Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 1 Mar 1928, p. 22

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c OI*I\~ ami that all of the exv»»s: T DBHPOBtk ... «.x ++ c¥ € 44 * A. L >Brumuud Co. & m a.~'---uu'|~¢ Callahan Dairy Co. emunly swear that the food and pro-- visions reported as purchazed. were purchased and used solely for the prisonérs in said jail, and> that the accounts for employment are for em-- nlavaas . <anuthorized by the County Board, all ~amounting to the totai sum of $404.68, which amount is due ar4 unpaid after allowing all just in said jail for the month ending the 5th day of October A, D. 1927 are as Jail for the County aforesaid, do ~O. K. By Committee: (Seal) Frank Burke, Chairmaen. (Seal) James Kelly. and that all the expense for employ-- ees, authorized by the County. Board the feod Tos e pritecers coafimnd in the food for the prizsoners in said jail for the month ' ending the 5th fgay of November--A. D. 1927. . _ TO"' ...........\1..-....."" 0. K. By Committee: o (Seal) Frank Brence, Chairman. (Seal) James Kelly. ; and also attached are all the bills, vouchers, and other evidences of pur-- chase of food. and provisions, toegth-- er with a statement of the help em-- ployed, which amounts to the total sum of $489.88.-- es All ot which is respecttully submit-- keust s x and--also attached_are all the bills, voluchers and other evidences. of pur-- chase of food and--provisions. togeth-- er--with a statement of the help em-- ployed, which amounts to the total sum of $404.68. pas} All of which is respect{fully submit-- (k K. by Committee.--(Seal) Frank Burke, Chairman.-- (Seal) Jas. Kelly. and all thee expense for -- employees, authorized by the Cougty Board to be emploved to pnrepare and serve CcOoUNTY OF LAKE ' _ Subscribed and . sworn to: befo m», this Ith day of Oct. A. D. 1927. Minule ©Belensk 5 days .... Miss Minuie Relenski a 0 _ --_<~Keeper of the Jail. STATE OF ILLINOIS } , To: Lew A. Hendee, Clerk of the County. Board, Leke County, lllinois: I, L A. Dootittle, Keeper of the Jail of the County aforesaid, in pur-- suance of the duty imposed upon me by law, do hereby report that the bills for food and provisions, for the teeding of the prisoners confined in said jail for.the month ending the 5th day of November A. D. 1927, are Mrs.~ lLawrence Doolittle Maliott--Johnson Company BOANK, 8LC. <;.....>« ... Coall 30 OCo--~-- BW A. HENDEEK, SsTATE OF ILLINOIS) * the food for the prisoners Gteeleo-- Woedsles Co. 6 . # ~Keeper of the Jail. STATE OF ALLINO!Y) COUNTY OF A4AKE ) I, L. A. Doolittle, Keeper of the Jail for the County aforesaid, do solemly swear that the food »and provistons reported as purchased, were purchas-- ed and used solely for the prisoners iw said jail, and thet the m'b ts for employmeut_Are for . em yees" at-- thorized by. the County Board, ~all amounting> --to '*the total -- sum ~of $489.88, whith amount is due and un-- paild after allowing all just gredits.= ted. zhm. do bereby 'report© that the ts for food and provisions, for the feeding of the prisoners contined in said jJail for the month ending the 5th day of 'December A. D. 1927, are as A. G, Taylor STATE OKF ILLINOIS) 4 * )ss cOUXTY OF LAKE ) To: Lew A. Hendee, Clerk of thg County Board, Lake County, IMiinois,. I. L A. Doolittle,> Keeper of the Jail of the County aforesaid, in pir-- suance of the duty imposed upon me = Keeper of the Jail. . Subscribed. and sworn to ~before me, this 8th--day of November A. D. 1927. < . Na ? ',_;,.,',-g.".......'...;.T..sszl 0. K: by Committee: -- ifid"flwtm Chat:min From-- Whom Purchased ot--wit: Days Employed Days Employed 2 a w a w e e# # # w s ow wo# # ao# @ # + o x¥ r% e¥ «es en «MWn 2 o 2 s a 6 a 0 0 0 6 # o# # Keeper of the Jail. LEW A. HENDEE, ooo--o.n.'!'../. T'" s a ue t # 4 # # 0@# Amt. of Purchase s a a a a 6 # # # Keeper of )es Amount* Paid $162,00 $321.%3 90.51 41.10 2$4.00 446 it L. L. A. Doolittle, Keeper of the Jail for the County aforesaid, do sol-- emauly swear that the food' and> pro-- visions reported as purchased, were purchased ~and used solely ftor the prisoners in --said Jail,~and that the accounts for employment are for ein-- ployees ~authorized -- by the County Board, all amounting to the total sum of $473.33 which amount is due and unpaid after: allowing all just credits. L. 'A. DOOLITTLE, * -- * ~ Keeper of the Jail. Subscribed ard sworn to before me this 12th day of December A. D., 1927. The resoluntion passed by the Board of Supervisors of Lake County at its meeting December 13, 1927, provid-- ing for the improvement of. certain portions of its State Aid Routes un-- der Section 15d, and a number of changes in 4ts State Aid System has been received and is now in process of inxvestigation by this Department. A--copy of this resolution is now in the hands of Mr. Lamb, our Dis-- trict Engineer at Eigin. We hope to be able to . take action on this mat-- ter in the near future. After baving gone: into the> matiter of 'the contract engrted into by Dr. Grinnell and-- your . committee, care-- fully, and with legal help I am con-- vinced that said~ contract is valid and the county'is bound by it to Dr. P STATE OF ILLINOIS Department of Public Works and »Buildings ~ --. > DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS ~*Bubject: -- Lake County State Aid :_-- «~«LEW A. HENDEE sumwm.figm«m Jail Committee, moved "the reports be accepted and adopted. -- ie Tined in said jail for the--month end-- M%&u ing the 5th day of Deécember A. D;| Mr.:Obee who has 1927, are as follows, to wit: ingly' on this© !zl Name of Employee *'for Days ¥Employed --| -- 'Yours very traly, I am very sorry not to be able ta attend the meeting fim Supervts-- ors tomorrow, as I 'gbing to at-- tend the annual meeting of the 4ili-- nols. Agricultural Association at Rock Island, which will be in seesion at that time. However, if the mat-- Stratton, Short, Vercoe, : VanPatten, and Worack. 28, (Absent were Su-- Potter and Wilcox. 5. * Minutes. of the preceding meeting, and upon motion of Super-- visot Ficke unanimously approved. -- The following communication tfrom the Department of Public--Works and Buildings, Division of Highways, was The {ollowing.communication --from the city of-- Highland Park also Reso 4: lrtion were ted and read ;. . = Hon. "B, C% --Chairman: County. Board, Kuhfin. K.. ~~AI am--enclosing MQL»',& resolution . which -- was© unanimosly 'adopted-- by. the. Council unufi _of Highland Park at a meeting. h COUNTY OF LAKE ) \TM .....-..'.....-.;.....mta 0. K. By, Committee ; $ * % (Seal) Frenk --Burke, Chairman. . (Seal)\Jas .Kelly. --~ and also© attached ~are all= the bills, whage bt fool and. prorigtogs, toasth: C too vistons, --toge er with a ngt'etnmr mdpou- ployed, .which: amounts. to 'the total sum of $473.33. * Ne Supertisor Bletsch moved fto _ ad-- jJourn to January 18th A. D. 1928 at ten--thirty o'clock A. M. * Waukegan, lilinois, January 18, 1928. : Board met . pursuant to adjourn-- ment with Chairman. Thompson pre-- siding and the following : members moion Carried. x® 'The following comatunication troms D. H. Minto was read: -- ud Mr. Lew Hendee, Waukegan, 11. ter of Dr. Grinnell is discussed 1 wish you would state my--view on the matter to the Board. & Mrs. Lawrence 'DooiKttle 28 fi" n a 4 m n a e e e a #% Miunie Belensky > a'y' -;...-..Qo'o.;a. . _--~.: Keeper of the Jail. STATE OF ILLINOS ) --_< . It is --not a question of whether or not the state will pay the indemnity moneys for the reactor cattle,; but, a question of whether or not the Board of Supervisors of Lake County m back of --Dr. . -- Grinnell; or in . oth words, stands back of the action it has already taken through its com-- mittee which it gave. the power to _ Ko / The money has been appropMNated for this purpose, Lake ocunty is ful-- filling its ~part of the agreement: therefore the State. does not ~have the power to withhold the indemnity Mmoneys. ® 4 very :?octhn: --~yours -- for . a square deal, | n t T E., s ~p. H. . MINTO.--+ Supervisor Stratton moved that the communicattion .be receired and plat ed on file... -- f T $s These facts and all of. the state: ments I-- made to the Board a --few weeks ago. were all strengthened very force{ully in my mind in our confer-- ence with the Directot of Agricuiture 8. J. Stanard, at Springfield. act. Mr. Lew A. Hendee, County Clerk, All of which is respectfully® submit-- ; Engineer of Design. Superviszsor Harbaugh moved that * L. A. DOOLITTLE, leation be accepted and a a &# 6 a 64 a 6@ Jse <~ «.. <4¥t00 for--past (avors, 1 am| this letter «hould reach you early in 4 'Yours 'very truily,; c ts rbru@ry. . _|<<~ ./ o t . e aa y oLb rion _ . . "A. C;-- BOLLINGER, v ... 80 00| Be it Resolved by the ~Council of .__ _ (*~ DArector of Finance. ~--ithe City of Highland -- Park, --Lake| --Bupervisor Holdridge -- moved; that of the motor fue! license: taxes col-- lected:. As you may know, there is now 'before 'the SupremeCourt 6f the State a case relating to the va-- lidity 'of the' motor fuel license tax, and pending the final ruling of the «Bupreme -- Court-- on t he question, last of February, 1928, no payments which :is not expected~ before the of the ~proceeds collected can be made by this Department on State road contracts nor to the -- several counties <of the State; . f _The above mentioned act, 'popular-- ly termed the Gasoline Tax Law, pro-- vides definitely in Section 7 that the county's ent of the money mhuum for one or both of the following purposes : "In--case a county has outstanding t:u"h"mned.orowmm incurred r'the purpose of--constructing State Aid Roads, such sonstruction having been--or to be in accordance ~with Section 15d.--0£L Article IV of 'An Act to revise the law in relation to the roads and bridges," approved. June 22, 1913, as amended, such money or any part thereof, may, by resolution of the county :board, be used for 'the purpose: of retiring such bonds ~and "Any . county may. algo use --any money apportioned <to. it,; in the con-- struction of sm?ud roads, in . the manner provided for the nse .of coun-- ty funds--for such work -- by~ Sectiof luo!mhlv,o!'uAcHonm the law--in relation to Roads Bridges' approved June --27, ~1913, --as amendcd. -- However, no wefund> or further contribution shall be made by the State tor such construction, nor shall the County in order to use the money apportioned to 'it, be required to provide or appropriate any county funds for such --construction."> \ The cAct provides further that: "Payment: to any county for the purpose.stated: injanb--section shall be made 'by the Dopartment bf Pinance as soon as may be after the apportionment 'is made;. for the pur: mm&l in sub--section 3, payment shall beymade from time to time, as or nearly three =years last -- past in need of hmu North Sheridan through~street of Highland Park, and '~, Whereas the voters Of. this 'city. de-- eated a --proposed--bond issue to pay oim the Board »of Sapmbzr; of Lauke County havre given their forts and hearty co--operation 'to the: mt'mmh,txm :'um on of earth approaches to the Chain Oiwmhmwwulb'; accordanc¢e..with your resolution o December--14th, 1927. * si. The. meeting was called to order by Chairman Ray Paddock at 2:00 P. M. as advertised. Members of the Road and Bridge Committeo present were --Paddock, : Stahton,-- O'Connor and Nabér. Antioch Township was represented by Frank -- Dunn, Town-- ship Highway. Commissioner. Engi-- JK accordance--with the provisions of "An Act to Impose a License Tax on the SBale and Use of--Motor Fuel", approved June 29.©1927, the Depart-- ment of Finance has been collecting . Bé it Further Hesolved, that -- the City Clerk be directed to forward* a copy of this resolution to said Board ©Bupervisor Harbaugh moved that the communtéition 'and resolution be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried./ e "R, M. Lobdell, County Superintend-- ent of Highways, submitted the {fol-- motor fuel license taxes during the mxmm.'xmmw erative,-- As soon the figuros can be complled, there will be furnished to your county by this Department, in accordance with Section 6 of said Act. a formal notification of the ap-- attempts#: of this :« city; to get: said bridges 'by state--aid and * ~Whereas State Aid was ~obtained by "promise of Honorable : Len Smaill, Governor, due to and efforts of the 'Baid Board, N J'aw _Therefore," Be it Mv:: at an igion of:appreciation this Seaets Yemesonting sakt olty ons nin io mm | P in that baumt:r its ~co--o0pera-- field, was read: ~-- ~8TATE + --8TATE OF ILLINOIS 'DEPARTMENT Or FINANOE Mr. Lew A. Hondee, County Clerk, ary §th, 1928, for the purpose: of ac To: The Honorable, the Board of S8u-- pervisors ol Lake County, lilinois: Co. Bupt. of Highways. Bupervisor Brown moved that the port be accepted and adopted. . who has worked zo untiv--| mation. which we will send to you|and this city hbhas been was held on Janu-- .| . Supervisor. McCullough, Chairman L of the Farmers': Institute Committee, | | submitted the following report : ----> * D'IQTH 'OF ILLINOIS:, } C =*, * s > , | #s y *FCOUNTY OF LAKE. j _ . f BOARD OF SsUPEKVISORS '1~ *<'DRCEMBER SESSJON 1927 .. 2list street, Zilon. A location made possible by the fact that Mr..Yoliva can deliver a darge number of votes at the coming or some-- past election. Of course, we feel this is a great in justice, as Mr. Voliva owns all the frontage on both sides of the Zist street from 42A to Lake-- Michigan, and <also only a few years ago he had to <'have State and <County aid to pave Sheridan Road through Zion when he was not entitled to it under the law covering*such allotments.: The question now is: > Is Mr. Voliva entitled to all the benefits--of State Ald allotted--to this district. Mr. Vol-- iva 'owns practically all of Zion per-- sonally and js a vyery rich individual. Is there any reason why one person should enjoy all the-- benefits that all the.people--pay for? < . . . 1 believe~it is conceded by ever-- ane;except his followers, that 'the general_ public do not care to go to or -- through, Zion. -- The ordinances which govern the town are objection-- able to the averazoe American citizen. Mh"m; Mr. Thoxgp.'oimc:d ap-- pealing u to use your influence to locate: "': improvement according . YourSpecial Joint. +Committee to whom the mattor of the,County: Vet-- erinarian -- was referred beg leave to report that we met Oh, January 17th, at the Court House in--the, Supertis-- or's Rooin and interyiewed the. follow-- ing indtridnals who made application for 'the position 'of. County Veterinar-- ian of Lake County, to--wit: § surrounding district. All these sign-- ers live in or own property in the district lying north of Zion and be-- tween--Route 424 and Lake Mich-- We have been led to beli¢te that the new State Highway provided for by . the one hundred million dollar bond issue, passed in our State a tYaw vears ago.' is to be located at to engineering and non--political rea-- Mr. Charles E. Jack addressed the Board in regard to the collection of back personal property tax. id * 16 leare the:matter to the Finance Com-- mitee with power to act. : 'The following petition was present-- ed and read: -- _ ce Board of Supervisors, County of Lake, Also the speed . patrol ~maintained there 'has the worst reputation any-- where in the United States, Why give them another road on which*'they can "shake down".the motorist, espéecially when the victims are paying for the improvemént? . L aFra® Unfortushtely, Mr. Voliva controls the vote of our township and has his own man on the county board, and that is the: reason why we Aare pre-- senting this petition through 'other There are a number of good reasons why. the road should be located as recommended in our petition: & the .commitication " be ~recei ; that placed on filé.© _' eceiveg and ~--=. .( -- > CJanuary 18, 1928. -- Mr. Chairman 'and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors; ; ~« .. 0 .. garding the helper for the County Veterinarian, that this matter be left with the Farmers' lystitute Commit-- tee and the Doctor, and that they re-- :l;l reason that ho;u had four years Win arren. county a24 County Veterinarian. We further secommend that _bis salary be fixed at--$1109.00 per annum said salary to be paid each month and that the County Clerk and Chair-- ano(po_noqdotfimu authorized to enter into contract with Dr. T. P. Gallshue, said "contract 'to commente February © ist, 1928," and extend--over a period of one year. Dr. T. P. Gallahue to furnish his own car and the tags to be furnisiied by 'the County --of Lake. & ; Wa turther ° recommend. that re-- Dr. T./P. Gallahue, Monmouth, and we wish to report that we recom-- mand ODr T. P. Gallahue® ot-- Mon the Board of Supervisors. ; Respectfully submited,. ~. G. T. MCULLOVUGH, Chairman. Farmers Institute oCmmittee. o Weaiine ob -- . L ies erif's T. Kilhoffer,--Bulfalo. _ L. Zimmerman, Effinglhiam. in 'the -- first paragraph of To the Board of Connty Commission-- 'We, the undersigned, residents and laud owners, 'most respectfully <peti-- Btiate Highway 173 which extends be-- Aween Rotlite 42A (U. 8. 41) and Route 42 (Bheridan Road) on ~one of the 'tplla,vlz"n:qsflom: <*""RA"> the intersection of Route 173 {(Ro#gecran: Road) and Route 42A eaet ta Route .42, on the half sectrou line through .Sections 16, 16, 17 and 18, Township --46, Nortly Range 12 for auch a road at this time. -- -- y du0 leet io 'a polut opposite 11e county will. hmifi"umh side of n private raad running road in the near future unless tD€Y. wo,;> to Kings Island, the take advantage of this opportunity to | * Kings Igland, thenca .woest get one built tor them. : ---- _ |across the Volo--McHenty Road to the Hoping that you will give this mat ' south side of said private road. East of the 3rd P.~M...Latke Counnty, Route mé:; mile north of inter-- section of ~A17%8 and <Route 4#A ) ©ver the present highway on the huilf m.g'w give this .mat soulul side of saiq prIvaiq Foa ter your best attention and bend your |_'This line will carry electric ad efforis to seeing justics dape, 1 am above and--21st St., Zion, a distance of one and a half miles, and there is & real need "of such: a--road at the present time. SHigned by--JOSEPHINE L KELLOGG --. and_ 210 other residents of-- said Dis supervisor Ficke mored to ~refer fiomuuhth&ngmhm;e BOARD OF SUPERVISORS . ~ DECEMBER SESSION -- .. 5. ~~ ~ ~January 18, 19?8 "Mr. Chairman and Gentleméen of 'the Board of Supervisors:=~ -- f The' extension of~--Highway 173 as suggested in paragyraph 'A" above is not. now. a-- highway but --won'!ld -- con-- stitute a: diréct routé east and ~west between 42 and 424 and terminate on Route 42 at Camp Logan --road which is a State road. leading to Camp Logan Rifle~Range. Camp Logan Rifle Range is the only land ovwned by . the State: Of fllinois with Lake Mithigah frontage and will undoubt ediy be designated as a" Stare park in the near future, When this takes place <this ~route will be a through State-- highway leading to the shores of Lake Michigan from the. wesi and report that they held a meeting in re-- gard to the $1,029,000.00 Road Bonds and hn--w into an agreement with H. C. and Sons Company for--the Aandling of the same, we therefore recommend that the action of these committees be ratified by the Board of Supervisors. Respectfully submitted, A. W. VERCOE, s -- H..C. W. MEYER, _ . ---- ~,C. E. AUSTIN. ; -- Finance Committee. ' RAY PADDOCK,-- : FRANK T. STANTON, -- .. C. H. STRATTON, JAMES O'CONNOR, B. F. NABER. t " 22 Road and Bridge Committee. Bupervisor Ficke moved < That the report of the Committess ~be accept-- ed and adobpbted., *k * C;~E. AUSTIN. ~ s * Finance Committee. OHARLES HABBAUGH, .. > L. W. HOLDRIDGE, : +~<~, County Farm Committee. ~ Supervisor <Brown ~moved that --the report of the committee be accepted and adopted. . e uts = Motion' carried. Fesas ® 'Mr. Jay B. Morse, County Treasur-- er, addressed--the Board regarding the amount of ~money the local banks would be allowed to carry. : Bupervisor Vercoe moved that the Resolution " heretofore. "adopted <'be amended to read (Se¢. 4) "to -- an amount equal to'*the full :Capital Sur-- plus and Undivided Profits." * Motion carried. . -- / Errin® . ~* The following petition of the Pub-- lic Service:Company of Northern 111-- inols was presented and ' read, also the report of the Road and -- Bridge 9 and--10, Township 46 north <Konge 12 East of the 3rd P. M. Lake County, Oof lAke Michigan from thy. west nnq the only: place where this, can occar Your Finance Committee and Coun-- ty Farm Committee, beg leava to re-- port that they have held a.meeting in regard to the . $250,000.00 County Farm:--Bonds and have entered into an agreement with H. C. Speer & Sons Company-- --for the handling 'of the same, and we therefore recommend that the action of these ~committees be ratiiied by the Board of Supervi-- sor Paddock, Chairman of the: Road and Bridge Committee, submitted the Bridge Committee, submitted the fol-- lowing report: <o% STATE QF ILLINOIS | covmorunl yals '__«~BOARD OF 'ERVISORS -- _ DECEMBER SESSION . f Jmmu.uzs-. Mr. Chairman and Gentliemen of the Board of Supervisors : Your Finance Committee and Road and Bridge Committee beg leave to COUNTY OF LAKE the--Finance Committee, And Supervi-- STATE OF ILLINOIS Respect{fully --submitted. _ very respectiuily, _ -- $ Jostté?:{l L TELLOGG. & with ~~To Whom It May Concern: ! Wa.. hereby grant to the Public } Service Company of Northern lilinois, | permission to install an electric dis-- | tribution line in accordance with the ,nu'ched petition and plat. ; RAY PADDOCK,---- ', _ FRANK T. STANTON, t JAMES O°'CONNOR, ' _B. F. NABER, * 1 ces 1, _ Lake {ounty Road & Bridge Com:. i ..Bupervisor Holdridge ~moved> that 'e_bq w¢tion of the Road and Bridge Committee be ratified and conlirmed and -- seal thereof,. do. hereby . certify the foregoing to be<a true, perfect and complete . copy . of . the --proceed-- ings ofthe Board <of Supervisors <of said© 'County. at . their © Special. April and December A. D. 1917 sbm:.-f ""IN . TESTIMONY-- W EOF, the foregoing to be~a true, perfect| _ 32 and complete . copy . of . the ~proceed Bhe.. ings> of the Board of Supervisors <of | _ _ "*'M¢h said County. at . their ' Special. April | ASked . and December A. D. 1917 sm 3 "1 tol '~IN . TESTIMONY.. WHEREOF, w I-- have hereunto set cmy hand b -- *And . affiked the seal -- of saiq| t0 bea. ----Dr. T. P. Gallahue addressed the Board in-- regard to his ~policies as County Veteringrian. + . Supervisor -- Brown. -- moved --to ad: 'journ to Merch 13th, A. D. 1928,-- at 10:00 o'clock --A. M.~ 4k > Motion carried. t *% STATE OF ILLlNyB }; j A NPA 3 s% : *.: " .COUNTYOF-- LAKE & : J, Lew A. Hendee, County Clerk in and for said. County, in the "m atoresaid, and keeper 'of the record: I have hereunto ~set ~my hand .' and cflgfl the seal . of said _ _ County, my office in <«Wau: « Kkegan, in said--County, this 15th *----Gay of February A.-- D. .1928. .=.. at 2300 volis and will be"monstructed in acordance with the requirements of the illinois Comméerce Commission, Yery truly yours, . & GEORGE Y. TAYLOR, * * District Engineer. approval --of Dr. D. C. Grinnell, beg leave to report that we met with Mr. 8. J.--Stanard, director of the Depart-- ment of Agriculture, in his office at discussed the matter of Dr. Grinnell's wm'dmudmm'mtolz that Dr. Grinnell could not be ajp proved. by the State, therefore féel that--we have done everything in our power regarding the matter, and that coUNTY OF LAKE -- j BOARD OF SUPERVISORS DECEM-- BER SESSION. e * January 13, 1928. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the " Board-- of Supervisors: Your Licence and Farmers' Insti-- tute --Commitee and Special Commit-- tee appointed by your body as a dele-- Austin, --Brown,. Cory, Dronen, Ficke, Garnett, Holdridge, Harbaugb,-- Ho-- ban, --Herschberger, _ Howland, / Keliy, McCullough, Naber, O'Connor, Obee, Paddock, Stanton, Stratton, Vercog, VanPatten, Worack. 22. Voting Nay were Supervisore Burke, Monahan, Mawman. 3. 'Absent and not voting Were Supervisors Bletsch, Dilger, Funk, Murphy, Meyer, Potter, Short Supervisor Brown moved that_the report --be received and placed on file. ~~Motion carried. P g Aye and Nay vote being had on the report of the joint committge regard-- ing <the-- recommendation ~for County Veterinarian, same~ was carried ----by the following vote: - Those voting Aye were énpervlmu and Wilcox. 8. matter, but the conclusion we bave reached from such examinations we v_nvohuuopmmuywmke,'h as Tollows: fit A ~The motion and yote madé on Oc¢-- tober 14, 1927, giving Committee pOWe er to act in the matter of the employ-- ment of a Founty "Veterinarian is & {full delegation of power to enter into a contract such as the : Board--could. have entered into itsel!, and their act, if otherwise legal, would have been binding on the County. It is our opinion, however, in exam-- ining the contract, that the committee exceded its authority in entering into a contract for two years and that ed the Board regarding the Btate Farmers Institute. * * Bupervisor Mawmaun moved --to re-- ¢tess to call of the Chair. . The foHlowing -- opinion from the Stato's Aftorney was presented and k LAKE COUNTY ILLINOIS OFFICE OF STATES ATTORNEY The Bcard of~ Supervrisors of Lak -- County, Hlinoig: Gentlemen : -- in+y Road from the North Ime 'of iction 15, thnce south wm . 400 feet to 'a polut opposite the 6 State's Attorney. Supervisor Obee moved to receive Motion carried. {BEAL) ~ --~G. T. MCULLOUGH, | License and.Farmers' Institute ~ Commite® / --¥*aF 'FRANK T. STANTON, B. F. NABKER, s WN.. J. OBEE,; Special Comtmittes. LEW A.| HENDEE, E':E'WASMDM D 1O ""=| _ . SIGN CONFESSION a mie. | _ Ortawe wealthy ; eang. | his own . n .. | rtempted : :"z Be "Rad p f school 'I h u% visors Ficke, | enb _ ~Bhe. said she never got the ring." "T'heh what did you 'do," he. was Askeds . ~__ '>,. _ se "1 told her that he would get maiy TB manprom, va ied u.b"ermnu?:m went bome d P A*: ~»'fl; ¥ "IHe 'hest day a deputy shemli came, to get '3 and > told me th lola "had been _ inured when . 'échoo! stove expio«: /. _ That--whs U first time 1 knpew of it = ~-- _ _ cember --1?" asked. his attorney,. Goo. Sprenger. 7 * ~ "I wéat to wvisit the bome 6F auiss Bradford," repiied Reed. "She was :.namm so were Howard Clegg and wife, with whom she lived. i wanted--to ask her if she got the wed-- ding ring that: !~mailed te"." cember --17" asked his at sprenger. _ _~ ~ "I wént to visit the n 's bed and so were Howa bis 'wife, with whom e _' Qftawa, HiL, Feb. 29.--Hiram Reed, «described as the "pampered son ot +wealthy parents," took the stand in his own defense in his trial for at-- fiw' mautrder today, to 'deny that Be 'Rad planted a %a half of dynamite in the t Valley school--which exploded and seriousiy mu former swectheatrt, ~ lola 'The jury was excludedo during 'the bearing. > Heed, bold and facing the crowded eourtroom with perfect composure, gaid he had not purchased the dyna mite, did mot plant it in the glove, had no wish to kill or injure Miss Bradford but wished to marry her. «e was nhmgnmmzu that his alleged confession should not be given,. to the jury as ne did not make such a 'confession. -- "Where were you the night of De-- Lforcibly. . He didn't seem perturbed _~Judge liayes rapped for order . as Hanson leaped to his feet with nbjec-- tions. A Reed painted himselt as a-- big-- hearted Iarmer boy who magnani-- mously agreed to take all blame ftor the storg bomb in order to shield Miss Hradford from unwanted publici-- ty in regard to her condition. He said he had signed a conleasion hbe 'had not made and had not read because State's Attorney Hanson 'told him knowledge of Miss BHradford's condition would not be made I#f he her face, followed every--word of the played with the crease in his trous-- ers, his eyes downcast. % stared as if fascinated by the scene. *Wa'rte you 'not warned at -- the ful face changed into a Adull red. "I told them what 1 was supposed to say," he shouted as every eyeé--in the 'packed courtroom eyed him.-- "L told them that because you promised ~Reed then continued: "What Lsaid at the school house was the same as in the statement that you wrote and that'1 sitfed in the jall, with the ex-- ception 'that 1. changéed that part about Pastening a string to the dyna-- Claims He Admitted B« mb -- Heed looked up. ~He gaxed defi-- Cwmdhn-'h and at Judge Hayes. "I heard no one make such a state-- 'Uttaws@, IMi., KFeb. 2%.--With some-- thing of defiance, with an air some which seriously injured lola Bradford when be took the stand in his own w:lnlt'uu.tou-owuy_l the jury excluded over the admission of bis alleged confession. MHeed said he had not bought the dynamite and had not beard of the explosion until a deputy sheriff ar-- the dynamite in the stove for the pur-- pose of ¥illing the girl. _ "DMon't you say in front of ali those men --at the school house on the day following the explosion that what yoen WANTS --TO MARRY HER Heed, Iirmer's son, denied all knowi-- hbim. -- HMe didn't seem 1i at east under the quiet scrutiny of Miss Bradford, the girl whom the state charges will be the mother of his child. Unce Reed turned savageliy upon "lola and 1 would be married today If you badn't poisoned her mind : mité.. 1 then said 1 bad fastened < a fuse <to it because Charles Thie!, Reed clung tenaciousiy to his story. "What did she say *' say might be -- used ~against Name of Girl. a~ wedding

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