Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 15 Dec 1927, p. 9

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dicted on a charge of conspiracy to f defraud and embezzle $100,000 from In his opening statement Col. Smith and his assistants, S. H. Block, out lined the state's case as follows: «~~_. ~That Nye, in 1922, was cashier of the Hureka bank. He was also pres: .---- Sdent of the Barrington Oil company : th_thdmmhomum ated by Nye, who controlled the bank, --~ <© *to the mutual benefit of each,. _ ~--* TESTIMONY STARTS According on Aug. 15, 1922 Bracter wrote checks on several Lake county banks for --$60,000 making thempay-- _able to the Security. Busick, in turn, took mw money to: the Col. Smith said, $5,000 with Martin: _ county accounts in the Peoples. ; As he performed--this act he got the two certificates of deposit from the banks showing the county to have $100,000 more on deposit than was the actual fact, according to Col. Smith. He Charged that both Bracher and Pearsall received $333 monthly from Nye as intérest of 4 percent on the $100,000. He also charged that Bra-- cher, during 'theso transactions, | be-- came possessor of ten shares of Eu-- ,reka bank stock valued at $1,000 and 250 shares ot Barrington oil stock. The jury, by panels, is as follows: ~The --second panel is composed of . LAKE y °* & f a S o W S BR Bruck: uoo © A% potegie Of this, which ultimately went to dited to the--personal account of Bu-- sick at the order of Nye with the charge being made tha* Nye latet. re-- ceived fl.lz?n- Busick. * The last ot--the.$100,000, an amount of $20,000, was sent down to Nye in June and July of 1923, Col._ Smith Records simply shew to certificates of deposit in {avor of Bracher for $30 in Eureka, he claimed. From then on, he charged, the, Se-- curity Savings bank furnished |t certificates of deposit to protect the disclosure of the alleged conspiracy through .the periodical audits of Sam-- uel E. Simms, county auditor, ~|~---- When that bank became insolyent in September 1926 Bracher then, up-- m«:mce (Dec. 1926) caused | to be issped in Pearsall's name about the--clode of the banking day on Dec. 4. friends, Martin having lived in Zion. Martin, in turn, was a close triend of Bracher. Together, it was charged, Bracher was induced to send & larfe sum to Eureka. C c preparatory to hnoetlngcnm the prosecutor charged. t At that time he received a pass book for $20,000 from. the ~Euteka bank although the money never reach-- ed there, it was charged. «About February 19§23, he recited. federal examinors> caused Nya's re moval from thes bank. --About that time Bracher, Nyc, Martin: Peatsa'll and Busick conferred in Wnl:n with Nye furnishing Bracher a u> dulent 'certificate .of --deposit on the mu hluuodn wmm . was &'ummmphauho this money, --met Martin, then cashier tm BtHinc ocms 24000 ies naviee... t The second sum to be sent out by Bracher was $20,000 on Sept. 28, 1922. He was then in Nye's Eureka home Eureka 'bank for $100,000. One was--written> payable to the People's State bank for $49,750 and draw»~against. the treasury account in --the Lake County State bank at North Chicago.~The second '"Ng:: 250 was made payable to the quent entries in the records show Nye mfl'meuMh then. His © business here and Busick paid obligations to this to the extent of $10,196. %wfinmrutholunh statement oft Col. Smith concluded, and the first of 31 state witnesses being called the treasury triab involy-- er banks--and one oil stock promoter today got underway before Judge Ar-- thur E. Fisher in the circuit--court. These defendants, Roy W. Brach-- er and Ira E. Pearsall, treasurers be-- tween 1918--26, Clark C. Nye, former-- ly cashier of the First National Bank of Eureka, Kas.. Harold Martin, for-- merly vice president of the defuact Security Savings bank, and : Caleb TO-- CALL: 31 ~WITNESSES "In-- was a decided need )¥ i'-.?y%. a former resident Smith. Charge iracy to Embezzle From County. With a. jury impaneled, the opening kins, Zion, formerly Lyons, Avon township had been composed o t Col. county and state in connection with the testing of cattle fz':'mm 'culosis was predicted by mem-- bers of the board of supervisors who are 'preparing fop-- the, tight "set for .'l'l!fll:'.:hrm.m<hm the re; 0t Dr. D. C. G county. ¥eterinarian, will be asked. * The--state, early in the week, pulled off its force of six men who have been assisting in cattlo testing with the word being sent to the board that the county would be placed on the list of those "not co--operating." This meant as well, board members interpreted, that money for ~con-- demned cattle would not be-- forth-- coming for the county farmers., The trouble started wher two mem-- bers of the 'farm institute committee entered into a contract with Grinnel! to employ him for anotker two years at a salary of $4,100. These men were Supervisors Matt Dilger, Waukegan, u;mlhwun. Lake Blutt. nee, had not entered the contract although be --was chairman. of the Senting opinion to the board in which sen Muted im ast Gomaiantires ¥eterinarians of the state"for ib ognized by the state. -- ~ * The rehiring of Grinnell, he re-- ported--to the board, he considered as bad business. x tpon the board is the of a num-- ber of supervisors vhm ready to repudiate the action of m Mawman ghd support M They claim that they have an easy majority on the board and that Grin-- nell will be ousted. «-- ~_ The opposition to Grinnell hold that the contract is not binding in the least because the farm institute com-- mittee. was instructed to enter into a contract with a veterinarian ap proved by the state and favorable to the 'department of agriculture. ~Just the reverse has been done, they hold. C# Thu.?u. these .men point out, is ready to work in harmony with the county any time an approved veterin-- arian is employed. Through this way, dropping Grinnell and bringing in a new man,. they hot,Q to ~--weld --the breach between state and county. first case vn;;'tht of two cherged with petty>frauds. Investigation of the action of that committee in retaining Grinnell is scheduled to be brought before the supervisors Thursday when farmers representing both sides of the ques-- tion are scheduled to appear. ° However, there are representatives from the Lake county farm burseau, headed by the farm advisor, Gilker-- son, who have been lobbying in favor of Grinfiell, according to superfisors glosely in touch with the situation, London.--What: is: believed <"to be the <first: jury composed entirely=of women to be empanelled in Britain was sworn in at the civil court at the Newcastle 'assizes. Women were first allowed to serve as jurors in Britain in 1919, under an act which was passed that year. Libertyville, formerly a store keeper. Nye Admits Getting Money A surprise <was staged by~ the de-- fense late today when Nye, through Attorney E. M. Runyard and Robert Golding, caused his opening state-- ment to be made to the jury. It had been --plainly: indicated--earlier --that these defense statements "would not be made until--the defense closed its In it he admitted that the First N"l tional bank of: Eureka receiwed mo ney from the Lake county u'ouuryl and that improper entries were made. for the purpose --of that bhank keeping faith" with other-- banks to which it owed money. ~At that time its assgts were frogen. "® * t ¥ es Shields township, suffered a paralytic stroke last night at about 10 o'clock while 'a number of friends were prea ent at his home for--a friendly gather-- ling. -- A mm% mediately and Schumanan's is said to be serious. .He is ¢ to his home at 1820 South Park ar., North. Chicago,, -- -- It was pointed out that he was in-- dicted on a number of counts by & federal srand jury and that subse mmgz« w';'ifi"&f ss -- pace V\ hh nds 3 % ov. smal figg, > .. & :o= _ }*t=>..0~'y35 The bank continued on changing its name to. Ncgmm ban'k in HOPE --TO <PACIFY --STATE Supervisors Claim They Have Power to . Reject Contract _ * and Bring Peéace. -- By a strange ° coincidence .their Hope of an early peace between the contractor, and R. E. Thomas, AT HOME PARTY Ne a * We *town clerk of women line at 4 cqu .cost of $63,000. . past Druce and Gages lake, acrose Belvidere --rd. _ to connect with route 21. «This is a distance of five miles at an estimated cost g $139,000. 6. Beginning at | rd., Mun< south through Long --Grove and But-- falo Grove and to the county line. This is a distance of four and a quar--. ter miles estimated at $272,000. it 4. State aid route 9, beginning at Ivanhoe, and extending southeasterly for a distance of a hbalf mile at an anticipited cost of $14,000. f | 8. One and an eighth mile road cir-- cling the wost bank of Lake Zurich at an estimated cost of $32,000. i 9; Slocum (lake rd.. beginning in Wauconda and running westerly and southwesterly at an estimated cost of $28,000. The distance would be one mile. % t 10. Wilson rd., a mile and a haif! east»of Fox lake on Grand avry., to be extended through Graham's cor-- ners and into route 20, a distance of four and a half miles 'at an estimated cost of $140,000, +. 1. Continuation of Deerfleld avy. west to route 21, a distance.of two miles, at an estimated cost of $89,000. 2. Bukley rd. between Green Bay rd. and Telegraph rd., a distance of a mile and a half, at $45,000. -- 4. Twenty--second st. road, at its intersection .. with Green Bay, one half mile to the North Chitcago limits 11. One and an --eighth mile 'road paralleling ~Lake Villa and Grant township 'lines ~connecting --routes ©£9 and 21 at a cost of $32,000. ~12, Fivre and three--quarter ~mile route from Lake Zurich running near Fairfield and Gilmer to form ajunc ture with the anticipated 59A --route at a cost of $161,000. es C2°0 PESvecks _ e -- Hnueds _ He outlined . two programs® to the board.. Onethe $1,029,000 <proposal and the other to be constructed ont of : the .$500,000--refund due from the WHEREAS, the proposed bond is-- sue "provides improved highways for certain sections of Lake county, now remote from paved roads and paved road-- connections which are deemed advisable, and o WHEREAS there remain . sections of Lake county which it is advisable to sErve with improved highways, and, WHEREAS Lake county expects to receive, from the state of Illinois, re-- funds of moniunu'&od.ln. the con-- struction of romds which > have, or will kecome, state n*g-. u35 s THEREFORE BE "IT RESOLVED, that 2s --euch monlés may become available, the ronovln(mli be im-- proved as .paved roads . the cost thereof be paid --from. ;uq-ntuds:x . Rockland rd.. from-- Green Bay rd: to Shefld"fi.- es * '>1 connecting Rusgell with the proposed 173 route and Green Bay rd. be placed under s<ite afd.. This, in the futuare, would be paved to serve as a con-- necting link, The full resolution, providing for it finds itselft on the verge of a new highway program greater than ever. "I want every home and farm houke in Lake county to be within a mile and a halft of & paved road. Should this program be carried out along with the routes provided for . under the refund my hope will-- have been lined. rofi&u under the réfunds from the state, is as follows: o 42 30. * The board also asked 'through a resolution, that the state add a «xoute _ _ Passage, of a $1,029,000 'road ,bond providing the supreme court holds it lega! taxation, Was approved by the 'board of supervisors today. Thik is sue will go Before the publi¢ for ap-- proval at. an election. April--10.. In"it betweén 30 and 31 miles of new roads, mostly connecting routes between pregent highways 'ate pro-- vided for. ° xt a" Tealt . ' ;R- M. Lobdell, county superintend-- ent of highways, mapped out the sys t:;.r &nhmmfim&o: gmrwg:u*h-.m was wild in praise." 'They paid him the unusua} compliment of granting a vote of thanks and then stood in his honor, . -- .-- ' A little more than 'a year ago when ::::kto alfi.o.o aln.!.'mt he A--route cognsc%flmn .Bay rd. with Sheridan rJ3. tetween Zion City anit Waukegan.:>:=.:;.*, _/ .: *.*~--hington . st. _ extended -- from €~~ + Par rd. west to the Gurnee rd. 7 Hollow--Pistaqua . Bay rd. from t *»gootinor with bond issue rovte 5* -->t to 123 McHenry '!%'J ling. aAt . Aimesville to route 21 at Ro'lins. fi~ A; "*v, 2:"1 cerh l'm Roads Proposed, * Under the bond issue are the fol-- 'x route 'extendinp= westerliy dEsworth to _route 21 near GIVE 31. NEW . ~MILES COUNTY BOARD 0. K. h woet*,'s }. Loms s ho Paris--A dedler in antiquities near the Grands Boulevards has recently christened--his. little, shop, "In . the Spirit of Locarno,"And a hall of ex-- position at the side bears the sign: "Locarno Galliery." ' Nve "Perhaps the proprietor is looking for some unusual business," remark-- ed one Freéenchman passing by, "but, at any rate, his shop is very modern for euch antiquities!" > sue route 20 near the line between Grant and Avon townships. = > A route connecting Diamond lake and Halt Day, *e. d 'and:£ * of "the : "dany coesunters w petice" Men, . for ; _m:; tfor disorderly m for. --er--intorication and Tey . , Clara slimbed' out: of an 'nmuo-'nd walked into a Chi-- eago police station. j . *'Bome men are following < me/' she told a~"desk sergeant. \ -3*"" hardly: in a condition to iake a complaint," observed the dw. 'Q'pm Clara's weaving. # '"' k " b".n_xw!" remarked Miss Harcq. _ "Ab, how lovely," remarked the sergeant as he led Clara--to a cell. "It would sgeem that Mr. Jack Bar-- leycorn was following you." Clara, after she completes a nap, was to face a judge here this after-- t1q088,. who navye not . read --a news-- vm'h{m list two yeirs, first gained prominencte 'when sho was Chicago, Dec. 14.--Ho hum! <It's -- Clara Harey, for the benefit ot ' AGAIN; DRUNK 4 & ; THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1927 's Big. Weekly: _ ~WAUb 's Bis Weeks _ ~WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN Here Is Real V alue in $3.75 Hurrying <to the scene>they found the townspeople apparently dumbly standing by--and moaping that ~.the ~ The three men . stepped into the breach and assuming charge of a{f-- in the city today: + .The three who Aare making a trip down the coast of. Florida in Mr. Rynksel's boat, the Seascamp, had tied for the night at 8t Marks. . They were Awakened from sleep by sounds of firing ofoa gun.> The shackle frame building in the center of the city was burning. -- -- w fairs organized bucket-- brigades to protect the roofs of all buildings near the hotel. Covered with blankets the Other <buildings in the village was the etperience Oof htree. Waukegan men, Mike Rynksel,.member .of coal com-- pany bearing his name and two com-- Steichler, at St. Marks, Fla., several days ago according to word received night that threatened to spread --to To be flesignated as saviors ot the town after they had directed natives VILLAGE HEADS PAY HONOR THREE WAUKEGAN _ ME N SAVE TOWN }}E'{F LC SERvicE COMPANY L io g:?_} Cer s ' rENIERE'S no Christmas gift so welcome as a useful appliance for the home. And there's no better place to get it than at your Pubtic Service store. C Come in now and see the many attractive values being offered in our big Christmas showing of lamps, toasters, percolators and other beautiful gifts. _ _ Any holiday gift you purchase here may be had now with a small Phone i44--W paid "Little by Little", beginning in February. -- _--~ amfil 9 o'clock _ --commencing Dec. 14 Our Store ~-- vill be open evenings al Rep. Gus Krumrey, Local ht Rambean bas mysteriously disfppear-- ed from her manager and {friends who have neither seeif#nor heard from the actress for four days. Efforts to notily bher of the deatk at Conford, Cal., of her grandmother, a widow of &:: late Jacob Kindleber-- ger of Ohlo, have been unavailing. liems. . She was reported recovering Tapidly from her collapse of Monday. 'The books were brought to her by hbher mother,; Mrs. L --B. Van Woert, and the blocks were furnished by her little brother, Kenneth. Habeas corpus proceedings to ob tain Mrs. West's { reedom. on bond, which had been promised by Francis W. Pouilson and Richard Bostwick, attorneys for the accused, {failed to materialize yesterday. s 1y Meanwhile the show, in which Miss Rambeau was cast for the {feminine lead, is schedule dto open hbere on Christmas day._ s * Painesville, Ohio, Dec. 14--Supplied with 'books and -- puzzle blocks, Mrs. Velma West, petite 21 year old blonde widow, charged with the murder of her husband,-- Edward..West, 26, at ,"m' eight days ago, today was di-- viding her time between reading and attempting to solve the block 'prob board forming a"committee called up-- oqmwan%mml!mm had saved the town {rom destruction. The three are continuing on their way down the west coast of Florida. ALLEGED SLAYER ; missing rebhearsals for her forth itee REPORTED MISSING Libertyville &4 #9 s 3. 406 0 $1.50 PER YEAR, IN ADVANCE C¥ t ® New York, Dec. 14.--Sale Of Georgze Bisler of the St: Louis Browns, re-- nounced . today by Clark Griffith of the Washington club. No players were involred, the deal teing strictly for cash. 'The amount was not divulged. Waukegan howerer must -- prove that it is entitled to this fast service. It has been placed in effect as an ex-- periment and if the. volume of air mail bere warrants the service it will be baseball players of modern times, to the Washington Senators, was an-- 'LEAVES ..Mr. Talcott is urging all Jocal bus-- iness houses to use this fast service so that it can be retained here. Rate of mailing by air is 10 cents per one into effect tomorrow. ° Uuorthghaaletur-flledhem at 5 o'clock will arrive in New York City at 6:15 o'clock the -- following morning or at San Francisco at 4:30 p. m. on the following day, providing the most rapid and attractive= ser-- vice possible, Establishment of a new air mail system for Waukegan which will pro-- vide for the receiring of this type of mail at the lotal postoffice up. un-- til: 5: 0'clock in the evening {or ship-- ment to all points east and west was Air mail service is in effect daily except Sundays and holidays. Change Time of --Shipment of Mail Out of City t0 Promote AIR MAIL PLAN FOR WAUKEGAN :Em\'ro\s BUY SISLER. $2.75 Business Here. tN EVENING ° will

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