_a by turning into heat the smoke and gas which otherwise escape up the chimney, alone saves you in fuel the very first year the dif-- _ference in cost between a Premier and a cheap furnace. And every year thereafter it pays you 100% profit on the dlffm&-- Come in and let us show you all the wonder-- ful featufes; Oofiverrient payment terms M ; o Oofte atntement--but. a PROVED U . _ Operin®.--Day, Monday September 13. M fact! Healthy humid heat that is smokeless, Penibe ay : i yeP * AB, sootless and dustless, cireulated throughout || REGISTRATION NOW -- . _AE CR every room when we install a Premier "De |I|| _ Chse: and Private Instruction for the child. the amaten:. ~ HR _ Every ro I a Cmo\r\tfflelinsxl::r flfl Lake Forest School of Music Telephone 17 . * DECKER & NEVILLE Telephone 55 . LIBERTYVILLE * Albert Kooistra and family return' mg"mnMLMsmm'aw to trip, which took them as far west Mummhm AMr.© Kooistra * says they had no trouble on account * a % § of bad rouds, and that he had to make . only one tire change. C R John Cole says that if a certain f ; crowd don't be a little more quiet at that horseshoe game near his home, A hohcolnctodcthodonont.h_o players. John says day time is bad For All Grades bloies . oine dare dar fime e bat are used to provide illumination at & .; night, and prevent him from sleeping, City and Rural Schools |"*='*'~*~*** l an ma m Pester savae it is all a min Premier . "De Luxe" The Furnace With Every Famous Feature The Premier "Therro'" Smoke Consumer Start Saving Regularly NOW! We invite YOUR Banking Business The man who gets ahead is the one who not only STARTS a bank ac-- count, but makes the balance to his credit grow. f t YOU start an account with us or add to the one you have. FRANK--H. EGER LAKE COUNTY NATIONAL BANK lmLoc,al and P erwnalH:h?m xea'z,"%:, F to Items Of General Interest To Local People || Tromss Dowien, hibits the shooting of ducks until the tirst of October. JIn. _ Harry says he has not arrived at that stage where Julian Woolf and fkvclbumqt'bubmm 'An article in the Independent last 'mmmmumu Illinois opened Sept, 16. This was an begin until t. -- This ifl.fih_mhwmm night, and prevent him from sleeping, he's got enough, + utm Eme son dn ts mt ing a pair of knee britches to play golf 'mnmumnn.wu ;L\hzhmgltcfluma re, according photographs George is showing, it sure is a fish-- erman's paradise. e arvilg J10HOT, {Foad -- commisgioner, went to Peoria Tuesday, to attend the annual convention. of the highway commissioners and town clerks of the Bunday evening at 7, old time. subject of a~tive minute talk before the sermon at the' Methodist church "It is t to Have a Prize Fight 'wfldfl" This will be the termediate points. The trip is made by automobile, and my"x camoing en route. -- They do not ex-- pect to be back until next spring. _ _ The Woman's Guild of St. Law-- rence's church will meet at the Parish House <Friday afternoon, Sept. 16th, at tg!'o'dock. Mrs. J. G. Weart will John Robinon family on a motor trip to Champaign Sunday. , of 'St. Lawrence's church will take plate on Sunday, Oct. 2, at 11 o'clock. : Village Clerk O. J. Boekm made & mmpwmwm. Noticed George Small since he lost that shoe brush on his upper lip? George had 'em cut off last week. The annual Harvest Home service Of (St. Lawrence's chnurch will taka The man who does not realize that money -- [R MW s [ll istobemfierighhi;sno:a,innlocalorgles% JR Ktinooram wnews. _ Noveity Reet [/|J| is not awake to his chances, ers Will M Phmeday PoJ. ME > profit--why not you? Ours is the address _ m&%"' h _ : of Opportunity. Hp ~ EP ce e OALRLE dinl TAE ¢ WilHam J. Fendick, town clerk, and 4 Frost Place BUusiNEss WITH Classes and Private Instruction for the child, the amateur, : Place f : Telephone Lake Forest 999 CHICAGO STUDIO, 726. FINE ARTS BUHLDING--WEDNDSDAYS > . and the professional student. ...' ARTIST FACULTY-- -- TFa returned home last * o ugh y J store is conducted by J. H. Sachs, who recently came here from Chicago. It ,mmuo.dn-a,.mm ries a fine assortment of 'the latest creations in women's wear. The in-- terior of the store was entirely redec-- orated in a very pleasing manner, and & show window installed, where as nice a display of ladies' wear as can be found anywhere is on display. | new store fills a long felt want the village, and deserves the age of all + | ImuVnuSnuent, known as "Ine Frock Shop", located in the Butler building on north Milwaukee avenue. The new Ranier National Park, Washington. mmmumm.m :n;n.fi'l feet above mlowl.t:: ound surrounding hillsides a s of alpifte wild flowers, in strong con-- trast to t ehglacier--hung summit of the mountain. dise Inn, high up on 14,108--foot Mount Ranier, the tallest perpetuaily snow-- capped peak in the United States, in the Boy Scout program in enriching the boy life of their communities will gram % s Sept. 26, 28, and 30, and Oct. 3, 5, and 1, from 7:30 to 9:30 p. m., to be held m1is8. Auuie 1JysenDerty, a formetr IiAbertyville resident, died at her home gwmy.;zmmu:' afternoon. She was an aunt of Mrs. Laura Moore, and will be remembered by many of the older residents of this and the opportunity for men to atilizse the <well known Round Lake «Tigers w omie cmaprcms | of -- will be here for a game at the fair| HEAR MIS8 HAPKE AT THE grounds. The time is at 3 o'clock, day. |[ CONSOLE OF THE: $10,000,00 light saving time. : KIMBALL ORGAN < KK ce Un account of the Weiboldt team W:'mwm&mumw Ccago M, m baseball team was idle. Next Sunday ter, Dorothy, and Mr, and Mrs. Adam Behm, of Waukegan, left Wednesday 0o na motor trip to northern Wiscon-- sin and Minnesota. They expect to be gone about three weeks. .. _David Achen, of Waukegaut, has Friday evening, Sept. 16. -- Music by Hwom:&'comhmn. AJ.;":;.B e TH n uind tds io of # weinttos tns saltan ut Smd ce t ze ue ARRARP Ailiccact 0000 oo 11@ 0LL} ; mM 24 AP Z -- Wednesday to spend the winter l '".: ~~€'}*'-:«' < mmanom.- 2 a mo e ||: Thomas Dowden, well known resi-- m TO Locar & pl' dent of this community, passed away ==-- Tuesday night at the Lake County There will be a dance, given by the General hospital, after a long iliness. !_'IP'O_!I .c_l.'P.' in St. Joseph's Hall, On Ahout fanr vaare a2% Mr FiomzdAan Libettyville has a new business es-- Mr. and Mrs. Mike Behim and daugh-- . and Mrs. E. Wilcox of Liberty» i. E"Afi: gre o+ church, at w.k'wwvwx'm»m»m;;}m IILP "Drums of the =>' . Mrs. Elizabeth Root and to children _ Sally O'Neil in © .. with WARNER BAXTER and_ *s FORD STERLING-- c «A fit successor to "The Vanish: «Ing American.". Red men and -- red--blood. = Action and thrille ~&All 'the way. s --~HURRAY! _ HE'S iN THE -- MOVIES NOW! was stricken with paralysis, and he had been an invalid since that time. For some time he had made his home with his daughter in Waukegan. He, !mmmmmmw the past three months. Mr; Dowden was a native of Ridgewater, Gomert-- aaylighnt saving time, at St. Law-- rence's Episcopal church, conducted by the Rewy. Mr. Gwyn.-- Burial will be in Lakeside cemetery. usmmu?gumwumg - twen! years ago. He is survived by his wife and three sons: -- Hubert, William and Jack, of Libertyville, and one daugh-- ter, Dorothy, of Waukegan. The body was brought to Libertyville Wednes-- mm The funeral services Will be held Friday afternoon at 2:30, km-_.._"f K R Lawrence Gray, | + William Collier, Jr. [ and Ian Keith [ || _ If it's action and speed you want li !,Amr Western pictures, then Saturday, Sept. 17 A THOUSANDGUN SALUTE TO THE AMERICAN GOB AND ;l"l.!' GIRL HE LEFT BEHIND Also Buster Imn%uuody "BUSTER'S HANDICAP" -- Presented by Robert Land with Join the Navy! Thursday, Friday, Sept. 15 and 16 Auditorium LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINO!TS HEAR MISS HAPKE AT THE Esther Ralston in The Ton > with NEIL -- HAMILTON Fred Humes in THE THEATRE is DELIGHTEVLLY-- cooL Zane Grey's , Sept. 18 RUTH in _ \Friday evening, Sept. 16. The princi-- | speaker of the evening will be \O. P. Keller, his subject being "Char-- acter Education in the Public School." !A social time will follow the formal 'mudmechlmmc will be provided. . Ail parents, teachers and anyone interested in the welfare of our schools are invited. The program starts at 7:30 standard time held by the P.T. A. at the high school . Shelby county led the list for the '?lf'ounlnthu vitht-":; * 76 passing and 21 I as reacting. _ . The communication was received and placed on file but members of mmm&um'mnddemd tht report favorable. g _ In theentire state there woere 8,362 herds examined, 75,359 cattle being Approved and 1,310 being found as re-- acters and killed. In all 76,669 were ipugey NOMEY M.' of cattle in Lake county for bovine tuberculosis 'had reached 39 herds on July 1, according to a re-- port made to the board of supervisors the investigation will result in the obtaining of much evidence. That federal agents are still work-- ing in this county trying to obtain proof against.illegal sales of liquor, B ul flvg'-i---v---,' -ir"vl *A VE g that. the' federal operatives are mak-- Understood That Dozen Them Visited 'Lake County During Past Week °> 15, 1927. . It is different and dis tinctive, hence it is the ~A --FRESH, APPROPRI-- ATE PERFUME FOR ALL Occasions Tmmd. Fashion throughout The World of Culture Phone 55 = Libertyville Cara Nome . Bath Towels _ 25¢ each ! ---- Fine Silk Hose 1138 or. _ $3.50 TILL AT WORK IN LAKE COUNTY lot Weather Needs women who are of the county, of Lake County Insurance Ageney THE LOWEST RATES CONSISTENT WITH GOOD INSURANCE Telephone No. 8 Or 628.M.1 . . . . =" LIBERYVILLE, ILL Some people never worry about their credit. until they need to borrow money. But creditg must be built up slowly--you can't earn a_ good reputation in a moment. The promptness with whlfi'}: you take care of today's obilgations detefmnines your future. borrowing power. If you are businesslike about meeting your obilgations, keep a good . balance in your bank a&:'c:]t(mt. you establish . your credit with the er and, through. him, with other business men. ® Good credit is a priceless asset. % Quard yours well! & -- +8 FIRST NATIONAL BANK You Can't Build Credit in a Moment 22 MA * » °m 4A > .. t *mW Re--roof for the last time the value of your one that is i e permanest®," | * ©= _ c_ _ snto one that is attractive, fire--proof Snd permanent." _ | ~ _ _ ©_ | e i r 5 »)r't "'u_ . Ask us for the interesting bookiet "Re--roofing $ * which tells the wholse story. It contains a lot of ~ ¢ * Anformation for house ownere. wmdm . e HAVE YOUR AUTOMOBILE INSURED N double roof will make your upper rooms warmer in winter 'cooier in summer. * * . Sast as long.as the building they protect. Because ' !::vlnrnmulwqg;mmwdyud-w 14 E--ROOF for the last time and save money from t@ shingles.. You can wd Shingles right on top of them, Yu'"M'-, 1 age to plaster or furniture upstairs in case of sudden rain while the . work is in progress. &h.m--.-lu'.awg ¢ flower beds near the house, no incomvenience at all. the Capital and Surplus $100,000 4 for 25¢ _----ONLY $1.50 YEAR TELEPHONE we k4