t} it --_ _ ~WAS --MAGNIEICENT ~HOME | i: memptemem .. ... -- ((f} : {<-- Fire, apparently ot"incendiary ori-- _ 'gin, early today burned the old Omar ;'"' Carman farm homestead. Creen Bay ht : road w ot -- Grand avenug, "1!' > :to the 0 {+. e +~c% $# the report (6--him, that a car pulled by their machine just as they passed YOLUME XXXyY--NHU: origin~of the bisze. -- He learned from Milwaukee motorists, who bad made Capt. Gray stated that he would make no investigation as it was out-- side of the, district. _ 'The home is now the property of Frederick H.> Bartlett, Chicago sub-- divider. > For years the Carmans had lived there, moving &away absut 1918 wher tasir son attended the Univer-- sity of Ililinois. _ . S "A e Bartliett bought the place about a year ago but it never had been rent« ed. ~Just last night, it was under-- stood, the Barti--1,. organization bad rented the place. This orgauization %r"nuy conluq' cx.ensiva Tt-- on the house boasted about 12 rooms .rumning a':rorch ali around the front of it.. It had also beenx given & coat of paint. . § Due to the long ¢ry epe': aud the fresh paint almost undrice the struc tur went up in but a few The fire started shortly -- mid-- night. o * % The blaze attracted a few passing motcrists and a handful of spectators from Waukegan,-- There --were m %5 in all who witnessed the V ishir: of the structure which b:zued to the foundation. SUPREME COURT __-- HAS MANY CASES Springfield. < IHM.. Aug. ~3.--The greatest mill of justice in -- the state supreme court, will have important grist at its next session in Attorneys now are preparing briels before or shortly after .the -- session opens and several of the cases to be decided are of greatest--interest the state has ever known. -- =-- ® Four capital cases, three of na-- tlonal interest, are > scheduled for presentation to the ~bigh --tribunal. Ther involve the lives of:. x Charlie Birger, gang leader , of southern <Tilinois, sentenced --to --the ..2 tor the 'slaying of Mayor Jo¢é Adams of West City.s <.=> Mrs. KAtherine Cassler, 35, sched-- uled to die on the gallows in Chicago for killing William Lindstrom, a cab-- inet maker ze x > < . Sel James Hayes, under© (sentence : of death in Sangamon county for elay. ing: Mrs, Dolly Flatt of Berlis. 4 Attorneys for the <--four doomed #layers will present to the courft sep arate m'-:avfl!-.fl_.m ant sur sentences will be 'delayed until <the final decvision. ' Judgment of the low-- er courts will be_ aftirmed, however, unjeas error is found in the gecord of the trial courts. a& :1 Perhaps the Birger case is the most widely Abrough :the-- country. Mro.| ~ however, 'is . only * third in Illinola --to stand un-- der the shadow of the nooke, records -- Rado Millich, g4ugeter, doomed to death in Williamson éodunty for <the murder of Ward Jones. *~ £ 'aggle Titter," a -- _ was the first --woman to be sent to death. She uiltimately . was given 'a Mrsas 'Nitt! Cradele --was the rae:&'.'ma to Aface the nnt: . ber 'conviction on & {charge -- npaig in Arareed thi inigwent aupreme . court're Judgment Wmm.fi.- was acquitted at her. secound trial! : mha-aumw term of. the ease of :/ An-- drews, sentenced to hang in Cham-- paign county. The high court heard arguments in the caso at the June Speedy action by the supreme court fi.fi d, in ~view of the ance of case. * in Pioan ts i Fire I ig That Car" Left as it Started., =® LAKE--COUNTY .--_ Lake County's Big Weekly -- WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN COUNTY TOWNS TO ENTER GRLS IN BEAUTY EONTEST sensing the growth and popularity of the contest, has this year increased its scope and is endeavoring to pick the real heauty of northern Illinois. The local boys have succeeded in co-- and McHenty Counties, until twenty districts from these counties --will be represented at--the sectional contest ty operating with the other American «es a Infl--"t?'moh- sum 649 i-lnnt: to be produced at their annual Sum-- mer Festival to be held at the local beach, September 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and ~CHICAGO BUNGALOW North Chicago, Lake Forest, Dia-- mond Lake, Highland Park,. Crystat Lake, Geneva nt:'nthel have "aill selected --a young --who will wear their 'colors in this® great event. The first_three duays of the Bathisg Beauty will be used to sélect a local girl who wmhlluWnkanh the sectional contest. While con-- utuunlyo.m'muen Wan-- kegan girls have up and are ecagerly awaiting their chanco--to be selected to carry tha --colors of Waun-- kegan to victory over the other sec-- tional contestants. This year's prizes for both contests --will be $500.00 in cash.© The committee on --conces-- sions are making arrangements® io take care of the tremendous=crowd that is expected during the festival. Arrangements are being made for u.'-,p:tn:::'o! two and one--balf tons «chocolates many mmumua::btb <~-- test a Big One.' -- * 15 WAUKEGAN GIRLS IN at least 40,000 people will attend the Testival this year. --__ #~. <,* *T% They planned to fly back and forth mmw:'t&-nm as migg'éasam' ""_h ots Von Koeh!l and Loose, and Ristich and Etzard hopped of! at 5:10 a. m. and 5:50 a, m. respectively today in two" Junker ail--metal monoplanes on an endurance triat. between Dessan and --Leipzig. These airplanes are in-- bout: rnext. month. « psmf4!ss. * 'Ww Reservation --of | the, bungalow was vyweight 'champion --would. train-- in Chicago or at a nearby sauburb; ® . Ohicago, -- Aug. '3.+--Jack Dempsey today. reserved y,mb'. Rtop a <2story downtown-- hotel, to be used by himself and Mro. Dempsey 'during *is ~training ~period "Lor ~the Tuarey TEST PLANES 1O _ .. '~MAKE U. S. FLIGHT The American Legion Bathing Beau-- Contest this --year will be *®ome Scope and Will Make Con-- ,nuu.'.ncmud:--"u-bmuw | of Rudelph Valentino, at the 48th Street Theater Tuesday 'night was \due to heart failure. _ As the play reached its climax she shricked, | 4M syins, want, . uyI9et | audience was in an uproar. . + 'Actress Dies in Theate , Aug. 3.--Air pil Fox Lake, HL, Aug. 4--The m chamber of commerce today a to Leo P. Filynn, manager for Jack Dempsey. an invitation for the ex-- champlon to make bis training camp EXTRA DECLARE CAL IS .: NOX POSITIVE IN _ HIS WITHDRAWAL << _ AGAINST 2 MEN Washington, Aug. 3.--Political can-- dor or political cunning? { As hot a political debate as the country has witnessed in years raged today about Presi¢ent Coolidge's enig matic : declaration: that he does not "choose" to . run for the presidency next: year, with opinion sharply dt-- vided as to whether he is displaying: mw,a-uornnum by his peculiarly worded : 'ent. If ~Mr. Coolidge really© means to intention in more positive w be-- fore the . bhard--boiled. in the . capital ~will" believe it. _ The great majority of 'republicans now in .. Washington -- are unwilling: :to seratch his name on. the basis of the ten--startling words that eman-- ated from Rapid' City. yesterday in such dramatic fashion: \~ Chicago, Aug. 3----Two <cmen ~wers for _ At the same time, it is generally conceded that Mr. Coollfi:. by his statement, bhas lot down batrs to a ~flock eZ-- repubnican potentiaities who will not 'be slow "to take z declaration at "its : faco~~ value, proved to build themselves up in the was held at the detective burean in Stopic, a bootlegger,: whose was discovered in a hotel room riddied with buillets. & =x*% -- "*"I --do aot--choose to run for presi-- dent ~In=1928." > 2e line~ c In both cases chief of :detectives an-- ' secret .'m mm' m murder Charges. b a se es in e Mre. W. ¥M. Fell & 22 Perty ave nue, ° Libertyville, in the Lake County hospital last night from Beart disease. \~The Geceaged 'was 57 years old.' She entered the hospital Sat-- MRS. W. M. FELL IS TAKEN BY DEATH FOX LAKE ALSO WANTS JACK ithn . marder here y $ol ." *}r- pu d x':':r'--'--f-*-------\---- a <wre ( s £ £. $ +5 is t2 d & td ¥u3 ; lou'aqutotm«chlu:m much speculation. -- house ob servers were as uwhmm as ever on the nature of the de! clsion 'bui s majority thought that that the council was to be consiited which --was taken to mean that the I;onrnor 'had decided to intervene, Maxwell wz headed out effort to . atily i1e--owner of the car and to get trace of any. strangers in the county who appear suspicious looking. Check of the . wares are also being made to establish where these bex ng. ® The prosumption is that. not only th: goods but the car is stolen. Announcement was made at the mm»wmumm retary of the c-- : cutive that the echeduled meeting for that body at noon --today was postponed until Boston, August 3.--Governor Al van T. Fuller sprang a surprise to-- day in his review of the case of noon .omorrow. Washington, Aug. 3$--The peril of ~Pellagra --has : appoaled in -- the flood swept-- lower Mississippi, ac-- cording. to: reports to the _U. 8. public ° health ~service. s The Missiassippi © state board of health asked . the . government to wu in <the fight against the said to be due chiefly: to bad or insufficient food. * mlnm 'YTeast,-- flrtl;:ll){ forgot-- since proh! 38-- a~ preven-- ng -- to --assistant © surgeon Seneral another --sgentinal preventative. .. / "eaheaemle wooles Fervice en er : an te operating . in <the flood ~zone, 'are expected to cooperate with the Red cret, will --accompany the ~Chicago «portsmen, :U. J.-- Herrmann and Eu-- wtee * Meponali _ + __-- ladh plane, or mile hop$: is m to lo'avi Seat-- tle, follow the coast to Alaskn, bop zt:wou the Bering sea, to '{:tio for maaine 5.00 en Poge land in Seattle. * PELLAGARA MAKES BOW IN FLOOD AREA flight In a--sighnie sirriety Nith only . a * f ay ipy Chicago "'"'-m.*,u.""" frike miontt men : and uflnton. it was m Two naval airmen, 'one of whom hag, designed tho'gn and is now su-- perintending ~its construction. in se> IN SACCO CASE -- -- CAUSES SURPRISE FLIGHT. 3 HOPS By FRANCIS F. HEALY y# Springfield, 'I!L., Aug. 3.--Tllinois' politice, already badly scrambled,-- to--" day were facing still greater pandé-- manlum --as the result of the an novuncement yesterday OlL . FTesmeni Coulidge that he does not choose to be a candidate for renomination in : Iilinois has three potential candi-- dates and if any or all three enter the race certain new alignments appear inevitable. . Three possible entries %r- former Gor. Frank O. lowden, U. 8. Sen-- ator-- Charles S$. Deneen and Vice President Charles G--Dawes. > * ~--The presidential aspirations of: any of these candidates, with the possi-- bie exception of 'that of Dawes, would have a great reaction on the guber-- natorial race in Illinols,. _« ~.> * POLITICS -- BUZZ Lowden, it a --presiiential candi-- date, yndoubtedly would support Se¢-- retary of State L. L. Emmerson 'for governor and in turn would be back-- ed in this state by Lowden. ~As a powerful enemy, Lowden would have Chicago, whoswung 16 votes from Lowden in the 1920 convention,-- split-- ting the -- Illinois delegation. Gov. Small undoubtediy would . line= up against Lowden mao Emmerson. Deneen, ifa can te, would.Jine up the same way as be and Emmer-- son are close friends. F Lowden, Dawes and D¢ Seen as Among 'Possibi as Cal's Successor. . Political observers here, however, do 'not believe that Deneen would enter the presidential race if Lowden is an avowed candidate. f Dawes to date hasa--not taken any part in the lllinois political hodge-- podge and where he would line up is doubttul. < It is believed that he wilt not be an avowed candidate, but he is seen As a possible "dark horse" should the Republican convention be unable to unite on a candidate. hol:o both T!:::un and ml:vdén. run, ver, pson (wo be expect-- ed. to mnocéury 'choice--and support en, his political enwit for| lLowden being too great, obser-- vers say, for any compromise. * . Bétween Lowden and Dawes <the farmer would have little to choose as --both voa'.ultoatu 'of legislation to relleve t z-lultnnl situation. ~: The--eituation, --however, --promises to m the 'Hlinols 'and ' national cam-- rigns . into 'a_ clinch, with political ieaders forcedto clamber down' from the fence and glight on one side or Secretary _of ----commer@® -- Herbe:wt Hoover authorized that statement to-- day---- in connection with president m'rmm withdrawal from Mooret. who Miseit 4 :,;umq No * . 8 a strong possibility to bec --a can-- didate tor the Republican nomination, president's action . Palg . Alto, Cal, Aug. 3----"I "stilt be-- lieve: that <president Coolidge should be-- renominated 'and re--elected." u/s "n '. Furs & [3 B -','b, n e# z:'t_ so es 36 89-- | hP B4 3. 4 fll.ai '| i"l id C be THREE POTENTIAL MEN FOR PRESIDENT 'All She Got Was Alimony. $ 30304 society will be Cllefl_.lmd on Wed-- nesday by Mrs. A.W, Johnson oft 335 Prospect avenuge.: A cordial invita: tlion is extended to all women of the Notwithstanding the recent cooi weather:ihe bathing beach hbas been crowded daily with women and judg-- ing from the amount of noise pr¥+ duced, everybody must hare been en-- joying the dip--especially as the wa-- ter .was much warmer than the sgut-- rounding atmosphere. ~Mrs. Stewart and Mrs. Fifield and children of Long Lake, arrived in the village on Monday and will remain until next week. & A omirininn: of Mrs Fraskte Pat w otf Mrs. Franklin Pat terson of 701 Park Place, is visiting here and .will remain for a week of ten days. ¥ m z* ~_Arnold Zinke, a former retident of Lake Bluff, but now living in Geneva, IL, was a welcome visitor to the vil-- -- Mr. and Mrs. Edward Thomas : of Chicago, And children, are st the Somers cottage, 701 Ravine avenue. _-- 4 --*Mré. William Vanderkloot and 'her daughter, Mrs. Kenneth Higbee, have issued invitations to a linen~ shower for Miss<--Maybelle Clarke, who wili be married shortly. -- It will be a luncheon and--bridge party and wili be given --at the Glen Flora club on Saturday afternoon, August 6. 3 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Barker énter-- tained ten guests at dinner on Mon-- day evening at their residence 6n Sheridan road. + " Mr. and Mrs. Joel Barton of 306 Center avenue, and their--three chil> dren, havre returned from a --two week's trip to the north woods otf. Wisconsin: + ce oR * The wedding of Miss Viola-- Cole, daughter of '"Mr.-- and Mrs. John .Cole of 112 North avenue, and ~Charles Frederick Campbell, will be solemaniz-- ed at the Methodist church, on Friday evening, August 6, at 7:30 p. m. -- At'a meeting of the board of trug-- tees of the Union church, held at the refidence of Harry Muir on Tuesday evening, it --was roted to :set aside a substaptial sum this yeat for music, tet" .consigting © of. Mr. and:;> Mts. Suyul&mymc Lewis and Mr, Wills for the next year. . > [ _ Mr. and Mrs.' William M. Sane.. of Albert Sea, Minnesota,> are*--visiting Mr.and Mrs. F. _ W. Bowen of : 340 Prospect 'avenue. -- Mr. ~Sane -- is < a brother--inlaw of Mr. Bowen, . ---- The Orin McCombs of 530 Prospect @vrenne, have® a '+house>party . of Oak Park friends visiting them and thoit daugliter, Miss Ruth McComb, gave & luncheon nad . bridge party: in -- their lko:w on!'nul::' liance 1no matd 1 w ~al o &A HTites: uiom_ mi:l, 'the v&: Reseitt 'or Setvrtny 'ave Bhaday To wE c * Faay ; 4 Y the -- '-:ubor_bl_t,uhr made house: wives light fires to say the least, they were more than comfortable, We mg have snow before the next week--en but let us hope for the best. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cox of Chi-- cago,' celebrated their wedding anni-- versary on Sunday at the residence of the parents of Mr. Cox, at 712 Park The Women's Foreign . Missionary LAKE BLOUFF _ Raymond Lewis of 619 Prospect * NEWS ITEMS wb 4¥% s her suburbs : t3 SIX MEN FACE , MURDER CHARGES CAUS REPLY IS -- . ~~ USED FACFTIOUSLY hbhousewife asks her guest. --~ "I--wouldn't choose any, thank yoxz," ' ~the New Englander's reply. it ahd"its talk recalled this quirk of the vernacular sa the politically wise of the country sought to find the hidden I behind the eleven words of i*"I do not choose to run for presi-- 'dént in nineteén twenty--cight." Might it <be possible, some authori-- ties ~ask,~ that the president -- merely was talking the common talk of hbhis section? SIMPSONS VISIT DR. B. P DICKINSON _ ON ALASKA TRIP known to scores of Lake county 'rgs-- idents.,She and her husband, also a doctor; have the distinction of living in one of the most unusual cities in the world. s i .: [#3 ~"~Ketchikan is built on the side of a great mountain whose eheer sides rumt *straight down into the Pacific. 1t boasts but 12 miles of streets but County Superiniendent of Schools T. A. Simpson and wife, who returned from $ six weeks tour of western VUnited States and southern Alaska yesterday. today related how they met and were royally entertained by Dr. Beatrice Pearce Dickinson, or Ketchi kan~ Alask=. 1)r. Dickinson was a bas more than 350 automobiles that cun only hope to make a trip of 12 miles at the best or run back over the same route. 'These streets were blasted out and appear, from the sea, school euperintendent to take a six weeks fishing and hunting trip with them --but he was unable to accept their bospitality because he bas muca of his program for the coming year to outline. Chicago, Auzg. 3%.--Two men were charged <formailly with murder here today in two separate slayings. \, ». John McGurn, <saloon owner, was charged with the murder of Dominic Cinderella, whose body, tortured and mutilated, was .ound in the drainage canal, sewed in a sack. Robert Stanley, 24, released from the county jail here today where he had been --serving a minor sentence, was held at the detective bursau in connection with the murder of. .enry Stapic, a bootlegger, whose body was like so much shelving, Mr. Simpson stateg. * Hemmed is as it is with only wzean boats offering zn outlet, it is more ~In their trip they covered. Denver, Colorado Springs, "Heattle, southern Alaska and returned through Canada by the way of Winpipeg. many thriving communities in the states. -- It offers all of the advantages in education and is a shopping center for residents living 200 and more miles away. There are 6.000 people living in he mountainside that has been blasted out to make room for _ Dr. Dickinson showed the Simpsons his w back in the mountains and out some of the metal for FOUND GULILTY OF f -- A charge of robbery with a gun was mnolle prossed because James S. Kelly, complaining witness and. form-- er president of the bank, is now dead, The jury was given its instructions at 7:45 p. m. last night by Judge Ed-- ward Barry. € Blumentfeld's Two accomplices have been gsentenced for the robbery in a recent trial. Bloomington, J1., -- Aug. 8.--David Blutmentield, Chicago jewelcr, wie found guilty by a jory here today of the robbery of the Farmers Bank of Chenoa, Ill. The robbery occurred two years ago when Blumenfeld, with two ac-- complices, posed as bank examiners to make --away with $180,000. ,.tli.m:m Chief ot WSV:: announced secret evidence prompt Him to jegue murder charges, ~ . -- Find Former Waukegan. We-- man Situated in Unusual City HAVE -- FINE © VACATION from three to twenty years in the give a benefit card party at the Lake git'!"mmbon Tuesday, Aug-- ~-- BAN_.: 8 MI:D ?rf':lcl § Chicago, Lug. w9 bandits raided the offices of Edward Holt» man hére today, tound and gaggeed him.--and escaped with jeweiry which be estims ed = .rth $3,600. New York, Aug. 3..--"Will you have in Alaskan Mountains. 3EA ce 2s a4 & 1% i.