Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 29 Sep 1927, p. 8

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_ * Maminated and located. pulutn the key! --land your Buidi,. ~--'Locked --_--.. No lock could be safert _ .. 'Oneturnofthekeylocks _ andcoast, ifyoulike, and . Bedans . . #1195 to #1995 otk: 2 o _ _ Coupes °. . #1195 to 1850 _' Sport Models 1195 to 1525 _A*1Q28 s the stecring column ---- --TheBuick double--lock is _ ture--one of many im-- ~~ pro at crefinements <~o whichscharacterize ijfim ick for 1928. BUICK have reiterated many times the fact that he had been having trouble with -- the engine of his car. They pointed M_uhohdhuutumuhgto Wtite an alibi letter that he could not Rhaveotaken more pains. They they to the additional fact that the _ doors of the garage were closed des-- quite warm. They say that a man of Mr. Broads' intelligence would have the peril of the deadly gas and id not have closed the doors. _ An addit fact to which the police was that Mr. Broad should have tried Te 0 Nlattnutmu y of to work by day-- ; s 'f' an, when writing a litter to his __ in the first place they point out hok mnonaa en ihowey c power e it appear E an accident. Under ordinary cir-- ees they say a man would not <cident, local ers who.went con saisftied on this score. They always have leaned toward the » that death may have been to suicide. ned to overhaul the "nm & if oT 't# K in garage at 2 num: he had taken out 'fi-m noo::m * cy, &s~ as %fl in case of dea 'Of one ynf:trton "Nelghbors can:dfith\', 'ment[teo the Mo:"f'lm no! n ad day. gince the : C K ) f th h o enps deygince the night of Sept. ( there was no sign of lifé ? but 'revealed no m::&t.ur. f K J §¥ i e en' m wa t m alitomobile. ks _ An investigator of a large life in-- 7 .gompany <arrived in 'Wauke _ J and 'started an investi-- * He reported that five days ?" # lifeless body: was ' in garage at 217 Gillett ave-- num: he had taken out an additional .fibtfio.m.,," R *',_,."!pllcx'iq&'-num issued + insurance companies, is in-- z ted in case of death by suicide Of one yeat--after the date of e i eX 1t __~"--~The Police w Ts 1 the.. apparent au'é': for, Iinking that death was dus to an ac-- no lock could be convenient! It is Y¥HL BJHD THEM awitch wus turned on BJCE h So seftem empty as o CEASSIFIED o o A I 0 o M'"SING o o -- Telephone No. 1 o gallon. . Bergeron Stock Farms, on Lake 8t., Road, two miles west o¥ LiD-- first --game of the season yesterday. The schedule announced, for the tirst time, is as follows: --October 1, Hills-- dale, there; October 8. Y ©~College, here (Dad's Day); October 14, Ripon, there; October 22, Lawrence, #here; October 29, North Central, therte; No-- vember 5, Northwestern, there; No rember 12, Beloit, there; November 19, Carroll, here (homecoming): FOR BAL 6 by 9 Taupe mss C . . P _ and dark cak Meary taole. 5) 0. Lake Forest, HlL., Sept 26. --Lake Forest University varsity gridders snowed under the frosh team in the WOR BALE--Big bargains in pianos. Grands and uprights. We apecialize in used pianos.. Write for list.. We regqt and allow reat paid to apply on :m-nmm.wmw T ideRs Pmno Shom 411 Gien Plork 't Ave., Waukegan, HL. M&m GOLD COAST TEAM BEATS FRESHMEN Supervisor William J. Obee, High-- land Park, Supervisor Frank P. Wor-- ack, Waukegan, County Clerk Lew A. Hendee, Deputy County Clerk J. B. Morse, recently appointed treasurer, mm'm'm R. Bullock today® were to leave for the state convention of recordera, probate treasurers and supervisors that is to be held at Lawrenceville all nexst m m Wednesday at,.7:30, prayer service. Friday at 7:30 p. m.--the E. L. --C., E. at the parsonaze. Services, beginning Oct. 2: Sunday at 10 a. n..hmm. morning worship at 11; Program at 7:30 Total nuwWber instruments flied 298 Total amount of loans ... .$824,784.©50 | . Miss Bieler, teacher of the Schultsz inhod.msmvmmnur church last Sunday. < _ Our -- progressive supper is --called for 6:80 Friday evening. . Those hay-- Iing machines please meet at the door of the churth at 6.30. Number of conveyances liled.... 210 Number of %fl mu:tgazes.... 30 No. of trust s and mtgs..... 88 Beptember 25, 1926: DELEGATES LEAVE FOR CONVENTION _--_--&£& Trust Co. _ Business of the recorder's office for the week ending September 24. 1927 : Number of conveyances filed.... 210 Number of chattel mortgages... 25 No. trust deeds and migs...... 87 BY A. K. BOWES Assistant Secretary of Security Title --Total number instruments filed 3247 Total amount of loans..... .$442,095.40 ~Corresponding period, week ending . C..W. taubauer, 'bond appraiser of-- the state's attorney's office, visited at the parsonage last week. y Ai _ _ Prarie View took on a look of great prosperity when a truck pulled up wg.x-amm--mmm{ ed a new engine, Bring on your corn LOANS ARE HIGHER THAN LAST YEAR _ Our revival services will begin Sun day, Oct. 9, and continue until Sun-- day, Oct. 23. . We will havre services every evening, beginning at 7:30, '~ L:huchu. mflmdo?um.n e will go over the top| # Ritzenthaler. program will begin at 7:30. s'We will dcelobqr.l.u Rally Day next junday, and a program is being prepared by the Sunday School and the EL C. E. We are to take our annual mission-- dryderlnxa»r the . new mission churches> Wil von do vaour share sn Ashed letter. In fact, the police argue, tlt appears to them that--if it was'a 'mdd&h"dlm .planned his details, over--planned them »hfit:btfl-o&qmum Just how much insurance Mr. Broad earried is not known, but it is known that in additional to the. $10,000 lite insurance policy he carried, -- he had an accident policy for $30,000 which wmm"w in case of natural death or Obtained by the insurance company investigators is not known, but it is ported that the payment of the $10,-- imnmnwmumm ; of Mr. Broad say they can-- not see any reason for suicide unless he had had financial reverses. They point to the fact that when he severed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o wife, would finish it before starting mwm»u'ohflhh'u'ol' o PRAIRIEVIEW 0.0.0 0o 0 0 0 0 0o 0 0o o 0; Fence company, after this plant was sold to the American Steel and Wire company, that ha . received $50,000 cash as his share of the transaction. This was only a few years ago. F Poofie, »oee s n it Our pastor and family were visitors sat SBunday at the home of W. H. nge d@u:q" The pageant, "The Challenge 0 ; at: 600 --a FOR SALE--6 room house and bath; ~at 822 Brainerd Ave. Price reason WANTED AT ONCE----Good high gtade FOR SALBR--ILAt in the wooded seo wauflfi ho ;olse. w ress Jos-- FOR SALE--6 room new house with sunparior and bath, in Oakwood Ter tyville T36--R. WANTED--3 burner kerosene stove. Call at Independent office. 89 3t 5 'n | TA h --vh-r-'?wmmwu- Taik Tor good bars, Highest prices |eoficction of such asseimment is in r good cars. Get our offer OB ithe hands of the undersigned. All mm'w-wmumu.m interested are hereby notified jcan Sll!:l;o'-'lmml = ~and pay the amountt assess-- 1274. * 'u- fi»-ufi'?-a &n.--.n <t c 22ck a'_t HAULING WANTED--I have & four FOR RENT----NEW DUTCH CcoLoNn-- IAL 7--ROOM HOUSE; all medern onveniences; new garage; located paved street in bafio Park® Sub-- division. Ses Frank . . Telephone 17 "'"w. * & ¥ - . central location. _ 607 Lange --Court, near Lake S8t,. Phone 142J, " «B4 11236. Phone Dearborn 8578.. -- 37 2t Round Lake, on ~the <~«Meade Farm. Gllsky Brotbers. 18 Hf FOR RENT--Farm of 180 acres, near _ Grayslake; rent reasonable to good --_ ewe h".'m" 100 YWs : Ts' oaar n ons # " ¥ Chaxrnee §#L, 12. ue 88 2t Choice heavy springers, fresh cows and helfers, with 60 day retest; from tlean district; large herd to select from at all times; one or a car load. HOLSTEINS AND and family cows, at the farm on Town Line road, known as the Mike Redmond farm. J. 8. Crain. 86 4t of execution has been issued within one year after conmfession of judgment. MONEY TO LOAN--We havre a con siderable amount of apecial funds to loan on improved farm:or city prop erty. _ We invite your inquiry, First National Bank, Libertyville, UL | 104 @ CLOSED hand, full of cubes of m.m?mm of tno when he m:mugm mfi he wae caught in the act, \ in new home;-- also garage; space: JR m---&l'.tgwq-um Appley Ave: Phone 314K. 38 3t Inquire of owner. . 86 5t Money To Lean nlost % 6 THE QUESTION BOX wrse KE jhnnmfiéthmtt'"mme. Hlinois, . within . thirty ::l' st':lo i office gmmmau:mmfim '@ rF ® Nw m mw m C Xibertyville, Hlindis, within thirty |in#tallments, the fitst installment of fl-fiofibhflw which--is $2494.00, due and payable f asseszment is payable in ten|January lst, 1928, and the remaining installments, the first installment of |four (4) installments of each for the which is $1382.00, due and --payable |jsum of $2000.00 each, due and payable mulfl._m'{»muinnwomeurydm _'ud"_'g_uf't.'dumm ments bear interest at the rate of §% garthyr a ,_BO LITBL -- <f j0ur 1i)/ INABILZINCRU Ol eAON IOF iD j : t waieh fs 118583.00, duo and pazabie |eun ot $2000.00 each, due and paronie| @ | | -- . > < A Nice Line of . | ',_,..I,!,'&,.. allments--6f. each for the |year thereafter. All of said install-- |--$ . ; : | year thereafter. ~ All 'of said 'Install--|-- Dated ! this 22nd day of Septeiber,| 4i _ IUFE AVR V AATPL * j x ments bear interest at the rate of 6% |A. D. 1927. . . _ . A 1. J %@*% ; ¥ -- UL and E %S | & L Jar,:*v ~.»' £*, *> % as DALE 8. mm" M i>; ~eeee , e * s ' '-- RMated this 22nd day of September. 38 2 y Coallector.: 18. -- > >' > a Th mu 22nd day of September, 38 2t ; Collector. _ || + * DALE 8. COLLING, NOTICE ~OF LETTING CONTRACT 88 3t _ Oollector. FOR: LOCAL IMPROVEMENT-- K=1} ce en emmmmmmnmmmenmmmpentom Sealed proposals will' be received | : BSPECIAL ASSEgBMENT --NOTICE|by the Board of Local Improvements |! No. 02 _ of the Village of Mundelein,--~Hlinois, 2P "Libertyville . Juntil: ~7:30 -- o' 'p. m., standard |-- > is hereby given that the |time ~on -- the day of. October, | . Court of Lake County, Iilinois, |A. D., 1927, at the Village Hall of | i +8 a ju hamtfiluh.:mluh.lormehum~ sme: 'AMenefitted as a whole, of an improvement |-- by" the . * ement: . ~|consisting of _ -- and paving -- PRAIRIE |A Connected System of Water Mains, | t he <¥irs t National Bank, in Libertyville, Hlinois,-- within --thirty days from the date here hereof. -- -W' nts, the first 'installment: of which. is $1882.00,, due and paygble (9) installments of each for the o uiinge ns oo on year thereafter. All of said install-- its bear interest at the rate of 6% "m:nfimmam L '.muaoom ' 0 i# Cinllectar. in my office; that the warrant for the |persons interested are hereby notified ;m«duawug:nau&w'h'm:giw---{ _ hands undersigned. d ; Collector's ce : a mm&wm'm_n F iret Nhtional Bank, in BSPECIAL 18t, 1927, and the remaining |on the 1st day of January of each u%mumn.mmw. All of said install-- sum of $5400.00 each, due and payable | ments bear interest at the rate of 6% on the 1st day of January of each year |per annum. . SPECIAL -- A8ssESsMENT NOTICE Ovnnuzvnatlo.n Publication is hereby given that the County Court of Lake County, IIlinois, haes rendered a judgment for a special }m. Alldhli M" '--h"' '.."". "m' """--"". 2#nd C mundgeie!n, 1iliN0Ol8s, <4Or the CconsUt'uc ,\rmummdcmmtgnm%h ,,""d"'twh"'fluut;hbdumemt @annum. DALE $. COLLINS consinting A 6 * Dated this 20th of Se T S * A connected Sytem of Sanitary Sew-- A o rear 0 C AL Pb ler [M 2L o _2 oe _ _ Dolecter | ere tegeier onin Mn Re t O % (Co ; ns to be con-- so m _ 8 /C0bfflecqs,, |OCEClAL _ ASSESSMENT NOTICE|structed and laid in RAY'S LANE ; i C ie whio s aGe,, tes on Special Warrant No. 68 and other streets in the Village of * Village of Libertyville Mundelein, IHinois SPECIAL _ AssESsMENT wotice| Publication is hereby given that the|* SPRCIAL ASSESSMENT NO. 20 . Special Warrant No. 60 County Court of Lake County, lllinoi=,|in the manner shown and set forth ¢ i 20 @0, At the COL tor's .0 3 TAnoeeseruaes AGaEemAimRE ts , bands of the undersigned. All persone|t h ¢, F i r# t National Bank, in| Mombere of ihe Board of Local Im-- interested are hereby notified to call |Libertyyilie,. Hilinois, within thirty|. Stopemobie of the Villige of Mun-- and pay the amount assessed at the | 483# from the date here hereof,. B.H.lmhrmw'm' Collector's office in The First National| 984 assessment is payable in ten . Attornsy. + Bank, . LAbertyville, linois, within |installments, the first installment of morice ETTING con m«-u--mmm which is $1599.32, due and payable| _ por rocar iMEROVERENT * 1 he e harect . _ 17 1st 1924 and e remelame| ; FOR LOCAL IMPROVEMENT M%mmm lhos)hnnn-uuotuchtorm""" proposnts will be .received of which is $5779.00, due and sum of $1030.72 each, due and payable of the viiage of Mundclein. Hllnois""" Rella; nine (0) installments of each for the |year thereafter. Ail ot saie susian [E 1000 poloct, 5 m Aadard sum of $5400.00 each, payable | ments bear interest ; -- o E: on the ist day of January of each vear|ner annum _l.t'tlnnuotc.% A. D. 1927, at the Village Hall of, Agsesasment Ais--payable in ten --~ _ DALM S. COLLINS, ° |SPECIAL AGSESSMENT NOTICE|reserves the right to reject any and reserves 6 re. s Collector. Specia!l Warrant No. 69 . |all bids, as the Board may elect.: . --franmanmiemms n ; ; -- Village of Libertyvitie : 'The successful bidder for the con-- iL ASSESSMENT Publication is hereby given that the | struction of said improvement will be w 5"'.'1'"'" a!wcvll't'hhw.*mm required to enter into a bond in & m. Narrant 7 MQ'M lwfl sum equal one--third amount Village--of Libertyville © W_mmunennedamurmmuumgeq or service that success | _ _ -- khows that it is only momes Coom e n id en aly oR a o lt m&ffi 6c {!1.,,*?&4& d oc Nxisy by 'the Presi tees of said~ which is $631.00, due and payable|rlinois, and must be accompanied by January Ist, 1928, and the remainin€ |cash or check payable to the order four (4) installiments of each for the |of the President of the Board of Lo-- mdmtn"mmmhummummwan on the ist day of January of each|sponsible bankfor an amount not year thereafter. All of said install-- less than ten per cent of the aggregate ments bear interest at the rate of $% | proposal Bids 'will be openeéd bY per annum. the Board of Local Improvements in _Dated this 22nd day of September; session at 7:30 o'clock p. m., has rendered a judgment for a special in an Ordinance passed and approved assessment upon property benefitted |by the Pregident and Board of Trus by the following improvemenit : tees of said Village of Mundelein, on Water Service Pipes and -- House the 23rd day of May, A. D. 1927. Said MHWAM improvement shall be. tonstructed in as will more-- fully appear from mocordance with the terms of said certified copy of the judgment on file|Ordinance and with the plans and in my office; that the warrant for the |specifications therefor on file in the 1Mdm'wthinmauumdw1m- the hands of <the undersigned. Al|provements at the Village 'Hall in persons interested are hereby notified |saiq Village. Contractors are to be to gall and pay the amountt asses# |paid in special assessment bonds T he Pirs! Netem: en I [oBich orew Inferset at the mate of #A;¥F¥iArst .N 11 letx per cent per annum ible an-- Libertyville, BHlinois, within thirty |nuaily 'and in vouchers. _ Proposals Gw-thahhn,w. must be made upon blanks 'fur-- JInstallment is payable in five|nished at. the office 'of the Village installments, the first installment O |Miark .af the Vilare of Mundelein. 8SPECIAL -- ASSES8MENT NOTICE < SpecialWarrant No. 67 s Village of Libertyville Publication is hereby given that the County Court of Lake County, IIlinois, has rendered & judgment for a special assessment «upon property 'benefitted by the following improvement: ~~Banitary Sewers in AUSTIN AVER NUE and other streets, :J&';. 'um"men 3: copy P t on in my-- office; that the warrant for the eollection of such assessment is in the hands of the undersigned. All persons interested are hereby notified ed, Y Oollector. NOTICE that the sponsible bankfor an amount not less than ten per cent of the aggregate proposal, -- Bids 'will be opened by mnurdotlno,,l'l:nmnum mt : *; o'clock p. m., s me.on'm $rd . day of low?unlm.lnnidm Hall in said Village of Mundelein. mn. . «C Th.sad ~#)~ T maasl -- Toonrawamants proved by the President of the Board until ~7:30 o'clock p. m., stapdard Cime, on the @rd day of October, A. D. 1927, at the Village Hall of Mundelein, Illinois,. for the construc-- tion as a whole of an improvement consisting of + s A connected Sytem of Sanitary Sew-- ers, together: with. Manhoes, "Y" Branches and Connections to be con-- structed and laid -- in <cRAYVS LANE mu&wmumneonm; an offer to furnish such bond upon' tract for ~the construction of said ' improvement is entered into. Said ' bond shall pmvkah that gaid con--| tractor shall well and faithfully per-- ; form and execute said work in all: Tespects according to the complete and detailed specHications, and full | andcomplete drawings, profiles and | models therefor, and according to| the --time and terms and conditions | of the contract and also that such bidder +. and contractor -- -- shall promptly pay all debts incurred by such ~bidder or contractor in the _ Children's Shoes _ _--~--At Prices You Can't --Beat! all bids, as the Board may elect. _ _ The successful bidder for the con-- struction of said improvement will 'be required to enter into a bond in a sum equal to one--third of the amount of such bid, «with surities to m »roved by the President of the of Liocal Improvements of said Vil lage of~Mundelein, which bond must amuum'mm"pmu T open session at 7:30 o'clock p. m., «tandard time, on the $rd day of October A. D. 1927, in .said Village Hall in said Village ~of Mundelein, The . -- Board of Local Improvements reserves 'the right to reject any and Dated this 22nd day of September, ¥% R. F. ROUSE, GOEKDON RAY, EDWIN E. RODER, R. J. LYONS, for <b of said Vii-- or | Music by&n.ol-'ut-fl'um + fiprovement is entéred into. Gald |the acceptance of such bid. or %mm: Wm 22nd day of September, form and execute -:4'::& in «l |A. D. 1987. & ® nouss, td moinine pmsnatommer alt eavakl madols --~thatofar _ ank * a anmettincr hi ns M 2. t Wns uns p:a t Use It You Libertyville Independent Sunday, BLUE BIRD_ of Folks U S E. Every Qpening of 11 It It Into Cash T urn -- AIl, Mds or proposais shail contain an offer to furnish such bond upon m&r':umau&x"b provelmensty of the Village of Mun-- delein, Lake County Hlinois W ant y e apourya®t | & i P | }

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