Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 29 Sep 1927, p. 10

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s rearante of a primeval forest--with m' :.:utu 'scarliet of the -- an int with e alongy Cctober ---- we vilagers you -- with pleasurable athon. ~ --_--_ The Wright brothers--Robert, M <~ on and -- Morris--sons of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. ~Wright of 550 Center aven=>, have_ returned <to Carleton Colless Korthfield, Mina. ¥> by ibke boxing commissicn and. that F. anht . *Brock;. {R C is tinal. © So iba@t's that wm&-fi ' ccbt 90. "at PHIG: Aciock.. The B of Deurolt. wili strive hore \nlff-- wm'dmmmummm elr |W > <Darits in the lsading crole -- Tho|plane will_be sot up at Crizssey LieK B -- strict control. > < .2 4 --"School officlails are respo=:sible 1 the safety of the childrens am M t [ s 1 " i P io dag im emmestes ecky L ney uy °* and t e Sowar [ FEED > Of "Al-!hrmmeg"' ty? %fi rests upon those having --of| --It cost im "Now, therefore, I, Len Small, gov-- ernor --of lilinois, do --hereby ~appoint and prociaim the"week from October 9 to October 15, 1927, to be observed in the state of lilinois is ~Fite Pre vention Week. c "A glean, well--kept -- honse burns, -- Hyery citizen owes it to. ® self and his loved ones to"see that rubbish is 'cleared ~up,; that furnace aulhunl}lchanedomudhw shape, that electrical vl: and ga» and are--not used P & things which invoive danger ot. fire.. "Emy'ustnumgfl iatac-- turer showd see that his pine : is kept serupulously free from -- ressary fire> hazards, ,that inflarimable pro-- so many movements, can also~bo a leader in the great campaign ~to re duce fire waste if public_officials and program including of course a atae-- plechase. : In the Onwentsia Hunt w chlunhcn;. some of the very jumpers country nmmuvmm to see horses which hare won most of the important events of Yits char acter held .in-- the United States --dur lng <the past four years. Wofk will be started or SMouday toraunoufludthb wen club in Lake Porest. prepar %M'MM were Uknwois suttfered $24, 988,006 of the loss. «£i "This vast waste is wholly unneces sary. Carelessness is responsible for at least three--fourth» of it. If every o'clock the Onwentsia hunt of Late Forest will hold 'its seventh --annual meet on 'eomm laid w*o; :: grounds o Onwentsia tsxn adjoining .' estate " of. "Edward wift, _ * 8 Mrsé. ~Thomas® ¥~ Draper ot = 337 Center avenue, who has 'been visit-- Ing in New xm:-'t .&ar'tl'; tes for the past six weeks, return 1 the --villaze> on Mandaw.. --~ --~~>~_ atory to ersctina of the cirioc. Cut the dccision --of th» tef ergve and judges has been dgustainsd mww'w 9 to t5 as Dates For "lllinols which has boen a leade®r in 9 to t5 as Dates For seven races on the ma gns) v uy lag en o h . tR e o P i e ht o' * " ce .. Landon, Sept 28.----Capt: Otlo K to-- O¥ . ob Mr. cand Mrs."H °H. Orimes etl > .< Oy o _ (5 onb + Lanecke, Cermany--toJapar .!h'h:.':: wfl to _ the viBlage~ --Mat * week, ** Mr, 'w r eonntderable cgncerp was tolt For hB "|Grtmes was on duty at the Navall _ OM ThFO® / [ hopped off from Angore, Turkey. to? E. Training 'station, Great Lakes, during | . lige _ 1 --x~ / | Basra, Mesopotamia,~ on Saturday, the: "worid ma!hll';h: a. .. Gemmicmimige *.: * + ~. i ;un.annm'bdu.m; N > HERE |iave® that saa' sume 'me "seris | ACCIDENTS _ CAUSE MOVE | "Xhave sareer se ic Gaimen mo-- shore. During his tour of Suty: at No: 4e . -- Wilinernnimpatine"! | -- C _ v-g',"mruuunun 39.--Under | the 'station 'the Ortmes family OCCU--| .Waumatnse today is servaA m ;) . | O00 Dlamned to conthime his flight to-- ineu out and] >The Westminster Guild of the U# """'F"bn'chmhvm-dum ve fire NA# |gSept 2% at 1 o'cleck in the cb ~] rariors. Luncacor will be served, ~ M : i4 fles" Hbmc'c&.m vende. > & ""'"u"' "Nibbsy." 'the wonderful" dog' be-- """.rm';"ma.n--umw uft *'wammwwf m'uwd.dmm- to . _he To | griet of his owners and 'also to 'the '.n. ""'"mm "Nibbey" .has been <at e ob A (-- _7 achhbed to the Lewis tamily tor the thet= Mr.--and Mrs, 4. C Cox omk plass. . Trmocior .and Mrs. Dudley-- Painter of Circinnati, Ohio, are visitiecg the 'mm'a&msw nue. They gawe a dinuer partz ;h".hflkhonauw ---- Norris Piits=--of 319 'dan rs0d cost was for man' Iabor--and 11 per cent for depreciation. 'The remain-- Ing 186 per cent was for interest and medicine, association dues: and ~-- "In _ producing-- 100 pounds _ of milk at a cost of $2.08, the 1%2 cows averaged--7,889 pounds of milk each, . The cost for 100 pounds of milk varied from _ $1.56 on --~one farm up; to: $3.18% on agpther, ¢'g4 tho theso herds were better> than the average fall herds. Many things ean . happen. to. <cauge~ this . differ-- ence, «but the three most common causes were poor feeding practices, a househoud pet and his> demise is griatly regretted. T Mr. --and Mrs. Howarl Cox of Er-- Continental Life Insgrance compary and high labor charge. *z . w "Records: similar to -- those on the 37 ftarms are being kept-- this :o"a:'u 'mote than=two w farms, according to legoe farm --orgamization cand .man-- agement-- 'Gepartment. : ~Owners> of these'© farms are . members -- of .16 dairy: herd -- improvement -- associa« fienoulnn'hlwmt*m'-i ties of the state, :loci z'.z northern Illinois in the ; ' Ditron--and Peorla. _ 3 on -- iavestment in -- cow! buildtngs and equipment, lbeging ~to Mr.=--and Mrs. Raymon4| decision l.«motml'm::c.m &'+_@ e1. ow ~Friday night, -- to . .he |-- 1 grist --otf kis owners and almo to 'the neighbors. . "Nibbsy" .has been <at | . ~" * m-mma--hum-n pust nine years and naturally was northern Iilinois Im the '@airy see|f J°AY Of OpCration. --_-- 6 _ *These -- regords «in "show. tmelff _ For Boilers, Furnaces, Laundry Stoves, Ete.: detailed " Information' on ihe ssec|[f 10W PMi¢¢d, but fully gnaranteed. to insure con-- o on Ne t mete 'stant and satisfactory service. : 3 COSTS $2.08 TO ces farims un thy same m ee It wper Bot k tho theso herds were better: thag| * ~***~~*~ CVdeoP n Sseosonr so~ en | | + ca Charine --the the average fall herds. Many . thIngs | we--onem--mapes n reetfnn en snn inpireerenn ies en ntgie o o rrinnotaiee ninctecne w : P -- .. mpdel windows showing the newést ways to can ':m w cause th" Mto\_ (Crrakgt aer K Srer hy * * ' ¥ h) agec* 5. .__' ."; "te > g_"":}:'"\, <W wars '-:,,' 4 v,.n',/ .'\'IMOWS of all VtypeS. ence, -- e m" W'M se M m R mnnemnm wooe P P 4 M causes. were poor: feeding practineg [B <~~_ . " 8 :. ~= AnECHSL s o i 0 )A ons ae cEoel ut C y 6 We yc n L 9 g{ h nl e 5 nu's depreciation 'gue to disomelf) _ #"% _¥ J . ----<~¥ oo f we _ _ > B , . 'blofl Cretonne _"Records similar to oo olP CJ, ~¥ . 2. L Ot" Te |)-- Make Gay --Autumn Windows the main object of PLAN WELCOMEEOR || A)ore. < During his tour of duty: at piad: ~the . residence at-- 544-- Revine Ivenye.© as M 4y Tast ia~s 'Lake Biuft post 502. Americas Le San Franclsco, © Sept: . 28. were being made today. to wel Edward F. Schlese af8t Willtam *T worrow on the--Korea. Maru. > Th plane will be sot up at Crizsoy Lle t Chlieago: for _ avenve, has returned 4C college to reaume Ner stué 14 mmrfieyond the experimépm stage--now 'in its. six tlli' 5.".':."'.'.:'..;;. D. Strictly .er Euin mt |mgenonte s Mii' As a remwin ln-ourlh'.z At ~Gr ¥e 'of :*lke Avent.. :« *>.. <__®* °9 cS ~~If the child is a prince, it will be * C m'e:':m&un n: Hainant, 1t the newcomer , she probably will be named Brussels, Sept. 28----All Belgitm is anxlously~ awaiting the visit of "the to the royal palace, whichymay Tamg in t <o the thint tnlone, maimes wun a. Calhollc ceremony, but received .only 'a Catholic benedic-- "- ho i > Sipmeh x -- ~; If a prince is born, King Albert will adbetre to the: ancient custom of the tenth of: October, a saivo of guns is expected to anngunce to the world that Princess Astrid is the mother of :fimrllt. K it is.a son, 101 «will be fired in honor of the «M it is a daughter, 21 guns BELGIUM AWAITS -- -- ARRIVAL OF HER -- w a e 28. --Ca2 hol & -- gitle n e uied bas 44 |K _ ~-- ADpMISSION: © > * in bathing beauty contests and* E 4 _ wes i~ ~ ; similar public exhibitions "detrimen | M --< Wednesday 15¢ -- -- Pomp and cmmltt ~Birth of Babe to Leo--: PRINCE -- ~OR: PRINCESS? tet To Tount Aine wellhte" In a Tom ana o o o y d--a-- ution expected to be formaily ap 25¢ proved today by the National Council W'"s'm J of Catholic Women in seasion Rere~ nue Iste Wednesday. . .. -- =~ . come to & complete stop at the in-- tersection of state roads or "Where kighways entér: a state road.. While most : of the people bear this law in mind there have been a few who. fail-- ed and craghes havre resulted, ~ It is not --the Cagernpasto enforce the 'law but the x to--cut down the number of I sccidents that prompted 'the : sherift: to" come to his decision on enforcing the stop order. M !ohy h' served upon the motoring . public :by . Skeriff Lawrence ks Ms . ,' of c*" P« Afatath ET C 3 ~vol : 4 w' * a B4 M l:.vdt' ts . .n F.--»Od m Prats i' f J a rethinder stop signs hare been mm m t wilt reu ug p'! ceremony, Cardinal Mercier, at the Saint~Jacques, adjoining be surrounded Witk all , in an attempt to make forget that Prince Leo-- Preshiea of mc se fff Antioch Palace e, wilt: have |@ (< _ ~--_ -- > __. : --_ _&',:.'m 3 : m l w l]c _/ For Homes 6 to 12 Rooms 'e~Paul Hymans, of the <Cham-- &:unmw e, ~wil have ng up the birth g <the. child --asa at: Grand ave to t :A were© not Iummm Now t.hau duncing. -- Open every aight B 'ness in t who started from here this morning «n her third" sttempt to swim--»the q-im waes etill swimnin«s at 2:30 o'clock thkis aiternoon, six miles north 0f Cape Cris Net took Basket back to Chicago to face a 'bearing before® U. 9."Commissioner Haze. "Mrs. Paskie also was taken to mflkhdng detzined as a witness: 4 Rasket --and Mrs. Paskte wore ar-- rested in a raid--on-- an alleged lisor-- derly house at 559 South Utica street. that Basket had brought Hey to Waun kegan from Milwaukee. She salid che n ouning kivunt wit wieh wies ! M } women." \~ Basket freely admitted 'to both the police and to the department of jus-- tico© investigator that 'he> bhad -- paid Mts. Paskie's fare to Waukegan. He also admitted that he had been living with her and had attacked bher on unu-- uu-;-u%.;nuammua; hearing hr will be a more or less perfunctory affair. If he makes the same admissions before the U 8, commissioner there will be nothing The resolution already has been Its approval by the entire council 'is a foregune conclusion, leaders de-- 3 in kegan this worning an« 2'&'-"'" to: Chicago to u.: left to render senteonce. following. the (probe conducted here yesterday by--an' investizgator of that dopartment * « '2"" compleint charging :Basket z. 27, from Milwaukee.--to Waukegan t Ammoral parposes, was filed Tues z.mmu.&mmtm-qh ugo and--a warrant for his arrest was sgworn ont. --~Armed with -- this warrant adepaty U. 3. marshal. ar-- Taken to Chicago to be Ar gwmuéw e dn' d 44A L o * * Sake & T .& *¢ mmmw" 6 i _ ;;3 '@t '?z 5 'g Act. Thkis has been decided upon by i for Framk Basket, 24. of 55 w IS 'TAKEN o is s ca. yetiy: i. hy a 5 <] planes landed at Paso, . Wash. . -- . --|] forecast today by local fedcration ' The thet'"tro mtb derby | membere." 'He 'became. president in _ i 'were aiso'thg first io crosds the Hine| 1924, * ; pJjn the recent New York--Spokane race.} _ Promotion of a short week for un-- roared in a short t 'm'u plan ul _\ No matter how. drab it may be outdoors cretonne *w ean be counted upon to lend a cheerful air %v ¥ puApdthere are patterns to harmonize with . every color scheme and with the furnishings of every g'i'm%?l'hepxchm ecretonnes patterned with Early _ 'Ameri¢an scenes/are very new and there are some §VMW map designs. In fact the assoftment . aeffered at $1.25 a yard is very representative and .. Pottland, Pre:, Bept. 28. --Fiy ing his Now that there is a whistle in the wind and a crisp-- ness in the air every 'wananmn that it's time for her tblgnt'.ha.hone in readiness for long evenings that will be--spent indoors. Néw draperies are one of her first concerns because with them she can add joy-- ous warmth and color to her rooms. She will find here not: only a'hrinassortment of Fall: drapery fabrics and made--up hangings but also a number of attractive. such Appripriate. cithér for: the living \--~$1.00, $1.25, $1.50 Yard -- $2.15 To $5.00 A Yard -fi z alances to Match, Yd. $2.00 to f Rffects, $1.00 to $2.00 Y¥d. g¥Is <14l8+ ty' Department Staf for Suggestions and Prices on Any . Drapery . Sunfast Cretonnes viles. Taffetas, ---- _ / JArDrurg Joors striped damasks. They com d <, rose or green race.! _ Promotion of a short week for un-- in Halian mewspapers for weeks. ER FOR A. F--OF L. NAT. CONEERENCE be too informal, are eretoune !' The arrival of the Columbia attract-- ¢cd cuonsiderable attention. as Levine's 'dolnn in Eurozge have been feartured Rome, Sept. 28. --Charles A. Levine, American air man, darrived at Centro célle flying field, on the outskiris of Rome, at' two 6'clock this afternoon. baving Tlown his trans--Atlantic mon-- oplane Columbia from Ravena in two More than 609 union officiats and jegaites are expected to atterd the ficial sessions nert week. VINE FLIES TO ROME AIR FIELD .

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