Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 17 Nov 1927, p. 6

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"lvTuesday, Nov.~--22 ---- e Commineing at 12 o'cig6R neon, 'the Toltowing property: . .. 1 K -- BARGAINS IN THIS DISTRICT . ¥ 5@ sf'rlmyonmillmMMlnMwmawll'..-d_'_ i"wnmammmnmmmm; _ _J. Hittle land. Youw know that is what Jack Dempsy did to come back _|J _ ftor his tast fight with Turny: He went out and cleared land. > _ [ 40 Acres for .$ 300 Cash 120 Acres for ___.__$ 800 Cash _ * 80 Acres for............._} 550 Cash 160 Acres for ______$1000 Cash > _ [ 'Nearly en high land goo for farming, when cleared. Schoo: house -- _ [ -- on land. on main 'road close :o Yellow River, Big Lakes nearby. Stat -- m 'unuNorn; Ph-.---.hetmuhg-h_l. c . | .. Abstracts and Warranty Deed Showing Good Title, Furnished. _ EP _--_-- --<--©~FCRK SEELLERS _ c-- is Far Worse Than th e & World Will Realize. Labeling pacifists and reformers as 2:-«-." Col.. Hadley declared t thees -- pacifists hbhave "maral phyorthea and mental halitosis" eand mby are helping to make the ; States the looting bed for re-- formers.-- The talk of cancellation of debt 4s one of their methods.. He said that Russia bas 629,000 men in the army, well drilled. well equipped, and Herce fighters, while the crowd im the grand stands at last year's army--navy football zgame in Chicago equalled being sent into Russia to-- help them earry on their plot. There are 30,000 socialists in New York City, one out of every sevren men you mest'is not Col. Hadiey Says Red Ménace| They buh we w .-h"é:gau"m th e l%%'..".:.'?:_m ¥ worse . than the world is ready of the army inteligence department gevealed tha secrets uncovered by the H ~of the insidious propaganda that J# being passed into the United States 'through the churches, echool and' so-- : Agencies. . "*The Legion s too young to talk whout the past," s@id <Col Hadley, "and we must show pur strength--by showing . the politiclans> where to . "me of the groatest menaces is that the governmental heads in Russia are also heads of communism, They ----*The World --war was emall in size and> signitficance compared with the war being waged today. We do not ®ecognize the attack, It is not a war t'mut.motmflu : Russia has the keenest set of leaders in history, and they constitute the greatest piratical crew that ever wlit a~throat or seuttled a ship.. And HEMM. These reds are not in numbers, but we cannoi estimatée their power. -- Remem-- ber that 14,000 people stirred up the . revolution, and-- as . Edmund 4 e said, "Better dbe despised for being too anxious than be desplsed for--too confident security. REFORMERS ARE DEFORMERS» WATCH THIS SPACE EVERY WEEK 100 miles nortbeast of: St. Paul and Minneapolis. 'This is a great hunt: ing and fishing section. About 400 lakes within a radius of 20 miles. Beautiful country; generally high rolling land; plenty of woods and game, and pbobab'y as. good fishing as can be found anywhere in the North Woods. There aw~o good main highways thru this séction, son-- nected by country roads, so that one can go to most any lake by auto. Thig district is fas develop'~g as a summer playground. I AWM OFFERING FOR A SHORT TIME ONLY SOME VERY SPECIAL 1 Good Work Team, 1:Colt 1 1--2yr. Old 12 Cows, 5 Heifers, 1 Registered Bull Special and Sale Extraordinary, In Burnett County, Wisconsin Office Phone 451 551 Milwaukee Ave. _ Libertyville, lIllinois 1° Harrow Attachment for Plow 1 Deering Hay Rack 1 John n-n- Binder Maving rented my farm | will sell at Public Auction, on the prem " ises, located one--half mile notrh of Lambs Corners, 8 miles west of Wm4mlbwm«mmmwgn € _ Harness Etc. 1 Fordason Tractor 1 Grain Drill Fer & All sums of $25:00 and under, cash; on sums~ [ | _ Ferms Of Sale: 42 S20s 3 11500 asd under, on -u'i-wfi es t aament angual Armistice Day. banqneat r night that the red menace is Entertainment consisted of singing, dancing acts and comic readings. ~Col. Smith closed. the meeting by introducing the nine commanders who have and. will serve the Homer Dakr-- Smith, Albert L. Hall, Mancel Taleott, Frank B. Roice, Minard E. Hulse, Wal-- ter McShane, Leonard Hull and the present -- commander--elect, Victor O. "These reds work throuzgh the churches and social agencies to got the women because they reproduce themseives and have almost complets nower over the youngster in the sary to call a referendum vote for the United 'States to declare war. -- The plan is being fostered by Liberal clubs in the big mniversities throughout the country, and the 272 communistic or-- ganizations in operation in the United dirty work for Red Russin tell you. --"The gruatost affront, the --greatest menace to American salety and peace, is a bill to be introduced in congress at the next session making it neces *"The army never deeclared war, but it does declare peace. -- War is not yet outlawed in epite of what the preach-- ers and pacifist» who are doing the ARMY ~DOES8 GREAT --WORK --= ~"The army builds _ light-- bhouses, drove yellow fever out of the: Panama canal zone, stamped out <typhoid fey-- er, protects the ploneers of industry and --promotes® the= interests of,; th4 their chemical wartare will, within a short time, completely eradi-- cate the bol!} weevil from the southern sgotton fieldea, and yet© Sen. . Borab, whose endorsement is found on 'the tront page of the "Boviet Year Book," would abolish chemical warfare, 1 Bain Wagon B fy digowe 1. Corn Wagon P -- [W| that the counci! ge 1 Frirbanks--Morse Platform ©-- ~M| Budd both as to 1 1%--A1. p. Gas Engine | 1 Hay: Rack _--_--6 Milk Canse 1 Delaval Milking Machine and K. it were relieved--of the: work of t Tank Heatbr® > vall | _ Mr. Hyatt after : 'that he had 1 Double Harness : Jttawna Drag Saw and ~Engine rrous to Mention. bearing eix per cent interest. REDS IN CHURCHES Residence Phone 581--W 'y. we must stamp out| Jesse Hyatt, vice president of the of red that bursts~into | railtoad in charge of the enginse 'iIng department --and J. R. Backhail, sup closed. the 'meeting uy | erintendent who attended. 'the :meet-- ie nine commanders who | ing-- of the council,~ ;while declaring ~serve the Homer Dakr--| that the letter as given the council radford F. Wost. Aa. V' | by Mr. Budd represented what he re-- L. Hall Mance!l Taleott. | garded as the final offer --to Wauke m | . Practically all of the points in a lengtby franchise ordinance has been approved :by the city council with the _ axception of the culvert and time is-- -- mhmh'. %, _ R] _ The 'reading of the letter from Mr. pany as outlined in previous negotia-- :l.o.uudhmleuumlr.m he <--street railway company --upon adoption: and ratification of franchise ordinances will build an extension to Y :--and ratification of franchise | Pngtebrecht-- declined to keep it for io ce necnthes cemmonle |at n reg on anion rue niee Flora avenue to Greenwood avenue :;'hmmvflah'chmmx :t"m-m.m?'cgt;"m'"""»hflbuffl& pliacing : tracks defeating the Reds, who are to &.'.{; Uue-mm:c' bMdvow. azwbwh-nu The North avenue line wil be puilt | DE r0om of the Church."--A dommittee paving operations are planned in the southwest section of .the city©> next year -- there--will be-- much--available for filling purposes, -- This can be utilized in making the extensive fill across the ravinse. On the other hand If part of the fill is made by the rail-- road company it would be carried out oal:atutudncocttoth corpor-- . L i # as soon-- as the ordinance is ratified | 2# b°et while--the line via Water -:acuw :..",.' streets would be installed within the | tb¢ Yunor® work be -- cartied out -- within |_.* J48¢ : proposed extenzions to the street rail-- iproval on sharing the cast of the 601 § on f vert amlt oonrer"w:lt: him ~.on the length of years tranchise, . _ This was approred by Comminsion: jer Keller who stated M'hhfii"ot; Mfl:'ht;l:o-wh-n o&mhg-. part rallroad pay-- Ing for half of the.cost @mcflm Budd before. the council last night :Ulchod"thqdm'm-& Clerk --James Marseilies--read the lot-- ter told ofhis conversation --with Mr. Fallon and outlined--the possible so-- lntion to 'the culvert lssue. : _ ~"But Mr. Budd makes no mention of bearing a share of the--cost of the eualvert," Commissioner --Keller inter-- | Sectad -- directing. his --statements . to || entertain the suggestion that the rail-- road company .pay. toward the erec-- in making the fill. _ It this is agreed upon it will give the city a concession of much importance, ._*"Mr. Budd states what the railroad company is willing to do, in his loat-- ter,"--was Mr. Hyatt's answor. mfl_otbrdmutyM~heo'iilJ P be-- put to «~muen of assuming the work of making halt of the fill across the deep ravine, pay half the cost of building the culyert and 'let the city assume the task of making the entire fill, which he states was approved 'by B. J. Fallon, vice president of the road in a recent con-- vmmmfim» proved by railroad is inst night as a pompromise. ~It is also belHeved that as the 'railroad -- company --can profit little by the longer term fran-- Indications point to agreements on both issues however. --It was suggest-- of more than 20 years, while the rail way company aske rights for 30 years grant.-- the street railway company W an is one step nearer a. sot-- as : the r ot the pres ol a letter --defining the stand of Britten I. Budd, -- présiderit <of the North--Shore railway, controller of the local street car Hnes on the issug to the city coun-- ¢il and due©to the discussion which But tw8 issues remain to be sef-- tled. -- One--rests in. the demand of certain members of : the city council that : the 'company pay half the cost of building & culvert across the ra-- vine at Utica street and the other Hes in--the hesitancy on thepart <of one Culvert To Cost $25,000 The culvert'to be erected in the ra-- ne is to be --erected at--a cost of out ~$25,000, of «which the railroad According to the plans of the com-- "The fact must bo Might Reconsider missioner Ee "'»A."'T lt "4 5 bnils ut it 80 9010 mm S Al Carney that w BA Idmdstrom las Monday evening. mdmmamd. er, a goodly number was present and & good thme was reported by all. The same officers were elected for thp coming year, with 'the exception --of the 'supper anrid entertainment,and 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 o ~~ HALFDAY -- o January 1, 1923 walty." s w Sn £ "f pdati?a0t 'that your _ commie: sion has requested 'that I write this letter personally as expressing what the companies mentloned are willing to do in connection with these ordi-- nances. Yours very truly, Britton L The retleas combany to bu 40 yeare F company years um'&{hfihu . "The companies do not* feel -- that they will be. warranted in accepting ordinances for lesser periods or in as-- mc-mu' of the ordinance rights running to> v?l;md comnpany --to July 5, 1927, the <compantes will un-- dertake to commensce work <on".the North avenue within thirty days after the effective 'date of the proposed 'or-- work to completion without undue de-- lay; <the work on 'Water street will from such date of adoption of the pro-- posed ordinances, and that on Coun--| ty street shall be »commenced . within two years, and the work on Utica'! from the effective date of such ord!-- of Mr. Budd us presented~to the city gouncil, read as follows: tatives -- of> the : Chicago North Shore tha North Shore and Waukegan rail-- way company. this is to advise that it the ordinances. aro ©duly> adopted hG . 3 Ha the people, substan-- . North Shore| Waukegan, . Was arraigned in police " npany and m Police 'Magistrate Wal s to advise that| charges of having attempted to at-- o : duly>4 tack Vers Rayner, 17 year old daugh-- people, substan-- | tr of Harry Rayner, 2038 North Sher-- and upon <the idan road, after he had taken herafor the meeting --0f .an automobile --ride on the night of ) work =.oufl.tlo.-h'Wlth~tlle'oo:a:nt toltth the complain-- thirty after | witness and her er,.as well as &f&lw--\m Btates Atty. wharlés Mason, th prosecute' such charge was changed to-- disorderly say that it didn't maount to so much, they don't know how luck they are as they receited but a tew scratches, for the most part. Charles Kruger has an auction saile last Wednesday and is going to move «TAindstrom is serving on jury at Waukegan -- < R Measles and muimps are showing up again, so if you see any of the old ed in an automobile accident aone eve take the proper precautions; his home. Jast Monday afternoon. In-- :-;emmm_mm-m ~ Some of our high school boys figur-- _A <band ofgypsies,> buying carna-- tions, Thureday stole $18 froma pock etbhook in North Shore Greenhouse. 'Within --an <bour--after --the theft had had. captured the nomads----near the state line.. They were slad to settle: | ~restoring the money they were llowed to go on their. way. court in 'case Kemps was indicted, Miss Rayner decided to change--the charge to --disorderiy . conduct and Have the case ended in police court. ~~Kemps paid a part of his fine and left his automobile as security for the rest, which he agreed to pay within a tfew days. s o go¢ GVPSIES GET $18 _ ~-- BUT GET CAUGHT automobile towed to a garage because it had the wrong license plate on it. Kemps was arrested when he called at the police station and reported his At the hearins late Monday after-- noon Kemps did not take the witness -- ~Rather than go through the ordeal of telling her rather sordid story to auto ride. . He : drove to ~ Blanchard 'toad and then turne dinto the woods #t the side of the road: where she says he attempted to attack her. She succoeded in getting away from him and ran to her home a mile away. _ The girl told her story to ber father and he summoned the police with the Tresult.that be swore out a warrant for the arrest of "Kelley." The lat ter, whose ral name is "Kemps, was conduct, to. which ~Kemps pleaded snty. ";l::u fim&ozoo and costs --addit paying damages to Miss Rayner for physicians' services as she suffered a nervous shock fol lowing her:experience. -- Kemps was represented b:fig. ::rmeu G. w.x:: . --Miss Rayner _ story to the coutt. She said she met Kempe for the first time on the night of October 1. She was standing in front of a lo-- cal theatre when Kemps came up she said, and introduced himself --as Billy Kelley, said he was lonely and asked ber to take an auto ride. *They went for a short ride, she said,--and then attendeda movie, after which he took ~Twonights later 'he called at her home and sho introduced 'him to her parents. <She consented to go for an 'Wm. Kemps, 37 of So. County 3t., br and faster new K | --©~ ellee -- * will be extra service 'I Helps # *\ / tb t & hicago North Shore & Milwaukee R. R. Co. mcag'o Thell:adofSavioewa * ) THE WANT ADS IN THE INDEPENDENT Through ticketing service from -- No charge is made for this con-- ic the enthe country is now offered --' it /s privilege to ssist you in bytbeflatbflloulhe- F making travel arrangements. Through tickets may be pur-- ing--be-- chased, Pullman reservations .T;":a"%'m"::o'?,': e Fog b¢ nay be arranged and baggage checked through to your ultimate point of destination. LIBERTYVILLE -- TICKET OFFICEPHONE 74 ; A. 0. PACKER, Local Agent €» your Kitchen Percolators ts S of the home" bright and attractive with this Day-- light Kitchen Unit. Price with switch, drop 'cord and extra 'outlet, $4.50; no extra outlet, $3.75; with no drop cord or extra outlet, $3.00. tz PS esd «se Agir':

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