Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 15 Dec 1927, p. 10

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B -- . ,},\ F PA ifi is W uo 1 § . E. & Reoud f # tats m C reygte 5s t ; f mmm $33,282 and an accounted for balance _to the treasurer when he left office «.. "Of $15,938; County Superintendent of '\we Schools T. A. Simpson showed re-- ~celpts and expenditures 'balancing off at $200,136; States Attorney. Smith showed an income of $106,567 and mm.cmemmnqmmu everdrait of $87,061. _ _--| * M. B. Stupey to S. Kaplan. WD--$10 »Lots $ 'and 9, W Wikgn Subdu, Sec C. M. Wilcox to T. F. Swan and wi. WD $10.= Lot 7, Awlgy'l lm to Lib ertyvill@e. -- _ * .~ * C. T &:T Co to 0. C.--Foreman. D '$10. Lot 4, blk 5, Braniger Bros Sun-- set Terrace Subdn.. -- y OAbanee pattonet 6 wi. . bik-- tts© N $ Ests Sece 30, 31--and 32, W g R. O. Buts and wife et at, to T.'C. Butz and wife. QCD $1. Lot J1,-- blk 44, City ofFH Pi. o tA s C--T & T Co to J. B. Parsons and wile. D $750. ~Lot 73 Hoviands First «dd to Deerficld. ; *) ... County Clerk Lew--A. Hendee's of-- fice showed earnings of $59,396 and disbursements of $45,204 'with_a. bal-- ance> of $12,263:--Probate Clerk John R. Bullock showed an earning.of $1%,-- 575, an exponse of $10,424 v%;hd-- ance of $6,987, and Circuit L J. Wilmot's> oftice 'revealed earnings Of $21,498, disbursementsy of $17,796 and a balance of $3,309. mas Witl is omrennen At onr 0 ,486, " ¥" 853, and baiance of $13,955; ex--Sher-- Iff Edwin, Ahistrom's office (his last two years,) had earnings of $33,23%, on its banked money. Lot 11, bik 6, Dousias Nursery subdn C. T & T Co to M--P. Jones. D $10: Lot 242 Krenn & Dato's H PX add. M. P Jones to E. R. McCormick et 'al, D $10. Lot 96. pt lot 152, Sees 10 County audit lnto all offices for the past two yeirs, -- dating mostly be-- tween Dec."1, 1921, and Nov. 30, 1926,-- as completed by Samue! E. Sims of s odbnbs:uca"m-;g c prov bx ~In it the--$100,000 tage" wu'Mflfl% rend. the @iselosure that the, full amou hi#d been refunded. A ing to audit the shortage pceurs in the--term of --Ira E. Pearsanl and y ' in the term of Rflwm This record cshowed that the last audit found $119,587.2%4 * credit of the treasurer at the Sims, according to hig report.. -- --=<<-- The treasury had-- $270,1713%-- --when Bracher took--.over and --had-- earned $37,430 in interest during two yeats _Emil Reiner to E. Greenwald. WD $10. SE ar. SE ar See 10, Fremont. County State bank of North Chicago 750 at the Peoples and $50,250 ay the: 8. Kaplan and wife to M. B. Stupey and : wife. WD $10. ~Lot 12; Washing-- ton Heights Acre Subdn. M. C. Marsh and husb to C. Hayes O'Brien and busb. ~WD $10. --Lot 1. tee, announcted that lIb. would. make .uumummusmnm passed in time to affect appropria tions for the nest fiscal year, | 6 The bill introduced by Rep. Reéd (RY of New York, was passed by the house last year and died in. a senaté inlbuster. Its chief effect is to in crease the amount . which .may be spent outside the district of Colum-- <+bia"from $15,000,000 to $25,000,000-- an-- OFFICIALS ARE COMMENDED ) noats m is Canton narber, but 2o far husb hm oD fro" $ [ 32e m mv"" DTE C As mm tete s + 3 uh G. son; 1 al.wmn%vmwn.c. Jensen and wite. $750: Lot 2, Co Clks DPivp, See 35, Cuba,.~ / ° : @ W.--H. Miller and wife to T. An detie and wife. WD.$10. SW 'gr NE ar Sec 34, Antiochk.: -- \<=_>.. > Was Dec. 14, ~-- Backers OL the l&mfin public building bill today planned to se@k early.Ac tion in meet demandsg --0f country which are &-1:3,0-1 new fices. poes C Rep. Elliott (R) <of Indiana," chair" 'man of the public buildings compmiit~ Washington, Dec. © ~000 in County Treasury, _ State were' errors of $49,-- "Olson, D $10. mflvlg beginning to arouse some concern * The United States consul at Tam pica chas reported that Lindbergh passed© over that city: and other re roa 4 50 h;dalm Tampico at 8:50 a. m Mexic: M'Mahvc;wfiubm ieo. City at approximately 11 o'clock, Mexican time,.~ _ 4 Others: reports --howerer ndi¢tate that the ~plane sighted at Tampico may have beena commercial plage which landed at: Valbnena and 'was mistaken for Lindbergh's plazve. i Colonel Lindbergh may haye been. tains bet Mexico iCty and Tam-- picd or he may have chosen to take mavyo qiucou 1ua1 ao pJagScuy CVTOR Tampico at $:50 a. m Mexican time.| .8¥ CHARLES A. SMiTH . -- This should have piaced him in Mex--|_, LOBdO® ~-- That an acute housing lco City at approximately 11 o'clock, | *DOTt*E® seriously detrimental to the Mexican time. nation's--health and well--being. still Others reports however 'indi¢ate|°*ists in England is revealéd by a re-- that the "plane sighted at mm,mmwmwm may have been a commercial plage|!"« And Town Planning council, -- Ac-- which landed at Valbnena-- and <was|COrding to this raport, there is an im mistaken for Lindbergh's plane. mediate and urgent need for at least } Colonel Lindbergh may haye 600,000 : new houses. slowed up by fogs over tha" moun--| The report follows offigial govern: tains between Mexico iCty and Tam--|Went Assurances that ' the Fpusing picd 'or he may have chosen to take shortage has been surmounted, and ',om.,mofi.,wk bet. | that more and more Rouses --are being ter ric conditions ' built. s & '~ At 3 p. m. New York time Colone!l| Terrible Instances of overcrowding Lindbergh had been in the air twen--|And details of vile slum areas <are tydive and a--half hours which is| described by the council's medical of-- i> head--winds and fogs are| viewed by tho--minister of health 'reported,. Colonel --Lindbergh's time|with a view to alleviating the plight rmuuu-xokuuovammn of thousands of persouns living in slum he must have changed his <course, if | districts, us 8y m yw~ .. he chas not. made a forced landing. Conditions Reported #<2 m.rmm- ~|. Ftom Coventry there is reported a New York, Dec. 14.--Confusion now |case of a.bedroom, barely 1,200 cubi¢ --over reports that Colonel Lind--| feet in :capacity, being occupied by a uxnwhmm : his wife, and their four zons f Western Union reported Colo--| and two daughters,. One house, con-- &%fimalo'mgfimdanm.m n&:: ,M,wawuu'wumbmovmnm # nhn&a't' albuena ~aerodrome, ~re:| tion, mmbdu oee:&h_:aty ported _ ©Lindbergh had landed. ~-->|a woman daughter, er & Conmuflnf Reports -- ~ > . _ New York, Dec. 14.--Contfusion now exists over reports that Colonel Lind: Bbergh 'has landed in Mexico iCty. f...%!::""" afrival #t 4 avlocks r. at & ¥viged b; hw"ot'tu halln'c': # plane --at Valbuena aerodrome, ~re: Later advices stated however thit as known no Americans were CYorling the disorders. Tros Anuithapan it the stete of Mes | Bitatrgham 'reports a shoriage. of ' & _ of ] ham reports a shortageo fco at 11;30 Mexican time and n,mm,.nctvu.chuucmu have reached Valbuena--by 12 0'ClOCk |\some comment since Birmingham has 'Bome advices stated: that a(com:|nitherto been regarded as one of the u:;fl)hu fiying aloug the c0@8t| model ardas: | Manchester presents orer Tampico and to Mexico City had|a vivid pen--picture of deplorable con-- : Bhanghal, Dec, 14,8cores of com munist leaders and agitators: were ex-- ecuted by government troops at Can-- ton during the night, according: to ad> Yiees from Hong Kong today.:>..»> . #Kanun, Cal,--The _ youthfal % of the modern criminal is borfle oflix a census recently completed at Quentin state penitentiary. _ :~+*The statistics of the census--reveal that 1,068 of the 3,830 inmates of the orer Tampico and to Mexico City had|a vivid pen--picture of deplorable con-- ¥een: mistaken tor Colonel Lindbergh. :!thu M"m' ?fi Census Shows Prisoners .. "I%t :m,afi t without a <com-- and,. 25 years.-- The average ago of|}_ "It was estimated in 1919 .that \::imop:: is 32 mvhgtthn :'.&me Ib:rlJ!N' then r&u&: : only prisonets over60. years o make up e westage vid. § . «. |war years. .To that number must be . Of--the 91 women 'prisoners, 42 are|added--the 100,000 a year necessary to béetween the ages of 23 and 35 years |cope with the annual. growth of tho ~--Governmient troops are maint=~Ining martial law at Canton; e *3 SEARCH 1 S BEING-- M eoats: and for--making cheap furs 'are now in great> demand, according to the report of the Public Fur Sales. . _ Over :§1,000 cats' sking . were o:fi Jast: month--21,000 more-- than* i Cat Skins in Demand -- ~ . --*~~--~ For Lining Fur Coats landed at Mexico City, I!t--gave no details or time, however, angd the embassy was not in a position" to contirm it. ispatches Telling of His Ar-- fivalamem"fiwt'to was sighted over Mexico Cityat 2:35 Mexican time this afternoon. Colonc} ~Lindbergh's plane ; was positively identified as it passed over V aibuena «* BULLETIN & Washington, 'Dec. 14--A per-- M Age I:'Only plete dislocation of family life privacy t PW is=not possible in, cases of confine-- x yea=~""="~"*}. * ments in houses containing only one Quentin, Cal,--The youthfal-- family in fiftyfour per--cent: of the the modern criminal is borfie |cases, and in houses ¢containing more a census recently completed | than one family in 98 per cent of the at BULLETIN > 34 ed at the 'public 'wash--houses, during mo;:rupm _ County Aid Grading been inspected, " accept-- ed and final estimate paid. > ; tion ~of the: County Aid ~ Bridge in awarded to Kapschull--Davis Company, In¢. > of ~Deenfleld. ~Construction is now going forward-- in a very satls factory tmhanner. > > ' *# w Maintenance <©~ *# The Maintenance of Our State Ald Patrolled Roads has. to be very satisfa¢tory.> In agdition--to the mmnvonnl_uow grading work on State Aid Routes 9 and 16 an'd have gravelled the places thesgaunud-, F i talg 22 " E7 M. LOBDELL ll'-rc.' ws?lmsm': Thiat Cust Tor qach of the abore 406¢ ROME SHORTAGE I N ENGLAND IS aumming up the report JODBB G. Martin, 'secretary. to <the <council, ~"It was estimated in 1919 .that a« reported to the hoard Of supervig: ors today by. R. M.--Lobdelil, county population. . Of . these: only --1,000,000 have been buillt, leaving q presert shortage d*m. Even if haif a miliion new were put in hand manent output of~a further 100, per yoar, the #lum problem and that of t'io agriculitural worker would stil! be ©ztouched." & ing sutficient poison to kill sixty per-- sons, in the <opinion© of physicions, RECORD -- IS$ . ACCEPTED _--_ _ DIES OF POISON -- i Peorfa, HL., Dec: 14. ----After awailiw-- 'o,. "" 3 Ts utele vialce's Mss Aepertment wA K36 the . OKklahoma City, Dec. 14.--Out of the and Johnston still.contending the leg-- islature is In--~Hlegal session because self--convened. ~--Thus .an impasse will have been reached and it <is.the hope. of the sober leaders: on both sides that & truce will then be possible until the United -- States supreme court or 's "«! the oT f th:nofit: <od 3y the governor, on s nn;not the lhtegg:r association, r%d_mmtwinfl' exents hzw'mxxmuum;m gan with an informal: caucus of mem-- bers ~of -- the : state © senate at ~the Huckins hotel and a conference be m Henry 8. Johnston, bis legal and personal advisor, Judge James R. Armetrong and other attorneys, in Armstrong's offite., --* > <The first concrete 'result *fl::t 3: mlordornflytouy, 1 national »guard patrol 'be: removed from the senate chamber at the capt-- tol, --permitting -- the senate to meet there later in the day. .The guard continued to bar admission: of house the: executive cesg, be will Authorized ~spokesmen for -- both sides in the controversy agreed today that 'developments . probably -- would 'B:M""WE':., t' t, managers, the formal impeachment charges against Gov. Johnston, Chiet Justic¢e .Fred T. Branson and-- Prest dent Harry: B. Cordell of the state board of agriculture. _ -- ~ The senate ther wil décide whether his trial and declare "Lt.--Gor. Wiliam J. Halloway --acting governor. If--Johnston is suspended and Hol loway attempis --to take possession of members to their chamber in the ~New York, De¢. 14.--Mys sur-- 'Younds' the. whicide here early. toray Of Talmait Bigelow, milllonaire. real mmur whose name uh§ : social reglster. Bigelow shot . ~Dinner guests were chattine in an adjoining room, but none ot" them Reard "the ahot. NATIONAL GUARD (§ : -- FROM THE SENATE] | m : A .' ' : ' ! ..' ,Q:':',,'--Ar,; '»fl,'é - ",'h_.'. h " «h 1"m ~ NR m | t the export of oplum, via the Persian | erty, which w -- sB aF 4A BBE & A gulf, : O . o~> .> _ =| ESmith of Ports ' tss wm,m Bilk Holeproof Hose, fs ' w j 4 ".. # » s ypl.-.\_,-' ..jr.qi.n'. .r. is w & .n.e.d. 4. o M\ -- The Masters Shoe Co. is loaded to the guards with Shoes, Slip-- mimersaeantes s Tsb ids ¥6 Useful Gifts Are Appreciated Women's Felt: Slip-- ©$3.50 $3.95 55¢ " $1.00 $1.00 ® $1.25 "I41 to 1%44%4.,. 1 to 4 05¢ $3.15 $440 or Men's 92 North Genesee St. . _ chair covered in .2 mahogany finish, ° g o 6 d looking, strong and com-- m a h 0 A variety .of 'fine tov-- Sndnine 1 ) Aa kess . neanat mm Tath $17.95 '&: *"'i' u § *'""fl' ".i w-ij 9 farel . L PS T EEAVeRene _A «ER Me c O n ZERE . e Ee WB ith of ea -- .m,d"um game berds -- left Bmith of Portsmouth, N. H. If 1800 ) Cnited States. h with -- chair, ~ 1 to 10% fi":o 2--s204o RED TOP BOOTS a 0 wie u6 6 6 # 64 # All necessary inter-- ior conveniences. and ~yet inexpensive. If--you want something For any room in the home. "Red or Greens 4 shelves, Others priced up to $5.00. §$25.00. ~| . ~Only Few Elk Left _ --Ahamwmam o e o i o i ol Sean Ne i _ is d : Mwenty--Ave thousand 'clk of the JTowstone Park region constitute Ave P s

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