Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 22 Sep 1927, p. 4

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[| > meparteye Itlive nod bigho taper crowns. A revival of the so-- : --~ ||--«By Royal Warrant": ~---- . _ Mary Grier Swooel, Lake Bluff. Ad-- Irene J 'cmu; & 4 * * mt*.'. on citation continued to Oct. 6. _ BLUFF MAN DIES e deaaanap iess _ _ John Portsous, Mundelein. -- Final [- s I &3 + : | *k c l -- / y ~f c died--at--bhis homeat 1%:15 a. m. Tues-- &ol e a" 7 on Monday. --Mr King was president of the village board for two years. Besides his widow he lsaves two children. The flag on the city -fllthhm!lrmphcedagm staft when news of his doath was re-- x Monmcovh&ukql'or- _ost Dedimus ordétbd# 4o' fasug 'with lout: notice to take the depositions of 'the witnesses to the--will and Codicil. ¥x PROMINENT LKE * ueorge Evert, Lake Bluff. Hearing on claim of les; Krickenhein gon: T oee i saanee af 16.008 to the ME n Cl« Age c Abn .. Proceedings. during the flay 48 ~$6--$7-- , 5%, one oft T"m{bflykhmnehou ¢ -- habit and hobby as to lead in _( Lake ilutt, LNost J. A. McQuseney, Chicago detect i¥e, wa; the first witness to apear before the jury. It was said he told of how State's Attorney Pouse had 'The McHenrty county grand jury, emparnsied last May, was recalled SBept. 14th by Circuit Judge Edward D. Shurtleft and ordered to begin Its own investigation of the boot-- retained, him to investigate 'bootleg ging conditions and then refused to legging situation and disappearance of State's Attorney Alfred Pouse. 1'& call of the Toreman to-- allow time to select. a spgetal attorney to present :the matter before them. The grand jury will appoint the attor-- ney. _ -- The investigation, it was reported, was started primarily to aift charges of government agents that certain county officials had confessed to working hand in band with rum run-- Rev. John k. DeLong, Pastor (The Church of Good Will) : "Practicing Supreme Principles" is the subject for Sunday morning at 11 ORDERS JURY T0 PROBE: M'HENRY RUM CONDITIONS Judge Edward D. Shurtieff in-- mungaytgm_mosn-" gT. JOHN'8s EY. LUTHERAN uuaw Rev. W. H. Lohman, tor Sunday Scthool at 9:30 a: m. mmnl:::"' at 9:30 a. m. 8T. JO8EPHS CATHOLIC Rev. M. J. Nealis, Pastor ¥Virst Mase at $:30 a. m. Second Mass at 8 a m. Third Mass at 9 a mn. Fourth Mass at 10 a. m. 8T. PATRICK'8, WADSBWORTH '*At Waddworth, Mass at 8 1. m. At Druce Lake, Mass at 10 a. m. Both services on standard time. The subject for next Sunday, Sept. FIRST METHODST EPIWCOPAL eDtectives on Stand l _~ m #a year ahead of the organization. ed dby a regular program in which talks were given by the distinguished guests.> The Kiwanis club of Liberty-- ville was organized threse yearn ago and is in flourishing condition. There Libertyville Kiwaniana entertained ceveral distinguished> guests> at their first meeting of, the fall s:ason Thu:sday night. Among those pres-- ent were: Dr. F. P. Hammond, goy-- ernor of the northorn divislon of N13 nois--lowa ; Peter Jans. -- Heut.gover nor and D. 8. Wentworth, past lieut.-- kBovernor. A number of Kiwaniam from Waukegan .and. Lake ~Forest were present.. Dinner was served. at _ The Harvest Home dinner at Lake Bluft will take place at noon Septem: ber 30. The Aid Society members are contributing vegetables and sevéeral are planning to attend. +~Please com-- municate with Mrs. Fruidy of you can go, and # you can give some cabbage tor all. j M!:'smmfim Bunday School will meet in Day 'mu'm We want the parents to make an extra effort to visit the various departments. We are proud of our teaghing. staff and want you to see us at work. .-- At 11 we will hare apgcial reports trom the departments in the morning ghurch service, a short talk by the Wastor, and the Lord's Supper: will the church should 'be present, of pos nounced a grand jury . investigaiion notwithstanding the fact'the McHen ry jury is-- reported to be contem-- plating indictment of 40 persons, in cluding the missing state's attorney. bard or the pastor. 'The bus will carry lthun ' mmfic:-':sm umhanm Chris proseécute persons named by the de Daniel : Wienke, Mc .enry couuty politician, also was questlioned by the jury in regard to the bombing of his bome. ,. g Wienke is Excused | . Wienke said be knew of no reason for HEAD KIWANIANS _ ATTEND MEETING will take a bus to conference on Sun-- Goverament _ ~authorities bare an ©Qarm 1. 4 .C C 'm a ©00 ht en o Lece dn s o0o 1 ReBnth o o OM L uabuetin s uP We en t C Gaite nc 2k PC mt cfi ~Piph bo ogr t ie tX ypad sos, > a 40 oate s o k t y m en y olke P h d h es sc P um n - Nb e eks piges." en Nap cce «us s it hi usnn in senith caual sn h in e d #s m: DkCK, > : > > > >' 2. sn . 2:30 '_o'clock _ Wednesday alternounlf . a. /; t;}f. @ f § PS 4 -- (|=*~~** "I Palage Cash Meat Mark , ==/~--*~*I| Palage Cash Meat t Co. | -- 3 s UPMATA AUst i as l""'y-- emus .1 244. ;:;:A_ _.A.f':z No a ols * on oo NB : . 2t ar e © s Automobiles: > * W.nw:Mux'a eving . o e is del, on PFire and> wourm--=«~ --11400.00| ~"A resolution was --~passed at this and Property damage Becretary to write you this letter,\re, Cadiliac--Fire, theft and questing the release of the right of collision .._____~.._......_.> 1,400.00|way papers, so that the same may be Reo--Public: Linbility -- and~ w-uuowm m«vh..l.-- tor g4amages determined that we ullding ny rdang 21.800.00 [ in thig w':'mum" p .. . debemevennssonnmsnsspmmensesnnsinedieduen + + f ~ appre-- Furniture and fixtures ... ©1,500.00|clated by our body. We remain,' _ Detention home--building .. ©10,000.00 s "Sincerely yours, > Furniture .=..~_--_--.._--_ 1,000,00 LIBERTYVILILE MUNDELELIN Tornado insurance: > : A. R. ESchnaebele, President. Jman house '__._......_...._. -- 25,000.00| --R. G. Kaping, Secretary. *$uwwmmcome..--=o--w--o=------ -- 10000.00]--'The real estate situation in the Lib «* | artyville--Mundelein district is decided-- y on the upward movement, and --a cluded the following passages from the Christian Seilence textbook, "Bcience and Health with Key to the Scriptures," by Mary Baker Eddy: "Matter never producés mind. The immortal never produces the mortal Ooolen:atu-l.:'h.nn. As God ness and spirituality must be im-- mortal. ~'Their opposites, evil and matter, are mortal error, and error has no creator" (p. 277). chairman of the finance committee, and approved by the board of super-- vhol: Friday prior to their edjourn-- The buik of that wfiuf'fi'.m the dn thelny * * aish t _ Complete report is as follows:. 2 on Auunts) By,, .. . ozg, _ | Of the board to expedite the paving Coverage on MW'« mlgh'u from Mundeléin to v;':': is Approved by "of ~|Ponaas _ *he secretary was instructed 4y ~% Among: the citations which com prised the Lesson--Sermon was the following from the Bible: "A good hewn down, and cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them" (Matthew 7:18--20). _ The Legson--Sernfon also in-- The Golden Text was from Rom-- ans 8:8, 9, "They that are in the not fesh, Bpirit. !'Ntyat&e!:xfdoum of Christ, Scientist, Sunday, Septem-- FARISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES ¥1 Meviapy *A ty Ae roperty damage Becretary to write you this letter,~re a@----Fire, theft and questing the release of the right of OM «--===mws--~~~--~ 1,400,00| WAY papers, so that the same may be ibli¢c: Linbility -- and ~ «> -.:.r-dhmm ty damage Reo-- tor gdamages determined that we theft and collision ©1,600,00|can get through our bond issue. -- and nurses' home--~ ~= ~] . "Any action you may see fit to take AK . Httr--w--m--rizwoce«.** -- $4,000,00| in this matter will be greatly appre-- t w P e( o B ol c catg * 27 was the gubject of the ermon in all Churches a#5 * II ,mmm;s IN ll spaag.s' FOR SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 f PRISON+ SOID TO |§--.--_. . Always Busy : There's A Reason 7w * »¥ y * sanctimonious air dry afents. . Set John Schmitt of 'State Line|[ _ SUGAR°CURED HAMS, whole or half, Ib. . 23 1--2¢ ho-o.umsn-n:m,lw,__, + 3% . s P | mmm;mm--' Heélen Frederick returned from ness. muummbntu\wmu with her daughters of Bealth for a number of years but in Chicago. o nee : . had managed to be among his friends | Miss Evelyn Steinmiller, of Chicago regularly so that little thought was and ~Miss Berneice Frederick, soent given his condition. _| the week end 'at the Fred Wagner res-- For a long period he was sanitary idence. -- £ ig ' was regarded as extremely cap-- zaar with a dinner at 11;:30, to be serv-- in his office. i \ l ed 'in St. JosepK's thetime of his death he was 58| Mr. and Mrs. Herb n, Mr. Imbot, io iz on Ghe C#uEbter El |and Mrs. George Dowe AMd Miss Flor-- C aforiin imimcedd "'"'v or| &nce Sens, of Waukegqy, Fred Thom hor inther's doath was sont her and | emmmpmemmmmen----pmermee it is understood she is to make the. C ' i ma €4 »e y TNEA WYTL PAEVITT: N YL_NUETIE US 1 _ Mre.. Rlisabeth Dowe. --of Wunkega;l. Succumbs Saturday. is visiting her brother and sisters on Aubrey Warren, tor years a famil--: Mrs. Henry Hapke and daughter, lar figure in Lake Forest, and well and.«the Misses Katheryn and Bertha known as well us to &ll, the* North: Hironimas gpent Wednegday afternoon AUBREY WARREN, LAKE FEOREST, IS der Well Known Along No. Shore, Succumbs Saturday. PRISON; SOLD TO imts. . . Schmitt was: raided number of Zion young peo-- TAKEN BY DEATH reemont center t meeting of" the Libertyvillé lein Real Estate --Board, held in boay sked where: they answered at the % Sentenced to 8 C 42 e x Eol bortraiiiihad sstcatznd. d and so fool | NE d hi Baturday at his with Mrs. Frank Hutchinson of Lib-- 46 '3% h. a e x !O'WQY fi%\ t 6 wil, x';@' at I Oinns68000 00000 o o F,| ~Dell Smith, of Ro,,nd Lake as a k * caier in Site ricluin on vakh it * hict® of Waukegan will open its= ann,,al ba-- :fhfl&sdlgm at 11;30, to be serv-- Mr. and Mre. Her:m Mr. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0o o 0o o include the _ budget for abatement i n 3 ~work can done in time. to. be m!&:e for next | to outdoor affairs. -- _ . ~ _ _ _ ETAAA e been teken at Onwentole, Old " Eim QM_ , Mrs. Thorne mm"'".'fi Alexander H.. Revell, / $r." Fareall Ryerson, Alice D wm'i' fl;u"mmivwf' T4 organization committee the sists of Mayor Mra. tition to Lake --county court that a ed to 1 mmmtm The "petition was 'filed Thursday with . y Judge Petsons at Wau Te t ';iu.i'."_ rson: E:"m ing on the petition é fl"x« Sep. 26. ¥Ahillip 8 Mrs. Joh# /L. Pirie, Mrza. é?.'?fl' 'W. A: P. afi%'z twenty--s11 organized L."m the Bow state law o in foigeg ons meiiee scaress Walter 8. Brewster, Mra; W. E. Swift. -- SUGAR GURED BACON, whole or half, Ib. 27 1.2c | Socially Phy Pursuit Sidents as the basis for a pe-- t finds :::fm:let'; fi an mm de-- y ---- LAMB STEW LEG OF LAMB _ POT ROAST H. ; & 4+ %i' \ est Grade Meats at the MARKET .' _ Next Door to National Tea Co. Dooley, Grayslake, I!l. Telephone Gurnee $1--12. ib n B8 24 Choice heavy springers '----, fresh cows and heifers, with 60 day retest: from ewe lambs, weight about. 100 Jbs... also two buck lambs. Inquire of °3. T. HOLSTEINS AND and family ~cows, Aat the farm on Town Line road, known as the Mike Redmond farm, .J.S..Crain. ... 36 4t munEY 109LOAN----We harve a con © siderable amoun:t of soecial funds to toan elwt-llwved farm or city ;;op erty. * invite your ingquiry. ret National Bank, Libertyvillie, II!. -- 108 FOR SALE--My new player piano at at a bargain; leaving city; must sell quickly, Write Mrs. Lillian John-- son, Woodstock, 111. 38 1t FOR SALE--Baby Grand piano; will _--~#®ell for balance due; piano in first class conditic©. ~Address 216 Jatfer-- son St., Woodstock, IIL 38 1t MONEY TO--LOAN--We If you have something to seill, or want to buy something, try our classi ¥JUBR SALL----HKoyar typewriter and small Crosley radio; priced reason-- able for quick gale. Phone 538--J. x FOR SALE--Golden Oak frame mole-- skin leather couch. Price reasonable. Telephone 13%J. 87 8t t&mmo'r'm-m'mmu.;n Davis was taken vidlently il!, and had '[""wh"w:' tu-ng # [::'u,n.mbonu&ww there since, but it is thought he may be removed to his home the latter part 'Of this week. * ~~>~ ~~ FOR SALB--Cable piano, like new: ' Dr. L. K. Golding, Dr..¥. --H ting :--1AL OM MOUSE; all modern the waters of that part of mm"'"'% Frank Eger.. Telephone Listen to the tales of the ones they |!" O9r 19 W. 38 f bost, when they arrive home. »a BY¥E} ° IPYEWMep__ y3 _ _ 1 _ o Oo--uenn--mmmem 0 0 0 0 0 OO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0o 0 0 0 0 0 0 06 0 0 0o 0 0 o o CLASSIFILIED o o ADVERTISING o o Telephone No. 1 o Livestock For LARD 2 lbs. 25c 2 lbs. 45¢ > on' "A c ® _ ton truck; mtmhnlp'mifl; wood or anything else. Address Jos-- eph Sterbenz, R. 1., Libertyvilie.> unaile remgtae d e deng acel uns to sell or trade g:-.'ém 1 m sead ul restieslers to CBwere' e Chicago, Illinois. 85 E6t FOR SALE--Lot in the wooded sec-- _ tion of Oakwood Terrace: 7 ft FOR SALE--7 room house, with gar mmmmdm;mu of truits; near Lake Zurich, on Route 22. Call Lake Zurich T1W. 37 it race. W. A. Nicholas. tyville 736R FOR SALE--6 room new mear Lake St. . Phone 142J. -- 1t FOR RENT--Flat for 817 McKinley Ave. month; at 808 North NJ ;uoem., T7 W. Washington Rm Room 1126. -- Phone Dearborn $578; 27 & ur selection. . One : ie o POR -- RENT--Sleeping room at 119 « Appley Ave.: Phone 314R. -- 38 3t Hiso 4* room flat and _ Female Help Wanted sunparior and --bath, in Oakwood Ter h sAlLl--6 room house and bath, at 822 Brainerd Ave. Price reason-- $17 Second S8t. Real Estate For Sale . Inquire of owner. information inquire at the Inde-- P s c " cE CE selection. _ One -th"n:m aft I Lake,--an the : Meade Farm. ww «----NMEW DUTCH COLON-- --Newly furnished room me; also garage space:;

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