Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 15 Dec 1927, p. 7

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Shears Pocket Knives Razors Coaster Wagons Sleds . Skates Air Rifles _ Flash Lights Aluminum Ware -- Enameled Ware Wagner Dutch Ovens 1 Electric Percolators _ Electric Toasters | . Electric Irons _| And many other things you can use AvromaTIC GATE #: LINE IS SUCCESS $0LD BY ALL DRUGEISTS BXs EVERYWHERE yos without | the risk of the uncertain "human --element," and without the prohibitive cost of elaborate automa-- tic gates. It is believed that the North Shore line is the first trans-- <portation company to use this parti cdaler type of automatic gate in seek-- ing a practical means of reducing grade crossing hazards to a minimum. The gate arms, which are 100 feet long, extend over the traffic side of each approach to th® crossing when Set for a passing train. Each arm isw equipped with a warning bell and red signal lights, both of which func-- tion whenever the arms are lowered. The gate is operated entirely by elec-- tricity, through closing of a,. track cir-- cuit by the approaching tr&in. The track circuit can be arranged so that warning can be given by bell and lights at,least ¥5 seconds ahead of a train at the highest speed operated At present the circuit is completed Schane tion 'during a period of over two months has proved successful, not a single failure having occurred. . --Although still in the experimental stage, this safety gate gives promise of solving the old problem of furnish-- ing nearly perfect crossing protection .A new type of automatic gafety gate has been installed for test pur-- poses by the Chicago North Shore and Milwaukee railroad--the North BShore line--at 'Wheeler Road cros-- eing west of Libertyville, L Opera-- e TADIES 1 pw-- * .J m"?.fi&'@ Safety Device West of Liber-- tyville Has Been in Use For . Two Months. Six--room modern home, newly decorated thruout, large lot ........__.______.______._.$6,750.00 Lot 50x172 on McKinley Avenue, in Liber-- tyville Highlands ........................_.$1,258.00 Nine--room house, Brainard and Lake Streets in Libertyville ......__._......_.._..:...___._.$12,000.00 Six--room house on McKinley Avenue, just nearing completion .................... $12,000.00 There are Such Things as Bargains USEFULL JAY C AIRNS 410 REALTOR Milwaukee Avenues erage vocabulary. It has also been estimated that ~a 1,000--word vo cabulary is the average for a laborer. The estimated vocabulary of the high school students varies so widely that they -- hesitate to quote fgures I ranges from 2,000 to 4,000 and 5,000 Kemper was held for an hour until the matter had been thoroughly in-- vestigated. With that completed he was released. No warrant was is-- The University of lowa has issued a list of 10,000 words most accurately used in writing. It has been esti-- mated that 8,000 words are a good ary-- The driver of the Yellow, Fred Kemper, told police that he did not see the man until he was almost to John M-%"' for forty years a nouse to be near desin harsaey thought to be near death {mnhwumtmdmomh @a Yellow taxi cab in Highland Park. _ Police however were informed that afternoon that his . condition: was highly favorable and that the extent of the injuries were far less than first thought. No bones were broken, police declared. Patten, so they were informed, stepped out into the street on North First street, coming from behind a milk wagon to be struck by the étb.l tion as soon as the vehicle has pass-- od. 4. > % s o hate ther hoen agrivoet aiie n the gate ) equipped w &A device ftor :fm-many recording the time each train passes and wheth-- er or not the gate functions, So com-- plete is the automatic equipment of this new ew: gafety gate that a signalman ne to make but one trip in 24 hours to change charts and in spect AGED MAN IS HIT BY CAB; RELIEVE DRIVER OF BLAME by ap%?hfm 2,200 feet from the 4 j An outstanding feature of this new automatic gate is the fact that it can-- not be destroyed by failure of a ve-- hicle to stop when the arms are down. If the barrier is struck, it swings around parallel to the road and per-- mits passage of the vehicle. Springs located in the gate posts automatical-- ly return the arms to the normat post-- Kitchen Sets [ Z2 'trains when 2.200 feet **~K¥ h !i ';! aru--J.' Adrams, Junior Warden; Ches ter Wessling, Treasurer; Charles V. ' INSTALLS ITS NEW OFFICERS .. Deerfield Lodge No. 1110 F. & A. M. held their installation "'.;id"t: Tuesday evening, December 13, at the Masonic Hall. Many Masons and their friends were present to enjoy the ceremonies and the delightful enter-- mnmtvhichfiollowod, _ The installing officers were as fol-- [ Plans were made for an adult Christ mac party to be given on Thursday evening, December 22. Also a Juven-- ile Christmas party to be given on Fri-- day afternoon, December 23, from 3 to 5 o'clock. A nice time is in store for al} who attend. . the Royal Neighbor Camp, at Deer-- field, held on December 8, officers for CHRISTMAS PAGBPANT TO BE GIVEN ON DECEMBER 18 The young people of the Presbyteri-- i 'church will present "Why the himes Ring" in a Christmas pageant the Vesper service on December , in the church auditorium. The iblic is cordially invited to atend. ThoCuthobouhg:::o: VemV&mr.mdor: , Bob eeman'~ Little Brother, Edwarnd _ Miss Elizabeth Schilstra returned to her home at Kilbourn, on Wednes-- day, after a visit of a week in this vicinity with friends. . . Ruth Shapiro, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sol 'Shapiro, is very H, at present. _ Saralh Getty, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Minnie Juhrend is contined to her bome with an attack of bronchitis. Mrs. Minnie Whitcomb is quite il1 at her home. lhal&rtthemn.otChw,m &A menatthoholn'ot Mrs. William Galloway on Friday and Saturday. Mrs. Minniec Juhrend is confined in Miss Josie Woodman, Miss Eugene Watier and 'Mrs. Belle Kist, left on Saturday, for Ozona, Florida, arriving last Monday. 3 Mrs. J. Coursen and daughter, of Waukegan, were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Meyer last Tues-- day, nTh:rhonoonDurnddAmm. e George Stanger family were dinn:rs?mnthowm family, o MMonm. The Mission Band of the Bungalow church, met on Tuesday afternoon. Mre. lmmma:tmoafld- ren and Mrs. Milton tz and Mrs. Foxworthy, were hostesses. The Young~People's Mission Circle of the Bungalow church met Tuesday evening with Miss Dorothy Fehr. Mr..and Mrs. James Barrett and family took leave for Duluth, Minn., Ita Gardner Mrs. Charles Selig was hostess to the J. 0. Y. CluB on Tuesday evening Cooksey( who was killed in an auto accident on Sunday morning near Ar-- lington Heights, were held on Wednes-- day afternoon, at Deerfield. Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Rusao were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Agaardt o ftChicago, on Sunday evening. Wilson Olendort ana Winfred Wil son were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Wolf on Saturday "AIs Aiyin Anask and Miss Irene Shields High school, the freshmen of Dnn.on.WtthhmolDeeruadonmmemm the Deerfield and Wilmot schools, on fourth out of eighteen 'different Thursday, at a miscellaneous shower, schools represented. .. _ x in compliment to Mrs. Delbert Meyer. The Board of Education held its . _ Mr. and Mrs.. Harty Olendorf enter-- regular monthly meeting in the sehaol _ Mra. Theodore Frost exntertained her aiece on Sunday. -- Announcement is made of the mar riage of Mrs. Caroline Becker, to F. PumBMlmi'ltmwn.onlon day November 2 __Mrs. Harry Olendorft attended a luncheon and bridge party at the res-- idence of Mrs. Ralph Peterson,; . of Libertyvilie, on Tuesday. * Miss Edith Smith, of Chicago, was the week end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Miss Martia Karch underwent: an mnflmhrM,muc&m on m of ~last week, in [ Ata getting along very nicely. The operation was one of a very ser-- lous nature. * $ A number of Deerfleld people attend mx au::uw °f on Mrs. --Minnie Virgin had as her din; ner guests on Sunday, her son Charles and his family, of Chicago. - NEWS F wiiicls Mal CC *3 LODGE ate . (asl dyy w | ments had been carried on it 2| and that the result would be ; | with the utmost care. Age of 20 years. . P } Besides her husband, and infant son, she is survived by her mother, 'Mrs. George Lathrop of Deertield, one sis-- ter, Mrs. William Dowtal, of 'Musca-- tine, lTowa and one brother, Louis Glandon,, of Hammond, Indiana. Funeral services were held at the home. of: August Zieman, at, Everett, on Saturday afternoon, at 2%:30, Rev. M.J, Andrews, officiating. Interment was in Northfleld eemetery. l Washinston, D. C., Dec. | cessful experiments with a plosive known as the "divin which, it was said, may rev. % OBITUARY Neéllie --Marie Glandon Zieman, the wite of Irvin Zieman, of Deerfleld, was the daughter of Mr. and> Mrs. Isaac GHandon, and was born at Ot-- tumwa, Ilowa, on Febrmuary 28, 1908. She was united in marriage to Irvin Zieman, at Deerfield on May $0, 1926. & passed away on Tuesday evening, ) er: 6, 1927, at 8 p. m., at the _ 'The Ohristmas program will be giv-- en on Wednesday evening Daoemg:r n:l'::sil!ouoordhllylnfltodto@ pu services and activities of this church. CZCITJ WOVV! mL 0. 70 &, i. J CIRSB fOro'flv.mombhd?gm. & Morning worship at 11 a. m. Christian Endeavyor at 7 p. m. Sunday evening, the Mission Band will give a short Thank Offering pro-- this Sunday or on Christmas Day. A cordial invitation to all the servy-- ioes and activities of this church. _ We oo eonne ces w o People's Christmas party at 8 ». m. _ Every Friday from 7 to 8:30 p. m., the Boy Scouts will hare a meeting. 5:00, Vesper service. The Young People's Department will present the pageant "Why the Chimes Rang" at this service. A Gifts for the Caspian Mission should be brought to the church school on this Sunday. ; Monday, December 19, from 2 to 4:30 the Christmas party of the Beginners Department. 'The mothers and grand-- mothers of the little ones are most cordially invited to be present. Tuesday, December 20, from 8 to 5, the Primary Department will have a _ Wednesday, December 21. the Young l AUXILIARY ELECTS OFFICERS The Woman's Auxiliary of Deer-- ifield Post 'American Legion, met at 'the home of Mrs. Harry Olendorf on ' Monday evening.. Mrs. Harry Mann 'land Mrs. Earl Frost were assistant |hostesses. , Eighteen members were present and 'the Election of Officers was as fol-- | _ine room having the largest at--|"B®MCNt left the place shortly after tendance of parents,""' were dropped at the hotel door ' |ward of one dollar. and have not been back since. Their | Opportunity will be given for the|bed was not occupied Thursday night 'Imowcl of subscriptions to the Child | and they did not return Friday night. 'Welfare also for new subscriptions|_ And now new developments came ; to all of our publications. We feel sure|Saturday morning when Sheriff Doo-- |there will be a hearty response on |little received an additional or third themrtofthomjodtyofm warrant, for the arrest of Smith 1t |bers, to this avpeal. To be came from Youngstown, O., and the j is very important these days and un--| Warrant shows that Phillip Schaft; of |less the people take and read the pub--| that city, claims that he was mulcted lications of the Association, how can out of $120 through a check fesued by [MN such? 'The Child Welfare mag--| Smith on the First National Bank at azine, the State Bulletin and the Na--| Redbank, N. J., on March 24, 1926. 'tloul Hand Book should be in every | Apparently the Youngstown, O., chief |home, so our people may understand | of police heard about Smith being de-- our work and 27' the objectives set |tained here, thus the warrant. '::th':'ygurs e and National Offl¢ | < 1 areo developed that Smith . was | ' Besides the activities mentioned in |ECh®duled to appear before Justice our last announceément, we are pay-- mm in connection with |ing all expenses of phone service for in two weeks before when'| 'the school and are furnishing paper the first news came about him being | towels for the use of the children. _ | W2"!°4 for check forgery in the east. | Everyone is cordially invited to at--|!!* W# taken before the justice at f Ibettcr acquainted. day, Now with Smith and his wife Mrs. E. L. Vineyard will be the having disappeared just what will 'hostess for the evening. come of the bond case remains to be Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. A class EVANG. BUNGALOW CHURCH r The regular meeting of the P. T. A. will be held on Friday evening, Dec-- ember 16, at 8 o'clock. : _ _The program will be of great inter-- est to all. -- Mrs. Metcal{, wife of Dr. Waliter B. w& ott%lfld\d. will Mc: r recen thru Europe and the French schools. a There will also be other matters of business and interest. + dm' * Lide ____.._ . fu#ave IAKken them to: o + f :roné.nmf"t::a tow ~WILMOT P. T. A. NOTES t Northwes trair 'The regular meeting of the P. T. A.|OUt Of the city. Afte will be held on Friday evening, Dec.| GOYernor Small over omrb:: 16, at 8 o'clock. ; ;';".zfi':'!uwt say will be of ' their case mmw he mm!ndlfponmorem: regular monthly meeting in the school house on Saturday nite, December 10. The regular routine business was con-- * GRAMMAR SCHOOL NoTE + the freshmen class, in the Deerfield-- Who's Who in Deerfled!l Grammar School. Evelyn R. Scheel, Teacher Grade 14. Graduate Lake View High School, Chicago. | Graduate Chicago Teachers' College, Chicago. Experi-- ence, taught in Deerfleld Grammar School from 1926 to 1928. Twentyfive pupils have made ar> plication to join thanhoolhnd.m is almost thé necessary number l to make up a band according to thoi instructions sent out from 'the school Jane Wood, Ethel Kreh, Maty Hood, Margaret Gm Mrs. Koeblin, Mrs. Peterson, Lidgerwood 'and Mrs. Andréws. Princess' Servant, Lelah Kreh; Keep-- er of Vineyards, Dave Ginter; Choir, Hazel Baston, Vivian Haggle, Clarice Juhrend, Eva Cooksey, Clara Aitkin, ¥*%, . ce at 8 p. m. iy ay hoa P t 2A . ~Save You Money On It, T Phone 50. Promnt Delive With the warrant from Youngstown, it makes the third the sheriff receiv-- ed for Smith. 'The first one was from a bank at Michigan, a check for $31 i1071 saturday in connection with his detention two weeks before when the first news came about him being wanted for check forgery in the east. He was taken before the justice at that time and Louis Berger signed a bond for $1,000 for his appearance to-- day, Now with Smith and his wife having disappeared just what wm' come of the bond case remains to be meuDank, N. J., on March 24, 1926. Apparently the Youngstown, O., chief of police heard about Smith being de-- tained here, thus the warrant. been rumors < that their steps may have taken them toward the |lake front, rather than toward an electric er Northwestern train to bear them out of the city. After having heard Governor Small over the telephone Thursday night say that bhe would investigate their case further Friday and if possible rescind the extradi-- tion papers he had signed earlier in the day, they both seemed to be con-- soled and felt that their sitnation would be cleared on Friday. How-- ever, both were seemingly disconso-- late and according to the hotel mun--l agement left the place shortly after EyX The puzzle surrounding the mental condition, financial operations --and in-- tentions of Lt. Willis Boardman Smith and his wife who had been in the public eye for the past ftew .days be-- came involved and intricate Satur-- day when it was revealed that --the couple had quietly left: the Plaza Hotel, Thursday evening, about §:30 o'clock and had not been seen since. Their complete disappearance, leav-- ing 'behind their two gripe --which con-- tained nothing of importance, coupled with the fact that when they left W. :1 Smith, editor "'Ru Sun, and; Rev. oward % ursday evening, at the doomo hotel they appeared to be confident that the difficulties were being straightened out, indi-- cates that ~possibly something : has happened to them and thera havo Shingles for the roof, posts for your fences, beams, siding, flooring--we're at your ser-- vice for every inch of Lumber you'll need in making necessay fall repairs. Willis Boardman Smith Miss-- ing From Hotel: Legion Pulls Out From fiis%'a'mse. IS WIEE, AS HUNT . _ FOR HIM STARTS Bell lines reach everywhere-- O , not only in the United States, j but Canada, Cuba, Mexico, f England, Scotlandand Wales. ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY \--___ BELL SYSTEM * costs greater than the average of the present plant. Todothis,new capital must be ob-- tained and to attract this, satisfactory re-- turns must be paid. This cannot be done without adequate rates. ' 4A must add new equipment to its Clearing Up a THE company must add noewn e €1 SA Bad Sitpation' utes'conversation by long dis-- tance will make everything the best of intentions, are often cold and formal and the result sought to be gained is wholly lost. _ In such a situation, turn to Letters, though written with ¥ ¥ misunderstandings arise and how hard it is some-- times to clear them up,espe-- cially when those in volved are widely separated. ~a 7 ER 15. 1927. Mrs. Mary Fuller, Zion, charging that her husband, Francis, was sen-- lteaeod.tonrvezliyunmtholm . penitentiary for robbery after being arraigned last month at Fort Madison, Ia., today filed bill for divorce in the circuit court on the grounds that her husband is jailed for a felony. They were married but four months. ' Mre. Fannie Waters, Waukegan, started suit against her husband, Lew-- 1 :t. Waukegan, accusing him of infide!l-- Aty. f Bill "tor separate maintenance was asked by Mrs. Ellen Maloney against her husband, Fred, 111 Belvidere street. Waukegan. | She charged him with cruelty, citing an instance in which he threw her ou tof the house and she had to cause his arrest. They bave two children. came ba bruised)--I told another man he had not the heart of a white According to Mrs.. Smith she was practically pennlless Thursday night when she said that all the money they: had between them was $4.00. Thus with the troubles in the court, with the extradition papers having been' issued for Smith's return to Boston and with all! these things staring them in -- the face, with the weeming certainty that Mrs. Smith would be unable to go back east with her husband in case he were taken by the officer who has been waiting here since Thursday afternoon, those who saw the couple and knew of the cir-- cumstances are not hesitant in wond-- ering whether it might: be possible that because of all their troubles Smith and his wife might have de-- cided to make way with themselves. HUSBAND JAILBIRD; WIFE ASKS DECREE room and looked into the two euit-- cases which had been left behind. He found in there articles of -- no value whatever, in fact the two euit-- cases and their contents wouldn't be worth re than $3.00 according to !the . . In the cases were three picture| frames, the pictures bhaving been oved, indicating ~that pos-- sibly the couple, when they left, took the pictures out of the frames in an effort cover up their identity. Be-- sides that there was an old suit of clothes \belonging to Smith and an old dress longing to ~Mrs. Smith A few minor toilet articlee were also in her case, add all know how éasily volved. A few min-- Better Now his face be Bry CATTLE TESTED l FREE OF CHARGE REVERSE CHARGES ON BUsINESS Farm and Stock Sales A FRED GRABBE/| WAUKEGAN, ILL. By U. 8. Government Veterinarian D. C. Grinnell, Inspector in Charge Telophone 329 LIBERTYVILLE Office With Farm Bureau Office in First National Bank Building Hours: -- 1 to $:30 and 7 to 8 p. m. LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS ATTORNEYATLAW _-- _ ' e »i1lg i1V APUILLIOULEL LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS | + LUCE BUILDiNG | wmu'::"| Res. Phone 97. Office Phone 18 ! somninths Un»r a mss on _ i _ _ P mmn LYELL H. Mol ATTORNIYA'TM_W Office at Home on W. Cook Avenue A Telephone 163.J LIl!!lTYVlLL!., ILLINOI8 Harry Madill Bartlett|( R. B. GODFREY 172 W. Lincoin Ave., LIBERTYVILLE Visiting Companions Cordially Invited J. A. TREPTOW. H. P. -- -- qi ,l Men's Shi r'"' Neckt " "Sf Each monty ar Ments' nt9hts | ) SIL Scarfe, Silk and W Meets First and Third -- Friday Nights of Each Month In Gridiey Haill, First Nationa!l Bank Building. Visiting Neighbors Welcome. Colds, Grippe, Flu, Dengue Bilious Fever and Malaria. then broke the rooms to ransack Tiffany picked up print on a piece o it. to Waukegan | Lt. Henry F. Wall kegan police fore arllernoon, broke into the Halsey school at Lake Forest some time "fl.i this morning and robbed a fund of $6. Police Chief Lester Tiffany de-- clared they had carefully removed the plate glass from the outer door and then broke the transomes into the rooms to ransack each room. Chief Tiffany picked up a very clear finger-- print on a piece of glass and brought it. to Waukegan to be examined by Lt. Henty F. Wallenwein of the Wau-- e uic c i%i. C Burglars, believed to be youths m17w2°ymofm'hom partaken of Lake Forest's hospitality on the city skating rink yesterday field. father of two small children. He had resided in Deerfield for many years and was well known in that section. His body was taken to an undertak-- ing establishment in Desplaines and later removed to his home in Deer-- BREAK INTO LAKE FOREST SCHOOL Joseph Radtke, aged 38 years, of Wheeling, who was with him receiv-- ed serious injuries and was rushed to ufl:;. Palatine hospital by highway po-- Cooksey, according to an investica-- tion made by highway police tried to make the turn at too great a reate of Collision of his automobile with a culvert at the intersection of Rand and Central Toads, near Wheeling, Sunday morning, resulted -- in the duthotFredOooboy.mdum a hoisting engineer, residing on Oster-- man avenue in Deerfield. Automobile Crashes Into Cul-- vert on Rand-- Road Near Wheeling Sun. Morning. CREDIT RATOR °* REALTOR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE No. 272 R. A. M. E. W. COLBY 912 N. \Vam Illinols E CHARGES ON BUSI CALLS Rik:* © police force. MEETS DEATH IN AUTO ACCIDENT J. L. TAYLOR J. B. WETMORE, Secretary It Kilis the Germs. Telephone $83 666 A. 8. DOUOléz'*m For k ne Chr1§tmas Gifts _ @H a Dainty Rayon Underwear C¥ Fancy Linen Bridge Sets Acme Camp No. 176 . of A. Good Meals Telephone 568, LIBERTYVILLE .I.". '~'7";".'--_ ""Ml-u.m&u:-': be, before stanting. [ROOFING ARLING T 0O # HOTEL @# PHONE 306 SNOW'S MEETS FIRST TUESDAY OF EAcH MONTH AT THE TOWN HALL C. C. HOSKINE, Commander 'Telephone $45.J GEORGE H. SMITH, Prop. West Lake Street * P. 0. Box 843 Phone 614R3 LIBERTYVILLE _ iLuNOH8 Libertyville Roofing Estimates Furnished Free TAR AND GRAVEL ROOFING READY ROOFING OVER OLB sHiNGLEs FLAT ROOFS RE . COVERED WITH TAR AND PITCH Libertyville Post &..,,, en memeaains Fer Rt%e By D!CK!R & N EVIL We Do All Kinds Of Roofing Work Guaranteed .and Night Service AT LOW COST LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINO!I8 Call, Phone or Writs to "The Quality @tore" GONSALVES | 85; Night s tS and adults by physciess Creo--Lyptus In Five Minutes Hacking and Sore +. 5 %%

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