Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 15 Sep 1927, p. 6

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'was open k dig "knowledge onits m: o c o ¢ iwghwood boys +Tuesdar morning iucked their schood books in the * and set out for the broad ex-- ' Wanse of the Mississippi. Valley and _ x in that direction. A _ '_ Chiet of Police J. 'C. Frame was «a to help in the search for the ' _ woungsters 'whose: names are Ar fi; iur Dugas, 12, Peter Supmmers, 13, _ wnd La Verne Davidson, 14. _--_ Frame's first move < fas ~to ask bs: g help of broadcasting stations in § 5 Within a sbhort time after l 4i descriptions of the youngsters _ ~Rad been sent out they were picked _ _ up near Chicago by Cook County \ |police. _ They in turm took them to n 4e court. Chicago, where they " _ _M. E. Lane and husb. to H. Blase, '4'.!'13010. Lot 34 Ridgeland Subn --_NE ar See. 11, Grant. --_ Paosit \ _ _G. Anderson to J. Anderson, WD * 3 SW ar Sec. 17, Wkgn. _ _ L J. Rushmore and husb. to C. S. o 3 te WD $620. Lot 9, Ruh-- \ mores Subn NW frel , ar Sec. 11, _ _ L. J. Rushmore and husb. to C. O. Duncan and wf WD $10. NW frcl gr ,'i\g A. Johnson and wt to E. Pettis and wf WD $1,500. NW gr NB ar ; _ C T & 'r Co to L. B. Jackson, D 10. NW ar Sec. 30, Shields. _C T & T Co to L. B. Jackson, D D. "NW ar See. 30. Shielde. > -- W. J. Parsons and wt to C. H. Pack» and wt WD $40. Bik 1. Holdridge ~83, Wauconda. * _"__C. E. Daniels and wt to L. H. Knapp _ WD $10. SW ar SW ar Sec. 20, NE *' aur NE ar Sec. 30, Wken. ; ---- _ d'%-.-u wt to % C. Peter-- '$10. NE ar Sec 29, Wkgn. T & T Co to . Helmold and wt 10. N bt SW ar Sece 31, 43, 13. Ill"l-.-l-"-----v ivenile court, Chicago, where they @re turned over to Frame. . 1 stated ~that they were on way back nome and that they tired already of their lifte and E. Hansen and husb to $%. Katz: Out in World Alone but Find REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS * miom. 'Today they are to school, Frame said. _ Wirn sa 725 Oak St.-- Phone 3013 wf WD $10. ~Lot 4, Blk A, Tai-- and Thields Subn Bix 3, NW gr B1, Libertyville. Jobski and --wft to W. A. Liesch wt WD $10. <~Lot 10, Murphy's Sept. 8, 1927 & #mmwgor.xmnn- WD $10.. NE ar Sec. 36, Free-- _ _ . Pelephone No. 4 4¥ U¥ 0 & 8 4 % & 8 48 4 4 4 a e IN AWAY TO GET OUT OF SCHOOL BUT ARE CAUGBHT H. Bartlstt to C. M. $10. Blk 28, Bartietts N 8 Ests $0, 31 and 3%, Wkgn. * D. Jensen to Ernst and Edith J. Parsons and wf to C. M. ird and wft WD $1.. Blk 1, Hold-- Center Sub NE ar NE gqr Sec. ... GENER A L HEAT MACHINES Will Economically Heat Your Building '**~--~ _ With Any Grade Oil :s OIL IS HEATING THESE BUILDINGS it Big and Lonesome .__FOR LESS THAN COAL With Type S--E Oil Heat Machine Furnished by the 4# » 00. THBLA & TRUBT CO. % Washington 6t.., Waukegan. % L} Love gr t56 m ies 3 Sm :.) G. F. Spaulding and wfi to -- C.-- R. Whitworth and wt WD $10. SW ar $10. ~Lot'71, Baird & Warners Add to Deere Park Subn Sec 31, 48, 14. H. T. Clavey and wt to J. Lam-- brecht, WD $10. Lot--6 Blk 5 Bver-- Subn Sec 16, Wkgn. t d E. Delane to J. 8. Blumberg WD $10. ~Lot 9 Blk 9 Blumbergs Subn Sec 16, Wkgn, ' H. Johnson and wt to D. &. Manzer, QCD $1. : Lots -- 15, 16. 17 and $§ Blk 4, Deep Lake Villa Subn NW agr Seg 34. Antioch. D. R. . Manzer to H. Johnson and ®t D $1. Pt Blk 4 Deep Lake Villa Bubn See 34, Antioch. J. E. Piquette and wf to A. E. Philyaw WD $10. Lot 13 Blk 2 Webb and Jensens--N 8 Addn Wkgn. H. J. McKean and wft to A. D. Brothers and wt WD $10. SE ar SE ar Sec 18, Wkgn. _ T ~D. R. Manzer to G. Hamburg and al WD $1. --NW ar Sec 34, Antioch. g«mnwns;o..'x:'tnns. 4 9n Taplim ant #T to LCP. Aimarndt and wt $10. SW qgr NE ar See 20, Wikgn. C J. J. Barnes and wft to J. R. Hoess and wt WD $10. Lot 15 Blk 2, Nizons mumswv'l-cfl-% J. J. Barnes and wt to J. R. wt WD $10.--. SW ar Sec 20, E. V. Hacker to H. Pekoski QCD $1. ~Lot 6, Blk 2 Wkgn Gardens SE ar Sec 17, Wkgn. e Sopt. 8. 1927 T. Willey and wt to G. McCam-- bridge WD ~$10. Lot 19, Glenarm Subn SW qr Sec 15, Grant.~ . --_ _ _ A. Grobelch and wt to A. F. Beau-- bien, WD $10. wlfll&% # burn Springs Subn--SW qr See k W. B. Ingvoldstad <and wt to-- F. Ne' man D ~$900. Sece. 13« and ~24, Grart. E 4* L. Néwman to F.--Newman --WD $10.. N hf Sec. 35, Antfoch.-- «_ _ J. Ra: und .wft to A. Raupp QCD J. Rieback and wt to G. M. Wautsler and wft WD $10. ~Pt Sec. 20, Wkgn. H.. C.. Burnett et al to-- J. Oltusky;, WD $10. SE cor Blk 21, Wkgen. A. C. Warner et al to J.~C. mann and wt WD $10. Lot 15; er's Gages Lake®" Subn NW ar See. Warren. i&)> > ts T. E. Pawley to E. P. Weste ' wt--WD $10. ~CLot-- 27, ~Blk :3, K Villa : Subn SW gr NW gr--See Lake Villa. -- T. E. Prwlep to G. J. Kubes" WD $10. Lot 2%, Blk 3. SW gr NW ar Sec 34, Lake Ville. s y . T. E. Pawley to E. W.BSkopec WD $10.-- Lot 29, Bik 3, Lake Villa Subn Lake Villa. + M., M. Shaw and husb to A. Soko\ WD $1. Lot 59. Shawse Third Subn Sec. 10, Lake Villa. l Union Bk of Chego to U. Weber D In.ulln(hnd!m:h.m Round Lake business on last oooooooooooqoob Velma Fits and Warren McFeély mo-- wwoaru:"m. \ of Ohicago, spent the-- week end at Mr. and 'Kart Paddock and chil-- dren quf'%nn with=relatives at the Rosing home here. amu sunuay win relatly0s At|woere in Waukegan Saturday evening. | Gifford White was a Grayslake caller *dann:.muw' on Wednesday. . daughter 'and busband m" nptored to Whekeeen un Thursday. =* i boing thatr wharringe anar [ mu"m"' | itve_ | * . They expressed thempelves Tilzabeth Anisin. motned (fp" as being very tired on their return. -- Mr. and Mrs. C--W. Blodgett, of Wau kegan to the Victory Memorigl BO# |gaogan » o --ROUNDLAKE o $10.~ Bt. $1.50. Lot 2 Bik :21 Wood-- erest Bubn Sece 11, Antioch. U.-- Weber to.J. D. Ryan and wt WD g:. Lot: 3 'Blk 21. Woodcrest Subs L%vna B Gotaas and wt "\ $10. wumcmmug o 0 0 0 0 0o 0 o 0o 0o o o o o pilot. ~That ~wasn't as unreasonable ultlonuh.lhfihounlou'gv_-- MNobl:nt.' Ho;yl. t'.:"m trips before he ided couldn't handle the wheel. Then he decided he would be a cobbler. "He's mended shoes for nearly two weks, now,. and we believe he will stick" _' restoration of vocation but revivica tion of moralé. A. healthy man sud-- denly reducel to vocational hopeless-- ness is. as well, the most hopeless person on earth. Our first task is to persuade him that ho is not a cripple, but has . merely had~ & temporary stroke 'of bad luck. ; ' & "This difficulty is accentuated when you consider that we 'have to deal with the cases that haven't enough personal initiative. or incentive, to re-- habilitate themselves.. (Our worst olthom ln;.".t::. | accident or com-- pletely: undermined their moralée. "After we persuade them that: they aren't: a total loss, the of the work, --the-- actual Mnhmb., is comparatively easy." prived of his earning capacity is en« Pomecmarear reges'y : {f =* > A dn athom n wived mandunt Mymmdcfl- o i on i L m cago. spent Sunday at the James Cur | & sueatwe S on o uht eeia aevars [eago spent Bundar at the Jnmer Oue | § _ _ mimummmwMWmm 4.~>~%-- ' vocation. and arrangements are made|' Peterk 'Mqnday. m--n' -o"tm':"u.: un to apait po MMMbO&M self su < > Dale; ® The scope of 'the work was ex--|OA Tuesday evening. ° _ ; plained by Russell R. Clark asist-- um-tma-!gm-ua;_ a gut director of the depattment. 'm'."'--"" motored m'"" > "If avcigar maker." he said, "loses '1 * mfl c ie «l" .hg.ueumn--um,.-m. a Rosa, of lowa, ml"" if bhe loses an arm, re bhas lost his| Woek at the home of his nelce, Mrs. vocation. He can learn: then no doubt A. Fitz. ol s er 3 to be a telegrapr operator. w..: Miss Lacile Rosing and H. Honeman range to place him in an offite where| motoréd. to -- Northbrook, Sunday to hoeulnntl:tuh. 1_".- mm', _ * Our primary task. however, is not|At the home of her parents, at Ring-- The merciful task of restoring the! L A Fits, Rosa and Frank tunction state ( C 9 evening. A * ocational rehabilitation, wre of the| . Heimen Hargraves is spending a ]'.u.r"'hovn livisons . of (the state|two weeks' vacation with his mother, government. . . Canada. grstt! 4 > ts d' Altho ths lepartment is" less than | .. mume aix years old. its work won 'the dis* |C»p spent Sunday with the latter's tinction, --at teuu-huottbol-mmr»m* linois -- eneal ~assembly, ~of > belb£€| . Mr. and Frank Drummond and praised on the floor--of the sonite{daughter attended the fair at Milwas-- ams, the most worth while of--all statt |kee, last week. ts divizions. JDtto Tegtmeyer, of Libertyville was Vocational rehabilitation of--clvilians|a Round L&ke caller on Tuesday. was established by the fedoral £07--| _Norman Geary, of Grayslake, & yernment after the wor of reh@bilit®t~|Monday at the home of Mr. and Ms. ing veterans 'of ~tre world war. had | uord Smith. t proved its economic value." llinol#}~--gyy and Mre: P H:; Martin and Eiva was one of--the frat states to coop perate with the 'government in : the Mield. * ..= ;s ~--~~ . > ~ s' > AHR m or ~Miss °: LaAko| -- . J. Cook and wt to C. M. Vail o "If 'whe'did not get to be | § | Lot 7 Blacks Subn.. lots 3 add 'XAberty at, Waukegan 1, k 77 Highland Park . | that she ied the parade. . She was first | & . Aitken and wf to 0. J. Mukken--| after the car in which--vice President | -- _WD $10. 'Lot 11 first addn to|\ Dawes was a passenger. -- _ & ! inia Forest, NE ar SE qr Sec. 36,| _ Annie SBeeck visited Mr. and | 1 'tield. g rge Helm and family last |.1 Amedberg to J. H. Clandon QCD| 61 C - ® Lot 22, W Wkgen Subn. Mr--and 'Mres Will Petersen are hap--| A. Simon and. wt to F.~F. py over the arrival of a baby girl, born | 3 WD $10. uuluudll::v % 'ho w" e m oaent' s > i. n einmsgenaenol I tington WD $10. SE agr SR _MKr.: t has been staying | 3 19, Derflelda. f 'mm-m&mm sw fo ts mm Any--Can Get Apk}y5 wb e hi. he 'government 15 --the|3 J" Wikon of {ibortyrile and Mr a i ' | Mrs,. J Boyd, of Milwaukee, spent :w"'x':_.m k4 qfifiy at the James Triggs home. o ~ Bunday was the biggest day L Villa ever had. It was in the form about it if it had come in July or August, or during the cold, wet spring. But it ccems we can't have things the mig peauliful expensive cars came another--and we wondered where e00000 00000000 0 ~ We are enjoying this Florida wea ther, now that we--are getting more used to it, and wonder how long it will last. We would have felit better 0 0 00 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 it hope they do aot intend to #,~-- Evelyn --_ Merritt,. --Valoite and Mr. and Mra. Milford m'& ed the --sabow at Waukegan-- on 'the North Shore at High-- | & d to Lake Villa Sunday | y train for the big battle. | _ to Graysilake, Long tsX 46 _--It may be alittle early to ----mention Christmas Cards, but the early buyer is the --one who secures the best -- choice." The Independent has a fine lot to select from. Come vome in now And choose the kind you desire. We will print your name and any sentiment, and you pay for same at the end of De-- CE e sA is C ' T e 2o t e k o % is e s 2 e BAE <hes o : es in EB t old o 3e *p 4% t H | 3| | 8| f %i.g{fi N

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