+ will be open for disposal of rubbish on _ Saturday of each week. . _ _ E s NOT BE Pw e --~| --Friday and Saturday -- | _ Lake County National Bank -- | | 6:30 P. M. DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME _ § & j .'f'f"-;.»: ' _ Wuroo6 ALL SEATS 50 CENTS --~ A place has been secured for the dis-- posal of rubbish on the property of the Interstate Sand and Gravel Co. at the foot of Chuch Street, and a man will be in charge there during the above men-- Earl H. Corlett, President Village Bo: _ High School Public notice is hereby given that the week of April 30 to'myjs, inclusive, Trustees of Village of Libertyville as Cleanup Week f*"%>3 Juus MONROE, fifth President, born April 28, 1758, . 4 v'hnm&h-ddhfdvfld I feeling." 3o popular was he that he was reclected by all but! |-- mdfiwmd&h@hhd'.u ¥ : only that Washington might have the unshared honor of bér. > ing unanimously elected President of the United States. -- ; Unfortunately, however, while Monroe served his c i try so well, he neglected providing for his own future. W that he was compelled to ask Congress to reimburse e _ + The anniversary of his birth brings us a two--fold mas; | _ ; sage--patriotism and personal financial provision for fatur e needs. mmmhflowom « Mmfiflum'h'"q_w :j tected and earn a profit. * f Cleanup Week | OPERA | ~ Capital and Surplus Better T -I.--IiSCOL fi;:' % He Served «2 mume=|| > WELLS { soneo _ 4 One at mcllt-- 1}._T.A. Simpson, county superintend-- ||| HOUSE MOVING "The body of Jack Koek, who died in he Waukegan hospital, as a result of injuries received when his truck was struck by a 8t. Paul train Tues day afternoon was brought to Lib mmm torburT:lu undertaking: rooms. re mains --will be taken to Chicago Sat-- state normal school at Charleston, IIl., for the purpose of investigating the graduating class of June. From them he belieres will come some of and he intends to go into their qual-- fln Eropiens: marene " Th rooltins 'mmummmu. _ Migs Effie Butterfleld, bookkeeper at the Ray < Furniture and Paint store, sustained a broken collar bone Monday, when she tripped and fell down stairs at ber home. Miss But-- terfleld's injuries are not as serious who was {found.dead in a shack at week, came to this village Saturday Dragon of Wu Foo", to be pros ;:L.un mg'k class of m ;' "'n'bool on'th\qvnht of May Waukegan Wednesday :esvening. Mrs. Delos Ames, of this village. -->; ~-- Miss Margaret Smith, teacher at the local high school, visited 'nt the Mrs. Elia Powers died at herhome in Wauconda Tuesday evening, after a short illness. She was a sister of Herman Amann, who was injured in a track: meet at the local high school field April 11. is recovering, and will soon be out. -- He dost the in dae...,,; [ || FRIDAY AND SATURDAY "Angeols at the Gates of Lite" Bate for children as well ZI0ON erease the dose. and absolutely sure. Local and Personal at x «| a k > Je 4 UCBUA ) }« * | # . ? i ky d "ah a f : F " I ile Triggs & Johnson || .:« t ~~M B > . / .0 Cer C 9 / uy ki lt M e . "@P( stt @4 T +5 x E "-;'. T m CEVC I'.v' PFAECEE AMO ~AnS -- ARMP T '""Vm., ome | ~ The "Methodist church will have keen on announcing his birthdays. ifter | all services on daylight saving time But his friends and neighbors pre-- ir of | next Sunday.> It is trying to coover vented him from keeping it quiet . ----|ate to make this time unanimous in this year when a--/number of them Libertyvilie. ~'The morning service &athered at his home : on School r--&t iwill be st 11 o'clock, and the eve-- , Street Saturday. evening, to help cel-- . the |ning service at 7 instead of 7:30.|brate. Cards and bunco were play x i2 | The Epworth League is at 6. and the | ed, after which a fine lunch was en-- |g Puare White or, Cider full :strength vinegar, the [)| 0 C--OCK. DAYLIGHT SAVING |f kind that makes good things taste better.-- A quart [ | -- ..rwo GIp] o 7( potrgrs WANTED" (|f Baked --Beans with rich Tomato Sauce 4 cans 57¢-- with JANET GAYNOR and | Tomato Catsup made from ripe Tomatoes, pure i rapragg '|f spicesand vinegar Large Size per Bottle 23¢ ho is secking a Job and monts . Lnrge Size Per Can 25¢ . | _ Cream of Pea or Celery Soup 3 cans for -- -- 57c |f On those days we will offer big values on all their JR .products. ~Will you not try to attend at Jeast one prepare. We just mention here a few specials to N show the great saving we offer. "The fox that waited for the chickens to fall off their perches, died of| ~Auditorium Theatre. [1, x C 5 us . 5 & ; R € , "':a.-ho + hunger; anudlflufim'\---. £ *} * mmm'gnzusn.- 5 n Many a man joats around waiting for a rich 'relative to climb the golden | _ png subject for the Christian 8CH-- | , stairs and leave him sitting pretty on the sunny side of Kasy Street only "mhfihvgk'mhq to hear the will read and learn that the money is to go to the Home For| "Rveriastine Punishment' _ . .. .. | +5 indigent" Widows. f + M ~| Milwaukee Ave., at 8 p, m.------ _ > : It's a good idea to expect the best in life to come your way, but the only X. m man who has a to the .A : THANKS -- . . j right: to expect it is onowtoumtly_yoth!fri We with to. our' Sincere [ Don't be like the foolish fox. 3 > appreciation of the many acts of Don't starve to death in a fruitful land. mmuflrm There's plenty Aor all. 4 _.'2."'.1';.':..2~..'.'.."'.....m.....u. F But if you want your share of the plums, don't wait for someone to come along and shake the tree, $ Platter is almost sure to be disappointed. member of our police force, has the famous smilé today, and his special victims, the automobile speeders, are immune from arrést at least for to-- day, All this on account of a fine new girl arriving at his house this morning.. 'Theittle one has been named Dolores, and Frank says she is a sure winner. He was passing the cigars around at pooun. .. _ CREAM OF TOMATO SOUP Smail Size 6 cans 57c ---- Medium Size 4 cans 57c¢ unday school at 9:45, daylight say-- mm-uuma.w'a«unum.mmaaml'@?""'"_gm $ " H.--J. HEINZ CO. ~--_---- 57 Varieties , At Our Store FRIDAY & SATURDAY Office to Do DE e ie ons f-'_'_n 6 . %é,\' THE. FOX AND THE CHICKENS 27ith and 28th By R. G. KAPING Cw T. of the (Copyrighted 1927) 1 ';:' w'v ',1:,;;;?1\ SleF cnta in EC RE Pole, C onW aipn zie Om > 3 {*': es ,, fig .' . 'fi \?', 1. _,'Lfi. %:fi'wi"'f i e e wl 4 4 > i o. 1 kik. €0 A Ivbeat It you have somiethimg to sell, or L,umu"mw- dent clasisfied ads with help you. : next Tuesday evening; May--1st, by giving.a;May Day dinuer and dance at the Countryside Club,--west of Mundelein. -- The ginner will be serv-- ed :at ¢:30, this part:of the program to be: in charge of The Bell Tavern, thomnrnwhohu&fluum house in the McKi house on Milwaukee aventue, May iIst, After the dinner dancing will be 'enjoyed. The festivities ate to ovpen with a May pole dance at dusk. The com mittee in charge promises some in-- novations in the enterthinment line, and a big crowd of members and guests are expected to attend: Cole came along in a new Oakland A verbal battle followed, with the re-- Tinbie ofi Potarecly, whareed with Schottle car ~was parked without lights. 'The triat of the case is set for Tuesday, May 2. /A * Lowell Acox, little son of Mr. and was emulating er companions Monday,. by doing the pole . vault stunt. -- He fell to the ground, break-- ing one of his arms. While the in-- jury is not serious, Lowell will carry hbis .arm in a sling for a time, and meditate on the dangers of jumping too high and wide. . j John Schottle, 1820 Jackson Bivd., Chicago. parked his car at the side of the road on Milwaukee avenue, near Johnson avenue, early Sunday © 'The LAbertyville Club will open the spring season of entertaining on h ceA en t eecoit "% .7 0k ols ts o x e P0 i l ie April 22 to :'Q:!.' m ; |AUpITORUME Bundsy.. School at .9:45, at the North Grade School. We are operat-- ing all our services on Daylight Sav--. ;h&anlu Wonh&otn'.m&- tor will address the Orders of ¥Fellow and Rebeccas, at this sery-- ite. 'They are celebrating the 109th anniversary of Od 1 Fellowship. The public is invited to attend this sery-- ice.© There will be special music by . appreciation --of the-- many acts of kind helpfuiness during our recent sorrow. We wish to extend our thanks to the donors of the beauti-- ful} floral offerings and to those who. ""m.%m WHXCOX AND FAMILY. -- 1t _ "The Nature of Man" is the sub ject for Sunday morning at. 11, day-- 'light saving time. > -- : >~ Rvening.subject at.7 o'clock "Some Cbristian Values." . > . , : Spworth League at. 6 o'clock. . . Sunday school at 9:45. . . . (May 13 is Mothers' Day. ..The sub ject for the service will be "Angels at"the Gates of Lite." o '":tdtgpov%nmoool&yu. cers League vllbol-uflod.'ma'fln service will be "The Higher Bap tisms." It will be a candie light ser-- vice, and decorations from the morn-- %mvmh'ud. c s Rally at Highland Park on the after-- noon and evening of May 5. .-- -- = REVIEW which a girl has ~to choose be-- tween her brother and her swoet A special meeting of the congrega-- tHon will be held after the morning a. m; Fourth Mase at 10 a. m. 8T. LAWRENCE'S EBPISCOPAL Rev. H. B. Gwyn, Pastor.= * The services on Sunday April 29, the third Sunday after Raster, are as follows: Church School at 10 a; m.~. Holy Eucharist and Sermon at 11 a. m. ' Daylight Saving Time. ; -- -- * Rev. M. J. Nealis, Pastor First Mass at 6:30 a. m.; Second Mass at 8 a. m.; Third Mass at 9 Melodrama is the ¢ry of the hour; the demand of the puglic! Here Thursday, Friday, -- April 26 and 27 "CHICAGO AFTER 'FIRSsT sHow STARTS AT 7 O'CLOCK, DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME (Bast of the Park W. --H. Lehmann, Pastor Bunday School at 9 a. m. German Service at 10 a. m. English Service at 7 p. m. The zservices will be conducted on Also "Ko Ko thrilling drama of the west in FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL <~'John E. Delong, Pastor s y, 'Mickey's . Parade* with Mickey McGuire. "ia'Raten moe. _ _ fiK Phone 17 Matines at 2:30 »i2z 11 FRANK H. EGER-- at 8 a. m. ~~«]| _ ~Of Quality FABLE 55.3 > -- -- THE HARRIET BEAUTY SHO MARKG7NC. : FREDERIC'S g Gabricleen, Re-- First National Bank @ § \ NOTICE _ (tnil _ . MARCEL WAVES-- : | _ mmasorgie en 5i2 | abricleen, Re--Conditioning Campound .| _ #@ ) DON'T To .20 s Er,. 2 33e some glib tongued salesmar to talk . || _ you into blyilg a doubtful M We will cheerfully give you an unbissed % e _A ie >A and reliable report on any security . || offered to you for investment. : h e Let us help make it easy for Capital and Surplus $110,000.00 There is a world of 500 No. Milwaukee Avenue YJ E ARE proud to Proud that our bank is strong in the character of its resources--in its manacement -- in its ability and its integrity This bank enhjoyoz strength worthy those it serves. For this reason we in vite your business. > a 3. e NOTICE MARCEL WAVESs® No Obligation anuter w e C#