-- _ Peace Made With State, is Re _~~«---- port, and Farmers Jubilant Just received load of Pennsylvania York impe Ji _|Fruits and Vegetables t :qo.lkv 15,--Leo Mongoven, %s Leo McGovern, was held to the grand jury here today on charges of had been re--employed to serve in the eapacity of cattle testing for the next two years, was made today by Super-- visor Matt Dilger, a member of the County Farm Institute committee hat was left with the power to act by the board of supervisors. Grinnell had broken with the state executives in charge of bovine tubar-- eulosis eradication. -- His name taen was rethoved from the approved ve> erinarians of the states which let: the board in a position where they dii not feel that they could employ him due to the fact that> condemnation prices for sliaughtered cattle probabizy wmnnum * the farmers as a whole fa vored the writing of a new contract word receivel by Dilger, Grinnell and the state officials came to an ander-- with the veterinarian they did nci take into consideration they might loge their refunds from the state. TO GR. JURY ON MURDER CHARGE hmits"&t tibértyville>*"He sold his ehiitierated, woere : }Hsted>> at 'm,m'.i Severat in .u?%: bBer @were colts.| For ggg'»#fih&m llowi For" tinhy'© years Mr' Thompson's of the best paintings, was $85,573. itory ."-'~ ';m'& i. BPou+t . vdo . WOoK : * E. MIPG ipson, late ugm who | James--Sorenson :'IM C r .\}&« eup of coftee scheme" | Mr. and 'Mrs. 4: Wfl.'! mio chain restsurants with an enor-- the "Windy <City," on Monday,: mous . was filed Tuesday in the . 'The Mundelein Volunteer--Fire De-- pibbate court showing an estate-- that | partment were hosts at a dinner giv-- will aggregate $6,000,000. by them ° for the .Mayor of:Liberty-- ~ «The only definite amounts set down |ville, the Libertyville-- Fire Depart-- y the home, "Highiands," in| ment, the Mayor and Board of Trug-- : muzn:n&n" Lake | tees, of :Mundelein and several other z'hmnl' 'furnishings 'friends. 'The dinner was held in the a stock and. implements. These| Sowles Sisters® re#taurant, in Mun-- a reached $341,8%59. Of that delein and those who were fortunate im $304,016 was invested in home enough to sit at the table, partook turn with $159,235 in paintings of a mots delightful meal. Confirmation of the report that Dr. « C. Grinnell, county veterinarian, WOUNDS SO AS TO EMPLOY GRINNELL at His Contract Renewal. srand Opening aturday, Nov. 19 With a Full Line of ; f «P 41 .JI J wu&o trick of fate that sent an the road, causing the Mit-- nobile to swerve and crash * % ?OTATOB t x seded the noisy debacle with only a |:-- > --~<~ Uuntain . Russets. I!f ; you want the best 100% ripe, 100 'few planks on the Rockland road Kkeop all winter. A shift in the wind might bring se. [|. The Gdereilment that -- caused> the | --roomts, BNBANNESS® Paciee mm tou."Coct mar, nett [ |eame sboue t i9 poiece in e mu |pak e of the vreterinarian --theus e following a ciue--ob | Brown . iquest foto the deaths d!m arrested by county (MeKittrick APPLES $1.95 ies on nig uen es |Felix Antonovitch 148 1 A confetti and favor dance will be given by the American Legion at the Libertyville Town Hall on Nov. 30. Mr, and Mrsg. Newell and Mr. and Mrs, R. L Wood,.. all of Hammond, Ind., were visitors over the week end at the J. W. Newell home. They came up to take advantage of the pheasant at Monday night's dinner. . guests at the Thomas McBride home jmmtnmmmmmm |exists in Mundeelin. -- The keynote and cordial felowship as was shown _ . Rvery member present greatly en-- joyed the dinner put on by th May-- or and th Firemen. -- Mr. Corlet thank-- ed them for their friendly spirit in behalf of the Village Boards. SBever-- al matters of business came up in re-- gard to the future growth and welfare of the fire departments and the May-- ors of both Libertyvil'e and Munde lein assured them that they would receive the highest cooperation from them. B is hoved that there will al}-- ways remain the same friendly spirit of --*COvopration' and ~each=and «every member --present signified their will-- ingness to have co--operation between the two--villages of LAbertyville--and Mundelein, not only zo far as the fire departments-- are concerned, but--also in regard to <the different civic . or-- ganizations of the villages. The din-- ner was a magnificen affair and ev-- eryone who attended left--with a feel-- ing that from no on, th firedepart-- ments will be more than their name implies and they wil} henceforth be known as the Boosters of the Liber-- tyville--Mundelein --district, | Novetober 14, 1927. An%nlml.. 'elix Antonovitch 148 i 148 4714 Department called upon the Mayor of Libertyvyille and also the chief of--the LibertyvilHe --Fire Dewmartment ftor re-- : The res --Ruth Sorengon, Abbie Mammahh at | AF RONDOUT; HALTS Pss e c e --[Dr ~ TRAFFIC FOR TIME &5 >%z # mee aao buted sn Cw 1 N40 samo iCB OL IA18 IULAl SeBtC in t pyp SALE--Fairbanks Iouo'ullh engine and three cattle cars loaded |...1% horee power, mounted; in with stock from the St. Pau! tracks |renning condition. g:. aw.'% at Rondout early Saturday prevented | Hiamson,, Lake: Vilia, I}},-- 45 3t ' uumfimorfii&'mm-&ymmm | enttle were shunted along the ties of| Phofie 398R -- _ °> . ~ 45 1t All of 44 ¢ _, |abooting of which is forbidden, were to be smade anchor man for e Leath. | 123 $100 and costs, each.--while the ©r Necks. What do you think of it |OtR@r sit paid fines of $20 and costs We bunted the continent over for | "C* ****0assing. succeeded in burying f too deep How a Fish Rests rn.t:ymmmln'u 4A fish ukui rests its head up [bmum:.-.u'f ' mmm.mnm Hugo Gotti wants us to do away | that way. f mrith that bothersom foul line, as i# | _ . mc ®f is atways bothoring him. _ |-- _ , |O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 io book and seo what it naget. _ _ [O c'zmmgp G0 game this week, with a score of 220 Tle Ivanhoe Woman's Society will hnolid their annual bazaar and dinver at Dietz hall on Dec. 8th, «The society has been busy <getting all sorts--of fancy and useful articles ready that will: make fine Christmas presents. The dinner will be <one of that good kind the Ivanhoe. women know how "M-:dm'mt:n&' Oory » old friends and noew ho have happy re-- membrances --of Ivanhoe. ~Fish pond will 'delight the youngsters. The ,rummage sale of the Ladics' Aid--Bociety is to be held on Friday and Saturday, Nov. 18 and 19, at No. Chicago. --H you have any thing that furniture or dishes, etc.. call Mrs. Ralph Rouse, or send to the parson age, or to Mrs. George Ross. The Sunday school orchestra, under ::uumnd .w'rm hi"' ve becnvhytuug:md'nm school and played'a number of selec-- tions at the Father and Son banquet "Amc * A f y loose in barn and baled straw. ; j Stock Farm, on Lake Street (uborgcut Road,-- 2 miles west of Libertyville & _\ Phone 618--J--2; 46 tt . alid, Three Cars Lw iUU|MOR --SBALED--Baled. straw; also pure With Cattle Leave Track But | bred Guernsey bull, 18 months old. UnA MaAamana' in FEanea J*MHis dam held the state record as a 2 ¥First churches, an AntiSaloon Leagite epeaker will present some facts wbout to all. Friday at 8 p. m., Ivanhoe choir; at 8 p. m., Ivamhoe boys. > . prociamation, we have a Thanksgiving service at Firrsat church. --Sermon sulb ject, "Harvest Joy.".Join us. Service Friday, Nov. 25. at 2 p.--m., the La-- dies' Aid meets with Mre. Faye Rouse, Mra.Lila Mae Roues being assnistant Ivanhoe at 10 a m.. First <l 11:156 a. m. . ~Sermon ..m tian Charity: In the Early Church and the American Red Crose." <*, s Evening services at 7:30. : Sermon subject,: "Two Kinds of Foundstion." > Thursday, Nov. 24, at 9 a. 'm. sharp "m, ARLUIV _: 1t \ nery > > [3 n + utm " : o c3 h o t :.:.3 Rev G. "Arthur Jerne, um Sunaay School: First Church at 10 a, m.; Jvranhoe at 114. m.; Are you you doing your part in bringing new pupils to the Sundsy Schoo}?© Don't let 'a boy or girl. miss coming because you failed to Invite them. . ; Buturday at 10 a. m., 2:30 and 8 PC B o CLASSIFIED o o ADVERTISING o 0 0 0-- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -- AV VLRLALLILNUL O o ----Telephone No. 1 o 10----The indictment charging pay-- ment of $33,000 in /'interest" shows that these alleged occurences took place on the same date in December. Attorneys=--for -- other defendants adopted these oabjections for-- their clients. > o Judge Fisher refused to «act imme-- dintely and -- adjourned court at 11 o'clock so as to consider the matter until this afternoon. ---- . < _ The defendants involved are Roy Bracher and Ira E. Pearsall, ex--treas-- urers; Harold Martin, formerly vice president of the defunct Security Savings bank; Caleb Busick, Winnet-- ka, oil stock promoter, and Clark ~' 6----The-- indi¢tments fail 16 ° show T--A statement ~showing < alleged losses as pictured in indictments. 2 $--Every count in the indictments made by Martin to any public officials L----While an--overt act was charged the indictment fajls to show what it the indictments any false protenses made by Martin to any public officials ruh. 'Attorney James G. Welch and Attorney ~Jay J. i:hrun m made introductory remarks to | | 'wbjections placed in the hands of the tourt by McCarthy.' ' es * ' ,'N'lotlbt"fw_u'baud'o_q the fol-- --~1--Each count in the udmg' with reasonable certainty the fraud-- ! ulent and wilful false prentenrsés to-- gether -- with an allegation showing wherein the false pretenses were or AFotiyeniths mit io m "oes 3 counts . to Harold Martin knew there were false c l n 4 : Settere 3--It is impossible to legally believe 4----There was a failure to show in td. Friday overtuled' miotions: to ':fimmwhgm county treasury cases as to both indictments in' the circuit . court. <= '".< *« * _ Several® tentative trisal --dates have ~~Defense~ counsely are Hable to ask for separate trials, it was also learned States Attorney-- Smith ~ has asked the 'court 'that the case be heard as 9--Martin was not an :employe of f File Written Motion *~ But two of the sixt attorneys <ad-- Judge Arthur E. Fisher® of Rock: inl w n c tre ces For aervet "ad, ho Reae o Wm"% ss plant. Only $25.00 per rriimemmimn mermmmmmmmmmemmmmmmemmesmememe: | : PUDHC HOtLOC 18-- RCTODY ESIVCD that Baled. straw; also pure |the Subscriber,; Executor of the last ey bull, 18 months old.| will and testament of Jacob Woilf. de-- »;fioug:unl.ouducnf :'m&'finamn&,ml'rohtocong in, Ht . -- 46 3t »mommmuww nuckqmmmiuaecc----m------@esmeas«= | Kewan in sold County, on the LITSt The one-- most 1a 46 1t T: : T. J. S8TAHL & COMPANY : -- Office Phone 2387 or 238 Res Phone683 226 Washington St. WAUKEGAN !'05 BSALBEB--240--acre--stock farm 10--i ed in: Lake County, close range ' seller. A. J. Schubert, Zion, IIL mwmuuwm and all persons having claims 'mfirt':mt't;:am tou'ni: same also 4 room flat and bath, $30.00 pe: }":uQNMIMAe: TAbertyville. Inquire H.~ 8. Shrader, |77? W Washington St., Chicago. RoOm i1126, Phone Dearborn 8578. 44 4t be responsible for debts other than those incurred by myself. W.J.: Chinn. Nov. 10. 1927. -- 45 3t with man&m Iishes : a position as housekeeper in a motherless home. No objection to country or children. mquuammuumionsummmummmenmsmemmume--mmemueme«= |136 cattle also stock boarn 18%30,. G1}OQ, mmmm,cmmem.gmmu _weeks oll; male, $10; females, $5.] z18. Within 2 miles of church and Bergeron Stock Farm, on Lake Street school. -- Owned by non--resident and Road, 2 miles west of Libertyville: |closing estate at $100.00 per acre. Phone 678F--4. : ' l'.u»mm balance as rent. era with girty days retest. =-- Lange selection -- Mile north of Round Lake, onig. : We inviteyour inquiry. FPirst Nationai Bank, Libertyville, HL ----10H _ and delivered Nov. 23. Order calrl}. | m io mer omes me wall SUGARCURED CORN BEEF, Ib.: ~-- 22 1--2¢ SITUATIONX WANTED--Young <-- man wants work; honest, learn business. Write T. W., care Independent. 1t MONEY TO LOAN--We hare a con-- siderable amount of apecial funds to loin on improved farm or éity prop FOR SALE--White Spitz puppies. Tel-- ephone Libertyville 604--W--2 Telephone 624--R--1 FOR SALE--6 room new house with sunparior and bath, 4n --Oakwood Ter-- soumgn'mumm-- Sellers & Petersen, Libertyyille. 43 if FOR RENT--Heated garage. Apply at 131 8. Stewart Ave. Telephone Lib BALEBMAN WANTED--To sel auto quire of R. G. Keaping, Phone 469. ertyville 761 or Mundelein 239--J. ©concrete street in Mundelein; mod-- heat. ~$50 a month.:© Insvection 'by 1 thought was single. ' 1"have found out that he is a married. man and his buyer, because .. he . feared 1 -- would close 'the deal behind 'his back, uo he . 1 Histed a piece of property with a broker and che found. a . buyer but he didn't tell--me the real name of the a ts < tha hianot nnnaansenan anuckthls i# mm m m m. u' %% e M%wmfhl |tow. teet a%« is worth m'mh more respected. . A| When you are in need of any serv-- meets . with a. better reception than |estate o rinsurance, we hope will he who has a bad--one... You may an-- not rely: on our promizes of prompt a;u-mmm."wm n;flnngn'u.d efficient service. We want you it?" --But that will @vail you nothing, to make us perform the services 'we for it is a part.of a general system. | promise. -- Waukegan, <Ill., Oct. 81, 1927. ; h: --67T----nov 3 10 17 man on a farm. Inquire of or Real Estate For §op e I sold--some property to man whom Male Help Wanted Money To Loan ADJUDICATION NOTICE es e e i o5 trebagnend ------ 6 room flat and bath; OLIvVER woLsr. THE QUESTION BOX CONDUCTED BY . R. 6. m""'""'"""'u water | FOR BAILE--Gentieman stock farm or . month. In-- institutional grounds, consisting of Phone 469. 411 acres, . located --about 60 miles ommmucmmmm,,. | CFOM CBic#go and on state highway. rOR REnT|Has a new 12 room 'modern house, rtyville. 43 if | Electric lights, bath, hot water heat-- immmmmmmnsisnn en > +. plant and 4 room basement. --Ce blephone ' Lib | house is nicely surrounded by shade 48 U|and fruit trees. Two car garage. «--«--«»--«--------«--------|poultry house 15x24, milk house 16x at and bath; |24, 2 drilled wells and 2 flowing per month; }spring. Brick horse barn 24x72 with h, $30.00 per | concrete floors, 12 single stalls, six waukee AYe.| double bor stalls. Cow barn" 381154 v"-m-'ibnntnthnndmg:m' e o n ooo o S se ' ." "Two new ce R------------------!ment silos 14x42. Root céllar 50x50, anted -->|piattorm scales, nog house 27154 with zumds --==--= | CONCTEte floor and {eeding yard. Tool To seH auto. bouse 24x72. Farm is tiled, fenced and r and valve|all black moil. Has 22%5 acres undger new; -- good |Dlow and 178 acres of virgin timber. (Copyright 1927) --_--_ _ jwith 1% --miles Fox River frontage 45 3t|and over 2 miles of state road front-- =----~--| aAge. Also a 5 room tenant house with J' good well and shade trees. A posi-- tive macrifice at $175.00 per acre. ~----=|$30,000.00 cash, balince in 5 years, 46 1t that < 1 ved, for the balance due It is necessary for the wife to sign a *money mortgage; ac-- cording to the laws of our state. Geese------Quality the Best and at the Right Price. _ /-- ~~~~--_ The Highest Grade Meats at the Lowest Prices -- _ across this saying the other day, "A tew : teet d%m is worth nlq!qcr'cdm.' --'When you are in need of any sery-- _--_ T hg "~SPECIAL~ SALE ON ALL MEATS FOR THIS gell sam PalaceCash Meat] We will be h e at $100 per acre. $5,000.00 hee on or before 5 years. farm and owned by a non-- Lfor oursel VEAL ROAST t feet, although of Always Busy lealy oo Coiel 4 WO C1 E20 00e s o9 o m mnmoo, Simpe annk Txi®, so% bare Shx66) i silos, all black soil, about 100 acres under plow, 20 acres in virgin timber. Owned by 42424 4l_ FOR SALE--160 -- acre farm, sell at close range of Antioch located 3 a, £ c of 6 Btate Highway. °9 room house, tur--| 4 miles uth..west of Russell, on Sat-- shade and wonderful orchard. Milk |Leghorn hens and pullets, 1400 bush-- m.mnnmwmm els grain, 50 tons hay, full line farm with ample room for 6 horses machinery quantity of furniture. Good and 30 cattle, with concrete floors |funch at -- noon. Russell W. Wells, and stone ~walls, / 2 new concrete|Prop. L. J. Siocum, Auctioneer. 1t $1.50 $1.95 $3.50 up "It's time to put 'em on" _ COOPERS . Underweéar for Men Many ne wstriped patterns. All vivid colors -- Silk Knits and A fine selection of Men's Gloves, Scarfs,. Handkerchiefs, Caps and Pajamas. A won-- derful present for Father, Brother or Son for Christmas. Make your selection early.) stripes--a wide selection-- Smart Hosiery ¥ine silk and wool mixture, gay Don't get caught these chilly days without a supply ef : Knit Underwear--wrist and ankle length. It's got the fancy new multicolor trim j MUNDELEIN, ILLINOIS ( . J. Tegtmeyer, Prop. Telephone 49 Mundelein Dry Goods Store _ $1.00 75c $1.00 on PORTER HOUSE LAMB CHOPS the Poultry for your l «has 24ic Ib. Finest quality, wonderful colog Men's Fancy Shirts Nunn | Bush Oxfords Smart styles to choose from--in $7.50 $9.00 $5.00 $1.25 -- $3.50 same. Has all dark soil' * + a * or