Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 17 Nov 1927, p. 11

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' MW ~*~* 'Associanon -- --.J || s y--wilr!An PDAL EY , mhnnmeantts 5 AF racintnmenmennnenmermememnememememens ie -- || > N. E. A. Cortespondent > : . sume Well Known Structure | _ Wasotbsten Mevember 1. Ssn jpiges io enc ralne derios. tho tss at Channel Lake. ht e ~amd it euC" * |or the disaster. Now that the seQtION: \ y y : to tind a clue from the Presijent"@8|~, u. pas inrgely disappeared, the mmmh"'"'""'m""'mmmdwmf pian # terior of the old Smith hotel--building |to Congress. &ndwmmwwu&m y ng,.flmawmuw"m*mflu"!fld":'tmw".':'.'l at -- 1:30 pumping information, they have been | special .{mufm * Tharsday morning, brou8RN |yery adriotiy interviewed as to their|highays, 6 h"w"a,sh- Mwmmdmhfl@monmud 'calities, tind "Dlocked-- ing and contents. The loss it is be--| issuces. Of dourse, the advantage It is an political trick to have a mmhum«mm.ummmumm-fl mmmmbflfc:om * Antioch department ences, as quite proper viled they can catch a, "rider" % The Antioch fire d°PATERCO! --""""!) _ocate the Chicf Exrecutive under) bill m.mmflm Mfic': bflmmmmvcdnv- ing thé large dining bail located but 50 feet away. Although the: roof of, the dining hall caught fire several times and the boards of the building erackled under the heat of the near-- nynn.thhmu.nnt Smith's hotel, one of the oldest re-- sort buildings in the county and one «mmmmmm- center of activities on the south shore of a large number of cottages, most oft which are still occupled, the theory that tramps might have gotten into the building is scouted. -- _ mm&t_hohflfllw" the old hotel played a part was its use as a setting for the gun batfle between Constable Stanley Thompson and *Frank Barnett, Chicago labor leader and gunman. Thompson call ed to correct Barnett who had thrown ;deth front of the hotel was shot through both ankles by the gunman. Thomp-- son .lying on the ground emptied his mwum o YOUR FOR ONLY $1.50 family for more than thirty years.. It it capected that the Smilth brothers will erect a building to replace it. o ..' _' Proof of the surpassing value of the G.Boy is not far to seek. Ey _ Prices T°W"'MMW.WM 2--Ton(6--cylinder) $1595 npandchw--wwch them right out "f:;zfi.:) . seas there on the street. , Taces, . 'me . To get the story of their dependability, their ¥ Ton Commercial 670 ~ Operating economy, their business %m ' #_ 827 ~~ o_-- one . . .. Drive one . . . . Only great volume .. JALINL IS UEAAA Y uRILLZ . W Gen. dMT C 2 0 DsX Atncers C R FOR ONLY $1.50 'mgutbdmw'mw ' far to seck., : 246# e s e n ns s siarriston. Iinding Prices To judge of their speed, power, smoothness, pick» him, a""""fi.m""-m o aten would [ foa(Grlindes$1s9s _ ~up and trim appearance --watch them right out -- . _ airce en Poesonti. -- Pepocher filr | [on Dump there on the street. * ure to do this suggests a strong con--|. ?f:'a,,,, . * 89% 'To get the story of their dapandahlflty,thdr | .,.""""T_D.':.",," ont. hall, "'wm,:: Ton Commercial 670 opuafinsmy,thdrhmbdl'ufiflq . ol ts m omgen dircutestimce in | hant prices J.0.6. Darek) . and their earning W--d&?bsh»w + se of the«innocence of the defend-- : Ton Panel Delivery and thousands of G--Boy owners. oR x¥ se vod, by : thoke ?& poss ' "(C*).llo f f, :t C ' . o nich ware withht ze w ',Oqu; f lc nink or the sotborities U after i prite." _ *' "/ ; 52 CS _ ~*--' | evening of May Tt ccording to : {Ast CA s # yc *' d ice of a key tG {': ;: : h. * o C i T 0 ' 3 m a T T it 3 a5 & 4* ts <€ ""' E'L e &' a fre ® » *' alont JAMES MORROW & SON~° _ |&& se ooo io in e . 90. 1ek Getaiee atren -- Proms iss _ WhuRRGAN ichinois _ | romistn sotionct me t ie ; wis. u. an ho. oo on is . _# e AC . d . Toy e > in Lake: Forest according to a taxi T9k . ® + '.g;; :.'~ r_{'{ & 't" "& s % € o. $ f,* § ? m thal ?w*cihz%«:a«kw i fls ©> o is o . i i y mt * ,~ C 5y >' fsgfi'- sisting xt Mg:mg' "driver s *'~ \\ F';'-':?""} infind h. savlagh...> "-;"'.:.s:f LoR RDAD : : |bety or the qecsased inr. In the with the President in those confér=; certaim ences, as it is not quite proper to in-- wfl terrogate the Chief Executive under| bill w his own roof. Even the Cabinet re--| patron mains in the dark as to the Prest (many . dent's aims and objectives. M'l'u mc -- Te ts .B s K #.. --cMim a dent's aims and objectives. Mttnu. THM s YMLJ] HEAW LC _ land niuk mmm~mmm_rmummvmhmm MMMuumthWhWO& mendations to Congress,. 'Therefore, | gres. 3eR _ cammmonmemmm Among the. many other subjéects thoanou'odg'w&mtmflewumh&wfip_tm' sage auntil it is uny«nmdwummmnmmom{ the Congress. to cenvens, is our merchant marine. 'mwmmmmammmnmd &mu'marmmhqmwm ARelivering it in person. | It has been|of 'a strong merchant marine, is in wummmu~umammm~m Mr. Coolidge will have the message|to private enterprizes for the purbose read by reading clerks in the Senate|of whipbuilding. He is erfiphatic in and house this year. mfim'mm'mm'm;m uhmtnw'im&.mmww m-dudufltadhhmva.i., --will insist that suggestions as to flood ,Mlimmwhnm @ Avhflfimawmwimmu;muuw c io Wnn e w i uoooA e -_"M.Mh,m into the annuA! TINnOBDEEBD. .. C Rrperupe@ngoan. nrtrraragdines, -- JPR ermpiahi l Avintion has achieved widespread ships shall be available as an auxili Mmm,mtm»mmnmmmm and more than passing interest Will | use arises. This proposal is in keep-- bo manifested in the subject at this|ing with war <ime expenditures of BesHOL mwmmfl' Rot ordinarily acquaint : themselves |$3,000,000,000 was invested in shivs, fl.mmmmufi:.uummnumn .wmmg'm 'lernment. should do #omething with airports. vm%.m funds: or-- funds~ becoming ize tiht in a short time, available to protect the enormous in-- fAying will be extended to all parts of vestment made ten years Ago.. Mr. tbeeonntvndWcmmumm"m proposition instead of & novelty. Many proposal of Edward N. Hurley, formet bocalities _ are offering free @irport Chmirman of the Shipping Board, to "Andmendnvofln(.inmunwvhhsnw {w to have the government ©8-- seaports extend their transportation rssae* Coodans in"~ their vicinity:'to the high seas by means of mer-- saster which overtook New ] shows quite clearly that flo impartial in bringing ruin to Li ol iomantrcmmesnitiihe on tnatoatonnh . Aisitine i Pn sections. . It is known that the East was more or less indifferent to the that legislation lief will be e¥ aolingeat Eue 1 Lo ubtabcpngne .. tuidibepatinih erperrice artzhgh : Te y uy & imany states are afféoted by the flood \ feeling undoubtedly will be wiped out bighays, étc.,. in their pAFTULCUMAT > i¢-- It is an political trick. to have a certain group vote for legislation pro-- viled they can catch a, "rider" to the LBUQUR. 'The quadrangle proves even more destructive than teh usual triangle. Kohler attempts to win Miss Brent by physical force and is shot down by ,fmm,mummm ,mmmm-mm 'the love of the leading woman and mage in their community, ~So-- S 4* tour, "@rushed when Judge C.~C. Lt Fret blow nad been déalt more Weich Attacks Evidence, In--|"%7, structions Wm sasd ing Argument of Col. Smith. | /f ELE HRLIERCL L _ AAREANT C TS C O o doecine 5 & °t May 7 and fixedg the penalty at lite m 4 s x j ¥*4 hl "the motion for a new trial At counsel, struck at the ctroumstantial ovidence, instructions given by the court ot the jury, and at the closing argument of States Attornéy Smith. -- He charged that Col. Smith vent-- than a week ago whopn.a JuFY J50 found him guilty of murdering Miss o. _ PM C Te ie e iLA L n Lk S c ies Tihe ured his opinion of the defendant's guilt to the jury and also encouraged mob spirit. o on In reply the court beld that objec tions to the prosecutor's opinion had gone beyopd legal limfe®in all possi-- bility in suggesting mob viclence,. "It this is carried to the supreme court it is my belief that the body will comment on the closing --argu ment," Judge Edawards said. Are to Appeal Case . 1 There is to be an appeal taken to og;ml'rdmm"l' entered with that of Welich,. and together they are to present the cause wmwflm It was agreed that Pueschel would Once more The bouyant hopes of "_W'--w * xt -- be left in the county jail through. next week before being taken ~to prison so that Plotke could taik to In arguing the motion Welch con-- tinued to throw suspicion on Joe Har-- riston, the colored -- furnace tender, . 4. * MB . 5 . ofi accricatinhs dnclriecip® 6e x t /NBPTALL a He pointed out that time probably. "It had the earmarks of the 'Jun gle'; . wounding, killing, with the in tent to ravish," he cried. "It" the court argued back, "Har riston had anything to do with the crime as you possibly believe he had wonderful occult powers. His story, as told to the police, later was sub stantiated in detail by witnesses of ),.mwuur.' Outliine Circumstances i Snat i se in t C Puiee t by the state. . 8.' If Pueschel, s white man, _ & : '| murderer were confronted by Harris-- Ton. e colored man, all ke needed to un hn mass Afiiiacrarht Prenerr ies repeiecauin antt <" es h. ing his entry of Donnelly home Thurs-- day, May 5th and Saturday, May Tth. "'$" Evidence of: Harriaton _ seeing him at Donnelly. home --May 5th and within Donnelly home near the body of the deceased on May 7th, together %. Handkerchief, used AS 8 BUL, w"thmtolmwn'tn. 1Ida Pueschel. . 4. Ring of decAlsed found by po-- 4. Ring ol Gecoapou _ iU0 GHZ, 270 . & :. mmpeutotdafuthat. + 5. Mmuadolm ant, confirmed by Dr. McNally, t *A 2~1~ ~-- he Antandant of : LC **"*Mloundabout return route by 46-- \ y "' T --';" 8 «d 8. Basement door locked from 1st home in the daytime within . yview of sEOEEOE . ¥AL . EOM _ NEENESTE T 0 e w neighbors and superior© opportunity of Harriston, houseman, to enter As h.ggany.'-mw« comment. _ e ied 4. Fallure® of Harriston to phone police either at Donnelly home or if he, himself feared attack, at Peter-- son home, rather than driving ag au-- tomobile over a mile. 1 5. Beating of defendant by police, testifled to by d@efendant and con-- firmed partially by Officer Jack Dunn who admitted he sliapped the defend-- nttfiuunu.vh!ekpwmt for blood stains on codt. s 6. Consistent denial by defendant to police officers, mw-m Sheriff Doolittle, Col. A. V. Smith and LW 2 4 5td ce crtud tm xi ut s o Aamepne ce uen' 7 § Assistant States Attorney: Sidney H. 7. If defendant were guilty he| . conld better have explained the ring | --'» _ *'{na Favor of Ode Pueschel 1. -- No weapon found on person of have done it qed ® IKLUABAL pusschet at the top of the Stail i t s 'w che} at the 'top of the stairs sad \<a>.~~ »Aepat me running~down--"to meet 2§: window §+B42 ho arane To o n va w n irPe. e| was arrested. wilthin an i *m the girl was tound dying on the stairway of the home by Joe ', 'w eobud furnace tender: 1\ ~FRarriston 'testified _ that he --saw a coome m iek _/ sA atan'\ ame %-:um him. : .= * * ~Aibat Harriston ran for "the police. .On bmk returnp the gir', with her skull badly Tractured, was near f "'un Korest police figured promin-- ently in the testimony: .. They chark ed that Pueschel had a ring beionging to Wilma in his pocket tut.he testi-- fied that n%w planted it there: He denied that 'he had ever been 1 the Donnelléy home when' on the stand. In addition *z.:told police :at first that hHe had never been on tho © nremises, . "the ring wro the pr~ h Adnfoctuantcans ced t ied i s moe Eie t n We 0 lc n perty of firdugl niother, and thl'{ he did not know the girl. | .\ Later, on (the stand, he retracted. m part of these statements admittin: that he had known %o' woman-- and that he had been on the premises !» making a short cut to the Mro. A. F. Ferry home, where he worked as a chautfeur. i q ---- He had refused to admit these fac:c to the police, he testified, because he charged that Capt: Jack Dunn struck BBR _ 4 % > . Jt was shown-- that he . had made to Sheriff Lawrence 'Doolittle, Assistant States Attorney 8. H. Block, Mayor Farwoll Winsti n of Lake Forest, and Chief of-- Police Laitar Tittany, of Lake Forest.-- ~ Libertyville Independent. $1.50 a year ; »§' a.'E % > g'w 3 (oa 4e "i'g" K. 'they 'do" , < .. Our College =---t'" t is well squipged to take care of the vounrer' act. We hare a com-- Youths' and Y our and Overcoats in «.. Chieage. . 1 -- ~~*M ow can * Bosag. n phuay* Coragr * of: eviery AWAITS | Ruling by At 1 ced i9 es mey mmeott toctiees ihomecives of | may resort to . msaelves Ol financial oblization were dealt with in an opinion by Atty..Gen, Oscar E. Carlstrom. n While the ruling hand--d down re-- ferred to the . gituation in . Jackson county, it is equally appl:cable to oth-- ers in the state that are not collect: , ers in the state LDAL AIC_ HNOL iW *" ing sufficent funds to pay actual op erating expenses. ; .The attorney .zcneral was asked .A number of questions by the state's at-- torney of Jack:on county, re:ulting in the following rulings; > County boirds . may. make -- adu> tional appropriations whether or. no* there is money in the treasury to mee; these -- appropriations. since . mone/ appropriations are made 'but is 'col-- jected later from taxes, fees, etc. Funds derived from the sale of ar-- ticipation-- wartants cannot be. richt-- fully appited to any other purpost, even the payment of prior indebted-- ness. > ; . Can Levy Taxes to Pay Debts | It is within the authority, and the duty, of: county : boards to . create funds and levy taxes to pay the debts and obligations of a county, so long as the total amount does not cause a rate in excess of the statutory lim-- itation of 25 cents on the: $100 assess-- ed valuation. . If sufficient funds are not railsed in this manner, the obliga-- tions may be paid in annual install-- ments not exceeding 10. -- AIncome other 'than taxres, such aAs 'they are good judges of Turkeys . \--\ -ammdhm ' Let them examine the work-- . -- manship, have them feel the rich, all--wool fabtict 200 Thow that 'proval on the styles. We know that t ",,;.,;,.mm-daw .&...-._."w values at NIFACTORY 76 YOL l One Profit Only mlncd... cormtunt s igapinard hoitantedcd Qfiv--_- not in the treasury when MEN ---- Bring your nd sweetheerts along-- im on apeien k " DUPLICATE _ANYWHBEEE BX _ Luee such _Never in Chicago's Clot g Mistory have such hk mt optally mited for the young as well as the older t e en n oc nore ane ud oo OUR MONEY BACK CONTRACT HERE ARE CLOTHING VALUES YOU CANT We i5 SEA mt +2 6 t 0n i ioioy rnntisivewogrest any red inpe: stalle % q is Lfi---d"dfi;' wour money back or whatever W----'-----'---'------_--w 1 _ PvF excess fees of county officers, may be held, a mere gesture, :hJ ¥ a~claim appropriated by theicounty board in is allowed that fact is a; 'trom advance o! their collection. |the records of the board and A.'m county fund, such as the does not need a "certili + "Jo make tnbcrcnlochtnnd,-s'ynotbouod""u"- ~ 4 ~ for another purpose even when . th¢e wwmsometinteeoamecmncateceitei ie fund should show a surplus after all m&uLANDP expenditures have been made. But in an a priation is /nE j if a surplus exists ppropriation | r AaAnnlh DVU D i1 surplus would reverf? at the end of the fiscal year, to the general fund and be used for other purposes. ,(Cum.m.mwmm nwmmumt mh&pwb?s'th:'u: rants. Neither:can they issue "certif-- icates of indebtedness" to claimants. These would be, the attorney general $s i9E _\ We Frer"--/ I 0 g~*% *4 y ; LUCE & EARL, Props TEL PHONE 202 LIBERTY LIBERTYVILLE GARAGE NO LESS OUR PRICE Reconditioned Right-- and Priced Pight! 4 HIGHLAND PARK FLOODED BY RAIN Bain that started TaninF MOBUSAZ/ , continving through @il that--day and mm:flt-h- left the city flood* ed considerable damage beéing done by water. SLrOClS as flowed as rivers and m« LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. + 4 Jn se onl aie 6 ty «<» TUH 9:30 P. . started Talling * Monda7, 10 Sjlf" A{%- & § * 22 06 . 2 i: * i 5'-' e 'Fet s -- a 2 e No 5

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