Eo+ R# *:;i%- , x# . e »x M Y --c s e s w¥~ * Saturday, hieck 3$1, 1928, Emil Hiss-- in Chicago working out of the Des '1%&0&&&)&.[ always to play the part of 2 boy,' the girl told the desk sergeant. had wauted to masquerade as a boy his wite, notitied Chief Deputy Fred Brown and within a tew moments be had relayed the message to outside cities> with the .result that the--girl was picked up by a police --matron her brain for years, led Cora Neat garder, --18, .0f Deerfleld, to:writea farewell note to her parents and slip trom her bedroom and out into the world early Friday. ; 'I_am leaving to look. for a 1jJob." was the content of the farewel! mis LOVIS BERLIN AVCTION «in Taxes are lower, no assessments to pay, plenty of.room in 4 a 3--4--acre tract to have a fine garden andraise lots of chickens Pick out the tract you want, make a small down payment, then pay $10.00 a month, until the m.ho Drive out to the Subdivision, the office will be open to you from 8 o'clock in the morning un'fil9 o'clo&;.kinthaeyming. ,? s ;.J'" 2 went <to the p EY B * w w P h . & d 3 A 2 : J¥ m flns i wl > f m ' ' % < e & Te & *\ « e * $ F wakide C e « x + ul s ------seeue x € i e $ {*--~ ¥ % m § is C » 6 P P W > Y l < Es , . s > ; % ¢ % "yap i s > ; "% & aa M x P s wok Ee w -- 4 "% P % es i m yad * l «agl l $ * ;. --E c« t us 3 es f f 4 i ':- f frs : > :Yf.«, g{b _ 9 ol a 3 h. * ind J a a Facc xz e s S k uaet B af [ % j i m < AE A re y "_ 8 Feut 's RI « s * y : "":5@ fe '._).., #t -- F 3 I:'-' fs. 16 P Sn d C the + 7 & S # hy es e is #3% -- k ~F EN #7. & F * x "A ¥._ C 4. . es _ . ® o l o _ T CS . mt € i w5 § ; iss s » § <~ Aky 9e 3 . $ $ % % ¥ & s hen 10.UU a month, unu! the balance is paid. -- ~ pay q10.U00 a mol e unti m Dbalance is paid. -- > JBL--] ~_Rev. A. P. Johnson, Minister §%: * * y t nA _/ M 4 Bible schoo! at 9:45 a. m. Don't f , Aeaet ns xt .. JELf [®end your children to 8. S. -- Bring M' io a : > ;.;; m K_Mmmmrd 4 pami hk C3 s t e . e "s. e 2) ing worship at 11. Appropri-- 10& AN "CLbL-- ANVU A: Aamea_:--. S t * e sn A 1 AJ 41L sQLL TEHITAA T * --~'~ lR Christinn Endeavor at T p. m. /A C d aatiiine c c Bs s r hm t B4 + 0. Cogignist® onl( in o e c y n ofi n en n o t ta,. |;;: pm:fivwm__ 4. R 21 * S ho t oo se ie ~8 mos at 71%. . $4m0 ~ t 2t o mete o Paul'a church: ~He was'a s0n of the | --The.way to.build a h em.mum is aurvived zxing. --The way to by six : sisters;, , Allan, the . Bricknell, < Mra." Jos Mentzer, | on the little ballot W dore and Waiter J. LAnge. . -m#iimuuu es tihe C ol We moward strpicer ans | 1P es dnfuates thacones ~_ Mr: rs. Ho > ' er at the County on Wed-- | present. C s | ie OnTeT in Paldalg p awror |ant Oy Mrsart Somattion." oi _ _Roy Clavey is a new res-- ndg . a."__It Mr. and Mrs. William Baxter, of zg:'e.t.vw'hr R & Chicago, visited at the 'home of Mr. | devotionals. Mrs. Andreww and Mr turned home on Wednesday,. from a tisit: of two mm:& son, Lester, of Kemipton, daugh-- m.xuuuxa:wmm A small book on in Europe, has been donated 'the library, by Mrs. J, A. ACACEIOI, Jd1. & y the birth of a hter at the Grant: hospital in . on lay Mar. 18, T P 4 o Mr. and Mrs. Jessia Strong motored to_DeKalb on Sunday: ; on ulu.'l;lhncnr-{: entertained Myrtle Cottrell and Mr:; and Mrs. H. Inspetor: E at the P 0. on Monday. «* % Mr. and Mrs. W\ B. Carr spofit the week end at i3 Wns ies at Ts timate tntorens : in '{*Mj""" m ' « & "%"', A Rov ever ';'s' r8. pobbins Miss Eliza: Miss Martha Jennson of Chicago on Baturday evening. . < 4 . Mr. and Mrs. Rayshond Méyer and son were guests of Chicago friends Mrs. Ira . Gardnor pe on : the ns mt frin in Millburn on S£undag. . a> and children were of Mr.;-- Mrs.George BoHnske, of Chicago re and Walter J. s . JKA0 e week end. & * 4B en :.Mlmflvflumfl s at the County on Wed-- | present. N w en t » iz s er. 96 9X Ir. w .0 Ne ho. 22 * oo n Parigens css ./ _ . RLACTION O¥ OFFiCERA BY %&'lta -g entertained at 1 of Mrs. ¥. ing still, we are not still at discard as the rest of : the world is ference between success and is genpgrally one good start.= © -- ~--_ WHEN DO WE START! l ~ _ Answer on April 8 <. > Ot course m*tu'-h to" do big things, but when do we start? We've made ~our plans, our course is set, our goal is in --sight, but when do we 'Start? : .: > _--_ => =>-- . All of us want Deerfield towln'tln best mw% e'are rdinz to do our Dart; --when do tondness for the man who makes a mistake, for that proves he is willing to try, and like Teddy, wfodfi contempt for the fellow who is to start. We know it takes courage to strike out to blaze--a trail, but still we can't helbo admitting that the reasgon why the other fellow don't | * * ~~. ~> sug.«_ . 30. 0000 1| one of the al start, is generally lazieness and cow-- WILMOT P. T. A. _ . _| |Legion Auxiliar are--going to make things hum. But|ja, monthiy meeting at the of their best ba« when do--we start?! . e on Friday evening, March 16. '| sees for: ongsel! It's so easy to wit back calm aAnd . pegional Director, Mrg: J. & realise just ho' restful like and watch the torrent 0f *warde, of L&Grange, was with us and | for ~thoge --ahen, Mterush past. -- But we can't BAY!--|spoke on "The SEeVen am | who were not gate in the quiet of backwaters, we m"'mfim return sound in cant make any hesdway standinF | which is national, e se ":"J"I I"t:": 33 > great m .?!;";!fl_'l_. ~*ltanv weaw > *Tha mhd«m&fitm do we start? "Well J# half done" there is a world of s _sense in the homely remark that a poor start is better than no ending at all parents and friends of Deerfield and -nsnm cakes, were tgfl; there showed a net profit of ©$106.60, M&;&t-flwfi;n% . Perpy |reelected :presi( *n'a"- M ro® is a son of Mr. and Mre. Pater Perry |secretary, and 'Mrg. Ira Gardner, as ot)lu. m%:"aufi"fi W o Hmagttel | evening: .:« --_. =~ 7' Kea : S okeier °C ym»flflumm&& --The teachers~--of -- the Deerfleld |Patterson, was . yory. #at mwm'"ot;éuus; mf'wfi&om the--surrounding communities, who | had a balance in the treasury. -- = _ But when we think we are stand For, after all, the only do wo start? Jn verke: aid S mMiry "Mi the --tables set with decorations n and white. Baked beans;: ives, sandwiches, 'pickles and 1 3 dn Rhens piovet e we sc s +4 Ohaich " This was fohiow, duced the -- vistors© from the ~Feder ation 'of Young People. Mr. and Miss Kane, told of the --work the different departments of the fed: eration, showing that the young ple. are active in promoting chur« work.: They efpressed of the work being done by the field group. The Tuaxis Society growing in interest and in thy home membership, vocational ef< nies of learning, the use of letsure, mmm'mrwb@d'fll. u"uu"' munn Church Sunda "FROM FEDERATION |; !be an importai ur guests partook of the | tory of the Sta inciotian Church Sunder io bn reproven f to and Miss Mary Hood, Alt menibers set with decdrations requested to 1 white. : Baked beans;,: i"hvldch are viches, 'pickles and WMAQ. on election uts sns in n ~th work and "%o. us for $ -- seprice 15 boys and girls will: be \|consecrated to the--service of: their \[Lord and Master, and will be taken 4 ang |UP into the tellowship of the Evan-- with, ar c e oo sn wnp wragy" * _ * worship, the combined Junior and Senior choirsof --over forty yoices aomeneantiiont '~The dvors of m:m awing '@pen with a cordial welcome for all. ©-- RPvangelistic <services are being fm evening ;tG:'mfi Sat-- ,uwwm continue until Eas-- ter Sunday. Thursday evening, Aor. 5. we will commemorate the Lord's gupper. This service will be obsery-- esd under the light of a beantiful electric cross. Friday evening, Apr. €, the theme of the service will be "The Cross of Calvary." Special num bers will ba given in the light .of the We will greet Easter morning with a sunrise service at 6:80. After the ; hour a fellowship break-- fast will be served to all present. At the ing and evening hours of Oof our Lord on the cross. Boy Scout mesting every Friday at 7p. m. Choir rehearsal at 8. "\We exrtend a cordial invitation to ~~Church school at 9:30 a. m. At '10+45, Paim Sunday service. Confirmation, baptism, welcoming of m.m Bacrament of the ~~'Rvening service at 7:30. This SBun-- day is the beginning of the Passion Wnkmmmumm we wish to apeak on import-- ant and appropriate themes, contin-- :::Muwmm.nm: 'mhmg : !tt 7'."" Fuifilled" will serve as the basis of day W) the subject will be "An ~ACeremony With a New Meaning." This service at 7:45 p.m. On Good Friday the service will iqkoohuott:"_gn-.fivfld_:p ~~ BThe service on Good Friday eve ning 'will be --conducted in the Ger-- man language.. In connection with Lord's supper. all the activities and services of this C mmlvg:-nm mafi-fioh'-'ofi : +16 a. m. One Of the aims of the American Legion Auxiliary, as well as the Le-- mmuoumhm':lfl" of their best back in 1918. Until one sees for: onéself, it is impossible to realise just how heary the load is for thoge men, and their~families, who were not fortunate enough to return sound in body and mind. We feel it is a privilege as well as a duty to be able to brighten their lives in any way. -- Therefore, we feel it a P. T. A. will be held on on Thame day evening, April--19, at the school and all members 'are requested to keep this date open and atiend. . _ the nnuumnmotmru& er Agsociations, will be held at Strea tor on April 24, 25 and 26. This will tory of the State comncil and one:--of to h;fi?&w;@:&" m> new president. _ * . ~All members of our P. T. A. are requested: g:"m in on. the -- pro-- the hours of 3:30 and 4:30, © One is assured of an e¥cellent speaker and: everyone "was of the Service Men!{ How eager to 'aid in every way po# glible! And.now, 1928, --are we just as proud of our ex--service men and jast as eager to ald? How : much lirger is the field for service now.-- io se crory cootine 'who 1s oi insy 25 nombersBly in this spion a good program, 64 thoir Intontions to pat on a mas ical cflom u%m some time in Aoril, an anfouncement, of which, will be later. AN OPBN LBTTPR TO THB WOMBEN OF DEERFIRLD Ten years ago, in 1918, how proud of" offitcers will be \There are Such _ the Matt Rossdoutcher farm. _ ==_ mm nsm en it E./'H. Meyer home in Fremont. _ Qugene Prior of Waucondé was a business --calléer in this vicinity last 'M'o L&::a'nk"mnd--c was a--caller at NMre. _mm'bk home lm*'o IM m & week in Waukegan -- with her daugh-- ter. Mrs. G. H. Mann. tored to McHenry Monday. d 1o Woodeioch pmturday" " *' i etrames snn were 3 a fow days last week at the home of ernoon with Mrs. Loretta Seymour in Wausonda. > *--% ¢ Clifford Wetson discovered -- the house on his ftather's farm to be on :wm-m&i'%i&;u&f&fi. bership at present. lead vention in San Antofnilo, Tex. --It is expected that a large dele-- gation of Jlocal :Legionaries will at-- tend: the Deerftield: banquet. * Mir. and Mrs. Wayne Bacon and family, of Siocum Lake, spent Fri-- fl':n-lu at the L. P. Davis home. ~ Mr, and Mrs.~Lioyd Fisher and son, Richard, spent Monday evening at the Joo Passtield home. : son spent o at the William was here on business Tuesday. [M%w l.J.Mllma;:nuuthe ; M f no the annuai | Harry--Passfield home Saturday. g' 'to : be held at. Deerfield. on'|#on Harry were in McHeury Satur-- _ Commander Victor 0. Woertz and. r. and Mrs. John Molidor were %ug'mew of the |callers at the Esse Fisher homelast ; C € % " C # * to The mosting while ather medibers |" Bifiton and Hi¥bed Dowel! motor-- <tha post are invited to attend.|ed to Waukegan SBaturday. Commander Woerts has tickets-- Mr. and Mrs. King and daughter '"WMMJ : |of Rvanston, spent the woek end at "la!'!i ftend are urged to phone |their home here. 5o Sn Woorts and tickets® will | .Mr. and Mrs. Lioyd Fizher and son P Sor them. _ _ > _ |Richard, Mr. and. Mrs. Esse Fisher wwvmutgmmmm the Thomas Fuh; ers at the meeting. The two Ni home. . & nois officers© have made a great record so far this year and the state 0000000000 00 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0| Sunday. Fox River Hatchery innua Dept. Commander Aimient ampiet Sor Far -- Acge & 8 "Heh 5 4 a onl l 2 dz k . x 3X I a T _M ' * M M j \' cA ~#4 a x# -- pe &# . * i & J 2 e Aeeeede > e te . week. -- Price range, 120 and up. --All leading varieties. We pay for telephone calls on out of town _orders. Phone 1537. mm modern home, newly. decorated hruout, large lot .......................$6,750.00 Lot 50x172 on McKiniey Avenue, in Liber-- tyvifl&flixhlmds....sl.zss.w Nine--room house, Brainard and Lake Streets in Libertyville ..........__.._.:_.......$12,000.00 Six--room house on McKinley Avenue, just nearing completion .:...:.--...__...._. $12,000.00 o o t s oie s Oe nie e o Aiaaa T sn s See O etiaea t ies 27 0B --S0 8 20 .0 0 o Th M is 1 Fee hi 9. . BBY 0 2 on uen mo ut o c e xt npyi. r L > arm x P BC whs . 3 7. 5} 'f'::g::?;' "3.: house through a window. The fire s t C ol C O 1°~~~iWwas put out without much damage JAY CAIRN S xt N TO B F Mr. and Mrs, J. W. Strausser have returned to their home, after spend-- --ing the winter months in Chicago and Hot Springs, Ark. ~-- Rev. and Mre. H. B, Guyn of Lib ertyville; were vistors here Tuesday. Miss Leila Battershall, of Chicago-- spent Sunday in the home of her parents here. Mr. and Mrs: George Aweet and family have returned to their home, after--zspending the winter months in Chicago. Mrs. 0. C. Waldmann has been confined to her home by iliness for the past week. a Bobby -- Smith . of -- Chicago spent t in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mre. L. G. Smith. R: B.Godttey 414 Kennoth Mo ,Mmmmm }lt.:'hnucma: fiolo.dlr.muw plant of the Chicago Tribune. of the Waukegan church in a trip to ~The Epworth of the M. L. LOANS ARE OVER Mr. Levitt of Chicago, spent oun-- day 'at the home of Dowell brothere. o ~GRAYSLAKE o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ® Mr. --and Mrs. William Fisher en-- tertained relatives from Chicago last 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Deing gone." > ~ :.+ .*. * _« /= mmumrmm --_Mr. --and Mrs. Clinton Ravin and on #pent Wednesday evening at the home of Dowell brothers. * ~M.--E. Smith of Wauconda was a business visiter here Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Lioyd Fiwher and son motored to Wauconda Friday. BH. J. Russell was a caller at the Harry: Passfield home Saturday. "Mr. and Mrs. Roy Passfield and son Harry were in McoHenry Satur-- Number of chattel mortgages, 36. Number or trust deeds and mort-- iges, 96. ':htfln-hrotlntnmtsm Total amount of loans, $517,627.62. Ommmvukm arch 2%6, 1927: * Number of conveyances filed, 269. Number of chattel mortgages, 538. Number of trust deeds and mort-- Total number of instruments filed, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thompson and 409 t 4* =s I to decorate the rooms. [ ]'k B. GODFREY g [ . "The Quality store*®~ _ [ . . K erarsiake .~ _ urmonm $ , Meets First and Third Monday Nites of each Month, at Masonic Hail Visiting companions cordially invited GEORGE STURM, H. P. _--= _ & o 25¢ ama 40¢ Libertyville Rqo,!yinl Comp a n y , _ Wert ns guee _ AT LOW COST Estimates Furnished Froe TAR AND GRAvEL rooFring READY ROOFING OVER OLD ROOFING FLAT ROOFS RECOVERED WITH TAR AND PiTCH -- Work Guaranteed No. 272 R. A. M. We do all "kinds of roofing EARL H. CORLETT, Sec'y a yard. AT ILLINOI8