-- wAUKEGAN FAVORED o FOR 98 MEETNG o OF STATE LEAGUE A simplified and advantageous me thod that may be used by merchants or others sending: out advertisements or other cireulars or notices 'to. res idents on--rural routes in Lake County hase been outlined by Postmaster EHlls worth, of --Labertyvilie.~--He has also issued a. builetin in «which he gives the number of boxes on the 20 roural METHOD TO REACK RORAL TRADE B Y In the opinion ot Mr. Kllzsworth this method skould prove to 'be advanta-- geous to all who advertise by mail in fore Potoont iiving in tumirdistriows It also can be used in _ delivery of mall to borholiders in ~small towne wheare carrier service. bas not been Plan of & on fural oits i Bttaien by Postmaster. where names and addresses of boxr-- holders gre not known--to addreas the prospect as follows: "Box -- Holder, madreantd to a tor toltey h s fomd to a box in a 1 be directed to "Postoffice Box Hom-- er, Name of town and state." Such letters ~should be placed in bundles with a general label, stating "for --distribution --to postoffice box holder, name of city and stats." The rural mail routes of cities and towus in the county and the number of boxes on each are as follows:-- VivaVoUurL aAB LUAFG W E. -- AHoic EBWOE s m_ uwu:ic "dvmu.:v'n'ufi w to a box a t« tention <by the MWMW.'-....L. be directed to "Postoffice Box HoM--| pects full appr er, Name of town and state." in the next met Such letters --should be placed in | -- . Urge bundles with a general label, stating| Home rule c "for --distribution to postoffice box | again streased year, the event is considered ane . Total number of boxzes .. ..>.>-- Waukegan won its share of honors ager was renamed a member -- the important legisiative committee Under the plan * is only necessary gm Waukegan is to Get Convention of Municipal League. ueP ,,a' w2 . Ne M';;'mhad.c-&ndlfl feet are plenty for parking. One gallon of w.'&tpm"lfldhl is thought certain, counsel of W "*"W addresses at the big gathering. ' »ur.mti-h: W.m flu&hbon'fidia&m& eat to city officials in~the state at this 0 most meeting. Dmm The program of the convention was so replete with other prossing mat-- ters~ that the Wankegan delegation was unable to presont one of its --out-- standing issues to the body forits ap-- proval. The issue is that in <which provides=for revision of Htate laws to levies. Under --present laws the city of 'Waukegan is entitled to but halt o!&ohndeonoctodt;uloh re-- mainder goes -- to. township. wuugh-otmm ot the city of Waukegan, the township i w waiv at tmiptentie inst that - care . mfi"flwm ment of its boundaries, the town:-- mhu.thm&mm» the same, The change in the law was {first advocated by Commie-- sloner Nick Keller. . Mayor Yager states, however, that this matter was given favorable --at tention 'by the legisiative committese hmmu.':.«otfinu. mm»mldx: in the meeting. ~The need of the 'ctities the right to control opets tion of-- busses on its streets was a much discussed subject and it is ex-- pected that efforts will be made . to have laws enacted at the next seswlon of the state legizslature to bring about The groom was attended by his nephew HenryG. Hertel Jr. andAr-- thur Miller. nephbeow of the bride was ring bearor. Aiter the ceremony, the briday par-- ty went to the home of the bride's parents, where a bountiful dinner and supper® was served to over one hun-- dred immediate relatives and friends Mrs. Obenaut is the second. young-- daughter-- of Mr. and Mra. John Pitzen, of Johnaburg and Mr. Oben-- is the youngest som of Mr. and Mrs, George :~Obenant, of Fremont Center.. Al! join in the wishes for a ~and ~prosperous wedded life to the bride and groom. STATE HEALTH CONDITIONS SHOW sOME IMPROVEMENT Apringmield, HL, Nov. 22%,--Puneu state show a decided falling off for the week. m«fiow DMrector I. D. Rawlings, of the ment of Public Health But 151 cases of pneéumonia are reported, as com-- pared tomarthanlvnh'.wuk. Diptheria number «s com-- mwmmmwa Sonrlet fever cases increased 12 and now total of 216;-- typhoid fever cases show a gain of sixr, with a gain of air number of infantile paryleis s w(s-v '"i 'hll.mfi s dwm!ntnu. During October, 1926, of the 78 cream--buying mations call a. special session . of the| Ilinois legisiature to 'provide a new primary law for the voters of the staty; the promise came after the announcement that --Judge Fisher, Cook county cir-- cuit ~court, had ~declared. the new!ly mnmw:nny.{ SpringNeld, has been given. tract by the state division of high-- ways for the construction. of a hard road in Kendall county, for $18,188.71. awarded. are : * ks3 { Route 2,; section 17Y, Alexander--Pu-- laski counties, <bridge, to G. H. Good-- ty, grading, to Keeley Brothers Con county, grading, H.)A. Wormas, Pitts field, $72,217. 30. : C ue Route 19, section 868. Cook county, pavement, Stanley. Jaicks, Oak Park, $72217.806. 4 ¥ Route 14, sections 11 and 12, White county, pavement, to French :-:u t C cimgs: _ a the tollowing $ county, bridge, to Ferguson Construc tion company, Rockford, $9,341.56. Route 1068,. section 102, Crawtord county, pavement, to D. . Alumbaugh, Sullivan, Ind., $30,945.06, Route 142, section 104, Marton--Fay-- and clerke called on Governer Smail retently to ask his ald in baving the state tax commissidn certity traillroad valuations to county clerks by Doecem-- employ special-- Investigator® without the consent of the county, and inves-- tignators so employed may not be pald state's attorney of McHenry ¢ % .mummumgg« prosecutions of violations of the pro-- hibition act, Attorney Oscar B Carl Hundreds of farmers over the state have been visiting the special clover-- alfaifa--limestone 'train which was op-- erated recently by 'the Wabash rail-- road and sponsored by the college of agricuiture at <the University of Nt weeks ago was connected with alleged cy county, and the special statw's at--. torney wished to know how these in-- vestigators were to be paid. / Inc., : has: been granted --authority by the' Mliinois® Commercecommiszsion to conduct two grain warehouses in Chi-- cago under the provisions of the new grain act of the last--session of the general assembly,~:One of the 'ware-- houses is located at Oune Hundred and street and the Calumet river. checked for nccuracy in tests, 20 or almost .one out of every: four Were operating =iNlegally. . <Last. month's Mnmmedtos.l.'m director: of 'agricuiture, by W ® Kimzey, mm«'fi tebdent of foods and _ duiries, that 121; cream Stations" were | sub-- jected to inspection, Among them;, 17, or about 14 per cent were found' to be operating illegally. . Kecords of other months, compared 'to "~ > correspond-- ing period in 1926 show simailar im-- ruled that anyone attempting 'to es-- cape, or abetting him to eseape, is not a statutory offense under the Hil}inois taws, ~'The opinion was handed fown to the state's attorney 'of Logan coun-- ty after 'he had aubmitted the case of a person under indijotment for lar¢eny ; general, "apply to prisoners."Inmates of the--Lincoin colony are not cle wed provement, the report states. Minded to leave the institution. $188.775.M4. berculosis Asgociation -- at the annual sonvention in --~Rockford recently.-- He gucceeded Dr; J. P. Denby, of Carlia-- ville, who has headed the associaticn for the past <two>years.. Other .ofl=-- Kewanee; Dr. E. 8. Murphy, Dizon; Mra, ~R.--A. Carliie,-- Anng ; Dr. Imas state line, and Route No. 2, the long: est hard road in the state, extending from the Winconsin state line to Calro. It--Ailso connects with Route No. 10, Springfield to the Indiana state line, and Route No. 25, Kankakee to Falr-- Pouring of concrete is complete on State Bond, Issue Route No. 30, the m.dtfic"@m&fid'g'm, the $00,000,000 bond issue; bigh-- way will be thrown open 'to tramfic as soon 'as the concrete has had time to cure. Highway No. 30 extendsfrom Bloomington to Champaign--Urbana. . It egonnects at-- Bloomington with Route ceived the sigt w' & smorisiug anu ircciing . Lc ucpal uEcint or have &.'-'m.a IE'."' of public welfare to convey certain without his signature.} ~ ~--~] 'state--owned Jand in Cook county to House Bill 508 (Devine). -- Amends | the city of-- Chicago for street pur-- sections 1,--10 and+12 and the'title of--| --poses. : the Dower Act. When a deceased 6 ns band or wife shall be entitled, in addi-- | the installation,-- alteration. and use tion to dower, to one--third of the per-- | of electrical equipment. © Provides for If he or she left surviving a child or>| electrica ~commissions. ~ Penalties. :'m.gdadll'.'whld e personal estate deceased spouse left no child or descendant of House bill 3558 (Buillilvan). Amends a child. A provision in the will ot. a | section 6 of the 'local improvement deceased spouse: shall: bar <the . right' | act of June 14, 1807, by providing that Of the surviving spouse to the personal | it is lawful for the city counci to pro-- estate as previousiy mentioned and to | vide by ordinance that the board shail dower, uniess the surviving spouse re-- | consist of the--mayor and any two or nounces the provisio: of the will, In | more commissioners in any city of the event of guch renunciation, if the | less than 75,000 population (previous spouse may waive dower --and take ene--third of al} the real and personal estate and if the deceased spouse left no <child© or ~descendant of a--child, the surviving spouse may wair»n dow-- er and take one--halt of all} the real group from $2.25 to $4.25 'per day. Privates, fArst-- class, are to receive $4.10 per --day. 4 House ~Bill -- 680 (Schnackenberg). Amends sections 9 and 12 of the Rev-- enue act of 1808. Provides that where acreage property has been subdivided on record in any county, the sald lots shall be reassessed and> placed upon the assessor's books !Iu lieu of guch mmz'udmkz.hy'g of recording of guch wubdivision, House BiHll 600 (Castie). -- Validates the authorization--of city bonds where a majority of the voters voting upon the : proposition bave voted in favor mended to read as ftollows: "An act conterning the rights in rea) a d per-- sonal property accruing by reason of the marital relation." + House Bill 588 (Johnson, E. A. W.). Validates the proceedings relative to the $8,000,000 Lincoln park bond is sue, provided by the voters at an elec-- tion held for --that purpose November 2, 1026, which proceedings complied with all the provisions of the statute tice of election was not published for three successive days as provided by group from $2.75 to 4.75 per day ; non-- commissioned afficers --of the second group from' $2.00 to $4.00 per ~day; House Bill 747 (Peffers),. Amends sectlon 4: of Article XVIL of the wili-- tary code: Changes name of ~Navai Reserve to Illinois Naval Militia, and lishing . Janding felds for ~a'rcraft. Landing Selds shal+ remain under con-- trol of park boards and sail not be used. for storage or parking <of air "House Bill 853 (Johnson,--G, <J.) Relates to the valuation of bonds and other' evidences of debt, held by in-- | | _ Director'. of trade . and commerce given 'full discretion in determining methods of calculating .values accord-- Ing to such rules. -- mn&mmm'mu:qaw :-c.fimmt:"': control =of asseszment life ingzurance eompanies. 'The kind of compantes to which act applies are named.> Provi-- stons -- relate. to. organization of such approval of same by director of trade and ~commerce,: names of companies, companies, guarantee funds, deposit of wmamm ment companies, ext House ~Bil} 5828 (Mariner). Nl'? LAWS OF ILLINOIS , # is 1s a sontizuation of the list of joned officers of the third TO YOUX DOOK FOR ONLY $1450 with the result that the district there-- | unc""mumnr; lease 'of a mortgage, the mortgagee's duplicate certificate of title shall be ; The fee for cancellation shall be $1. Prewent provision. requires that mort-- rendered to the registrar,= Housé Rill" 576 (committee on judi-- clary). -- Amends section .50 of an :act to revise the law in relation to coun-- ties. Provides that in connties of over 60,000 Inhabitants --where Nbondshave been : guthorized by an --election held for the purpose of building roads, the procéeds may be used in aiding in the construction or: widening of--any high-- ways or bridges in snch county, includ-- Ing state roads and state --ald roads m "u * d y f public .works: and -- buildings . for .the m«ot.eqm the 'pareel of ground in --the village of Troy Grove, LaABalle county, where and on which James Butler--"Wild"Bill" 'Hickok was in village on which a monament of public welfare to convey certain state--owned Jand in Cook county to the city of-- Chicago for street pur-- less than 75,000 population (previous-- ly 50,000) which has agopted the com mission form of government, irrespec-- tive of ~whether the ofices of public engineer and superintendent of streets hast TA «23 £% eertificate be : sur-- _ --Now g?sx& wufln:'w: es ayuy houke ought to have one or these portable *\ >' Atthe touch of a switch they will radiate a flood health of all the family.-- Order your electric ~ Legislators: with their=eye. on the egal~weather 'vane, are of-- the opin-- field early mnext year to. m and ¥ote on h new primary act. "Attempt to involve Secretary of Stuate in the Case now pending 'in Lee county, as to constitutionality of 'the and by injunction restrain primary:act, with--its threat of a spe-- clal session and no primary until next With the race for governor as the key to a puzzlink situation, potential ing by until they decide which way the wind is blowing. * A with the exception of a fow, are stand-- 6 l. ~--of $9.00 :\ x"~ Cleaner 3 As 2A 8 -- "Little by Little" way. hrgeatWe'eklymmperinl.akeComty. It is § recognied by advertisers who want to GET RE-- -- -- _ SULTS from their advertising, as be the best i medium for reaching the people of ALL of Lake § County. Up--to--date--news for $1.50 a year. 3 Let us demonstrate ":h-:--hh_filu-l-o"h McCormick Motor Sales ful new styles of foor, bridge and table lamps offered at unusually attractive prices during our Lamps at Special Fall Prices _ You will find many of the beauti These lamps, as well as other electrical home needs may be From $2495 to $2685 flo.b. Detroit LA SALLE outlet, :; with drop but Companion Car to Cadillac WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS .---:ll-thl---:: Indian legend, as it is said »3 "aP !;: