhwrand Kelly Grab Two Men With 12 Gallons of Rye _ _All members of Masonic and affiliated P bodies are invited to attend an INV IFTF A TIO N Sree OF RUM CAUGHT; BRIBE OFFERED 2:30 P. M., Daylight Saving Time Lantern Slides of the Proposed Masonic k Temple will be shown. Libertyville Masonic Temple Association At the Auditorium Theater, Libertyville, BOARD OF DIRECTORS P RE M TE R 17 . FRANK H. EGER Entertainment "De Lu x e" i8' w} ca.s says under this title, are I Table talk is the name sometimes given to collections of essays dealing with subjects of general and often mtlnmut,,jm%'lq- a two: bed ward for emergency cases, made an operating room for minor operations and emergency surgery growing out of accidents and established, in addition to all of that, examination --rooms and an office for consultation with patients. It has plated. him in a position to serve the community much as a hd"l ital would only on a smaller scale. + DR. STRUTHERS HAS The fact htol:;lf :'nhy:' Lake--cannot support a & stone in the progress of wmfl R. Struthers, it was discovered to-- day, when it was Mm'ln%flt doctor virtually had a Jn his own home which --he recently completed at a cost of approximate-- ly $20,000. He has given over an entire floor to his office, put in recalls the controversy started by A. Lawrence Mills, of <~Highland Park, ceeding hi flt::t ull: 15 care 8 ts cars of innocent people. m'/h his answer took the position that to find booze it would have to be He has t*aken the matter up> with States Attorney Smith and they will have hearings in justice cour today At the jail Montgomery is said to have admitted carrying the liquor but be said--that it w:-to a wed:« ding party. -- He ed that he had 'The search and discovery of booge for. s ficatr ccefi aiechsccam en Sncviratn h .!'- M ""t th. one fi." m" °t 6 \A J )| Raiph Barnett, Chicago eunman, who bhe shot dead in a duel at Channel f Lake three wéeks Ago,. _ ~ . . who have iss of Note d\ _ CLOSED THURS. Te "";l'otal number of instruments . filed, Park. ---- Letters testamentary iesued to Priscillia Carver. Charlotte Latto, Waukegan--Final report approved. Estate closed. p Number of conveyances filed, 279. Number of chattel mortgages, 63. -- Number of trust deeds and mort-- gages, 99. & W%fi of Charlotte-- h.thb was closed * tin~ C. Decker. The proceedings for the day were as follows: Mary**Vanucha, North Chicago ~ Petition for probate of will {filed and set for hearing August 11. _ Charles F. Peterson, Libertyville=-- Allowance of claims of Winnifred Whitney and George Whitney va Total amount of .loans, $2349,014.78. Corresponding period week ending July 24, 1926. . j Ray _W.. Mortrill( Grayslake--Let-- ters of administration issued to Mary K. Morrill. Bond of $100. Proof of Leon ~Peter Federmeyer, Zion ---- Heirship established. _ . Mary Winchester Carver, Highland heirship taken. By A. K. BOWES, Ass't. Secy. of Security Title & Trust Co. ; Business of the Recorder's Office for the week ending July 23, '827. Number of conveyances filed, 257. Number of chattel mortgages, 30. Number of trust deeds and mort-- Removal of a 38# --calibre lead bu}-- let from the ankle of Stanley 'l\o-z son, 50. Antioch.con Friday the Victory IGMM re: vealed the fact that ho had mthfl' the target for two h:o-ua omatics 'ra than just the one 'the hands of and went around to --pitk up Bar-- rett. -- He fumbled nmho body and then was ordered back into the machine by his frie i k. As 'he swung the--rear end the pellets fired at Tmompson hed been a 45 calibre steel nnaed buillet. This he picked m"'m and gay® to Thompson.Ag & H to of the fight. ; i. *aait > lao m c Who > ; the other gun wili remain s mylitiry, the sherit! ols certain. : If Thompson had not run out .of cartridges hd woeuld have claimed -orr}"tm Barnett as a victim, the she contends. -- Thompson --had been wounded by the first flash of bflfl*::l" the hen h 4"" a bullet --ankle w e drew bis 'ihur m"g' gix . straight shots . Barnet:'s hbheast. ~ LOANS FOR WEEK ABOUT THE SAME Sheriff Doolittle, at his prelim-- inary examination, foun? thas one of LRA L4 VE LHAWVLIY _ Revr. Guy B. Smock. Pastor. JS canitiing mm on maaans h n n j _ Mr. on Remove 38 Calibre Bullet fFOM his vacation. Keep the level high this Thompson's Leg; 45 Calibre {warm westher: . . _/ ,, . m, es o+ 'on 4 Found Earlier, +\will speak of "The Marvel of the o_ ___~~_," ##sggmeeenmmmemmmmemimme _ --_ < _ [(IAges--God's Love to ULB." gese, 80. Total number of instrumeffts ftiled, ATL set for Hapke plays an overture immediately before the opening of the picture show gan recently installed at the Auditor-- ium Theatre, is giving much pleasure to teh patrons of the theatre. Miss Hilda Hapke has now taken charge at the console, and her playing is pro-- hounced as superior to that of the musician sexnt out by the Kimball Co. There . are . some, however, ° who would throw cold water on the re port by declaring that it has had its origin with and has' been. kept alive by real estate salesmen. But this is not borne out by other re-- admitted ~today, and he has been checking on them to determine their a«uthenticity. He refused to disciose what he had uncovered in connection with 'tke report,*nor would. he in-- fer that the development seemed assured. 4 You are be & Alip un Invited to gu'vmhwm The services on Sunday, July 31st > Ohuren schoul u'g;u BR He <did admit, bowever,. that "it looks _u it there is lgnethlu doing automobile c center 'of this uotioadz gountry ? Reports apparently based on fairiy authentic sources state that the ru-- ral community on the western edge f Waukegan is due for one of the ever been* recorded in this section. It is rumored that two large aw tomobile companies, which by the way are not of Wisconsin origin. have ~taken. over 'large tracts of land Wwhich they intend to improve in time by the erection of large manufacturing plants. The report has come to the atten tion of the Waukegan and North Chi cago Chamber of Commerce, Frank REPORT TELLS OF LOCATION OF BIG PLANT AT GURNEE The new $10,000 Kimball pipe or-- Bunday School at 03 * '.::'0 gnm lorvle:o'a 10:45 a. m, M' & P ' "C" : % The subject for S@nday, July Hist, $R 14 tm' e n wA 14 tm' e n wA F4 ll . e q s20°UBL a, Al 2,.0V pP. m., daylight say-- mmukmmzmr.g. Hudson, ewberry Awenue. Mre. J.0.0l&-.mhowmmyud; Mrs. C.) H. Betser will assist in teh serving. . se t Rov. M. J. Neakis, Paster Viest Mase at #:00 a. m. :ldmfio n service of the church ddO.tLQ. « "m M its at 9:", The Ladies Aid will meet "Tuesday, August 2, at 2:30 p. m., daylight say-- "I think that the report 'about 'a municipal airport was started when I told my congregation that they church miss all of these things. ~'The evening service at 7 o'clock is be _Aar iuai i Deoiieve aeropianes are safe.and that the industry is to be-- come an impartant factor in our com-- mercial life," Voliva declared. He denied the report that he had made the trip from Florida to Cuba via the--air last winter but he added* "At that I wouldn't mind a ride. 1 wouldn't dare take one now but may-- be in ten years when things d?'t depend on me so much 1 will try it," Ker-- Mmer C. Kiesgaling, Pastor Bunday school at 10 a. m. ' German service at 11 a. m. -- The Rev. Lossner of Franksvilie, Wis., will '_~English service in the afternoon at 3: The Rev. M. N. Carter, one of our colored -- missionaries=of Chicago, will, Dinner and supper wil be served as nnuln& miilssion festivals.:: --© The X. P. 8. meets at 8:30.p. m., ' Mass at 3 a. m. use We at 4 a m Fourth Mass 'at 10 a. n: PT. PA , WADSWORTH . ~Rerv. E}B, Foley, Pastor. ; At rth, Mass at 8 a. m. At Druce Lake, Maas at 10 a. m. _ Both services on standard time. . _ -- McCormick Motor Sales * LA SALLE COMPANION CAR TO CADILLAC 2s SUGAR CURED BACON, whole or half.....lb. 25c | BEST KETTLE RENDERED LARD, 2 lbs. . . 23 WALKEGAN, LL. BEST--CREAMERY .BUT TER, fresh and sweet, lb.. If y o u love fine VEAL ROAST No Bones----No Waste Drive POT ROAST Of Beef 15 -- 18c lb. ha ALWAYS BUSY M o3 1927 lighest Grade Meats at the Lowest Price -- The interviewer»stated =© that -- be would arrange for & ride for the over-- seer and guaranteo' his safe landing. While it tempted him he finally de clined> with ~reluctance holding that too many things in Zion depended. on him. . & 4. j It was apparent.from his conversa~ tidn that the overseer has given ser} ous thought to the,conquering of the air and <to its vogl:nluu. He has, alwayse striven to keep Zidn commer-- cially even with the rest of the world and it is possible be sbes in the plane aA coming business nécessity. -- * -- would have to tear down all the old horse sheds around he tabernacle as the people soon would be flying in to services," ho eald. Most of us may be UHkened to a Padio--casting station, as we nre con-- stantly ding out, messiges. with no exact kmu-dge 0}; just how far. away they .ure being' received. --It. there fore, behooves us to put® on a consist-- entiy$" excellent muw Belence Monitur. > baie . ». /m _ _Need to Set Example Bartlett, H..M. Ngoetersen Geo. M. Churchill, F. W. _ Rouse, J. H. Cairns, Jay -- _ Rouse, R. F. Dall. B. L. ... ~Rockenbach, O. I. Grg,d'[gz. G.C. "' " Ray, L. C: Griffith, John _ Ray, Gordon. -- -- Nixon, G. F. & Co. Reuse, Joseph Jones, A. H. _ _ Sellers. F. R. %gm.le_dy. FGF i gchptgelfielfi A. R. Kaping. & G. _ Smith, F. H. !&on'g.y'kz% --~ _ Savre, E. L. Real Estate § H. ~»~ Stewart, Fred C. t€ Fesnat $ \,"E';i M. E. _" Vacek. Ladd 6 W Nomcls,;.eo T. . Wright, Roy 4 Wundelem Real Estate Board 1924 Jewett De Luxe Sedan #¢ folloWing are getive members of the Libertyville--Mundelein Estate Boad and are entitled to affix the term REALTOR: in; A.J. . _ * 'Rewsom, O. A.. . 2o .« _~«~SHORT LEGS OF GENUINE LAMB 25:c lb. Consult a REALTOR ~_-- FANCY LEGS VILLE'S FINEST MARKBT'* We «e AL WHOLE 22i¢c Ib. Being Used Daily. Good Tires ONLY $300.00 C. BER N AR D _ ~ --Agriculture says this <(Thursday) morning for the n'a':"'ml dg}'*lll'b" gt'flanrm'!'mnmg(}ampu that king . 'and 'attack M'Msmm:ndflllpendthenext known to follow . ie & af |Fonth«lefrning how to be soldiers. and the large constricting snakes of . "Hagerty-- was to have gone the tropics also at times are AE8*°®~ slong but had the misfortune to #'v». 'The poisonous smakes of tD@ |preak his arm thus putting him out United States ; «o not Att@SKk--| until next year. The party was taken men unless 3. *,* + to the Fort early this morning by i6 = < * * &; u, w!n'. OFFERS A THREE YEAR COURSE LEADING TO DEGREE R. N. NEXT CLAS8 ENTERS SEPT. 15. FOR INFORMATION APPLY ~ _ ¥O PRINCIPAL OF SCHOOL. Few Aggressive Saakhes Main Garage Jane McAlister School of Nursing _ Victory Memorial Hospital THERE'S® A REASON Waukegan PORK ROAST _ 15c lb. SMALL SHOULDER SUGAR CURED 1 3 > 4 H A M S whole or half * William~ Legate, Wesler Garbutt, Albert Hagerty and Gregory Yahnke gzmrmmnmormngmm tifens' Military Training Camp at Fort Sheridap, and i!1 spend the next Jlearning how to be soldiers. m':'m was to have gone along, but Had the misfortune to