operating in a city without a sell all 'Dél'BOnanlfiiiroperty on the farm, nles east and 1 mile south of Antioch, 1 : south of Hickory, and 2 miles north of iburn, on Saturday, January 21st & city under the above pro-- L.o act. 1t seems"td me 'act should be constraed that it applies only to such many other articles. -- Usual Terms. you inquire if the provisions aph 669 of chapter 24, Smith-- iviged statutes, 1927, apply to l'mgmnuudothu 8 carry insurance on mhadty'rmuby fire insurance < companies ve no local agency in such , Department of Trade and Montie Conklin, Prop. of the opinion has been re-- re. Mr. Caristrom also de undersigned, having> rented his farm, J. Slocum, Auctioneer. st are not exempt from the opinion given to H. U. Bail-- ir of the department of trade your letter of December 30, General Makes a Rul I will say that said para-- 4* ing HORSES, CATTLE, 63 Head of BRED HAMPSHIRE SOWS, S and GILTS--a well bred bunch of ich Affects Many Including Here. commencing at 12:30 sharp, vs. Commercial Union Company, 322 I!1l1. 326, it mandamus will lie to CTION SALE TERM REALTOR receilved for fire in-- a full line of nearly new FARM --ean be legally used in the Libertyville--Mundelein dis trict only by members of the Libertyville--Mundelein Real Estate Board. All others using it will be prosecuted. do business under the strictest code of ethics in opera-- tion«in any organization anywhere in the world. Any Real Estate dealer of character my become a Realtor-- all others are personae non gratae. - are business men of the highest type who expect to give every participant in a real estate transaction, a square deal, and they profit by sheer force of merit. > Transact your business with a Realtor, -- 'a member of the Libertyville--Mun-- ~~~. tourself and others. Look for this em-- : TAX Jim McMillen, o 4Grayslake, well'talk on home known to the people of Mundelein, demonstrated > m'hohtovgtbatwul':tm m:'::' Thursday night uary 26th, on | there are Wednesday afternoon for Minneapolis, |neople who do Minn., where 'he meets one of the 'Sunday School. premiums received for fire insurance in such city and to pay the amount of rates fized by the city ordinance. "On account of the wording of the statute, the question here involved is not entirely free from doubt until passed upon authoritatively by the supreme court. spent Sunday afternoon visiting rela-- tives in Elgin. f f Mrs. Will Ray entertained the after-- noon Five Hundred Club at her home der the act unconstitutional, because three would be no reasonable basis for such a classification of companies. The classification would be purely ar-- bitrary and discriminatory. I am in clined to believe that if an agent or broker in Chicago, for instance, act-- ing in behalf of a foreign fire insur-- ance company, should write fire in-- surance on property located in some other city, he would be subject to the penalties of the act if he failed to (Signed) "O§SCAR E. Ir.mln.wmhnlddy enter-- tained latter's brother and . wife, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Easton. of Bloom-- ;lnmthonruotthowut.u # _ Quite a large number of folks wit-- nessed the ski, jump at Cary Sunday, which is an annual affair held there. R. F. Rouse and R. J. Lyons, J. H. Rouse and Paul MacGuffin attended a banguet at the Sherman Hotel in Chi-- cago Fuesday evening. 'The affair was given in honor of State's Attorney of Cook county R. E. Crowe. Mr. Randall of Chicago, is visiting this week with his sister, Mrs, W. Dietsz. ~» Mr. and Mrs. Myron We¥s and their empt such companies from--the pay-- ment of the tax if they have no lecal which have>"10cal agents in a city . Mrs. Emma Rouse entertaied a aum-- ber of friends from Libertyvillie, Dia-- mond Lake and Mundelein on Tues Miss Ruth Sorenson spent -- the week end visiting relatives at Mi@Pwaukee. CARLSTROM, MILL!E WRENCH, Lecal Editer. -- ._C. HVIZENGA AND S8ON8 Wednesday, January 25 11 o'clock p. m. sharp, C. Huizenga and SBons, wil sell at public auction, 1 mile north-- east of Long Grove, 3 miles west of Aptakisic. 1% .miles southwest of Prairie View .44 mile south of Lake Zurich on Hal Day road, known as persons desiring may objec-- . tions in said Court before said day DRY GOODS AND SHOES and may appear at the hearing and| 800 pr. shoes, men's, ladies' and make their defense. Said Ordinance|childrens; overalls, jackets, blankets, provides for the collection of said as | quilts, stockings gloves, shirts, caps, sessment in five annual installments|table oil cloths, big lot of bathing with annual interest at the rate of six |suits and 'shoes, butcher knives and nfltmrfin f hiatchets. * Dated at Mundstein, Illinois, this FURNITURE 19th day of January, A. D. 1928. 2. e0o0k stoves, 1 heater, 1 kerosene <~-- CHESTER B. MUNRO, M'lm-dmuf'm The person appointed to make |dining room set, some chairs, 2 new . _ said assessment. $ 2t | washing machines, vacuum cleaners. B. H. Miller, AttOrney. Good lunch served. is to -- Real Estate Sermon subject, "Why Pray--Does It Do Any Good?" Special music by the choir of each church. Evening service at 7:30. --Sermon 'flbbct.'?l!.wlnchg:tnYodaoor' Beginning with n Bunday eve-- ning, Mr. Jevne will give a number of talks on talks on the Way of Jesus. These will be simple talks about the Christian life. > Friday at 4 p. m. Junior choir prac tice; at 8 p. m., Ivanhoe thoir practice, and Boy Scouts. & Saturday at 10 a.--m., Explorers; at 2 p. m. The Scouts; at 7:30 p. m., the {6. 0. 8. Club. ue seA oc Alnigh e im ies _ Dr. .'% lguzhm Bbom.hot.w-h-! ington, D. C., gave a very teresting talk on home m':um.mvm.u demonstrated th eneed for renewed enthusiasm® in our 'home work, for there are 54,000,000 of our Ameriecan Ipeople who do not attend church or gram regeived from Mr. Hendee, stated that the operation was a suc-- cess and that her condition was fay-- orable. When she grows stronger she 'will have to submit to a minor operation as well. r submitted to a major operation at the Mayo brothers hospital, Rochos-- ter,. Minn., for removal of a goitre. 10:00 a. m. Ivanhoe at 11 a. m. -- Worship services: Ivanhoe at «. m.; First Church at--11:15 a. buguemy mous. feinntnn 9 uisnn --uupai ds c Ripinniione i BPe s indlp in 1: in 36 J & f w brand segp ° « e .t-_: «Ne' it Comogme o en reott mcmmmthm 7 Ti : v zc amactp ; Huber . PLYMOUTH LARGER PARISH Ivanhoe Church and First Church, oo| Will Cost Village $1 Annually MRS. LILA HENDEE --GOES UNDER KNIFE GOOD LIVBSTOCK E: y n 8 good work horses; 100 chickens; | S < ducks; 1 hog, wt. 250 Ths. «* _ a HAY AND FEED . ; $ 4 big stacks of straw, 3 tons alfalfa, A * 5. + s manpepnenenepnmpneemaenomeopmrneeee -- C4, _ T uo V W un CPFSimW POV 0 > mumg'm-mxwummwe.mdm undelein, County of Lake and State |tonic, saws. set double and single har-- SsTAND ' Illinois, having ordered the cop |Dess, 3 cow dehorner« shot gun. "Team ngu:olghnlhpmtm AUTOMOBILES > 9.' .<<«.«.««.. sting R Ford Runabout, with box, '21; Ford |K. P.'s ... Water~ service pipes and house | touring, 1925, 15 tool chests; -- Ford |Dough Boys ... mins to be constructed and laid in | Fordoor sedan, 1925;. Ford ton truck, Buck Privates AKE AVENUE, from Maple Avenue|1927; Chevrolet sedan. 1925; 7 sets Sergeants . .... Allanson Road, in said Village, new winte renclosures, lot of new Bhave Tails ... SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NO. 43, mmmfim_mwmmlmmen e Ordinance for tne same being 08| pord cars, 10 sets shock absorbers. |Corporals . C,. Arthur Jevyne, Minister John Wermescher,. Social Drec me cce oo c maie © oo o eeeeioeite se e . se oi m( l M : 't._tl!fl of th_WI TEmEIm. . raknuthil Pn. : a O Y 110, -- MRANHBUCE p R y + se er, Social Director. l Insurance Reven . _ .| Vanderspoo! :i~~-- First Church at! =:--_ _ _ #----«------ _ tig. Carison ... : TOj as: |@= § ; I * A ' ' _ f $. a C . : 1 t aUD Upy 5 * s C r ' '_; * / Exk ' Y¥A -- U s THEATRE s «* e 10 »Vol VIIlIdyC Ji Alllilidi "l ""!";"'Tglan: .Can Demand 300 Ibs. cabbage, 20 bu. potatoes, 300 shocks of go0d--ear corn. FARM IMPLEMENTS Sampson tractor, plaow and disc. in good condition; 2 grain binders, 5 and 7 ft.; Moline corn binder, sulky ylow; manure spreader, disc cultivator, 4 riding cultivators, 2 hay racks, two broadcast seeders, 12 {ft. wide; two hand cultivators, mower, panter, 2 wuagon boxes tm&m 8 sprilig wagons, 2 and 3 sec. drags, top mare now. on--a full pay annual basis |* CL°@rsOn-- . like any other department, it became | > $ known today tthroush Robert --F. Rouse, president of :the village. -- ~ & month ago the village board vot | & wojeay * ed the firemen an annual© salary of M. Nevilie _ fou: cents each, making a total PAY* | T. Petersen roU of $1.a year for the full depart !® Wilkenin, 'uem of |25 men. ) * . The step was not taken to remune-- rate them for their services but for ; The la ides that a regularly finmy w prov j salaried> department can ':nand two|C. Zeugner . per cent tax on all fire insurance.writ-- C. Hoskins . ten in an incorporated village or euylA._G. Meyeri from compani@s~' incorporated in a B!hlflfithihifi&tfiundo--l I * a lein bas it will swell the revenue con-- | L4 Kennedy does not know. ® # The money--is to be placed in the firemen's fund. ® _Ray Wells is head of the depart-- ment. ~ :| . D¢ Taylor stated that© while the wound is 'a serious one, he expects a mmatbunpt)hw "Auhtorities of both Lake ani Cook mm-guo:mmm but no trace of the bandits had been Maundelein-- tiremen, who have b«nlm serving for the glory.in past years,| Mason . _ The money Dick receives; goes to buy smokes for the disabled soldiers, at the North Chicago Hospital, so come and have a good time, YOU CAN SINC TOO.> > SPECIAL PROGRAM ' January 24, 25, 26, 27 Will appear at 8:30, 3I'uesday; Wednesday, day and Friday Nights. Lots of new song as only Dick knows how to sing them. MR. PREHM,~Clerk:; DICEK LYONS -- Mr. eonunnccooc--moondun--com=ec------ POR SALE--Fire and burglar prool 1 _ Employment _____ /mocing asd tes potection devices: |a : 'relocking and gas protection devices; | . WANTED--Position on farm by mar. and triple movement Diebold time , ried man; on or before March 1ist. lock. Cheap if takenatonce. Also an | Box 12%3, Woodstock 11L 52 3t vight foot bookkeepers desk. Call at mm ovmmaeemmmetso----------mv------mm-------- independent OffiC6. 50 U p 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0o Fred Hoschke, of Chicago, formerly a farm hand on the Graves Whitmire hrn.NovMbwuplp-g{Gungo. o CLASSIFIED o o ADVERTISING o o Telephone No. 1 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0o 0o Meyers (sub.) .178 Muhike (sub) A. G. Meyers ........_.141 _ _ _ UM. P'Ss. finlonifich "'._......_..lg: C, ZLeugner t:iss . Wilkening ........178 STANDING OF Lo ts BUCK ~PRIVATES 809 . 760 LEATHERNECKs DOVGHBOYS P mrrergemceKAF ~ 11 CORPORALS 110 726 SARGEANTS n amjemmmctec Cfi > 1209 .. 168 146 112 190 162 176 867 T556 2319 # TEAMS 168 178 151 147 170 120 129 100 141 147 145 118 140 182 139 161 863 2517 169 168 234 781 2269 134 130 191 202 158 196 202 121 146 171 198 2367 179 401 | 534 511 | iss| Real Estate For Sale 450 , BARGAIN FOR YOUNG--COUPLE--| 498 Cost"$3,000 four months ago. Will 468 uhtmrordlorwmmte.lseo,u-l 581 tiful furniture of 4 room apartment. | ---- 8 »c. silk mohair parlor suite, hand 469 carved frame; 8 pc. walnut dining 'rom set; 2 9512 Wilton rugs; 4 pc. 492 walnut bedroom set; lamps; chest of mlmurwm: 6 pc. breakfast set. Must 430 be seen to be appreciated.. Will ar 389 |range for delivery. 832 Leland Ave.,| 540 \near Sheridan Rd.. Chicago, I!L Tele | ~---- phone Sunnyside 6190. * 8 61 412 L a omm es L l cicss 4 , edlthodd 463 !, S 5 oon, Othkeron Stock Farm, (fon aagrT--Store ang og fiats in 2 miles west of Libertyville, on Lake . re and two 800 road. T » 08 \ 'TAbertyville; excellent location, and i1 84 # Telephone 678--J--2. 3 21 freasonable rent; can be suited to any 506 . FOR SALE--Old fashioned buckwheat kind of business. For information, 583| flour, home grown' and freshly &DDIY at Indepenient office. 3 t 471 448 534 414 516 enc css FOR SALE--2 cord tire;, 80x5.25; are 'New 6 apartment bldg, north side of Chicago; price $48,000, subject to $31,850. ©Owner will trade his equity of $16,150 fo ra small number of acres with a good house {n Lake county. will rent for $135.00 mo.; for bunga dow in Libertyville. M. R. Milier, 502 Wauk. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tel. 106. 8 2t WILL TRADE $8,000.00 equity in two-- family house; 5 and 6 rooms; on thru Farm, 2 miles west of Libertyville, on | Lake St. Rd. Phone 678--J--2. 3 tt| ground. +~Delivered.-- Bergeron FORBATm:flo'.----'_""--' and --atraw ni.':ie..d :{?'('Lthz"h:--,! siderable of apecial funds to z-wfimnm" f € . your ingquiry. First Nationa!l Bank, LAbertyville, I!1. <-- 10 MONEY TO 'LOAN--We have a con FOR TRADE ---- > New 16 apartment bldg. north side ~FACE! FOR TRADH C dW ) 3. Undivided PrOfits (NQt).....___--_--__._--sccuuizzcmmmcmemmmmem~.. _ 19,800,000 . ) 4. Time DePoSits ........_._.._..__--_.--_.._.__----_----___--___.__. _ 31420408 P' 5.. DEMANDA DeDOSitS ......._._._..____.--_--_------4.._._._._._.__.______uzzoommecsc=e« 297,702.67 j l 4. Dividends UNDDAIG ....._._________._..__._.________coosossssesseomoummpoenenoemmencensemmemmememen 2,818.00 6 8. ReSQ@rVe ACCOUNtS ...__..___.__________oocccommemoooommmmmnenocmenemmmenonenmnnensemmnne 4,508.99 f | 13. Other Liabilities (CiTCUI&tHOM) ..____..________.__.__--ccoonnmmmmemmnmemonnoecccnes 10,000.00 A 'TOtAL IA&MDHIHOS ....................__._._.o.o--mm----szi---- : $766,107.27 ' Par value of securities deposited with Auditor of Public Av-- 4# counts, Springfield, lIllinois, as required by law to secure l ' TFUEt D@DOSit§ ........_._._.._.___._____._._.cc=ccoommmm=------. _ $ 50,000.00 y STATE OF ILLIN 018; § ss. :t:omrrv OF LAKE ) -- KE : W.C.Hubbell,oneotthom'fcugudn.E".MJ.L. ~-- K Tayior two of the directors of the Fir®t NMational Bank of Libertyville, a oorpmth u"t:': of the State of mlnoll.? being severally duly sworn, each upon hbis & u ._ £ # . . , !~ That he w:}t,m.mmumm mdowum «T ments of Secti 9 and 10 of an Act of the General of the State \ of IHinois, entitled "An Act to Provide for and Regulate the Administration of '~ 20 Trusts by Trust Companies.". h | .mmm«uwammmwmum ville, on Décember 31, 1927, is true and correct in all respects to the best of _ C his knowledge and belief, and that he has examined the assets and books of -- »2M the said company for the purpose of making said statement. ;4 ,*! SBubscribed and sworn to before me, this 9th day of January. 10928. e (SEAL) j EHLSIB M. HUSS, Notary Public. t FOR RRNT--New Tacom home on an wwo--» | -- ©@OnErete streot in Mundelein; mod-- tion. '"nmmmum- ds to| boeat. -- $50 a month. llmry'_'------ appointment. Arthur H. Jones, Lib Prop, ertyville 761 or Mundelein 239J. _ _ || * '] ; OFFICIAL PUBLICATION «dJ Statement of Resources and Liabilities of the ty 35 & }| 1. Capital Stock | 2. Surplus ... )\ 3. Undivided Pro i'q 4. Time Deposits !' 5.. Demand Depof '1 4. Dividends Unyp 1 8. Reserve Acco |'Of Libertyville, Illinois, at the close of business on the 31st day of December, 1927, as shown 'by the annual report made by the said bank as a trust com-- pany, to the Auditor of Public Accounts of the State of Tllinois, pursuant to lhw.andflledintleotfloodthooddmwotmw-h Oth day of January, 1928. |~~COUNTY OF LAKE ) $ Frank J. Wright, one of the managing officers, and C. F. Wright and ¥F. P. Dymond, two of the directors of the Lake County National Bank, a corpore &ofmsmdnnnoh.m-flmnyhlymm.mhm.nfl _ That he makes this affidavit for the purpose of complying with the re-- quirements of Sections --9 and 10 of an Act of the General Assembley of the State of Illlinois, entitled, "An Act to Provide for and Regulate the Adminis tration of Trusts, by Trust Companies." That the foregoing statement of the said Lake County National Bank. on tmzl.'lm.ummmhmmmmmunm : and belief, and that he has examined the assets and books of the amid ~ for the purpose of making said statement. k , o se | _ Par value of securities deposited with Auditor of Pub-- lie Accounts, Springfield, IMinois, as required by law. to STATE OF ILLINOIS, ) 13. of Libertyvilfe, 1IL, at the close of business on the 31st day of December, 1927, as shown by the annual report made by the said bank as a trust company to the Auditor of Public Accounts, of the State of Illinois, pursuant to law, and filed in the office of the said Auditor of Public Accounts on the 5th day of | Lake County National Bank _ DOG LOST--Large light colored Aire dale; curly hair, short tail. Reward. Telephone Dr. Taley, Lake Forest 402. Bubscribed and sworn to before me, t his 5th day of January, 1928. § ALYVENE S. FRY, Notary Public. |only-- $35 a 'month. Inquire of R. G 'Kaping. Phones: Office 469. Res. 269. SALBPSMAN WANTED--Must have an auto or driving rig. Need not be away from home nights. Opportuanity for hard worker t oestablish business paying $200 and upward monthly. Stetson Oil Co., 2200 Lee Rd., Cleve land, Ohio. ¢ 8 1t BSALESMAN WANTED--For Lubricat ing oil and paint; two line combin-- fining Co. Cleveland, Ohio. . $ 1t Fred Kunke, E. Park phone 197--R. FOR RENT--1T room house on paved P 7 IRST NATIONAL BANK Loans on Real Estate ..._._._.. «Loans on Collateral Security U. 8. Government Investments..........._._.. Other Bondg and Stocks «.......____._______._.._.__... Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures ... Pue from Banks and Other Cash Resources Other Liabilities Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures._____. Due from Banks, Cash and Other Cash Resources Lost and Found Total Resources 'Total Liabiliti Total Resources OFFICIAL PUBLICATION Statement of Resources and Liabilities of the 14-- ies Ave L TA B IL I T 1 E $ RE $ 0 U RC E 8 LIABILITIES RESOURCES Gas Station and stand, close in. This is a bargain. Terms. except heat. For quitk sale will take $6,500. Terms to suit. On Third St. 7 room and bath: garage; modern througbhout. $7,000. On Sunset Drive. 6 rooms and bath; modern throughout; 2 car garage. See to appreciate. $13,000. Terms. CONSIDER THESE HOMES AS OFFERED BY FredH. Smith On Second St. 2 flat; modern, Realtor JI. L TAYLOR, --> B. H. MILLER, C. F. WRIGHT . F. P. DYMOND. $1,2821,647. 42 1 821,647 42 $ 41,037.02 2.1428% 50,2290.36