Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 1 Sep 1927, p. 3

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| JVIFLALLIN UINA:, ' )* MITE BLAST CASE ; FREED BY POLICE | I MICHICGA N ~--__ Michael Lomonato Proves He Was Home and Is Released Thands Of vandata --© 14. ""ICX _ at the i of vandals. The condition has bean found in different parts of Lake county, '" Powers Lake j Take North Shore Line [ -- _« |sg Cegpg -- 1 C CC Amvrore. vne of z»lmii&m-t the Meanwhile the paving > work ou!w' Nawvy ¥eoman Mountawmlmghuh'flhcdb contractors have sent to Mvmhwgmh'm&rn} Mluw-otortm'mbohlwkd mmuwmm ntho.l:vcruieosul'tm?n be | predietion :nu:nmuvmum rushed to aukegan. This neoes-- 'assary 'to end terstate commerce. :t;toadohy of 'several days it is and mk&n laws to vyover --this eved. nw.mmflwflu. Recalis Other Vandatiem "rhenqh.«wml f&oyopfluotmlmma*----hf' TH in the case the police have re-- 'Wtomohorlmu theory ~that m.mmmmmnua». trouble and they ; are conducting their investigation along that Time. ?'-rtlltlddmo.ld:-' may be 'attempted has caused Mr. McDon-- ald to obtain the services of--two right utelmon'hmub..m-h" Tradition Saturday, Sunday and Monday (L. > x hos c e o s /o 1 One --Gar seomm Wauke?nan; This week--end -- y. and y (Labor Day) -- the last three--day holiday of the Two om Stolen. : Mmmmmmflim 'fl-bnhl-dfl. Leare your car Automobile < thieves were .eu,,l at home. UnM%u-m. Enjoy your trip: ufiflfl'dn«_h mmtw olmm%mm" mafihbflhuam. "Mfim m.'-mufl' ight, a . aike 4. 1 AMB. : 4 byger t nasi als 00 q _ . ESm > sper Cld sAmpert Oonstruction company up to 4Y!4tion by the ephocal flight of Col. few days azgo when be was discharged M"'hm*?mm after a Hittle trouble kad developed.|W*" be confrontd with the necessity William McDonald, one of .the mep;. Of considering new legislation cover bers of 'the Lampert firm at once 0& AYiAtion, Leaws regulsting com-- thought he might have some connec. mercial and military aviation are of tlon 'with the blasting of the . mixer|Yital im 2{ the prosent time and gave the police his name. due to the that bundreds of men' 'With Lomonace eliminated as a tac &l fover. country are entering fly-- "h'm'm&.mhnhuhm"""--" " . ffe --, _ L > CPRCE -tvh.unb.w" """W-.--d-y-du,._ day, to meet the needs of those 1 C C eAE + E. | kus eB s F snsmmani zes _ 40# LWM 5 irIoOnaco was eniployed by -- the %:nun (butr:.eti:: company up to w days ago when was after a Hitle trouple faq AOrnarzed Lampert Chicago North Shore X Take Norh &m' Line to Tl.-h-;d. * moveimty Pvoies Eow l uunm n Pere j connections nighe steamer fi::m door of our Milwaukee ter-- ton Park, who was LIBERTYYILLE the 3 4/ M maiSnC + h Motor Coaches f?::"l"_"- on LLE -- TICKET orrice TELEPHONE 74 4 The.--Road of Service Through | tickets, 'uTr "r CACVEE AALRG : acavats e minal with Milwaukee Nosch-- em trairis for these points. lotes flood ane is "ormgnt douets 'Alley in an effort to expedite reha-- Td _ 00 5 ____ °m Om e SKOk a problem as land traffic. ous 'which would restrict eause the Joaw of lie and neen att Various bfanches "w to the ¢ Tbteruud in aviation uom :tm::v= recommndations which would mmg n apectacular flights and air races that ,""".m"' Tomse "In mo hk A novun, $ |factory 1 ; Reports coming from the Navyy Do {mt seem 'to Muwmyst rotary Wilbur is in favor Of a huse 1W""'"'flf'hflo construction, with [monkt mdmmmv" of 8e points, will also come up for I¢ 'Nashotah Lakes 2"&*0'&&» side and the home of the 1 m'"","flass& s1 | Our Washington L LI N 0 1 s-- notify the police of the mony was performed. . Saturday night George drove to Waukegan from Win-- Throp Harbor. ~He picked out a beau-- umdhmufln;umk.'.h store and paid $300 for it Ther ks selected a plain gold band that cost Nim $10. Next he went over to Max's Clothes whop to buy his wedding clothes nad while there, discovered 'Mflntwflugm-hdngu- tis 90:::!. He ~searched g '.m, inas pin repprted. to the poincs T98 mnm' f mh'""!"m'lhl-nr -- W 220 B 10% of martiages in the di yorce <ourt, Dut Goorge Higging af Winthrop Harbro «had his wrecked, temporarily at least. before the cere. Nm 'l '.i #* To Vv&wm.w NMumm-:Zeu. effects of. proposed modification. LOSES ENGAGEMENT ~ AND WEDDING RMNG 'nree abovr naumed methods of selling and also because without the aid of the Federal Trade Commission on ols 1 3 9 C oo C Oameie l bec" which manufactured articles are sold at approximately : the same price in difterent greas without regard to the varying costs of transportation, the factory hase method, or f. o. b., and the basing point method. 'The inves-- help to clear up for the manufacturers trade practites which involves the Bad luck wnd . incompatability mounle: (in "hebk m c c e T F political -- ds .: Now --that peace hn"bnn rebtored amongs the warring factions in the ofl 8 Y WILLEAM--D a 1 N.~E. A. Cortespondent in hils or Letter finding of the butn left for a trip with his family, T# wi . on a~two m::: thru: i ; ® MC.A.Wmmimnlmm"' C . aaoe B tee of Green nay, Wise. y --~| She M J. Murphy and family for a w It was w by the md f Howks Su Seat helr sn Olayton ' &. : and his bride will resiie at Ruloos .' thot, op °caton of the bono. _ | -- JIMHAN A YFAR AGO _ _Mrs. E. J. Lehiman took Vinginia Loans for the past week were con-- Munphy and Gertude Owen to Chica-- siderably lower than a year ago this §o with her Tuesday, for the day. time, 'according to the following re-- Mmm:mumtflp. port just issued by A. K. ~Bowes, . Take Ville seems to be overflowing assistant secretary . of. the Security wib honors. Our Juahita Nickerson :Title and 'Trust company: * took the second prize in the bathing |* Business of the recorder's office for beauty contest at the Antioch Palace, the week ending Angust 27, 1927 last week. suw'?;hwhm gm::: o!.e&zgltuea flkd,!:} * Friday afternoon at 5 o'clock, mber of mortgages, --21, m'mm represent Lake Villa N::a';yot trust dgeds and mort-- ?u'w""': figfi%':{hm' f ,t'"*o'm number of instruments filed, i Ne is being attended by Dr. Belione, | . ro;a; -- of Toans, $261,990,00, of Wankegan, as Dr. Jamieson, of Mir | ~ ***! $4Ubor of loans, $26 Cedar opsul hilh (he yillage to the |the cirdus strong man, John George, fnnasirs tmae t t in dueriane Marine flags form the centre feature wm ) 2 R LOWER f faxe yie sn pripube Goeres| -- TWHEN A VDID ich!| -- thatr sopreciaton o we heso."~~| _ TAAN A YEAR AGO| 0000000 0 o 0 oo 0o o TX mikain, wm reported to the |as . Waukegan ce that his Ford tour-- |the ing car bearing license No. 1--054--441 circ had beenstolen from Clayton street | ous between Utica® and faugi__ _ } [ adiee between --10:30 ---- °+ & Nash eedan bearing licenst No. 618--102, had been stolen -- there and-- requested that watch for it be i pogaasl . . 1:86 o' j rnmkg'muoefledlod, up 'Mh'; ported t * & udson broug bearing Wisconsin license No. D-- 124--319, 'had ;«a stolen t:.:.' They thought the th --ves might have come in this direction. mlalnk. uo qo C 000 . mE _ qA plaints lodged with the local police. No trace of any of the stolen cars was found> here. At 6:20 p. m. John Jackaway of ME / CL.iuil : > Seane l % c o & years, Mr. Tebon said in e letter to fram bureaus, is one of the most eas-- Ily controlled of grain diseases. Two" effective trearments are : ree-- ommended; "Copper carbonate pow-- der mixed with the seed .before plant-- ing," two and one--half ounces to the bushel, ~gives completm eontrol, 'as > dont'lnmhcucndlom-; unbannmon-ndcby-!xhgone' pint of formaildehyde in 48 gallons of water." Both® of these methods are being demonstrated daily in the natural his-- tory survey's booth at the state fair this week. Actual, but dead, epeci-- mens of the European corn borer arg) exhibited in the same booth, togetb'enl: with photographe showing typical jury to corn in the heavily intested corn borer regions of eastern states. | AUTO THIEVES ACTIVE; POLICE -- ARE KEPT BUSY throughout Hlinois during the last six 30 cenisa per bushel, with occasion&! lots being refused by dealers. Alitho-- these are .only preliminagy 'Tigures, they indicate that. fully 24 per cent of the state's wheat crop is smut infested and that 20 per cent is so badly infested that the sale price on it is being cut an average of $.5 cents per bushel. Dockages on indi-- vidual lots range from two cents to. ifersames OR 00 4. C 1 T Co hn ce LAeeei eR ABF is _ MWM the survey in charge of the fieid ex-- amination, 'and" who" is -- receiving grain dealers' reports. # ~--Thus far, market reports have been received on about 900,000 bushels of wheat.-- ~About one--Zourth of -- this amount,. or 218,000 bmh%.,hn been infested with cemut, 182 tbushels being so badly smutted that a total of $15,3140° Wwas been 'cut from its sale. price,. . o §* _: * .. _ Cutse Saleé Price. l gro' o EJ _ Mr.--and Mrs. John Vasey and INHAN REPORTRD scomned ais: oohe Sesez aot son reauamic--fHr--C.: Total Loss t0. FarMmers Esti-- dres were in waukcesn a, Friday * i OA A " a € i a mated at $4,000,000 in I1li-- ; +rsai»s. Mrs: Henry Peterson have nois From This Pest. BDeon > entertatnins» _ thaix i. "-- [t" . No irace of any of the has been found. iged with the local police. a£. m. and n»oon. Total v_(...m ; éw"vm £1100, ?g. mmoz'm deeds and mo mn number of, Ihatramants Ai~ F sukg * . Tarin & Cormpaponding period week ending | '"mmflnfltloenen.uder the canvas top and watched a full cireus performance. Among the fam-- ous circus stars in the cast were the Davenport: troupe, famous "bareback riders; -- Jack 'Phillins, pemier riding Circus Moved to Film to MceHenry on business Saturday af-- | . __Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Ravin and son apent last Thursday evening with the « 4n Fasstield and Ellwood Dowell f j : ; 4 " £ faimaogs I GENERAL MOTC ng. > f & p * Mrs. Iioyd Fisher and son, spent -- afterncon at the Leslie Da-- i\ * m 'flthome. fe '_ es# x " *4 2 C mss W .. --The singing. was exceptionally good a and .Rev..:McKelvey preached a fine William Geanry and son, of Waucon-- f.:'"nhunmamgmvmm n-nnma,l"ofhuo_nt.m,w:- er_in Voo, ono Wednesday. : __John Passfield and Ellwood Dowel! motored to Wauconds on Friday eve-- ning / : «4 uk 1ney are ma, "mfififi_ "W trip to Minneapolis, but thee is a lot :frwum there S h.wlflfllfllaflomvbwond 'M" Wflm,"m.' Mrs. M'mmlonmflg &m'lthhnumu, Mr.--and u"""l"-fleld.o(hmt.wu'mm. mnhildu, ' Hl".ndln.utmlhlhrndm' Q']'t"t'"!ltfllemnmlohn:n; Mr. :M _ STrG Hiens ons . ;_--A.' Roy Passfield and boy friend spent Schied home, in Wauconda. . _ Frank Hironimus held an . Aauction .a'l'k.uud"lr'u %obmu Dawell and in Srnt puenter eventve ar fhe )M'? Dann&u are rewainting all od"dn hm'l;u mu:w&t:fi £aik uy mas Aimas Mr. _ Mr. and Mrs. Robert Oaks, and lly, of Chicago, spent the p fant with relgtives in Yolo. past: week corge Schi .. : Gf nda called in Volo on T earegny, _ __ name k 120 ._.__.!"Wmm' 1 Atrar ... _ _ _ _o" *~Bust _ si.-- _ In1e i}t-- He lady was named Shirley Ann. Mrs. OCase was formerly Miss Edith Con. verse, of this community.. Mr. and Mrs. Lioyd Fisher and son ml'tolcnemonm,u Mr. and :Mre. Lioyd Fisher and son and Marion Davis motored to Grays-- lalrn 'mimn) TT aAs.. lz _ o o 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 o o 0 o o home. recently, .. "r. and Mrs. Henry Peterson have been entertaining their two neices, '.O"urflie past two weeks., f . and Mrs, Jlau'xcrriafit-tor porthern Wisconsin last week, where they will visit their son Ray for a few _ _ .40 2 55°°_ MO. JAImnes Leonard en-- tertained company from the city on Mr conveances filed, 261. ustt deeds and mort-- of: instruments filed, -- and Mrs. Oliver Wilton and 1it-- on, visited at--the E. A. Wilton Mrs. Leslie Davie and fam-- i to Wauconds on Batur-- Dowell .Gllt Tuesday in evening at the George V OL O ¥ey C tore {"""'"'" 552 Bouth Geneses 6t. Phone 22 The lit-- ¥ | . _ _ ", 10hrees, end mules to be {fed from this supply than in 1924, de-- cidedly overalancing the increace in sheep as far as hay requirements are concerned. (On the other hand, high ilflefl fOr'BT:z'llld other concen-- trates, depen largely -- upon --the some fllm:: in the hay fetim sea-- son over that consumed te years aAgo, although probably not a material increase, since corn and oats were aleo high priced in 1924--25." &A havarn fudicated y July 1 conditionse market arrivals of god hay are likely to be ample while low grade hay will prob-- puy find a draggy market. Under tare of yeorany norp on oo n cars poor * sold at prices which left lHitle or nothing for the grower after the cost of ailing, ship-- ping,; and handling had been met. Increase -- of $,500,000 Tons. | _ _A time hay harvest nearly 3,500,000 tons larger than the record crop of 1924 is forecast by the crop reporting board from July 1 conditions and liberal supplies of molsture in most wild hay areas have favored generons fle!?l of wild hay. There are fewor 6 Abntrmukiind l 405 o *ooo on > . enR © B the department of agriculture to make sure of their market before adding the |expenses of alling and shipping too poor quality hay Even last year when . the supply of bay was the smallest <since 1918 the arrivals at man whratks 2s al & l 1 1 Wl 1 O 1, 1000 CCC @HEveIEUOUL IQL~ lowsg: -- ; -- With a record hay crop in prospect large amounts of hay are likely to be crowded into market channels during the 1927--28 season and farmers in hay ::nip'l:hg coetl'mg are cautioned: by whiniiie i y .. $ nTIV (JF EL* ing and shipping, the. department of Agriculiture points out in a 'statement just issued based on the forecast af the crop reporting board that the tame hay harvest wil be nearly 3,-- £00--000 tons larger than the record crop of 1924. Last year, when the supply of hay was 'the smalleet since 1918 the ar-- rivais at markets were fully equal: to ponsumers" neds, .__-- Record Crop in Prospect. h"rh_e full text --of the etatement fol-- ,WASHING'I'ON.-Hay market con-- ditions during the 1927--28 season are likely to e such that low quality hay 'wm not pay for the expense of bail-- FarmersCautioned to Make Sure of Market Before Bai-- HAY IS FORECAST FOR THIS YEAR x %'.Q,flr--?' ,_._wmm__ & dtiveuw >r ;mwm im all traffic situations. Get--away, speed, _ . ps ;tO\wh-withom m\m They In f thi"""'d""v'"';""'l"'h"izlledtouwetmod. 4 _ . .\ °_ _g, , _ _ S AesIigned tomeet mod. -- ern conditi nditions ' : Let us demonstrate for you. Friving Comfort GENERAL MOTORS HEAVY DUTY TRUCKS and TRACTORS 234 to 15 Ton Capacities WE NB A N Chassis F. O. B. Pontiac, Michigan } T n Mhcne is c o} 0 HRRK ""_-o.f' Wt uy > _' fail to prevent i{epuly Emmett Hastings brought them -- before> Justice Harry -- HhAut counts of their actions between the hours that the Zoehier windows were They chaiged that & in e¥ > someone an smm ies Shkcc uin k TR ECC 1 --" OA 1e guestioning by the Zion ®"° ". C&BAr._ By chance the owner police Fred z::m of Beach mc.!gb'::&t't::xlm vtt:uv of the Friday caused arrest of five Zion startied to see lade, Tanging in ago from 16 to 22.]145t Closing the cash drawer wndee growing out of gangs partici u""ting-; the breaking of windows in at least To Have Hearing Saturday Be--|_ == =» fore Hoyt; Claim They fi'ia':fi""': innocent of Act. Im':': Deputy &im« C Ee mm EEEUP FVl 5 WaPk are also likely to be no lamzer than J ,tn 192627,.-- when benerous crope of -- 7 grain tnf hay throughout the South, Marked « together with low prices for cotton the undoir caused a decided> reduction in trhe Becker, 33, amountés of bay rought in from south-- Grennan C western and northern states. The hay was placed acreage in the South shows a materia) gan at five !ncromthisye; forecast from July 1 conditions t iGargala an, nearly 10 per cent above last year's South Gene outturn. This would sugest that even For the less hay would be needed than in | the South 1926--27, but the expected increase in {have been ; bay producing--WM@¥be partially offset ! money from by reduction in local supplies of min'dm,. Usua and of cottonseed hulls. S er s _ M ARREST 5 ZION -- LADS IN WINDOW -- Following quéstioning by the crop in someé se considerable mo winter : :':'lt:ym o increase the .Bhipping demand for bay in genera) is likely to --be. less active than in 1926--27. Practically all sections have gond crovus in Pprospect and nons re-- port a shortaze. No hay from other scctions is E'kely t> be shipp:d into the northwest this season, dthouzhj last y'm the lw'hflm of the hay --~ Southern --requirements disorderly conduct netesitated a of hbhay into £. 0.2 toena ce _ . M _-- '1095, the . , _ _ UL° breakwaters along a North Shore to protect barge it tra----c into Lake Michigan is ing considered by the Illinois division waterways. The proposed 3 ters would cost about m,m:,} would extend to Waukegan, M. "i Barnes, 'chief engineer, announced -- SERIFS OF BREAK .. WATERS PLANNED be regular .money from their cash 'dwn;:. q daily. Usually the amount time .did not exceed a dolHar. picion pointed to several, but not o in the direction of Becker, who ; trusted fmplicitly. ~ | Becker delivered cakes at the ut nearly every day. He was trus to such an extent that he was allor to go behind the cigar counter wait on hln:]peu 'hl:t.' hh.hd cigar. He ways + dime the --counter/ Evervthin» Eganr at five 0'clock Fri on a charge 'Of larceny Gargala and Debartol z South Genegee street. _ For the last two or Marked one dollar bilis have proved the undoing of one man.. W vg Becker, 33, oft Chicago, driver for s Grennan Cako wnm' " E. m';.') was placed under aresrt in W ie gan at five o'clock Friday 'ternae OD 2 charmak«m a.ll _ CC CCVo M &A series of breakwaters Waiter gere; Act, Police Say appare e pparent detection came about PROVES UNDOING _ OF TRUCK DRiver went 'of hroeayv--'m-----j Debartol grocers at o of the counter street

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