BEARDS LONG IN ANTIOCH; BARBER TOOLS ARE TAKEN Antioch needs 'a shave today. 1 the dearth of razors continues to exist by Saturdsy the villago by the lakes will be a vest pocket edition of Benton Harbor with Her-- -nma*_:uw.m the role of King All the woo descended during the Thief Pilfers Radke's Shop and His Cheerful Cry of "Next" Mrs. E. N. Butrick of Waukegan vis ited the past week with Antioch 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 the funeral of R. D. Rmmons. Miss Pearl Lux of Chicago is spend-- ing a two weeks vacation at the home of her mother, Mrs. Charles Lux in this village. . The Hawkins families attended a family reunion at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Craft, near Lake Villa, The Antioch fire department was calle dto Lake Marle Sundavyafternoo called to Lake Marie Saturday after-- ndon, where a grass fire threatened teh destruction of cottages. uhtth':.dufifito" my.,mfictbbbd: completion as soon as possible. Miss Grace Rice spent the woeek end From district taxes ... Tuition paid by pupila OF THE TOWNSHIP TREASURER FOR PUBLICATION. TOWNSHIP 43, RANGE 10, IN LAKE COUNTY, NOIS, FROM JULY 1, 1926, TO JUNE 30, 1927 e Sale or rent of achool property.... School board and * business office ... Salary of teachers ... Mrs> Frank Cox of Waukegan apent Principal of bonds tnterest on bowds . to hmdfi%!:l--------------- Cash on hand July 1, 19236 . Bonds on hand Juily 1, 1926 E PusBLic SEnrvice CoOM OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS TOTAL dividend of $1£?anbareon the Om pany's 6% Pref Stock, $1.75 per share on the 7% Preferred Stock, and fi'oog« share on tbeCommonchk.ogaya le August 1, 1927, to stockholders of record, at the close of business, July 15, 1927. h GEORGE R. JONES, Treasurer BOARD OF DIRECTORS of Public Setvimyof}ladmnnhnoh has the regular quarterly dividend of $1.50 per share on the Com-- Dividend Notice The Common and Preferred Stocks of Public Service Company dwuauama'qu ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENT _ 4006.89 ~346.95 101091 68190 T98.18 1220.99-- _ 216.231 400.25 100677 .__ _ ~_$11620.30 $2612.85 $2871.05 $2313.62 $2185.77 $3540.87 $2270.51 $1812.84 $2394.74 $322.80 95 91. __ ~--08 $ T270 3 1000 $ 5.00 $11620.30 $2012.85 $2373.05 $2313.62 $2185.77 $3540.87 $2270451 $1813.84 $2894.74 $322.80 95 91 [¥] 93 94 96 97 98 99 18 $1574.65 $ 807.42 $ 454.32 $ 184.52 $ T27.538 $ 208.07 $ 227.98 $ 592.156 $ 437.82 $ $7294.32 $2305.43 $1918.73 $2129.10 1458.24 329280 204258 122169 195742 322. family wore former residents of Anti-- och, having for many years 'vonduct-- the supzmer hotel known as the Toby Inn, and jater becoming residents of the village, where they bavre a wide cus in Racine Monday. Floyd Horton spent Friday in Wau their terminal. Howard Johnson of Waukegan was cemetery Tuesday morning, July 19. river, Kirkland, II1., Thursday, Mrs. Imig was the daughter of the and Saturday of this week. M late "Will Jim" French, a well known ge is at the head of the orga: showman who was also a native Of for De Kalb county. Rev. F. our town. enbrok, EHdward Jacobson and Mrs. Arthur Imig nee Neva French died in Bluefield, West Virginia, and was laid to rest in Antioch's Hillside our town. enprok, LGWard JACuDsSuun aIMLP Margaret, daughter of Mr. and Savage accompanied the boys. Mre. Fred Runyard, was. married | Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Plagge a July 15 by Rev. 'Father J. Lunch and Mrs. E4 Jacobson visited at St. Peters Catholic church to Plagge at the DeKalb county Boston en route home. DI8STRICT FUND TOWNSHIP FUND a number o iucvn Incidental expenses of trustees .. For publishing annual statemsent Compensation of treasurer ......._. 55 TOTAL on hand June 30, 1927.. ; on hand June 30, 1927 and Mrs. James @chiner and :Chaurches is being held at ' at the Arthur Cashmore home slast | 4¢ .fh&w-g&n mmm&n&-nmw"m worthy.: .« ~>s ~0~ y Sons, Fimmic an foe Lof bkt at het' s Buddie, are spending this week at}end guest> her'© ' l:%.m their summer cottage at Lake Como, | who Had been ' llloflt' Amawmmmma'h'" m'.'"& their children picknicked at Round nmm is of Roches-- ~Mtrs. McCurthy of Rochester, N. Y. |with the Floyd Stanger and Ira Gard-- Mrs. William A. Carnfan is @DI@"-- |was served and the children had a taining two young nieces from Chict jrine time with games and races. > go this week. m# Mr. and Mrs. Arthur~Johnston and '&-mgml-lmtd"';ma:mnm'm.m" ur.mmmm'm Miss Viola Ri and GeOFE®|family spent Sunday at Pell Lake, at _wunwwtunnmmgm"m outing at Twin Leakes, Mich., where] wyr| ang Mrs»L R. and two MMM""""'M"M'MW"-'" Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Nets were E4eStS |w/, john Stryker Sunday. _ _ _ _ of relatives Sunday. mfimwmymh' Libertyville relatives Sunday and at-- tended the ball game, Mr. and Mrs.: Melbausen of Zion, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mericle Sunday. Group 1 of the Boy Scouts were the guests of Irwin Plagge at De Kalb county scouts camp, at Pishwaukee river, Kirkland, II1., Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this week. Mr. Plag-- ge is at the head of the organization Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Plagge and Mr. and Mrs. EdA Jacobson visited Irwin Plagge at the DeKalb county scouts camp at Kirkland Sunday. Mrs. Knabp and children of Vir-- ginia, returned to their home after a week's visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roéwin Wood. . [ Mrs. Jesse Strong was hostess at a luncheon and theatre party-- at Hdge Mra. Jesse Strong was hostess to|Htanger families visited the Hank and Raymond, of Northfield; Misses Nelda and Nodie Wolf of Chicago, and ILLI--|Miss Anna Sexhaner of Rogers Park. Mr. and Mrs. William Galloway en tertained at bridge Saturday evening. wmfiflflflifi"'"'" tion at Brownstown. H1 with friends. 13 <]. Misses Ruth and Zoie Anderson of 'Clenview were guests of their sister, mlu.w-nmt.m. ; Archer Gardner of North Chicago, was a guest at the Ira Gardner home Miss Jullana Willman is visiting at the home of ber grandmother, Mrs. M. Grenning of Glenview,sthis week. Miss : Marian Stryker, Miss Kath-- leen O'Conner and Miss Eleanor Pre-- vault of St. Luke's hispital, Ghicago, ere: guests of© Miss Stryker'sparents Mr. and Mrs. John Stryker, Sunday. -- The Christian Endeavor Society of the Bungalow church gave a very suc-- cessful social on the'lawn Thursday evening. The church ball team lost to teh Wheeling Presbyterian inne in a -- spirited game, which was enjoyed sallruay . ie o ntkc Uhe L Pew am T mmammmwmmm-mumfi wmumw"mmmumamm of Mrs. Ira Gardner last week. |patients of the Cook county hospital. Miss Josie Woodman returned home Mrs. Martin Insull was invited to be-- MyfimnmfludWmuhmmnofiordmm Wisconsin. @& s and accepted the invitation. ) The club was entertained at Mrs. uuweoxuupuumnmmn'atomumw' most Wisconsin. delightfully on Thursday, July 14 at ' IuJ'eobYennlvuthomtofsbwotlnM EHach guest was lu.noyl-uioctmxhludghrtukodmulectsvmo(flowmmm as" c " 'Whauaresdav Mrs Yenni and |a charming assortment -- of pottery Mrs. Roy Haggie at Highland Park Thursday. Thursday Mrs. Yenni and her sister, Mrs. Tennerman, visited umfiom&rflomw in m.mmmmmu-o_dcu- cago were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Russo. Next Sunday, July $1, the Deerfield baseball team will go to Libertyvilie for a game with the strong Liberty-- ville team. The game will be played at the fairgrounda, starting at 3 p. m. daylight saving time. It is hoped a goodly number of fans will go along to help the Deerfleld boys win the game. _.v"-'"-.-"- Em 6*-- oo onl 4 Dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chester WoK Sunday were: Jacob Wolf, Miss Daisy Wolf and Oli-- ver Wolf of Aptakisic; Mr. and Mrs, --.Gerry Thombson and son, _ Loui8, rmmgamm&t:mwz The Thompsons visited Lhelf FC.AUYTCE and Kenneth Higgioe was a guest at the home of Miss Annie Smith: Miss Smith accompanied the party to Deer fHeld, and is now* visiting her sister, Mrs. 'William ~Hep. : _ Little Alvin Knaak Jr. attended the Eim Place summer school in High land Park the past two months. * "&l. co.fl'l'm:son"w?mfl m_n"m-uumm. Mrs, C. Gates, of Globe, Aris. Mrs. mwmmuunm Mre. and Mrs., Well o_ hasrlem oil has been a world Russo i has been lifted and peace and quiet again reigns in the hamlet pérched on--the bank of the Des--Pliaines. Peaceé did not come withount a and the good housewives were unable to make the harvest. HEach time they In a like fashion the bees attacked the church--goers on Sunday showing wept while children wondered how little things> like , bees could cause such pain. Whenever they sat down they were reminded that il! fortune had been theirs sometime during the vases containing mixed. boquets. 10 : 45. AVC ¥ + --l"-&---w-vw-,d:_---v--v organization and supervision at 9:30. No evening service during July and August. * The monthly meeting of the Ses-- sion Wednesday evening, August 3rd, at the home of the clerk, Dr. C. John# ton Davis. ; -- The pupils of Miss Biederstadt, 'as sisted by Mr. Chiet, violinist, will give a pilano recital in the church auditor-- ium on Friday evening, July 20 at 8. mu'mm?mu: m. ¢ # * " " A cordial welcome to ali to the act-- Ivities and services of this church. The riftt in the serenity of Wadse orth, caused <by <the > unpleasant LET US SERVE YOU with Lumber and you'll get only the good, permanent, well seasoned sort that builds for permanency rather than increased carpentry costs that accrue when buildings have to be gone over when the structure settles. WM.F. FR. Save 'Next Year's Carpentry Costs "hu: CAd of '-',-w"*ww--'q Miee c oo to e oo decker~went on the job. 'He advised the Justice that he did the justice 'promiptly agreed add-- ed something hbhad to be--done. On "w"&upl..:fi "Adoiph g"mmdu'm'mflmy Maeadill Bartlett mthennf'» i CREDIT RATOR much wronged villager ecid-- REALTOR ed that such a course would be quite Pproper. To him it spelled victory JUSTICE OF THE PEACK ndfinmclm 4 Office ~ As the lawyer he felt some--| 172 W. Lincoin Ave., LIBERTYVILLE thin@ an his nmack. 'That something 'Telephone 383 | thing on his neck. That something 'ulolnlhwtn'nc- A bee had settled: his stinger in a tender spot and he felt more bees testing the strength of his epidermis. . Being a good lawyer he never squirmed but kept on talking to Lur telling him of the good qualities of bees and how gentle they were at all times. Kach time a 'stinger settled in his neck he waxed more eloquent over the bees with the result that Nick almost felt that he should keep some hinmself. Adoiph's hundred swarm and more are. now a long distance from tie storé:. 'They toil by day and yest by night to make him copious stores of honey but .they have sheathed their stingers because the villagers are far -- Mr. and Mre: E. A. Maron and son, Richard, and Miss Doris Jamison re-- \tuuliuo Tmesday from.a cruise ( h ommtites camposed or _ thote who have attended "Tower Hill" Mich Igan, will give a wocial at the home of DPr. H. E. Jamison. * Nr. and Mrse. E. K. Fuller motored to Chicago Tuesday for the day. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bonner and Ralph McGuire spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Denuman in Wauke Mr. and Mrs. Sam Larsen aro re-- Jjolcing over the arrival of a daugh haauht'ut. ~Reilly, who fell from the bard on the Wiltams farm, is getting along 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 removed. to the community on the banks of the Des Plaines and=still they ask--why hire counsel? 00 000006000000 0o 0 _ J, M. Fuller and daughter, of War eonda, spent Sunday with E. W. Cora, of Grayslake, Mrs. C. E. Den-- man, Mrs. W. A. Denman, Roberts Hook and Helen Neahous were callers at the H. D. Minto home Thursday. _-- Mrs. C. Strohal is entertaining her niece and greafhiece, Mrs. H. B. Yu-- kel and daughter, from Chicago. . Mr. and Mrs. Strohal and --their guests are visiting Lake Geneva this _ o hours--the ; LA MALLE McCormick Motor Sales for milelpe,rhou: 304 So. Genesee: Street WAUKBOAN, LL. Drive It 95.3 so Attorney E. J. Hey-- 2 % , Jr: | (';m EAWooene se _ 'ipe Tis be SA ~W'GE. To and From All Partsa Of The World MEETS FIRST TUESDAY OF EACcH MONTH AT THE TOWN HALL in Hall, First National Bank *Ww W. NAGEL, ---- A;s. DoUuGHERTY Meets First and Third Monday Nights of Each month at Masonic Hall. Visiting Companions Cordially Invited J. A. TREPTOW. H.°P. Office in First National Bank Building Hours: 1 to 8:30 and 7 to 8 p. m. LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS LYELL H. MORRIS .+ ATTORNEY--AT--LAW LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS LUCE BUILDING Res. Phone 97. Office Phone 18 -- DR. J. L. TAYLOR 410 N. Milwaukee Avenue 'Telephons 551 LIBERTYVILLE T A I L O R I N G ls Our Specialty. We Have a Large Assortment of Material for You to Select From. Come in and ase VUs. Cichy's Tailoring Shop FRED GRABBE Farm and Stock Sales A h Specialty REVERSE CHARGES ON BUSINESS8 410 N. Miiwaukee Avenuge Telephone 551 LIBER&TYH Libertyville Post 329 h'mflfincflfafm J. CICHY, Prop. E -- Teams for Hire INSURANCE A. A. Grandy ATTORNEYAT--LAW Office at Home on W. Cook Avenue Telephone 163J LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINO!IS8 Phone 217M LIBERTYVYVILLE: By U, 8. Government Veterinarian D. C. Grinneli, Inspector In Charge siephone 329 LIBERTYVILLE Office With Farm Bureau CATTLE TESTED FREE OF CHARGE STEAMSHIP THICEKET S OMuUQ No. _~ wice - ho & e LALLSEZ % Eptint iBERTYVILLE _ _ -- Puong & ||| No. 272 R. A. M. ortice with rarm Bureu _ ||| A RLING T O NJ E. W.COLBY -- || «# HOTEL w# |-- it Killis the QGerme,. 912 N. County Street ay and Night Service a . |l£ y and Night Service J. B. WETMORE, Secretary 'Telephone $45--J mem**"*"| 7e S PHONE 306 ROOFING Estimates Furnished Free TAR AND GRAVEL ROOFINQ READY ROOFING OVER OLB SHINGLES FLAT ROOFS RE -- COVERED WITH TAR AND PITCH P. 0. Box $43 LIBEARTYVILLE We Do All Kinds Of Roofing *AT LOW COST _Day Phone 35; Night Phone 497 g_mwvu.u. ILLINOIS WAUKEGAN, IHL] _ WILL CONTRACT to Furnish labor and material on your house complete, for a set figure, so you will know jJust what the cost will be, before stasting. # Telephone 568, LIBERTYVILLE R. L. GONSALVES Good Meals 50e¢) -- Going to Build? Work Guaranteed BATHING i3 Call, Phone or Write to S. J. GROVES & West Lake Streot A BY HOUR OR JOB 4