Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 15 Sep 1927, p. 4

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36 e ~~ ; fsofated iIsiand A &' the Gul¥ of Makico and is in ?"'» s,..fl.; It ex-- »»: ... tends across the marsh for 15 milef . In a general east and west directiong . C mlang his. l f j ii; ;rv;;'t"--e&{l-;t -3--30566' p;r against Frame and Rafter. Justice| Number of conveyances filed, 187. | in some*manner lost control 0 E f C-- C -- a § 5 i ? mile. * Hervey Coulson issued these udl Numper of chatte]l mortgages, 51. | car. 3 & & t x7 s The $110,000 coming in outside oft| Deputy Edward Dunn is preparing to ay'er of trust deeds and mort--| A woman companion escape The CITY SERIES eerrorntoons ts se * ¢ h *A t S N J bickering on --the board, they also «ounne enA m m i e esnc n e ut lc iN ie ces se dn en en ncnp en _ es ie on e en c on en ce n h n ol omm hm ie enc enc omnn ione ols ) Cenandeccmmentiens ¥ * | ' believe. f aAZ t t s t e on f f Ne e m mnn (og n -- se tm # *--o----=« The FOOTBALL GAMES? }®*3@s__| PalaceCashMeat N ; LN TDA sAMES:! | wass" > | Palace Cash Meat Market Co. f C + f m p 4 a nrauch s 7 ---- SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17 e The Daily Market Reports ? Forrfit-- | Amndsn Te * tm A _ f 4 o ® * llht?b'ot oral hygiene, today stat-- M bx i 5 4 F LA thak had Alad that annliaatiAn a 5 ® 7 ' , _ YEAR OLD MANJS . FOUND IN COTTAGE _' Believe That Body of William ~~_Nankfort Laid in Home Five -- Days Before Discovery. \=~, un --,opianlerriraimmerinrtrt gtaa e t isterng 1+ ";;"] Eo enis P n onl .._____.. [ SWR D tistriet -- would--hardly. be: consit /w AR { I @ l 'fi * . 'VSb'er' "':'f}'""'?? 34 | at such a time: . ';, S}' #i3 § faRe ~ . -- __t\;_"._.,_ y See ot eeeeemeeent ©. e C e C C P section of the Fox Lake district, after ;umnuflbll"lr five days. was made by J. Hankfort of §501 Cortes street, Chicago, when hs eame to this county to visit his par-- ent at 1:15 o'clock, Sunday after-- ® ooz y t # ad Motth't;thgg.wmh_l_lmnk- -Lanm'nlflutnmuko and who was 78 years old was due to organuic heart dissase according to the finding of a coroner's jury fol-- lowing an inquest Sunday afternoon The ied ~man was list seen by nelighbors on Tuesday afternoon aftor he had completed a somewhat trying walk from the business section of S t Fox Lake to his home. it is thougii .FIRST PRESBYTERIAN -- that his death may ave been hastened Rev. Guy E. Smock. Pastor. by exhaustion during this walk. Bunday School at 9:45 a. m, WY. G. While the neighbors have not} Wells, Supt. Gumdym%y seen the aged man stirring about the on Sept. 25. : cottage during the last five days they Morning worship at 11. The pastor MmunuthnfinMnW'oomm tendency towards wanting . to be ance." Monday for burial. with the outside world which its popu-- lation of some 400 people have is by means of the mail boat, which makes a trip from Abbeville once a week. Mscovery of 're You Ready for the dead body of his Mloors of the latter's moment, but get i t with us at once for . , Battertes, Eliminato -m*'iffheQdofa'peW" Radi1o, | these fiflt__a; to ~SEE THESE NEW MODELS NEW STYLES! NEW PRICES! koth afternoon and evenings l Libertpville Cburches 8T. LAWRERNCHS EPISCUPAL Rev. H. B..Gwyn, Pastor The services for Sunday, Sept. 18 (the l4th Sunday after Trinity) are: Holy Eucharist and sermon, 11 a. m. Church School at 10 a. m. Revr. H. B. Gwyn officiating. Al services on daylight saving time. speak about five minutes on Cathedral of the Heart." -- Sunday morning at 11 --a'clock, old time. Friends of the church are in-- ¥ited to this service, as well as the members. This service is a beautiful memorial, and it gives us stréngth and quiet and hope. The pastor will CHRISTIAN SCIENCOE SOCIETY Bunday School at 9:30 a an. Church Services at 10:45 a. m. Wednesdays at 8 p. m. The subject for SBunday, Sept. 18th, st. jJosrpws carHou1c Rov. M. J. Nealis, Pastor First Mases at $:30 a. m. SBecond Mass at 8 a. m. . 'Third Mass at 9 a. m. Fourth Mazs at 10's. m. ar. parricx's, wabswortn At Wadsworth, Mass at 8 a. m. At Druce Lake, Mass at 10 a. m. Both services on standard time. 'i:tu people's meeting at 6:30 p.m. Revr. W. H. Lehman, Pastor Sunday School at 10 a. m. German--service at 11 a m. English service at 8 p. m Strangers always welcome. FIRST METHODST EPIBCOPAL Rev. John k. DeLong, Pastor (The Church of Good WIH) _ LAWRENCHWS HPISCOPAL BIG FIGHT? 99 A MP < Our Sunday §cWool meets at 9:15, u:: and the subjec vin'.ho"sA"Mm lnbvm;mmflbf 2 Octaober 5.' All payments and reports must be made by Sept. 20, for the pas tor's report to conference. \ o namers ons Fmumna mt on Sunday, Oct. 9. Each will pay his share of the expense. . Please send your reservations to K. M.. Hubbard, or to teh pastor. or Our conferences meets at Ouk Park Te Bpworth League meets at 6, old "5"3'?.. Tess CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES Churches of Christ, Scientist, Sun-- day, SBeptember 11. > The Golden Text was from I Cor. %0, ~"BEye htlut...nm heard, neither have entered the heart of man, the things which God hth.mxdbttl-thtlfl_l Among the citations which com--» prised the Lesson--Bermon was the following fromh the Bible : "Riches ::'. rlthn.:l euarines I luat in the way ot retcouaness, in the midst of the paths of judgment : Mlm.a-"um. me to inherit aubstance ; and I fill their treasures" (Provertbse 8: l'o"'n). # UCUhae Lesson--Sermon also in-- cluded the following from the Christian lelo'ec textbook, the Christian Science textbook, "Sctence and Health with Key to the !cflptlm"hyluymllx: "As God is substance and man is divine image 'and likeness, man should wish for, and in reality has, only the substance of good, the sub-- stance of Spirit, not matter, 'The be-- lief that man bas any other suob= stance, or mind, is not spiritual and Thou shalt have one God, one Mind" (p. §01). & m# mR ° C Increase otf $18,000 in the annual appropriation for the county loomed today as Bupervisor Arthur W. Ver this slight boost would be necessary. The appropriation will be about $450,-- it would be, he considered, jJump beyond the income --of the county.As Will Run $18,000 W than the town hall of Lake Zurick Aug. 36. : k 4 Dr. P. R. Blodgett, member of the IIli-- a Year Ago and Will TAKQ |incis Diviston of the Isaak Waiton The hospital, for the past three years, has drawn $50,000 as its ap propriation but it will be increased to about $60,000 members of the {i-- "It Is just a matter of cut! the ~suit out of as much cloth 'The complete appropriation will not be: ready for a few days yet, it is ----Another item that will have to be gone into is veniremen and foreign witness fees. Th# is always indef-- $432%,10, THE INDEPENDENT $1.50 aA YEAR DELIVERED TO YOUR --HOME EACH JEEK. NO CHARGE FOR DELIVERY In 1924 the appropriation -- was $415,400, in 1925 $440,150 and in 1926 "¥a, in Increased Taxes. 30 doe ,t",fi_' .,.;-t,;"{';;: e __ It v & CA 'Y oi "ak xt 2 4 B 4. 2 chairman of i Autl ~@P|| #| Dr. Krueger, of Waukegan, who ap :) plied for the position of county super-- ¢ nundmr oral hygiene, today stat-- ed tha had filed that application 'I when be heard such a position -- was open. The application was referred to the finance committe. There -- has 8 never been such a position in --the county. <'The belief of board memberk. is that Dr. Krueger is seeking 'a po-- sition under an amendment to -- tha public health act of 1917 that became | effective July 7, 1927 in which public health districts could be created with 3 public health officer, nurses, chem-- TM | ists, experts, clerk«s and assistants to % behired according to the amount of 0d that t tion of i 8 | sta ------~tion Oof a: | district vouxiti'd!r* M&w . at such'a time: 2y #¥4*% s»>i», ~--_-- ~| ~The Lake: Zurich Chapter of the ized with a small initial membership. This new unit in the Illinois Division of the League held its first meeting in Blodgett is one of the most active con-- servationizts of-- the state. Bince hbis election to the board of governors, Dr. Blodgett has traveled over a large D.:i-uua" nn'.':..',"n'.'u"&"::idm ters in their organization. The nation= al fleld representative of the League, Kenneth I. Shiras, who has been aid+ ing the Lake PBurich men in getting their chapter organized, also attended the meeting, the following men being Formed at Lake Zurich sen, executive secretary; Iming Dé# chauer, recrding secretary; and A. J. e plans were made for the chapter activities and important pro-- grams were outlined, and several com-- -m-itm appointed by 'the presi-- dent, Mr. Prohm. Those attending the meeting promised to help increase the emall membership now active at Lake Furich -- Many Chicago men and men Lro noa Chica o a lin, owners nedt of the town and those owning private eottages and resorts are uniting their efforts as Izaak Walton League mem-- i'.'{-"&"sm""m"mhtdow' condi-- tions at e Zurich and to preserve the natural beautiy of this popular re-- |.. _ Members of the board of super-- visors who are to discuse, without the view of taking formal loca-- tipn, the favor with which a $1,-- 000,000 road bond issue payable out of the gas tax earnings would _meet with the public, today woere of the opinion that the board would | vote for such an issue and . that the public would welcome it with ~their endorsement at the polls. . sort. Lake Zurich Waltonians are de-- termined to keep the lake well stock-- ed with game fish. Work will be done on the lake calculated to improve all its recreational facilities. A chapter the ladies of Lake Zurich are urged to become members,. _ _ The next meeting will be held at the village hall in Lake Zurith on Tues-- day, Bept. 20, at 8 p. m. BOARD VIEWS A > -- BOND ISSUE AS FAVORABLE NOW Tooue Dib of Gas Tax is Hard |szs,0oo SUIT IS . Business Sense. CTIDTCh ACAINC today stated that it would take| Bilboa ran about fifteen years to retire the| At the sa lesue and that it would build in | Smith auth the neighborhood of 34 miles at| assault an the present costs --of $30,000 per| against Fr2 mile. K « Hervey Cor .'The $110,000 coming in outside of | Deputy Edw a bond issue would tend to develope| sérve them. bickering on thboard. my.sbo o romaes 4 Festiva Maxima (White with dash of red in . (Vory fragrant) 1 Early Dark Large Flower Roots Now "a+ _ _ and Another Cop 1 J. Bilboa, Highwood, Saturday be-- gan suit against Chief of Police J C. Frame and Patrolman Edward Rat-- Col. Smith Authorizes Warrant --Against Highwood Chief ter. of Highwood, in the cireuit court for $25,000. k Just the precipe was filed by At-- torney David Stansbury. of Chicago, but the action dates back to the night At the same time States Attorney Smith authorized warrants charging assault and -- battery to be -- issued against Frame and Rafter. Justice Hervey Coulson issued these and Deputy Edward Dunn is preparing to Bilboa ran into a woman. STARTED AGAINST CHIFF J. C. FRAMLE: sgm,cuxm"mcon, whole or half, Ib. 27 1--2¢ I SUGAR CURED HAMS,Ib. . .: . . . 23--1--2%c September 14,1925 -- September 14, 1927 Ewo Years of Progress | OUR SERVICE TO THE COMMUNITY IS RE-- FLECTEDBY FOLLOWING RECORD OF GROWTH -- Teo dnEA Total Deposits ._._........_....._. 350,000.00......530,000.00 These Items Represent a Portion of Our Activity in the Building Up of the Libertyville--Mundelein District Number of Accounts OVER $200,000.00 OF FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS NEGOTIATED ON LOCAL PROPERTY Public Improvements Financed by the Sale of Over _' $500,000:00 Special Assessment Bonds OUTR OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS APPRECIATE THE CONFIDENCE OF OUR gnm.m WILL CONTINUE TO DEVOTE THEIR EFFORTS TO SERVING THIS COMMUNITY IN ALL WAYS LEADING TO SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT BER An 3 e amnite! .. * d sn tb +.A a uoo cS % en ie Highest Grade Meats at the Lowest «IBERTYVILLE saVimc$ -- BANK 10c Ib 3 / l i&}fid "The arrest will aid in an investi-- gation. As I understand it now it is a story with two' sides. Bilboa is said to have run into a woman and Frame is said to have beaten him," Col. Smith declared. Highwood police Thursday nighi were forced to quell what promised to be a riot in Highwood when friends of Bilboa started to protesi rsbout police treatment of their friend. Ass't Trust Co. Business of, the recorder's office for 'te week ending September 10, 1927: Number of conveyances filed, 191. Number of chattel mortgazes, 32. Number of trust deeds and mort-- gages, 80. # LOANS SHOW AN IN-- CRFASE FOR WEEK Total number of instruments filed, 303. Total amount of loans, $546,946.75. Corresponding period week ending September 11, 1926: mber of conveyances filed, 187. > ber of chattel mortgages, 51. w¥er of trust deeds and mort-- seene as ceessees se ne s se e n e e {/ By A. K. BOWES ~# lbs. 25¢~~ : tPc Ib. PORK ROAST 19c lb. Title & LARD Mrs. J. W. Erringer, 345 Center avenue, Lake Forest, recelived a 'broken arm and serious cuts about about the bedy when an automobile in which she was riding left the pavement on Green Bay road several hbundred feet north of Five Points. at four o'clock Monday afternoon and erashed into a post. s WOMAN SERIOUSLY HURT WHEN AUTO LEAVES PAVEMENT reported as somewkat improved to-- day. +She was unable to explain the cause of the accident except that she Mrs. Erringer was removed to the Alice Home hospital in Lake Forest Car Driven by Mrs. J. W. Er-- ringer of Lake Forest Crash-- es Into Post. | & . * %

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