Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 29 Sep 1927, p. 6

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_ Lake county, lllinois, to DullG @n 30| __uupan 131 § 8G miles near Elmhurst g : to the Ravinia school house seetion section 12 of an sct to tax gifts, r'"" ict Route 88, section 131, Henry coun-- wmmw .. Secondé--To authorize the Board of ty, 928 miles near Woodhull, June : 14, 1909, by authorizing / the '~ Wducation of School District No: 108, Route $8, section 125, Peoria coun-- | clerk of the County gourt in counties Ef*"wmt,-m"mm ty, 760 miles near Melstein; section | of the third class to appoint three 'of said school district in the amount 126, 1.90 miles near Peoria Heights. | (now one) inheritance tax clerks. Sal-- 3m thousand dollars: ($30,000) Route 89, section 124, Marshall | ary to be fAxed by the county ji is _'due $2,000 on November 1, in each of county, 4.15 miles néar Varna. increased from not to exceed to \ TT *"* _ 1se90 ta 1942 inclusive, and Route 102, section 101, Adams coun-- | $2.400 per year, ' fl?; ) §10.. _ SW ar SW ar SE gr Sec 17, / _ D. Moran to J. Woods WD $10. Lots Dora Morans Subn 8B gr Sec CB. H. Watts and wl to J. 'A. !fgh,;.l-'-- w of E'- s F3 . voters 3"'" Aistrict on *' project fo ready has scription, : planned t Wat ac in at the scriptions --~¥M. T. Clavey and wt to R.--Page and --wt WD$10.= SW ar Sec 29, Deerflield. ._ C H. Heagle and wt to Maxz Emmer _R 8. 'Hambly and wft to A. Olson| pany of Rochester, Ind,. Combination WD $10.-- Lots 16, 17 and 18, McDan | bid--$378,000. B % e a-uw u."'m mmwm company of C. R. Leonard and husband, to E. T. ?Mm_m 30, m':.dnobm:n?' 'Sl&:dnm;n:k h I"m";' ._m" O."""'. .u_n"mm 3 way 5R F. Rouse et al to F. G. Neison,| ~$12004106. .' us D. $7,420; SE ar See 2. Route 148, sbction 127, Franklin D, 37 se gr gr See 24, Fre-- T 1e C T & T Co to G. Q. Grady, Soto, Mo. Bid--$75,987.35.;uc,uomnnhs»& Route 174, section 105, Peoria coun-- Bee 21, Deertield. ty, Cameron, Joyce & Co., Keokuk, uf'?.'w'::':&"f,';.'."i""""" un.lo-mc."' x ; Antioch. | _ Routs 174, section 'Peoria coun-- M Erlands to M Grebas and bus-- j band, WD, $10; NE ar NB ar Sec-- 5. %&""""'"""' . ~company, . J Norman and wife to M C Detker|_ Route 4 -l"lg'lfi""l and wite,. QCD, $10; Lots 116 Decker'; | county, -- Edwardsville -- Construction ?, Lake Subdn, See 30, Warren. company, -- HEdwardsville -- Bid--$2, mnt wite WB i0; Lot 16. Shion Feem * "Sordiers' Widows" Home road; Will Bubdn, See 30, Warren. county, Booth & Geichrist, Hardndr, C 1 & T--Co to L EKvans, D. $1,250 : 1. Bid--$19,755.89. :D. a Clks Subdn, 142, , '.\u'mbm:m.n. Clay counties," Higgen Dyer, > Inc., $500; Lots 47 and 48. Washburn Park.| Granite City. Bid--$49. 780. 4%. ir and wf $10. W ht frcl See 4, ~"A. Ryall to F. M. Foley WD $10. NW tor Blk 21, Little Fort, now Wkgu. _ A. Dunas and wf et al to M. B. Page and al WD $10. SE ar Sec 35. # LAXB COQO. TNLX & TRUOST CO. € U# 330 Washington 6t. Waukegan. # 3"' ---- Relephons No. 4 *# 0o 0 00000000600 0 0 0 E. V. K. Hager to F. G. Hager and wt WD $1,000. E hf SE ar Sec. 35, Cubes. aA ¢ Hagser and wt to L. Y. 4. Ha#,m in gouepis. "Ii Soo i. Antigcs * _ "c'rf'rc:»toA.' §10. Lot 23, Goldmans Subn Sec 21. Shields. n _ 8. Q. Goldman and <wf"to A. T. Kennedy QCD $10. Lot 23, Goldmans Bubn See 21, Shields. .. ~_ E. Sullivan to C. Meligran and wi WD $800. NB ar Sec 13, Grant. _ NM. Fitrgerald Doyle to F. H. Mol-- bv D $10.° Lot 330 Lake Forest.: xtd. and husb to H. A*Schwer R.'- $1. SE gr NE gr See 3. _ --B. Thomas and wf to H. A. Schwer man QCD $1. SE ar NE ar Sece 34, ;E ta Dales and husb to H. A. Bcbw QCD $1. ~8E agr NE agr *# REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS * # © 'by the 2 cax» oo Soteh & tworr co * Co. Clks Divn E hf SE ar Se¢ Cuba. £: .nmm'.'.ma' :-wnm. SW ar Sec %, Waucon-- O J. Babor and wf to K. Ricker WD a.&"clw.'&cu.m ~-- A ¥. Beaubien & wf to J. L. Mont-- rycvnmnuo. Lots 16 and 11, Blk--35, 83 Wkgn. O A. Newsom--and wite tb P. A. Emanu lson--and wite, WD, $10; SW ar SW ar See 20, Waukegan, -- D efield Cemetery Assn to M Don-- ¥1=%.: Lot 11, & pitn, Deer _ 3 C McNicol and wife to A E Mar: * ede, WD, $10; Lot 40, Rosoe Terrace ;f'gl.m&flblw.m & wt WD $10.00:° Lots 15 and 16. U 8# 4# 4 & & 4 * & & 4& 4 4 4# 4 The'question of the erection and f1-- nc of a new auditorium for the . school will 'be submitted to ie voters of school district No. 108 mt a special election to be held in that C -m,o&l.w.'l the ¥vinia school house. This is the proj for whith about $30,000 al e y has been raised by popular sub-- § ed to add $30,000 by issue of of the school distriet, as prom-- s at the time the canvass for sub-- s( was made.© §5 4 * g?mmpaduomtoh'"fl" the special election, Octboer 1, are as ftollows: L oo ote agbare es yougher'ts 4¢ of thirty thousand dollars ($30,000) ..a,mmNonnhrl.huchol A mlmmlmmm interest at the rate of four and or per cent (4 1--2 percent) per « m,+ payable semi--annually, on ~ 1 and November 1 of--each year. 4+ M polis at this election will be 1 at 12 o'clock noon, and closed at ' p'eclock p. m. of Saturday, Oct. 1. -- First--To authorize the Board OI ¥iMducation of School District No. 108, ".mty.nnnh.uhlldn& Sttas +a the Ravinia school house , WD $1,000. Lot 16, be Auditorium Costing 00 to be Built at Ra-- ¥VINIA TO BE VOTED ON OCT. 1 wnl The Mendon Telephone company has been authorized by the IMlinois gom-- received 'at department of high-- ways on September 21 in an effort to speed <~up : a -- program . of: bigh» way construction which has been con= siderably delayed by inclement weath-- er. Two of the pavements will be of 40--foot type, in DuPage county, and lare particularly designed --to eliminate traffic congestion in the Chicago vicin: 'tty; most of the other concrete se¢-- tions aré eighteen feet wide. The work and sections are: Walnut Grove Subdn, SR ar Enerson, WD, $10; Lot 2, Blk 1, Nix-- Wkgn. _ ou's Addn to Waukegas. ~"W. s. Ds $10; Lots %3, 69 and To u,..&&.,.. l w th.mlnobwo{llborhl reported a.gain of 1.2 per cent in the number 'of employees in all industries in Hlinois during August Sidney W. the labor department stated that the Route 174, section 105, Peoria coun-- :.'..M Joyce & Co., Keokuk, Bid--$124,318.42, 4 Route 174, section 104, Peoria coun-- ty, Hartmann Clark Bros. company, showing this year was better than in 148, Platt, Moultrie . and Douglas counties, McMahen Construction:com-- pany of Rochester, Ind, Combination The board of review has taken no county, Nlinois Steel Bridge company of Jacksonville. --Bid--$17,527.12.-- Route 121, --sections~ 141, ~142« and Bceott counties;-- approximately thir-- teen miles on Route 122 in Ham{iton county and less than a mile on Route 142 in Sailine county, Bridge and girder sections are in Henry, Vermil-- lon, Mason, Montgomery, Hamilton, Saline, and Du Page counties, asszessed 'value of farm land in San-- Route 142, section 124, Saline coun-- ty, 5.89 miles near Eldorado. -- Route 148, section 180, Williamson county, 8.068 miles near Herrin, Route 160, section 135, Madison county, 270 miles near Carpenter. Route 78, section 135, Fulton coun-- ty, 0.71 miles near Canton, * Grading sections are: 1.28 miles on The state division of highways has bpened bids for road construction in _ Route 88, section 102, Whiteside county, Cameron Joyce and company, Oof Keokuk, Iowa. Bid--$150,107.78. Route 88, section 102b, Whiteside county, Pinkus Engine=aing Co., Chi-- cago. -- Bid--$16,415.40. * than a miles on Route % in Pite and phone properties at Mendon and Fow-- ler, Adams --county, from Charles A. pany was given the. authority to issue Route 6,© section <32, ©3.08 miles in puDIC improvyemenis.. WAenever --suca Whiteside county near Sterling: :~| excess fand is required to protect, pre-- Route 19, section $6¢, 1.28 miles in serve or 'aid the . improvement _ . A Cook--county near Des Plaines. | referendum thereon by'the legal voters Route 64, section 130, Du Page| of the city is provided fer, ; ... . county, 749 miles near St. Charles;| -- House bill 451 (Powers); Amends section 131, 6.96 miles near Elmhurst. | section 12 of an sct to tax gifts, ty, 9.28 miles near Woodhull, June 14, 19090, by authorizing (the Route $8, section 125, Peoria coun--| clerk of the County court in countics ty, 7.60 miles near Melstein; section | of the third class to appoint three county, 4.15 miles near Varna. Route 102, section 101, Adams coun-- ty, 6.74 miles near La Prairie. Route 122, section 123, Mazson coun-- ty, 862 miles near Allen; section 124, 164 miles near San Jose. © Cl parent low bidders are as follows: Route 142, section 104, Marton--Fay-- ette counties, Ralph A. Bagm, Paris, Ninety. miles of secondary 'perma-- fhent hard road system in Logan coun ty to be financed largely by the state gas tax due the county under the law recently passed by the state legisia-- fure, is the goal of Logan county ofm-- The burean and ut to--A. . 4. e 3t _ «KA C. Little and wtitto W. H.--Grams: B and wi WD $1. Lot 11 Bik 1 See 16, I'xj-g..nnwa'fuma':fig{_ y3 "_CT & T Co to T. Van Buren Bilow |[} . o sixd: June : 14, ~1909, by aunthorizing --the clerk of the County court in countics of the third class to appoint : three (now one) inheritance tax clerks. Sal-- mwummmmuxh increased from not to exceed $2,000 to $2,400 per year. * House bill 485 (Johnson, E. A. W.). Amends® section 50 of --an act concern-- Ing land titles, approved May 1, 1897. Provides that leases for a--term ex-- exceeding ten years) and other in mmuh't'éfi:nb eumbrance: upon land may regiz tered by filing in the--registrar's office a potite or intention to create such charge to be known as a caveat. Such caveat to describe and : identify. the Instrument: which is to be made the charge.. Charge to become effective on date of filing. , on rand-- 2 of act ertension of taxes, "O, 1001 Pro-- vides that the rate per cent of tax levy for park purposes in districts «omprising any three towns organiszed under any act, which bas been »sub-- witted to and adopted by the voters for the purpose of improving --or e# tablishing a park or public work, shall not be reduced below 40 cents on each $100 asszessed value, instead of not method by which congignor of firm consignee. ---- Fines to --be paid--to de House bill 453 (Chynoweth), Amends sections 8. 4 and 8 of an act to rogs demanity bond fro® $2,000 to $5,000. House bill 450 (Weeks), 'Adds see tiong 9:to part $ of grticle XIl of an act relating to Incorporation of cities and villages, approved April 10, 1872. Extends .right of eminent. domain: to clty of Chicago, by providing that dity may take in fee simple and hold.4ease or selt-- more land than is needed for Bank act. Makes a'majority of the 1l-- ¥otes cast on the proposition, rather 11 than a majority of those cast at the 1l election, gufficient to authorize a tax 1| the shipment is free from foul breod. are being imported bas no inspeetor of apiartes, the department is author-- ised to permit the shipment upon proof of freedom from foul brood. ~ House bill 455 (Overiand). Amends sections 10, 11, 12, 18, 18, D and 30 of act relating to park employees' an-- nuity and benefit fund, approved June 2#1, 19108. -- Changes provisions relat-- Ing to deductions from salaries, old age retirement annuity, contributions by employers, maximum amount of an-- cuities, widows' annuities, refunds of credits <to 'employees,© resignation of changed from--2 to 1 to 8% to 1. sections 9, 12%, 17, 20a, 309@ and 40a of the Pure Food act of May 14, 1907. Provides that an article of food which cmnu:iuunutu deemed aduiterated if the mixture or compound is not an imitation and has been branded with the name and ad-- dress of the packer or dealerf and the net measure 0* its contents. < Any per-- son . receiving millk,-- cream or ise «ream in containers sashall clean same 80 days,. -- Prosecution for violation of act shall be begun within one year 11. Instead of six months." 4 House bill 449 (Luckey). . -- Directs_ maohru -- the, known as the ol mlmw * on the state fair grounds. Kunds--re I| ceived from the sale or disposal are 1| -- to be--received by the department of -- agriculture and' by it paid into e ~AI House bill 442 «(Propper, by request). Amends section 11, article IV,--of the Road and Bridge act. Raises maxt-- mum percentage of state.aid high ways in counties --of the third class from 30 per cent to 50 per cent of the or testing milk~or cream are required to obtain a Hcense from the depart ment of agriculiture (now dairy and eate from the department of agricul-- ture, stating : that such shipment: is free from foul brood. ©Prohibits the transportation of a colony of bees or queen and her attendant bees, into this state from a state having an in-- House bill 489 (McCarthy), Amends. sampling are iJ Semes Malden, Sabanot" | The following accounts are offered by the || undersigned, as Agents, for sale to the high-- "| est bidder. The right is reserved to reject in 11 full or in part any offer:" =~ j E. Brons to D. 1. Duun and wf WD $10. Lot 2 Bik 2--Ravinia Hlands Sec 36, Deerfleld. D. L. Punn and wt to K.--Brons WD m.swms.m 5 » Mabel Falch to J. H. Dolan and wf QCD $1. -- Lots & to 12inc Blk 61 ZCS Bec 21, Benton. * C T & T Co to C.--L. Glover and wt D $10. Lots 40 and 41 Blk 1 Branigar wfiu&h,lnsluflnnw > * 0 R O K. F. Sullivan and wt to J. Heden-- blad WD $1. Secs 33 and 34, Antioch: G. W. Murray and husb to M. Aus» ton and husb WD $10. --E hf W hf SE ar Bes 20, Wken. -- --= A. W. Buttergield and --wf to ~£. Carlson and, al WD $10.~ Lot 34 Bik & SBee 11, Antioch. / K.. W.. Butterfield and --wf to---- G. Carlson and--wf D $10,. Lot 33 Blk 3 Resubn Channel Lake Bluft See 11. ~W. W. Edwards and wfi to A. Mason and al WD $10. Lots 2%, 16 and > 24, Edwards First Subn Sec 21,. Avon. A. ¥. Sulltvan and husb to C. Di}-- ullo and wft WD $1. Lot.432% Shaws Third Subn Sec 10, Grant. flg W :;"'O:L.M T o ar c 8 6. '.'.H-u:ulflto A;, -- A. Song WD $550.. Lot 26 KAwards Subn Sec 21, Avon, --n'bwa-;:vt:'w.:.m ron ar 11, Antioch. J%'&ma:mnw c.wugq:"mun.omm QCD $10.. Lot# 18, 19 and #0 B 2, "cr&'rbouxtm.nut Lot 1 Goldmans Subn 21, Shields. 1. Wojoishowski & wft to --M. Berant anwpu%.m,u.wm and --wt WD $10. 'Lots.39 and 40--Bik 15, Kelloggs Resubn Secs 10 and 15, and wft WD $10. NW ar Sec 33. An-- and wt D $10. NE ar SW ar See 27. 'S.l.lm and --wt to L Harris $10.-- Lot 79, Washington. Manor Subn Sec 20, Whken.: H. G. Atwell and wf to D. A. Mes: sick WD $10. Lot 2 NE qr Sec 5. z'mm :'station : on-- the "I'm not studying much about what to do with=any . money, -- It's these tnln-!hvotommgey won't take care of: themselves. these 30 years of tighting along," he Tag: bustniess, is not spending his time thinking what he would do it he had the money 'but instead is goinlg about known he had left one.: The $147,-- 000,000 estate went into a trust fund until 1902 when it was dissolved. The mmu:'fl-flmn"vg the 250 heirs the opportunity they had sought <for all these years. _ The matter'is in the hands of At-- who has : prospects. of falling heir to about $5,000;,000 under the will of 'the late John Nicholas®Emerick, partnor early pa't o1 the Inctgentury L4t the will} was not found although it was known he had hfim?fn $147. J..T. Emerick, 8r..69, of Beach Rd4., x: doneiler, Tibertysive. Amibul. Sorvice --________------ 1009 . y Ed Diets, 521 E. lb':gvmo.un...._________ mmmmx.MAn.'m, Aoct,..... C. H. Keefe, Libertyvilie, Acct. .. !n!l---m&m E. J. Christopher, N.: Chicago, Acct Tom Scohults, Junean, Wis.,--Gas, Oll, etc Power's Credit Service . Accounts for 149 & Ir. T ARALA No: 1 We 9ter . ies Steice gn.fin@ \rap: hnd t $147; c . W. 8. --L, Anderson & wfi to W:iP.] LeRol, WD 31. Lot 325 Org! Buhn! '~ W. P. LeRoi, to W. 8. L. Anderson .GCD §1. .Lot 325 Orgi shund'uu' * K. M. Runyard & wf to . Resheske," WD $10. < Blik® 6, RM Becond ~--_¥. H. Bartlett to F. H. Bartieit, D $10.© SBece 3: 4 and 9, Benton,. ; M.. J.~Cosasover, to 8. Kaplan, WD 1 $10. Lot 12, Wmmmu. ~~M. --J. Conover,to 8. M $10.° SW gr--BE ar Sec 19; Wkgn. ~M;-- J Cosover to 8. Kaplan, WD $10. --Bee 20,:-- Wkgn. :: | ~B. w & wfi to M. J. Cosover & wt :$10.-- Lot 1, Lincoln Heights AC'I"&T"':"W.DM' J. A, Mansnerus & wf to A. F. Beau-- u;ltu,ln-hfilh. bilen, WD $10. SE gr SE qr Sec 20, . C. Frame & wf to J. Severson &| Wkgn. -- ~ -- wt WD $10. SE gr NE ar See 15, SW| ° M. A. Thomas & husb to A. C. Pet-- ar Sec 14, Deerfleld. _ |~ ,m&wmmu. F. Ray & wf to A. A we, QCD, ton Circle Subn, Lake | $10. Blk 6, Wrights Addn to Liberty--| _A.C. Petersen & wf to Jennie Johns ¥ille. _ f «--] WD $1. Lot 44 Washington Circle --M. R. Hayes, to A. Andrews QCD, Subn, Lake Forest. 1 u'_mgmumnflm. W. B. Ingvolstad & wf to A. Olsen ¥ikke. * > _ i ---- | & wt WD $250. Lot 80, Pleasant View 'Qhfl-&fl»hlfimmwfihmum ¥ $1.. Lot--9, Sant! Bros Subn Hwood. W. B. Ingvoletad & wt to J. John-- C T & T Co to R. W..Wall, D $1250.| son & al, WD $450, Lot 44 Pleasant Lot 37. Hoviands H Pk Subn Sec 21,| Hill Subn Sec 18, Avon. & wt WD $10.-- Lot 1, Lincoln Heights Bubn SW ar Sec 20, Wkgn, F. H. Bartiett to M.--E. Rowen Wig-- E. M. Runyard & wf to . Resheske, ¥.--H. Bartlett to F. H. Bartieit, D 0.: Becs 3: 4 and 9, Benton, : M.. J.~Coasover, to 8. Kaplan, WD 0. mnwmmmu. _ M. --J.. Cosover, to 8. Ka WD. 0. SW gr--BE ar Sec 19, Wkgn. M;--J:Cosover 'to 8. Kaplan, WD It., Chicago, Acct, ...__$233.00 -- Py OE + 4>.. m cessn ns wornontcmens * Te -m------------------' ~ $8.63 W. m--- 1.'" hi S TIIDIEL] csoncacntumrccmmnccracs." A d > ---_'------------------------------ m * enmenpinmumbescmmintascesssnnsescecserscrcennen 10" -'---w------'--------------------- '-" %, m M M'---_---'.----- f "-"-- o i 20.00 _ $ 19 d4uverlseo S :" P'\ mt s io ' Goee w'w'i& k to J. H. "' m 1, *' Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee R; R. Co. ao o To ie e ab Saae .+ A. D. Hermann & wf to Maya Erick--: son, QCD $10.-- SW ar NE ar See 36, :G. B. Krickson & wi to A. D. Herr mann, WD $10.. SW gr NE qr Sec A. D. Hermann & wf to Maya Erick-- son, QCD $10. SW ar NE ar See 36, G.llru:u&"ttoA,D.florr- mann WD $10. SW ar NE ar See 36, mdedl;,yndfmadxe&lldubmveq commendable and I do not them without lett know my sentiments. -- There is no questi f&h&dm&ififlrfiwm:,mmbmfinfln;am as football teams, bowling teams and other athletic organizations use the North Shore Line M&rfimmm lnalaoenoxNonthu:'eLine,hmaB.;;anon, m thefinSmeBoebdl Club, Chicago, says: "The eourtesies and service extended myself and the club are very commendable and I do not think it.right to let During the baseball season many bascball clubs travel regulatly on the North Shore Line, just . in the entire country is now offered © by the North Shore Line. o !w ugh tickets may be pur-- *-- checked through to your Y¥ou should consult a---- & wf to A. D. Herr-- CONSULT A REA LT OR 8t 212 LIBERTYVILLE service. from -- No charge is made for this con-- $10. E bhf SE gr Sec 22, Deerfield. W. Leonard & wft to J. W. Higgins & wt WD $10. NE ar Sec 23, Cuba. W. Leonard & wt to E. H. Bement, WD $10.. NE gr Sec--23, Cuba. W. B. Ingoldstad & wf to C. E. Zieg-- ler & wt D $10. Lot 73, Pickerel Pt Subn Secs 12 and 24, Antioch. °* L. Erickson & wf to M. E. Hulse, QCD $10. SW cor Blk 8, NE gr Sec 20, Wkgn. M. E. Hulse to B. P. Erickson, QCD $10. SE qar Sec 17, NE qr Sec 20, m-?u-twpm. 8 ht W hf frel W. Bubert & wf to E. Williams, WD $10. «SW ar Sec 27, Deerfield. A. Hein .& wf to G.-- Anderson & wt QCD $10.. NE gr See 38, Benton. W. J. Parsons & wf to A. R. Greul & wt WD $10. S hft SE ar Sec 9, Wiken: . j -- D. H. Ball & wf to T. A. Snmediker & al WD $10. -- Lots 133, 134, 135, 136 and 137 8 Hland Addn to H Pk. * . _ C. W. Smith & wf to A. G. T. Dor-- ton, WD $10. --NW ar NW ar See 8, $10. St. $1. 8 ht SE gr Sec 22, Deer-- «. Union Bk of Chgo to V. Seaborg, D $10. LOts 1, 2, 3%, 4 and 5, Owners Bubn See 1, Grant. A. Olson & wf to N. C. Risjord & wft WD $10. E hf SE qr Sec 15, Deer-- Becs 25 and 26, Warren. A. Anderson to U. S. Kiechl & wt WD $10. Lots 12 and 14, Blk 2, Lioyds Resubdn, NE ar Sec 15, Deerfield. P. Baldino to B. G. Lonngren, QCD $10. Pt Secs 14 and 15, Deerfield. 8. M. Grzadrieleski & wf to V. E. i n e n se /9 2 d e s i Te ie . Pip smn t C e nan "i. c Ee Shtk Mc 11 t on sBA onl . CPa it a privilege to assist you in mkingmvdnmmo. youd c%.i.o'z':mfi'."u'm mema "M'& st this new phase of North Shore Line service. d:emj\'fikdprfl hiler rail and Puiiinals fares. The North Shore Line considers Rerst s & T here is no question in $10. nan, after he had given out the text hhhm"umeyonzmvhq than opening the door half an inch or so and thereby exposing the necks of the people in the back row to a CUr-- tent of cold air." s never buying them more than one play-- mg;mmwmmw take in pisying with it proposal. If you accept it, you will find it neither more nor less than the thin end of a white elephant."--Lon-- don Tit--Bits. used for many yeart Eut as a rule age impfoves the tone. As wood mel-- lows it tends to become more sensi-- tive to vibration. It is believed that in some cases the gradual evapora-- tion of the varnish may improve the counted for. Some vicolins bave a bet-- "I woud be glad," said the clergy-- ------ Early Training Any man who wunts his children Surely to Be Avoided An Irishman said at a conference: lentlemen. this is a most insidious Meillow Violins Improvement of certain violings with Inside or Out? 1 ac4 8

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