594 $4 .. _ _was erplained last night when the :. 'body of the ypoung man with a 'bullet Mhmmm!uldbh'u _\ > ~gBbe floor of the hayloft in a barn in _ _ 'the tear of his home. s .. Ciréumstances surrounding the case *' have caused Lake Fotest police to be-- L leve that the young man took his own T4 tE aXye ~ . alongside of the body in a position O: Aom fld mafl c Sidth Beck at flome 1 o Friends on Happy Day. _« Their children will aleo MR. AND MRS. BECK * CELEBRATE #2ND YEAR OF MARRTIAGE MA * nois Inf@ntry-- at the close of the Civilt War. . Today they are celebrat-- ing fheir sixty--second wedding annt-- versary at their nome at 1401 Wash-- luton":'mot, Waukegan. } Mr. Mrs., Beck, after their mar-- riage resided in-- Warren township unti! %5 years ago when they ' to Waukegan. Ever since that/ they have lved in Waukegan.. <Their five daughters grew up here, and all tut one of them still lUve here. While no extra celebration has beer "planned, Just 62. years. azgo-- today, at the home of her father, Eber H. Smith of Ivanhoe, Migs 'Abigail E. Smith be came the bride Of James A. Beck, a flz'nm.flthlt.m out of the service with.the 96th M Edith Swanson, Waukegan: Their children will also be present -- lt Ay thought that Shield gither took the coal as a prank or that in an un-- balanced state of mind he regarded the transfer of the coal to premises of the other man as a parting gesture in his friendshiy for Whallon.: Relatives of the man with whom he' resided beliered when he disap Weared that bhe had merely left the city on a trip. f Body Found by Friend The body was found by Corliss Cole, & friend of the young man, who kept a team of horees in the Shield barn. He went to the 'huayloft of the barn umwwbrunq:'_ Shield was single. He reared in Lake Forest and well known in that: community. His parents preced-- ed him in death. ~Several brothers survrive him. During the past few years 'be has followed the occupation OoPf a teamater. -- An inquest --will be held this atter noon at Wenban's funeral home. MARRIED --AT ~~IVANHOE *--Finds Coal in Yard 'hylhitnhtermlfoam 'me!Qh:ubuuou- turned an hour <later to mm_dwuwmnfi would. return the coal teamsters were searching for it and when it was 16-- Cated on Whallon's premises he was forced to do some explaining. After convincing the authorities as well" as the university officilals that he had man with a team. --Whallon while in Ronversation with Shield --commented on the--quality of the coal and jokingly remarked that he "wished he had it in from the hands of.--the dying man. Brother a Suicide ;It has" also, been-- recalled that both & brother and an uncle of the young man died in a similar manner. That.the young man took his life in an unbalanced state of mind attested by --events leading up to disappéarance. On the day that + @isappeared ie was standing in a -- The mystery which surrounded the Oisappearance of Joseph Shield, aged 25 years of 117 Laure! avenue, Lake Mmugu-.m;'?hm "emnoute o PBDIPET BROTHER DIED SAME wAY VILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20 * > enomrrox Twn ~TTRRRTYvYIT T ® T @2E ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, OCTOB VOLUME XXXY--NUMBER 72 --~-- sECTION TWO LLBE SHOT VICTIM DIES y 2+ Nx t to look for Shield. 1d/ --fay 'Kates. LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT _ Late--County's Big Weekly -- WAUKECAN WEEKLY SUN efi'f" accepting pay patients in his original bill. t:~>=% ~While the prayer for injunction was that patierits without visible means support,/ emergency cases and conta-- gious cases. could be taken ~to ~the county hospital. -- Persons perfectly f@ble and willing to pay, he ruled, could not be taken there except in: time of emergency. _ He ruled that. all.u_ could be accepted by the hospi-- BRIBERY CHARGE Jentink --or the county,. Attorney George W. Field had represented Jen-- tink and Attornays S. H. Block and Max Przyborski' the . county., _ ' Jentink Rad 'Reld that the : hospital was t ¥ for profit and haged hn Infliethicn. restraining\the Columet 'City: for paying part ot an alleged ~$200 bribe for confidential prohibition ° bureau information --to Geoarge Rogers, prohibition clerk. Spe-- Chicago, Oct. 19.--Federal authori-- ties here »today preferred --charges of bribety against Charles J. Sawyer, 31, Calumet Sny supervijor . of ; s¢hools, and-- d A.'Markwaler, 22, Uni-- versity --of lllinois student, nephew oC the --artest= Ruling by the state supreme court today denying writs of certiorari for the putpose of reviewing the case of Albert Jentink, against the Lake County GenefAi hospital, is expected to put tw--an jend a long court 'pro-- ceeding" that was fought through the eireuit court, into the appellate court and then to the supreme. By their action the high court up-- held the" decree of Judge C. C. Ed wards that--did not please counsel for City Jug Martin H.. Finnernan, of Columet ~City© for paying nart ot an According to the message from the l'm'&omfhuhnnnnaa that the trails--are impassible and the state police have ordered that all traffic be stopped until the roads are clear. COUNTY HOSPITAL ROLING IS UPRELD | IN SUPREME--COURT DECREE TWICE APPROVED which are choking mountain passes they are virtually imprisoned until a possible thaw comes to their relieLl.. Word that the jurist and Mrsé. Ed-- nrd.u:o snowbound-- in the eastern moun range came to € day 1¥ the torm. ofe tolegfem whkW Writs of Certiorari For Review of Case is Denied Today, Ac--. cording to Dispatch. *« While their host of friends in Wau-- kegan and this section of the ctate are enjoying pleasant weather condi-- tiom=Judge and Mre. C. C. Edwards of this city are getting a taste of real winter -- weather in the Alleghany SEND JUDGE EDW ARDS Jurist and Wife. Unable to Get Out of Mountains to Attend _ Weiss Funeral. Mundelein, will be present in Wau-- ~kegan nert Sunday afternoon when the -- new $100,000 St. Anastasia church-- and school> will-- be dedi-- ecated formailly, SNOWBOUND IN EASTERN RANGE behind great masses of snow THEIR -- REGRETS ford and Mendots: .. [ __<}00 c{) $00% vific» railroag fog ne i sto : dig-- tontinue 'maintenance of agency at] Mosévilie. county. 43 t . By--Paxton Gas Co.. for Gertificate tdA econsttuct and operate gas utilities } . in <~Rantoul and Chanute tield near tord. and construct and operate 'an extensioni{jl > .~, _ ""L~.~",~ of its power syetem on certain high-- ||| _ For Only ways in Avon 'and Freemont town-- # .r{l'l';. Lake county. 8; & € s pany 'of Dé Kalp for cerdhcate ap{ff-- Bee Ou pperate ~motor . brises ; between : Rotk: 11-- * :>>SDafang class applications "filed : today. with the Hlt-- ||| nois Commerce Commision were: <.<{||-- __B:_m Public Service Company of parish office and two class rooms. -- class rooms.. The building is so de-- signed that two wings can 'be added in © the : future,= providing -- eight: fmore day~with awropflatmhel. "IA-- dies of the parish serve a hot chicken dinner in the basement of llo'nehunht:-t;fih.h'ltnh..n.% . The style of architecture of new &-&hmwbm.%' and other buildings that will--be a ed from time to time --will conform to the architectural style. Construction is of brick with stone trimmings, en-- _ The building just completed i# de-- signed in the form of a "T" and con-- on d Foine oman in sea! ca h Iw an , "t'.. mwMtoa_m His Eminence, on <Aprif 3, 1926, to come to 'Waukegan to create and or-- ganize a new parish for the Catholics located on the north side--of the city. The success of his mission was real-- izted one year later when, on May 15th, 1927, he said his first mass in the new $100,000 church and school building. s Father FWleming is to be congratw lated on his wonderful work and the success ho has met in the few months he has 'been here. He has the loyal support and following of. practically every Catholic and many non--Catho-- lics of his parish. ; s The parish will commemorate® the will be delivered by the Rev, Thomas :.mu,«mac.:ngfl: benediction will conclude the The Revr. D. McDonald, pastor of St. Andrews chureh,~Chicago, -- will be celebrant, assisted by the Rev. M. J. Bullivan, _ pastor of Resurrection church, and the Rev. Frances J. Shea of Immaculate ----Conception -- church, Waukegan. A number of-- visiting clergy will assist and many friends from patishes wherein Father Flem-- ing served, will be present. --Rev. J. A. Fleming, the pastor ot the local churth, was instructed by BUILDING : COST --$100,000 Shstans "Ire Frantkt. ¥] CARDINAL WILL BE ' HERE FOR CHURCH . DEDICA TION SUNDAY * Naming a Mrs. Safga, of Waukegan, as the second love in the life of her husband,, Ira Cline, Joliet, Mrs. Cline, 192 So. Park avenue, toduy i mwmmfim burt «Jn the circuit and M a divorcée on the grounds of int! lity; ~~Cline, now 'a deputy sheriff in 'WH county, once was a member of the taiding: squad but was let out 6: umum.:{:mu.m' car .conductor. have two chil-- "dfluu'o'.flt'htogm; tody ~providing 'egnfil | eorufleaudpvuauthtmx' ered written. , -- "AAneS She'told the court that she cadBed the arrest of Cline at the time and that he admitted the alleged romance to Justice Harty Hoyt. ¥ B. 0. Boweer, formerly of Wauke-- gan, was granted a divorce from his wife, Maude on grounds of desertion, HEAR ---- OTHER . DIVORCES Sfieo::':mhoomérmmnas Lover of Man Now Deéputy : '~Sheriff in Will County. > IRA CLINE, ONCE _: BOOZE RAIDER, IS . . ~DIVORCED BY WIFE taries to choir . loft: for :100 singers, -om.b'.m room, ner in the basement of from § p. m. to 7 p.'m. = of architecture of the new Mbm% ulldings that will--be e to time--will conform to tural style.-- Construction ggu The: Largest Selectio ion in Lake County is Here _alf< <--=._.=_ /.. for Your Approval --~ D o an _> TL ME o. 1----------> -- -- a our /.. || --Save $8.,00 on This Mattress |----------------|| .¥e on Suppy you. ;|| *:...Slide Out Double Da--Bed olll ' Complete with Cretonne Pad, -- _ @1Q . State Representative W. F Weiss 'died -- suddenly of &.n.hxy at -- his 'bome on North. Avenue at 11:30 ©'clock today. Chicago, ----Oct. ~19.--Mrs. -- Samuel! Spigo, widow of a--chain store found-- er'here, reported to police today jew-- elry valued at more than $24,000-- had been stolen from her 'sultcase while en route from© Atlantic City to Chi-- e ¢xp Sn § We ~purchased +175 Custom--Bullt® Simmons Mattresses. They are made of clear White Layer Felt. 4 rows of side stitching. . The ticking is of a .woven material. Each Mattress-- comes to you in a paper bundle with "Custom-- Bullt" ~Label, Special---- f ; j '$1795 > --| suomBERes PAY CASH AND sAVE YOU MONEY 3 21 Years of Square Dealing in Waukegan £} Bee :Our Selection > | $ ; h s e o ns o+ o > 53 'Before: You Buy ) | |:| >' Dies Suddenly 2 Inch Post 1 3. n m 4 oocgnnges ,A.l.... A:-"----T"T _., | . Mers Double DayBed eesdvesccsse s en abans ases us a eseeerrerspracenssntansen s Bmwn Finish Becs "rexemueme _ MSUSE OF MAILS which he is berated in a scandalons manner.> The vilest and most obscene epithets have. been applied to him, © "At first. he was. inclined to accept these missives as more or lefs of a joke, but as they continue to arrive he ed. a a-- in P hm ig to 'look at the matter in . tters Postmaster Manc#b Talcott and sée Rt lor has-- received a dozen CX +i rency t aae t Auto Cretonne Pillows 39¢ EBlectric Flat Irons.. $1.29 this Week Exclusive Anglo Persian Rugs been married several years. -- This letter has been followed . by several, none of which have been an-- swered. * . § Yesterday Fondray sent a letter to the Daily Sun in which he made char-- ges against Taylor and . asked-- that Foudray left, and for several years nothing more was heard of him. Then about a year ago, he wrote to Judge Taylor, demanding to know why he was keeping him from winning the Waukegan young iom It appear-- ed that he did not know that she had rest after he had openiy threatened the life of the local police magistrate. Thomas Tyrrell, then chief of po-- lice, conducted a thorough investiga-- tion and" became convinted that Fou-- dray was suffering from hallucini® tions.. He offered the feMow immun-- ity --from prosecution if he_ would leave the city. * sessed wlth'm.l' ea) that a certain MWaukegan nurs¢, Who has since mar-- ried, was his soul mate." He persisted in . this belieft: although .: the: young woman in question did not even know him and never had, had anything to do with him. + Strangely -- enough Foudray ailso was the one who was preventing -- him from 'gaining the. --young woman of his choice.© He was placed under ar-- what can be done about it," Taylor said today, "To me they appear to have beén inspired by & --diseased mind, but the niatter hss gone so far that I think it is time to call a' halt. Bd B4 x# : a'x* #% _ | 'Furnished. Bungalow -- || ; * ~Don't Waste Any More Gas---- --See 30 Different Models On.. . :$1.50 PER YEAR. IN ADVANCE Fall, Winter and Spring and at the same time do your cooking, only ; .........__. 389»50 This Range will heat your kitchen. Hot Quaker Heatrola Stove Needs at a Saving We Carry A" Complete Line his letter be published. This Jetter proved the "last straw" and caused the judge to decide upon federal ac-- mond, ~Indiana, and Sgt, Fiink E. Dowdell, of Carbondale, Illinois, Ma-- rine.aviators. No Mariges were kill-- ed. Four native guardsmen fell. . Thomas and Dowdell were last seen running from their airplane aftor it had crashed to--the ground and caught fire. Jt is believed they have been -h!normubudm +. New d nts are being formed to hunt for the missing fiyers. about 70h8r33::l were kiflled or wounded t-- with Marines and native eum;-hry who were search-- MARINES WINJN _ _ NICARAGUAN FIGAT _ Oak Heaters $18.75 64