Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 3 Nov 1927, p. 6

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_ ~ & On my farml oeated 2 miles west of Rowund Lake, 2 miles 5Y _ morth of Route 20, 1--2 niile east of Brick School, 8 miles r«.f "il, « & o 7':" J p > * %. _ A '; e n : m, November 12, 1927 t o k : --IGCTL t Ne t «B' / <x~ I + «ts + s khso c Ake L4 N NTRAAA LEL ALZ * " weap uoi » iscc ie deva ooue o »Ahomeroingeainadiile ;_g, "</ 00 s y 00-- o » Mighe oareo: -- _ §,;Charles Leonard, Auct. C. G. Brainard, Clerk [ | walwm T fll "m f "'é "ln"" '~A [ Prospert ::(a','. ww # -- : a & : *¥ -- '---g. h i.y 'd E'J -- iess _ mm o mm e mm mm mm mm m n qnemmein im s o > mm n oonmmqemmmmmmngemmemmemene ' 4) $ : h os o orapd # ~--'Many fr == S | RrannaAaec's M aenptain Gridley se Ew M § _ M a * f u m ; fi-; h2 it>.-- wit ai> -- f g ho ork § ... i k t T art; a --" e 1 -- * 4' 74 «tto <~ on Pu * ine's at . he #** Y¥ 4.3¥ * T uad?. . sls _ E. S7--CATTLE e :HORSES § M o mrY oo o Oodrrer it apent | h --R 4 with calves: 6 springers; 18 milking 5% | Chicage P e e k _ [ h: 2 calver; 2 registered buils, with papers. . This herd [J| itws Matie Shiiitrt ment Sunday | the gon _ N 50 tons Alfalfa hay; 30 tons Timothy hay: stack straw; [ s9°"! #et Pety. ~--4 '" | propriet -- § 7400 bu O;t-smbmfindv"ht&ihr 3. _ ul ) mtre: Joser o and ioh it Mn | a . --~Full Line Farm Machinery Household Goo&" M\ Joseph is the prood owner of a new | Straini _ [ TERMS--All sums of $10.00 and under, cash; balance §|__"""'*" Sigtist has gone to Canton, j Scteon _ [ Charles Leonard, Auct. ©-- C. G. Brainard, Clerk [| W alwarth Cnunti _ _1 551 Milwaukee Ave. P ~ ~ * _ BARGAINS IN THIS DISTRICT |--° _ -- --_-- . _\ EP Build yourscif a hunting and fishing shack, or take a tent alony and _ [ rough it for a fow weeks during your vacation--fish, hunt, clear a _ Aittle land.-- You know that is what Jack Dempsy did to come back § . for his last fipght with Turny, He went out and cleared land. _ $ _ 40 Acres for..._--_--$ 300 Cash | 120 Acres for--.___$ 200 Cash _1 / 00 Acres for.......__B 550 Cash 180 Acres for......_..$1000 Cash _ _ [ ~ Nearly al high land good for farming, when cleared. Schoo'i house --_ [ . on land. on main road close to Yellow River, Big Lakes nearby. Scat-- 'ifi _ _' tering Norway Pine, some Jack Pine, MIA"M * _ _IP_ _ ~Abstracts and Warranty Deed Showing Good Title, Furnished, ~-- f«sf'l'heft o Severaf Cows at1--4 _ Zurich, Barrington a ] Special Land Sale Extraordinary, In . TAbertyrille called on Mrs. R. C. Kent ---- Cattle rustlers are operating in the wouthern part of Lake county and--the morthern part of Cook county, A m-gnm?.m:m* out Palatine way, Thurse day night captured a pair of 'rustlers Jn a shanty on the outskirts of town. One of the capturing party, who. re-- membered his thriller--fiction, was for stringing the pair to <a convenient tree. ~But Lieut. Laird, doubtful, con-- sulted the modern text and found he could book the prisoners, for the good depaty |i11 at the Highland Park hospital. _: police and two Cook county de ll&."' EL" l Sr. -tmgmmu-uw mm&mm Auahbartees af Fiistmg Herrinkinn | ruraina, sace, Sonin it Weuncentt Lake rea They to four: Mir's. Jos. LaBree and .zon, of and Zurich. told of Mr. and: es remighnener 2y oger ® teen dairy cows they sold near Lak®|Chicago spent ' &A T ® Geneva and Eigin. « friends here ter Laird of the Cook county highway game, and pbobab'y as zood fishing as can be found anywhere in the North Woods. There w*eo good main highways thru this section, zson-- nected by country roads, so that one can go to most any lake by auto. I AM OFFERING FOR A SHORT TIME ONLY S$OME VERY SPECIAL 100 miles northeast of St. Paul aud Minneapolis. 'This is a great hunt Ing and fishing section. About 400 lakes--within a radius of 20 milos. Beautitul country: gzenerally high rolling land:; plenty of woods and Office Phone 451 _ __--* ~~-- WATCH THIS SPACE EVERY WEEK ankable notes bearing 6 per cent interest. -- A A/ Aa *43 l'v('o ; -- ds 6 ___ a % & ~!.~ 47* n <+€4"* t f & '05' a & a f:'.," » #y T3 « J | ies belmce com sprgems _ Lb aTea in caall d © 10 bred nrovyessold ie k _ Whi_ e * . _ e iA _ * oA io t fak i 14 TUESDAY, NOV. 8, '27 ié; oys m oA RIF * --4 ¢~ ... ~CHE . 6 2A 4e uq t w t r mss ® * * i ain -- <agnic-- 0 «e t mi. N. W. of Zion, 6niN.W.&Wuukaph.9mi.E, 'Antioch on Green Bay Road: F.--R.--SELLERS commencing at 10 A. M. Mgy\ Tess .3 cows, two year olds, . YOaTU!NEs aDBL serviceable bulls. ~This makes it pos-- stble to supply the want, of most any %, of MsHenry --spent -- Wednesday --eove-- family,. of Libertyville, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. LesMe Turnbull. Mr. Holstein Sale to Be Advertised Only in Weekly Newspapers bay t BsX on ons daughter af Holstein Yey, Hlinols. He was --gone two daFs |\Sotored g_,%m;: tee es |gotones *""..'wm.hnfl-n "'» project, as a butcher and grocer, and| . °_ [";2 * "2"* .. ._. ; 8% of its ass [ ought to have stil R «* Mr. and Mrs. Lrank St. George e¥ | William & representative® _' _ "'"'-9'1'--"__ 'GOrppanty o6 Bunday..-- -- _ | on win @2 _ L on P To Te mm s en t ie Marniro~-- aa200e i 1725000 OL| the full. The rate for 1926 was $12.02 walls to be constructed, snd locks to |Saturday evehing. _ _ _ lon the assessed valuation. hhflt.bltll-nmthstneu»lr..ndln}do«.mflb:wn:.":m'vmhmno': be done. ' company érom Chidago on SUD~| along about January <when 'all the Announces Candidacy HMay.© : _ i.} . += 4. 1.% ; levies are brought to the county clerk, "-.'u-mm-d-'; to stay to _ ~m'Wflm #will be about half of the old. _'wwh img I'm_ com-- g&ppnfl : and Mre. J« --The reversal in extending -- taxes Tie oo Soh ihe thr. id ~ and " daug [ Gxt2 ""|came through the wish of Cook coun-- shop and &m'x'fl'-" somé | _ Rase "l::w"w f :m ?..:'g, had i':':at t;n"mm° i m ~ ®s f ther | . N a up to success in the fight azainst the dam|Thnomas on Friday. _ county had the bond--up : 2 _ the omm ee t e t before federal authorities, if it .z does, there will be a fight and don't : k . ¥oe -- VV' ht 1 ko awie v'" l l w i E"'l the yvalley, in llvlm'd'- able quantity. : me dam project MM u': is ever 'proven' that the --dam is thoclh bf. aif monner Soe thmt proper water levels for--the Fox river are specified, and that the proper authori-- ties see to the maintenance of that M&:mmm N.'-l:-nm ut:."..: 2.'"2.' m'd--:uot f Efi"m. 4 flMfi h"'fl"'m'h'"n_'fi'"mfl"lfldmhflu down the yalley, in any appre ci--\ home on Monday after having spent | ho said. : --~ > able quantity. P .Mmulw '? kegan (the--city) showed an in-- "But the fight has been won, the| Mra. Esse spent: the week | crease --of--$2,102,830° alone, or about mmm&u 'th; "Libertyvilie, mhmm m'iflu 92,520. o. Elt is ever 'proven' that the dam is |ning. Good Floor and good music. m,fl.zhmmhm regions to the north, for the benéfit of o'mothb:mm. . MA Such a dam, he said, would result in a minimum quantity of water in the Fox -- river,© for theée fi.'fl'm approximately 6,000 acres of:iand, this, ~with the loss 'by seepage, would of real estate enk :;ns nmt:::vutthmflnq fight won, Nncdmflncu&: it mt ie plan tor " Proster navigability of the ;&n" o That Mayor Frett is C continue his fight against further club that bhis ='t will be tossed into the legislative® ring next dpring. &s a "When --they: put over an , tion of $175,000 tor a new dam, mt. in our --face, just to get more~water in doesn't know : what's : son, -- At's time to change r st* Would Benefit a--Faw . Mayor Frett explained details of the the schome originated with Fred Lex candidate for representative of "his x record of over 70 pounds of milk--at first freshening: -- Will Sell November 8th Send to the ns 1y «d hatn ~ C > a,,, g&hm.t'i'p-. 10 bndhvo-ym-oldad & i'eulup.».;H bulls of M and we reques Mmmu mber our t8 /.0 i lsnd iny/~, . .. S fisslons in our prayers.. November 6 + 3 ars ; : io( ie i 5e _ U home base and November 27, will be a Several of these cows: are in cow testing associat--[ Pavresr at in 2 im iooiety wili bold 40 New --vA asimber from here attended the | cessive when-- it is remembéred --that 'mm«mm-ufi-m'gmmh:?&m > W¥iton Dowell motored to McHenry ""»Rm«"""" wore cut from ' f Acreage, which is tazxed low, in one .mhan-:u" :A year. n ard spent Wednesday with her par "m""""""'mh"fllm ah.!rnclnll:uzwl W hick tnolod I'fl-d-t. .m.hmhml-u-." Thursday al the Dowell Bros home. -- mhior slong the North Shore. down. to Fln-cmmm-rm.'w* 950. 'That, in itsolf, _ ac-- *, > * & _ _ Joount for a part of theé increase, Pear-- ea to to Metionry We net087. ./ _ |sall Soimeed out-- Clinton ond son and Mrs. Bva Extending Rate Changed 3 C ies thare rase: mny ase |ffoniementn io money, s "hit » lr.h mu-&muum io that thins 1 '_".»Ii.*"' "m't""'_ 5 was not dong on full valuation but 2 4 bee RiWes boos brre attend |on assessed value, which is one--haif & =dh%m North Shere Higher %hh ' """&gmntun along epent Tuesday -- evening at the Rese mw The changing of un-- t home.. : > > ;. .. | aproved improved acreage into / ~Mrs. Jos: Wagner returned to' her | lots: also~caused apart of the jump, ';u:'au-:lw,.mm" he said. 'm_'m ¥ x h"%&"mm"wm "Libertyvilie, given by the 'Atmer--| total to 92,520. V ican Legion, every Wednesday eve-- 'lilha:nnluthumm ming. -- Good Fioor and good music. | sonal and. in the county in 1926 Mr. Lovitt, of spent Wednes | third short of the $11,414,265 for 1927. day. ut the Bm-)z'" --~--| This, however, is not considered ex-- --*A amtmber from here at 'the | cessive :when-- it is remembéred that Tuésday evening at the Dowell Bros ~The Laried Aid the*the Volo M.>B. churchare to hold a bazaar and gup per in the near future. Everyone is cardlally. Invited. / <& ~_s=. f A large number from this commun-- ity attended wm of Mr. Hiller; at Big on Tuesday. _ . Milton Dowell has Been ~employed ut the Harry Passfield home for the j-iA i. Rar g ¢ ',' '. ake, Lontrntuciedificatrd w- y C e t mmum Jtk e.';{.,'.'.';m""";',': William Dilion, of Uubana 4s visit | of: Yements being a * hi. George Hctiied and suighter The Af _ The valuation on all ' Wauconda spent Tuesday at the|for 1927 was $25,240,700 MM imais*|o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 vout be dloasd tor ageir and me|° 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 : ther vere WHiM ino ie )o oo a o 0o 0 0 0 o 0 o o t rine. ter Lillian; of Waucondas, spent s um ' «he. .\5'1:;('; / s:a* : * ¥ :: __|. As'a guess Pearsall stated that tho t e eair esd n o ~] _ _On this basts taxes will be about the _ imne reversal in extending taxes same through the wish of Cook coun-- Vbhagobondtd'cpm 'l\': William . Hale Thompson, in conjunc-- Bmail, got a bill pagsed before the last 'cnthuhumm»on what known, prior to last.July, as. full ¥aluation. -- Prior to that time taxing was not dong on full valuation but the Tail . The rate Ior 1h66 mer 4ri01 U&fl- The rate for was $12.02 on $100 assessed valuation. The S se n mt O e eree t Ves was placed at ($104,743,735 by. the m:?%mw 2t $11,414,265 . greater _ The board completed its task of se oo justing ooinplaints in a period of 93 M'! gost of $4,510 to the taxpay-- chief clerk of the board said. _ rennujal year in which all properties Aaotae mm anet m ult by the board ol review. Asses-- %oflz boost the valugés in case of i1 vements being added to prop-- &mu more days this year than last, due to the fact that it was quad-- I be held on November 11 at. 7:30 m at:the home of E. J. OGiss, of um '$104,142,.735 t'by the mperity is again favoring Prairie _ W. Lockhead has a new Chrys-- --C. Bturm has an Oakland. .o A the-- school house last Fri-- puel ga :+ s ¢, . M, 6. Rally held last Thurs ace church will be one long &g "The Chalienge of the C will be repeated in our oro Those -- having *ef?"vfi at <the church at 7 0; m. Kasdort upent a week at t No wop Mha® * READ THE WANT ADS IN THE INDEPENDENT -- 19¥ Aph 4.i Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee Railroad Co. D this thought ever occur to 1 The Libertyville oftheNordlaiote,fuinewucoom\md There is direct service to Waukegan. The Libertyville routes operate to Lake Villa, Grays Lake, Antioch, Volo, In both Chicago and Milwaukee the North Shore Line erates to the very heart of the downtown business muvhgthwtyoflongwalhoruxiabfim ny. trip--lodge, club or athletic --may be had merely NmmwthemtOtadvhingg _ Take Conpiyecuntontide.. ... ... .0 n . _ . hat true, isn't it a natural consequence that North there are fast trains operating at fre-- fmbfgm-fie. convenient conn::dom e made at Lake Bluff and North Chicago Junction. LIBERTYVILLE -- TICKET ~ OFFICE -- rELEPHMONE C-- . Callimand letius show you : _ ~| Just follow the three simple steps illus-- diu&mm time with the new Both sides of the bread are toasted at the rent 'turns off : automatically when the toast is done. . Handsomely finished in nickel, the A beauts toowns togive 'Ooty *1 2301 The Road of Service m C * ¥A Sthiw 1# * s E +A

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