Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 8 Dec 1927, p. 7

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*¥ 3&, Of the record of the late @ T oady siment fike a niktor» o the *X war . _ & . Bb -- _-- great war of the rebellion. Few who BRBBUICK_ _ stms{, ] $ 6 4 s o4.' ig% > >A R 398 : *' K. % £. Higer 3. Leg® . "ou>. *A e ".! 'l'k * w. $st Ii i q ! ' onl ol /"Ae .m' ge sn lfi > T you rtkeis to P xt o AC T 2 sound of mind and body went through i memnatn n m as able«resident ot Wathkegan who pass» dua'hhh-qumm idan on Saturday. The deceased who enlisted as a -.Icotmautghm served in the ay <of the--Cumber-- isad. --He part d in the battle saturdiay Took Part in Many gagements : at mma."f' amauga, Mission-- oi' darlediny «ho Slegater® At lanta. He was mustared out as a ser--|"~~__" """"" . 1 Mr."Bpoor was bora in --Arcadia, N. Supday with relatives in 'Ohicas mmwmqu'u[ ¥r, ang Mrs. Mrs. Cash Pestre and for the union. Following the war he daughter spent Sunday and Monday in entered <the sei of the Chicago Chicago, visiting. relatives, s and" 'North wailroad <as loco--| 'There will be a dante 'at the Liber m'-fi-mmdhwwnom Hall, on <Wednesday, capacity 1900 --when an injury to 'evening, December 14. Br'tu- his knoee suffered when be stepped chestra. °A good time for wite, whom as Miss Catherine Stres singer he married in Wankegan in January of 1871, lived to comfort him until the end of his daye and she is in good health it is expected that she will survive him by many years. GREAT BATTLES OE : WAR OF REBELLION ny " q ee e o s e e s B "SifT Tarees: the iix yeer oun e | $Ppe® / aiehigan . (Penineuia . Our # H s t . 4 n 5 _ *) f idns : : € 8 oymy | . and Mra 'for this enterpirec * We Purchased a Bankrupt Stock 1# m:ub','z'nmm'm:; es e »etamie on Amie :« " "M|She is a Jurvrenileé of R. N-l-".n""i'" dnésday; at T:45 p. m.. Week [a .2 d eny sopmantts * witt meetins Conomaine aith s dn . --M|win be greatly. : __ .4 |"Bee for Yourselt.""a book by Dr. Jas. ----Of.---- §) Mts--Ruth Frase is undergoing treat m 'Clark, a vivid' description of the + k ment at the Highland Park hospit} |work of our oburch, in all the world. : f K| Mr. and Mrs. Fred Meyer visited | -- Monthiy meeting of the Session, af~ i4 an lee . s mun.mmu,mw,mmwmwm ¢f ¥ -"\}f < h hi 1 " ' m. # f '* u J s $ ' 4 Fyky.-- tw +. 4| Herbert Reinshager entertain-- | Thnoreday, 15, Mesting of ; % ) 9m . _A M fibt |Gld Mro. Ray Larsen and Mrs. WIHliam tpe Wm'm?m at C ALIU -- A AN .-- fi|Rowlett, of Chicago at a luncheon 00 "ths nome of Mrs. R. B. Patterson, On e oo R : _ W |Wodnesday. Her sister. Mrs. Grate tyagte Avenue.. Subjects. "SByria and |on Baturday, _ |~ 'The Pastor's class will:meet at the * 1 . || --The Ladies of the Missionary So-- on Thursday. afterncon. Blas e i en o maeg un Salle rarines oias LRAQA : ® ||afternoon. !m_?hY@!mI%nn-A Liieh o sbade s . o 9 -- +C Bermard Before The liherel G.M. 4. C thue pitytat plan is availablé if dasited. _ members: and several Lrieqndos Of 54 !, :/ _ _ _/ cmrarch CcB nachers was -- English bo 'ed t tA udrow's Guild home on Wed.|brterish Church ©chool Teathers, was . English books were introduced t0 | . _,, |_Warren Chard aud Pender Walsh |Soanens Tnchtnne partics wore 1e oc io on ons Srcmniagiy, | bood. 'm""-"'m m (bef |sotved upon. io o. veuge e m,t':m,,&o:t-nfih Eaalish and e &.%mn.u:mm 2.-&::. 'The 'Juniors: and : Inter: attitudes 'w"'"zméqéuha" |. Mre. 0. A. Hook and daughter were mrm?ht:b::.%msz mmu--:fl-nn'am on |O in Chinmnza an hinainats an EBAdaYt / lomkce 96 3 & mmmwmfi 0 0 It you are hungering for knowledge m'".""wmwfiv'vfivu" tlish a sehool band. <~--Thé Board of it might interest you to know that/ror--the year of 1928. . % : Education, cooperating with the Conn humpbacked whales can ~travel 30'm,msm¢um'mw miles an hour.----Toledo Blade. ..uflwd.vmonmhn 'ranged: a plan, whereby ~any puoll, werenetuertntnnstenmeiepemeen mm mm qeemmemmmngem, | 4BF 'ts now in the 'hospital. . His who wants to leanr to play an instru-- : mother visited him on Tuesday. .tmmm«:mm s Miss Josie Wooedman is visiting at <of Music, for a very the Bome of Mrs. Russell LaVelle, at small sum, and receive: instructions Hdison Park, this week. On--Decem-- from an gmm,cthflh-_ "Bs8> her n ate aom dhe se ren cront h mermapia aeitnt hn achant tare e * ks . Miss Miriam Stryker of 8t. Luke's: each week, when: the rehearsais' be--. Hospital, spent the week end with gin. The rental of any instrument : her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Stryker is also very little, and the amount is hssy ,, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Protine of Eim-- credited to & pupil for six months, 3 omemematet=tiiietmiagye,,_. . .( & mmsumwumw,-gggura'tgum.m:omfl They'll Catch Us--Sure! oo e DEERFIEL D 0. E. 8 INST ALLATION 6 Bz mrt in ar aman o ~ CWiha #anllaartwnr turnag tield Public Library, 'are as follows: in the funGdamentais. FACL CRIiG ReQve Adult Fiction, "Wild Geese" by Marths advancement, as he can compare his Ostenso: "A Gentieman From Indiana" standing with the standing of the class Mr.and Mrs. C. A. Wolt called on Libertyville relatives on Sunday. The Plunkett dinner-- at the Bunga-- low church was attended by about 100 It was a big success. . zmww,m mem-- bers of the Ath'etic League for Wom:-- en. At Déetfield Shields, taking les-- T e onice" there Tik ts --many & f many _ Mr. and Mrs. Harry-- Olendorf and Mr. and: Mro.'Jessle Strong attended the dance given by the Woman's Club bouse on Todd Court.: . _ ,._.__ Ireading. <AK '" Mrs. Eugetie Ender spent Wednes Eim will day TeF . J. : Two 'm mfim ham,. of Irving: Park. 'Garden Ciub. 'mumc- :?mdlu Hicks, On ad. and numerous other~bulbs>--which Wednesday, December 14. 'were donated by others. ; ' at tl:.trholu ..a-;". and -- Mrs. u' Ww gT:naou 'Thursday afternoon, To f ue cans. '!'ub. o en ie i rapapeninee o u. M",s:torydmm-v'ulnt' 'mfil&%sz lem, 'also: "The Mountaineers. m%amm fech mymrmwj Vesq """'""'Nl.l-;étfi!' Mmfmm,mnn-,ufi&m:m«'mm of Wilmot school. They will soon b6" Community House, at Caspian. in the &iternoon, MTa, JoUn YeLULCT FAaZ VIOUY rahoargal at 8 D. IM. ' president, Mra..--A.--P.> Johnston, ) of the church are ;'@w«m.ummrmu.n'%m" secretary and Mrs. Chester Wessling the Chimes Rang" which will be given as treasurer.' There was a litze At o, gunday afternoon. December 13, at tendance.. The "dime fund" was turn: $109 p. m,. ed in--at the meeting and amounted . a aordiat welcome to all the sifty-- to thirty--four dollars. _ Mesdames --F. joo, and activities of this church:. i1 be greatly appreciated. > _ « . ; ent at : Mr. and Mrs. Fred Meyer vmu| "the L. D. Niel home at North Ch+ | go, on Sunday. s L Mrs. Herbert Reinshager entertain-- , onl * , at any time. £ ;Mwmmwtbw 'Garden Ciub. Righty--six shrubs, do-- nated by B. H. Kress, have been Plant --ed. and numerous other --bulibs--which , nct,.:l.l.fiflfini.l ed leadership. * Mirning: worghip at 10:45. The Sac wmmvmn _ at this service. -- . _ church school. will --gather toys. and gifts for this enterpirec on Sunday, Wednésday; at 7:45 vp. . m. Week nite meeting: Continuing studies in "See tor YTourselt," a book by Dr. Jas. E. Clark, a vivid" description of the work of our oburch, in all the world. Monthly meeting of the Session, af-- Thursday, December 15, Meeting of the --Women's Missionary Bociety at the home of Mrs. R. B. Patterson, on Hasle Avenue.. SYubjects,. "Syria and Dorothy Ligerwood~--Second u:l'nr. 'Home in Deerfigld. nwfi 33. Sum"'bmotufi experiente : muoxma: inss Praise service every : Carl Bird, aged 40 years of: Wads-- worth, : lost; the:eight: of one eye and may be forced to undergo an opers-- tion for the removal of the orb, when at the: moment: of the: accident, 'Bird-- was rushed: to the :'Victory . Mmorial bospital: in Waukegan and Dr. L --B. 'Jolley was summoned to attend "him. _ Pr. Jolliey stated today that he be-- Heved it possible to seve the eyeba'il, mmumqu'm-mm may be forced to remove it in or-- save the sight of the other eye. ~~Bird is married and a well known realdent of the Wadsworth neighbor-- Mr. and Mrs, A. W. Bock Jeft on Bunday morning for an extended vis it thru the --South and West. + They will. spent some time. in California and also at Seattlie,Washington. They: making the trip by automobile expect to be gone about three mounths. : io Sake Matle white the Newman 6 o o o o 0 0 0o a o o 0o 0o 0 0 0 0 00 0000600 0 0 0 sottage was in flames. . They were unable to save the building, but it CAZ ue' edrarh 1 tw 7t AaCs And we share your _ home problems The MILWAUKEE Road Shingles for the roof, posts for your fences, . | 5 ¢r, CR A B B E beams, siding, flooring--we're at your ser-- Kuctitniccring mmev ery inch of Lumber you'll need _ ||| Faym and Stock Sales A in making necessay fall repairs. -- Specialty WITHOUT men this railroad would be nothing but a cold metal skeleton sprawled over the Northwest. . .. Without homes the 60,000 men who operate this railroad would be a restless army indifferent to its work. . , .. But back of The Milwaukee Railroad there are over 50,000 cheerful homes-- 250,000. human beings are in them inti-- mately concernedthot only with the prob-- lems of normal home life, but also with the destiny of this railroad. From call-- boy to president, the problems are often tspending, planning for the future. wives ---- tion in--wages over $840,000,000. And if. you add to this the sums that we have spent for material and equipment bought sum of $81,000,000. We have paid in addi-- contributi m'zi::; Northwest during the last ten years is $1,500,000,0001 © *% t ten years we have expe ing at Bardolph, 'm..&-t ent the Thanks-- giving vacation at the home of her _ Mr. and Mrs. Willierd Chinn and Mr. and Mrs. George Richardson. of Chicago were the week end guests at the ¥. L. Middendort home..--. . iA wa ts a i gues ¥#. L. Midden dortl. ~Mrs. Charles Lux is confined to her bed at present writing. Arthur and Howard Hadlock and 8. K. Mesha off of Chictago. spent Bun-- iss doloie T c 1 Goldie Davis spent the week end in Kenosha. » 'The Board of Rducation, of the An-- tioch Grammar School has added an aere'of land to the wchool yard, on TAbertyville Independent, $1.50 a year 1 the great ; As C mattvig fiu' __.] ahould steal the tombstone in a cem-- * | etery twentyfive miles from Wauke-- 'gan when they had pass two or three other cemeteries between Grass Lake and Waukegan," he said. "No mat-- ter how you look at it, it is a dirty plece of work and 1 think the per-- petrators, should be punished if they can be apprehended." f Just what inspired the leaving=of the grave marker in the yard of the W. NAGEL, A. 8. DOUVGHERTY For o Consut Clork c > e >-- l Libertyville Chaptee ||-- Christmas | _ '| _ No. 272 R, A. M. * S % . i. _ --_ Gifts a s s '»"f 2 Men's Shirts, Neckties N -- ; {. i Meste oo on ereae e oi n [ Soars: Sitk and. Weol [ 'all on e es oR . l o 1 consaLVES Office in First Nationat bank Building || R. L. GONSALVES | Res. Phone 97. J| * <6 00-- CALLE --~ ©~~~~~{I| ~ eppomar H. SMITH, Prép _ e e 's ~GEORGE H. SUHITH, Prop. I |LYELL _ H; MORRIS of R. D. of Waukegan, and was brought here either by> pranksters or vaudals. A news item appearing in the Daily Identity of the 200 pound tombstone that was deposited in the back yard gan 'high : school, . several days ago, ble marker was stolen from the Grass Lake cemptery, twenty--five miles woest \_S 1 Woiit h Wakesn, D.' : tance of 25 and Antioch, a subscr¢ber of the Daily Bun, read the tombstone item. She the stone was "Byron E. Yopp, son mvmniu Ai inss VW nAL of R. W. and L F. Yopp." ' C. €. HOSKINS, Commuander "That's funny," she remarked to _ _1 Telephone 2453 the means by which identification was her chusband.. "I don't know --of any-- one outside our own family named Yopp. n'nuthannma., s \The husband recalled ever that fifteen years ago an infant son of his wite had been buried in the Gracs stone had been stolen. He placed the marker in his car and took it back to its place in the cem-- *'is a prescription for . Colds, Grippe, Flu, Dengue Bilious Fever and Malaria. Harry Madill Bartlett 1 ~R. B. GODFREY In Gridiey Hall, First National Bank Building. Visiting Neighbors Welgome. W. NAGEL, --~_-- A. 8. DOVUGHERTY 172 W. Lincoin Ave,, LIBERTYVILLE Mys. Richard Wilton, who Hves on Today Mr. Wiliton drove to Wauke * . Moure: 1 to $:80 and 7 to 8 p. m. Parents of Byron Yopp, Robert and D. C. Grinneil, Inspector in Charge 'Telephone $29, LIBERTYVILLE Otfice With--Farm Burseay FEED _ GRKAnpsr)| WAUKEGAN, KL]--|_ GRASS LAKE GRAVE * "ATTORNEYATLAW Oflice at Home on W. Cook Avenue FREE OF CHARCGE TREPTOW, H. p. __ _ ~_' J. B. WETMORE, Secoretary JUSTICE OF=THE PEACEK Lb LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOHS ---- ||| Telephone 568, LIBERTYVILLE s3 sou 4 o Plasks EC L .fi'&w'f ~oP o % -- CREDIT RATOR E. W. COLBY It Kills the Germs. TN s rgant .. L o Siiea 3 Meets First and Third Friday Nights of Each Acme Camp No. 176> M. W. of A. ILLINOI8 MEETS FIRST TUESDAY OF EACH MONTH AT THE TOWN MALL [ROOFINCG PHONE 306 D ECKER &A --NE VI1LLE Estimates Furnished Free TAR AND GRAVEL ROOFING READY ROOFING OVER OLB FLAT ROOFS RE . COVERED WITH TAR AND PITCH P, 0. Box #43 Phone €14--R4 LIBERTYYVILLE ILLINOI®S LIBERTYVYILLE. We Do All Kinds Of Roofing labor and material on your in somplete, for a ast figure, so wilt Kknow Just what the cost be, before stanting. Going to Build? || ~ Work Guaranteed Good Meals 50c -- ARLING T O N t# HOTEL # AT LOW COST Call, Phone or Write to West Lake Streot

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