Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 1 Mar 1928, p. 2

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to beantifying the land. | spending the winter with her sister, qmummmum' iso is a amail automatic elevator at the home of her daughter and fam-- be used for raising the logs for the ily. itic fireplace from a lower story' The seventh and eighth grades of house. Access to this country Lake Villa school are to have an ex-- tiem paradise is achieved by amination on lllinois history, on the way of Skokie road. |fifteenth of March. s _ TS 3 of the finest show places in muumwnl** . . It is the beautiful home that bert D. Lasker of Chicago is eract-- 'Rverett, ont so far from Lake st. ~While the construction work in progress the Laskers are en--| themselves at Miami Beach, but will be home in time to their new imposing estate in Vork on Finest Estate Ne ~Lake Forest Has Been Go-- ~-- _ Ang on For 2 Years. mren ue TATE IN LAKE CO. NEARS COMPLETION Kor more than two years, work Nas en going on in planning the tract , accammodate all of the various at-- 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B. n'mmmw:'lmmmnm Behind @ Villa for burial in Angola cem-- the high aitar of the ancient church 7. . inamy.lnoothhnd.neolloctiud =1Lmaumm'mmm'flmmmmm as her friends would wish for. , may yet be seen. These were served s still confined to her--room. 'mmm:mmononnchoee.- dm"mmm'mmmm-ndmm rapidly. 'They have | tion. Those men were the best who '.fl"flfllmhlm&fma to volunteer their our town on the way to An-- | services. One wedding superstition r. and Mrs. Chas. Donaldson and and Mrs..Charles Peterson drove ' Ing on For2 Years. Iummmm "\4% nc John Walker was in Chicago Satur-- is of the finest show places in|day and Sunday. lmhhltmrlueomi Mr. and Mrs. George A. Mitchell and . _ It is the beautiful home that 'daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Wagner, nnmxworcmamummcwudur.u@mw &mmnmmunm.mumwmma C --While the construction work the James Kerr home last week. n progress the Laskers are en--| Mr. and Mrs. John Fuhrer drove to &WW"MMLMLW-.&&W&MM but will be home in time to daughter and family over the week -yunwmmmn..a, . 'The estate covers 440 acres; Carl Larson was in Waukegan one when the work of improvement is day of last week and called on Henry rt.umvflllob' tiner Curl, who is the Lake County General in this part of the country. !ho-mn He was found to be very ar more than two years, work has 'much imoroved. . and Mrs. Eugene Shechan write Florida, where they are spending ral weeks,, that the weather is down there, and wish they could B same with their friends in Lake iming pool, a bridle path, a farm, every other imaginable luxury is E£ incorporated into the compass 44 6 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ladies Ald Society celebrated aber of our folks attended the of M. A. Kapple in Waukegan Kardish made a trip to Indi-- by our cOmmunity. -- _ _ _ _ week. He said Saturday that | Mr and Mro. James Atwell attended 'fiw"m"VdeMAmh". e in his shop from now oR _ 'Mrs. Clara Olcott, which was held in Whmm'm Thursday. Burial was in t"t.nbcua,monl&'m" en Ande® Wilton was in Waukegan last on's birthday by giving a in the basement of the M. E. J -- * auu aevIilidiInk J . -- « P aly afrimiban poult mt came to a theatre and super par-- --PERFOR MANC E & DODGE B ROTH ERS, INC. THE SENIOR SIX AND AMERICA'S FASTEST FOUR ALSO O"DI"LAY in away for a few as different as the car itself Were grut: beauty their only advantage, new fin' eti_ndps:l'c: of Dom'b' ers mand the gratitude of a life--loving gemain that The Victory has made _ that we urge you JAMES MORROW & SON he V IC Tune in for Dodge Brothers Radio Program every Thursday nite, 7 to -- 158 Bo. Gensuce StreetWAUKEGAN ILLINO!IS ly painted and calcemined and looks neat indeed. About 120 people re-- sponded to invitations sent out.. Oth-- ers who wished to attend were kept at home by illiness. A deli¢ious lunch was served, and a program given.. The bher having been operated onat the Lake Couty General hospital for appendici-- Ladies Aid Society at their birthday luncheon on Wednesday of last weék. She drove out from Waukegan. with chased a farm at Union Grove,. Wis., and: willh take possession this spring. They have been residents here for 18 years, and their removal will be felt Mrs. Arthur Thayer and son,. of Pleasant Prarie, Wisconsin, called at MIC.MW. Mrs. Hayel of Farm, will entertain the Ladies Aid Society on Wednesday, March 7. You are wel-- come at the meetings. is that a bride, on leaving home mweddlutrb.-utmplm: carriage with the right foot first. She mdom-mmmflnt& home prepared after the bridal trip. e for h INDEPENDENT Classified ads geot the results you are looking for. Mrs, Henry Potter was a guest of the In Sweden weddings formerly took Ewedish Wedding Custom The basement has been now-- eb + % , who is staying 'l'ocr-' the one and experie . ence the other will prove an event that we urge you not to postpont; Victory is unlike that other .fi.b the mrld-!:'l Victory performance is equally radis who has been Lenten season has cast a PAll OVe" ment emerged from the Pan--American the social affairs inn Official Wahing-- f ton, the pitotical situation continues COD'°r°nce at Havanna with colors full blast. The factional fights which Ying than the Congress .threatened are inevitable in states where the to offset the good will developed at primaries are at hand naturally leaye the meeting of nations. 'The Depart their mark on the business of politic® ment of State is watching with the here. 'There are so many ambitio0us keenest interest the trend of immigra-- men residing here who cherish the tion legisintion particularly at it af-- idea that destiny has selected tn@mMm fects Latin--~America It is said that ftor high offite that t is advizable to the Administration will block any and study every act and word in order 0 ail efforts at this session to raise the ascertain their motives. It is amuUusing barriers against Mexican and bther to peek beh@nd ilie scenes at those labor from neighboring countries. An who become impatient waiting for®"the international cangress on the subject lightning of popular approval to strke of immigration as confined to 'the and thus strut {forth with lightning wyestern Hemisphere will be held *ods in their hands. > |shortly when controversial matters 'The Senate which assumes it nete#* ; will be hadled by diplomats. sary to put on the appearance of a de--| Because of the possible effect on speed up occasionally.. The establish-- unemployment is given close -- study ment of--a Budget Bureau a fow YORATS hnoere,. The Federal Reserve Board also ago has eliminated much of the TC eonsidered the subject recently, @U0 wore in the store at the time. It was aponsibility that the legislative bodi€8 prineipally '{': Mfiz were in the store at the time. It was took over in consideration of APPYO--, The government reports u';" --. at first charged that the men in the priations for the maintenance of £0Y-- / in employment in o ty gain® store also claimed that the' Chicago oramental _ activities. ~ As 4 M!t.;m' hn.':. ©AJO0T men had guns, but lucer one of the tmummammm,md%h '"ommwfl-iwitnum is alleged to have stated ed debate after the appropriatiOnS® that; business onditions 4 '::;'"jm he thought the Chicago men had committees of both Houses havy® guring Presidential 'at guns in tlireir pockets. checked up in the budget bureaus 68-- '{q; oonditions hay % mml Andracki denies any charges of hold timates. So complete is the WOTK O tmq alleged M:. ""' up or that any of the men -- carried these agencies that the Senate reCEDt | seagons, nce m;n'l': h?.&wm that 'Lindahl had Iy passed a bill authorizing expendi-- A 0 m the money for a long time rey 'of a~ Wiilion -- Without matersi | . Sittend o6 Hertening The SHILOULL and had falled to pay it. He said tant change from the House plan. '0:"" "'.'w"mw"'nut night, accompanied by his two " If the H C Ittuonni & o The mfflomm'venttothedrugm:und consents. the House will take the role | mmm| lopment 0f demanded -- payment. Lindzhl, he 1 take the role organized business. 'The Department eclatms, paid him, and they left the timates. So complete is the work of these agencies that the Senate recent-- ly passed a bill authorizing expendi-- tures --of a billlon without materal change from the House plan. % If the House Committee on Rules consents. the House will take the role of "investigating investigators". Rep-- resentative Kndred of New York, pro-- Cuba township will hold a primary on March 17 to nominate candidates for township offices to be filled at the annual election to be held the third, Tuesday in April. This was the an-- litical 'wfi " The personnel of the Commission has also been severe-- ly criticised by Senators. nouncement made by Town Clerk An-- drew F. Grom today. There dre, six township offices to be filled--supervisor, assessor, town clerk, cominissioner of highways, jus-- tice of the peace, and constable. The latter two are to fill vacancies. The judicicial vacancy was created by the CUBA TOWNSHIP ~ FACES BLECTION + ; N E. A. Cort & Fred Lindahi Dmggm, Cianks Washington, February 29--While the -- Hardly had. the American govern -- HOIG--Uup; Wi Dewfes nt;~ You must ment departments resignation of R. P. Howland when For supervisor, avowed candidates are H. D. Xelsey--and A. W. Meyer. I. is expected that Supervisor How-- land will also be a candidate. E. W. Riley, veteran assessor, appears to be without .Opposition, as is also Town Clerk Grom,so far as known. A quartet seoks the office of high-- way commissioner--William Hobein, the incumbent; Trustee Foster Wei-- gel of Barrington, E. K. Magee, mana-- motm&rtvogd_hmlm_uepry come to public attention. £ Pepper. No Embryo Lawyer Puts Up Successfual Plea Apparently lawyers are born and not made, if a delightful yarn . published In the Manchester Guardian correctly fllustrates the development of the legal mentality from a start in the cradle, the Christlian Science Monitor. There nursery just before bedtime, with the result that some of the furniture was broken. There was a fog of highly and father decided that, failing a full and accurate account of what had happened, an anticipated holiday at BScarborough should be canceled. After some moments of deep thought his young son, who will probably some day be lord chancelior, summed up the position in a sentence: "I have said T didn't do it, but If I can't go to Scarborough unless I say 1 did do It, I think I had better say I did it; but, if 1 did do It, I don't know I did It." Father is --reported to have--re tired from the discussion at this stage, without risking further discomiture by The albatrossg lives on the sea but being caught and confined to the deck of a ship it invariably becomes sea# sick. Sailors are superstitions about killing or catching "the bird which makes the wind blow" and It 4s rather rare" that they: are encountered at elose range, but on a recent scientific expedition the fears of the members of the crew were brushed aside and several of the birds were caught on a hook baited with a plece of: pork and-- thrown overboard. ~Some of the distinguighed scientists aboard even went to the extent of eating some of the fiesh which had been cooked in the shape of a «stew and they agreed that the meat. was delicinnas. London : schoolhov: _ .' w-'havorl'q unv«ual-- nenchant for what are gen-- erally known as howlers. or else the London schools have an «unn=nally as-- tute --publicity agent. ~Antrway, says a eorrespondent --of <the Christian Scet-- ence Monitor. not the lsast af the "hu-- mor. that enlivens the l.ondon preéess arises in that way. 'The latest group of Jnvenile atrocities In: --_ t Macadam -- The frst Sceotechman, mhv'!mfilng.. Artisan:" A kind of well Sea Bird Gets Seasick Letter ancient *A «aint mentioned in a A garden plant --with 's Definitions $1.50 a year the have Lindabl-- claims that Andracki, ac-- 'companied by two Chicago men, came into his store, and that the two Chi-- |cago men flashed guns on him while 'Andracki took $40 away from him and then handed back $10. George Rause sof Victoria street, William Serocki and Paul Walker of Park +avenue, were in the store at the time. It was at first charged that the men in the store also claimed that the' Chicago men hbhad guns, but luacer one o%f the 3m is alleged to have stated that he thought the Chicago men had Sheridan Road, North Chicago, Wed-- nesday night of last: week. <~Lindahl's pharmacy is located almost across the street from the police station. _ YJoseph Lewis and Mabel White. of 415 Prospect, Waukegan, colored, were bheld up at the point oi a «un and rob 'ted by two bandits at 10:30 o'clock | Thursday night. At 11:45 p. m. bare-- 1y more than an hour after the rob-- , bery, the police had cleared up the |robbery with the arrest 'of four youths, obtaining a confession from John "P'ckiles" Andracki, prominept North Chicago man and a consider-- atle power in first ward politics, was charged with staging a hold--up in the drug stop> nporrteod hy --FP ad~! inas»1 Andracki gave a detailed denial of the charge and according to reports, some of the witnesses have changed their etories, f + One of the Youths, According to Police, Has Made a Full Confession. NORTH CHICAGOAN a%:!&b. It is regarded as one of the finest bits of, police work done Rudoiph Sternbenz, 30, of Morrow avenue, North Chicago. P William Ryan, 17, of 706 North Chestnut street. + Tony Ilh{uic, 17, of 1308 Prescott St., North Chicago. Lester Guthrie, 17, of 1010 Belvi dere, street. _ -- Guthrie and Sternbenz were posi-- tively identified by the two victims as the men who had held them up. Guthrie ,according to the police, made a full confession in which he charg-- ed that Sternbenz held the gun during the robbery. He charged that Ryan and Malavasic remained outside the Lewis home as lookout while the rob bery was going on. _ Robbery is Reported (Lewis called at the police station at 14:80 p. m. and reported that two men had entered his flat, one o them armed with ag revolver;, and bad ordered him and Miess White to "stick Lewis Klepip, 23. of 122 Washing: ton street, and Philip Zeralle, who said he bhad no home, were picked up as suspec's. Zeralle was> released but Klepip is being held. Arrest 'Four Men The two officers then started south in Sheridan road.: In front of the Sheridan road garage they arrested the four men and too« them to the po-- lice station. Lewis and Miss White were called to the police station and positively identified fwo of the men. Captain Thomas Booth and Detec-- tive Sergeant MacDapald started out to make a round of tae pool halls. 'em up." <--They complained and th-- rot bers. he said, took $25 in cash from the woman. He supplied an ex-- cel'ent description of. the two robbers. Gu'hrie, according to the -- police, admitted that the gun had been hid-- den under a pile of: lum'rer near the Sheridan road garage. The gun wis recovered where he said it had been hidden. Officers also found & large tunch ol keys which Guthrie said be-- longed to him.and the other three men. The money, he said, was thrown away when the men eaw the officers coming. Police were unable to find any of it. * £ h --' At the police station Sternbenz complained of an injury to his ankle, eaying a man hbhad kicked him. Dr. Levin was called but said the injury was merely a bruise. It is expected that the four men will te arraigned in court either to-- day or tomorrow. mornifz. Officers Are Praised ~Assigtant Chief of Police Thomas Kennedy today posted a builletin in which creditable mention is given to Captain Booth and Detective Sergeant acDanald for their excellent work 'n --learirs up the ho!ld--up. 'A creditable mention also is given Patrolman William Blaylock for frus-- trating the robbery of, the Joseph Daly 'and John Haese stores on the night of Feb. #. 'There are 181,253 words in one ver-- zion of the New Testament and 593,-- 403 words in the Old Testament. The New Testament contains 7.959 verses, the Old Testament, 23.214. Words in Ame Ne WRITE FOR A AREF COPY OF OUR. 'LO0 PICIORIAL GUIDE MAP OF WASKINGCTON Aruncton notel ANNIVERSARY WEEK MCcCORMICK MOTOR SALES so4 SOUTH GENESEE STREET WAUKEGAN 120 | WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS OPERATED BY MADDUX, MARSHALL, MOSS & MALLORY we. LaSaLte is cordially invited to take advantage of this opportunity to prove to his own satisfaction the outstanding performance characteristics of a Cadillac--built car--its relaxed, rest. ful riding qualities; its freedom from vibration; its remarkable accelera-- tion; its amazing From March 3 to 10 special arrange-- ments have been made for Cadillac-- One of the 4#M Hotels oflways

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