_LBOX RIVER BABY CHICKS _ entditadtns io C -- _ jhat_ nal -- *' mois counties th §E -- Rugust and Sept E. hail -- damage _ . SRolg fruits was re FOX RIVER HATCHERY d _ ¥irx-- 63 South Grove Avenue _ _ __ _ * es i _hail was reported in May ;;)' , hailstorms struck IIl+ 'mois counties through June, <July, §, Ar and ~September. ~Last year > 1 ASell--after September 20, i' \&*o"to soutbern --Hl in was reported in October. E.;:;j?f;' ie Farmere-- Mutual--Reinsurance ~~-- gompany 1' farmers against E-:)' # in 67 counties in 1927 L;" } : on m garden -- truck, The farmers' mutua} offers. Ein °t waase Iesonmibnmied is 3(3.(:"' 4 " f t " ' *4 * j Sk » per $1000 'on farm crops, # ~-- Chicago, : Iik--A. 'warning to NE mnois. farmers to protect their crops &hl#uwumflyb seued by the Iflinois Agricultural as-- Boclation. Calling attention to "the to truit' and garden truck crops was sustained in Marion, John-- -- i# and A+} o e 22 the busistors i ist of the hallstorms of 1927 ~JAm «u> southsasterly ~direction. e _ BDept. 4 ILLINOS es s > hss pe Smante not only o serve. you in \~ 'evéery fimancial capaci M ~ ops escistance in every ligiti-- ~<> K tae o 1 s > swen e yinee stovar mik. ma * eaie c h or o is + § «_ re place shower . & & -- nace heat, garage for ; : ; T Ma-- ! Speual Prbu fof May. Pite it Nn 'ereinnatin Man Aew-adinfla'd'w | ; For This Week Cory liitle home. Rest §60 mo." || > Co. Held to Grand Jury. * sad0o sarRED rox *' 10000 rEDs FOR RENT----1 room house; on a [ es iess ach s mio s C \ * onl¥ 4 p was helr to the : _« ~§12 Per Hundred Special Prices in Lots of 300 -- Built "tn hoh uabem open fre [lave -mqmunm*by:-} ie pay phone calls on orders and deliver in lots of 300 or more car garage.. Rent $55 a month. _ Gm.lznw«-&:? | Store Open on Tussday and Friday Nights Fon nhare # ises uo. _ HaMMe ho timé that he sorved _ as . E_;M Youeunthmk oettthank in an ~ .' ~individual sense--the State Bank ; of Mundelein aims to be not only f "yonr"bi'nk but your baniker--it -- StateBankol Mundelein is Report of 1. A. A. Use Our Complete Facilities _ Hecketsweller recited the poem, "In Flanders Fields," . Mesdames Mc-- and Gerred of Libertyrille, read Gen. Logan's General Orders and the Honor Roll, respectively Mr. Jorne gave the> address on "Objectives," stressing the ideals of liberty, fraternity and unity which mnnprematenien mmumm Radke Rev. 'Walter Schonermann, pastor of the Diamond Lake church, gave an eloquent and stirring address on "The Patriotism of a Prophet." 'A. R., The Daunghters of the G.AR., 'muqflem.nflmmn Auxiliary were guests of honor. The musical part of the program given by the Ivanhoe choir, led by Frank the Diamond Lake, First and Ivan-- hoe churches at the Ivanhoe church in honor of© our veterans were at-- The committee having the meet-- ing in charge, J. H. Rouse, Clark Dunn, E. H. Blubhm, Alfred Snyder, L. A. Murrie, Dwight Doiph, M. C: Mott ard Arthur Ritta is to be con-- gratulated on the successful way in which the meeting went over to a close a meeting so interesting and enjoyable as to lead many to ask that we have more like it in Decoration Day at Ivanhoe church Last Sunday --morning. th emortal Sunday services uC oi c quiime tm mt n 4034 -- m ns 3t BC Mome c o t o es oas p s EnsP the Union is# held by re Cask with wife abandonment. Gregaitis and his wife, who have not been living in domestic peace, have resided in the same home but in different parts of the house, it is understood. : 3 'l\ommtuthhvl:a son are plotting --to take the which is valued at $20,000, away from him.: He is represented by Attorney E. V. Orvis and the doman by At-- honors by % squsd from the Liberty-- 'PLYNMOUT %&m ' C. Arthite Minister. First Church at 9:00 a. m.~ Day-- light Saving Time. Ivanhoe at 11:00 a. m. Standard Time. ;. t 3. 3 > j ult omm t 19:00 a m. Day-- * m. < Baving Time. Tvanhoe at 10:00 a. m. Standard the beautiful setting na afforded The complaints against John Gre-- gaitis ,truck farmer living west of the city, that he had penned his wife in a chicken coop and forced her to forage for garbage for food for the last six months, blew up before Justice Hervey Coulson where the disorderly conduct warrant was dis-- missed without a full hearing. The complaint had been-- signed by Miss Ida Himmeireich, of the Hu-- mane Society, after she investigated. At the same time a new warrant was drawn against »Gregaitis. This one, signed by his wife, charged him torney J. A. Miller. Jily of the Field." c c No Bvrening Service as we will join with the Graduating Class in their Baccalaureate Service at the High School at $:00 P. M., Daylight Baving Time. » * -- Jamlor.Choir Practice at 4:00 p.m. day afternoon, June ~8, with Mrs. KHenry : Koblank, Mrs. Jotin. Hodgo being assistant hostesses.. _ ___ _ _ beforé them. & At the cemetery, in the midst: of their Baccalaureste Service at the| stole n --Chevrolet couch in Cumber--| _ Word of . the _ death of. : Horace High School at 8:00 PLW&&&';'MQN.S& Chase, Jr... nephew: of Samuel. T. Baving Time. * A Minn.-- They abandoned the | Chase Oof Lake--Forest, in an air-- Junior.Choir Practice at 4:00 p..m. | Chevrolet in '%M plane accident in Falm Beach, Fia., Friday. . .. ooo 2e L al drove away in Jack's Gardner. in | Saturday, was réceived in Chicago LAadies Aid Society meeting, ¥ri-- "umw.s Friday.. ~Young Chase, who was 28. day. afternoon, June ~8, with Mrs. | admitted the hold--up of flower | was taking off for a:transcontinent-- Henry Koblank, Mrs. Jotn Hodge | shop in Milwaukee--and the theft of | al flight to San Franciscéo when his being assistant hostenses.. s ""Mnm&udumu pmane Lfoll. : He was the fiyer who Sunday. June --10th is Children's | stationg. . . flew to Cuba withan invitation : to Day. It will be observed _ by the' _ Dice, in his : confession--to . the Col. --Charles -- Lindbergh to =visit Ivarhoe and First Churches with Waukegan police, Stated that -- he | Palm Boach at the time of the Pan-- appropriate exercises.. At the mort-- and another -- man ~named --.James American -- congress.>. His ~father, ing service al each church the 0P Stewart who has not yet been ap-- | Horace B. Chase, is a 'winter resi-- portunity will be given for the bap" prehonded, were the ones who ac | dent of Palm--Beach and a summer tism of children. | tually beld up the flower shop. He | resident of Pebble Beach, Cal -- Bur-- Drop Disorderly 'C o n d u c t Against ~John Gregaitis; Charge Wife Abandonment. WEIRD TALE OF HEN COOP AS A FOR RENT--T room house on a . paved--street, close to business Druce Lake: ideal for chicken farm; good soil; 7 room house, FOR SALR----A 5 room bungalow, ~ modren; -- fruit trees;~ east front. . Price $4000. Terms to suit. OR SALB----4 room cottage on south side; lot 5Ox145.= Price mesites--Lots 50 by 166, int, <close to electric sta-- assessments paid, includ-- per acre. of houses for M Mn e t on e greater part of her 1llef had spent in this community. ~Mr. and Mrs. John~Nixon enter tagained a number of friends on last Wednesday -- evening in honor-- of heir daughter Ruth who was one of nated" frem: the 'aighth srage . . * + L?nuwtfinhldum on list MobGay evening in hon-- _ . Mr.: and . Mre. Story,~who reside in Michigan, --are visiting with relatives in Antioch and the vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Block. arrived Wedunesday evyening, after having s week aat Rochester, Minn. Mr. and Mrs. Robert: Trieger of Norwood Park spent last Sunday at home of Antioch relatives. : >> ~Mr.--and: Mre. VanDuszer enertain-- ed friends from Eigin on Sunday.: ~~ Cleude Brogan has .rented his I , formery occupled by 'the Reeves Drug Stote, : to the National 'Tea Company who opened for busi-- nesses into court but this was re tfused> He waived hearing then. At the same time the case of Ed-- ward Wells, Waukegan, .salesman for the company, surrendered. His U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0O 0 0 0 0 0o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 waukee, the police of that city hay-- ing been informed by Asst. cu«f Kennedy that the men were being , detained here and would be turned | oyer to the Milwaukee police in case | they cared to prosecute on the hold ; over the two men so in case it is impossible to obtain a--conviction in Milwaukee the government always can step in and prosecute. . . Walter Jack: was willing to drop prosecu..on on the charge of steal-- | ing his car inasmuch as the> Mil-- ; waukee police have a more serious ; charge against the men. 3 While the federal man still was charge in Milwaukee is much more serious and carries a hbheavier pen-- alty in case of--conviction, the fed-- eral man consented to turn the ad: "ad Over t ine Polie o . E. L. Dole, a representative of the Department of Justice, came . to Waukegan from Chicago Thursday morning and spent several hours in this kind carries a sentence of from Thursday afternoon > by Detective assured local police that--on convic-- uuli&nhu;'munm- Ts aidition to sdmitting tpat thiy stole the Gardner sedan in 'Wau-- kegan the two men haye confessed to <the. local authorities that they stole a--Chevrolet --coach in Cumber-- fil'.u'-tfihflhmhfl. Minn.-- They abandoned the Wh'%&oy drove away in Jack's _ TK addition to these robberies the men admitted the hold--up of the flower sahop in Milwaukee and the theft of gasoline from :a number of . filling said bhowever that Anderson receiy--'} lal will be in California. ed part of the $17 loot : which, police ::..:fluununmm rested=~in Dearborn, ~Mich., on --a charge 'of heaving stolen a Gardner sedan trom Walter"Jack of Wauke gan on the: night.of May 4, must stand-- -- triahoin-- ~Milwaukee~on a charge of having held--up and robb-- Harry Anderson of Milwaukee and Harcld Dice of Saginaw, --Mich., ar-- Word has been> received" in An 0h. of the death of Miss Mary Ann lage. 'Belng left alone she decid-- to. return to the land of her birth : it was--there that her last days re <spent. 'The deceased was ut seventy--five years of age and BOUND OVER FOR hmore, who, for the past three 7 . Te myhum t m':'- Y¥ TB at -- G m{?aud.'&ter. moved to the l S e h Aono : OL 11 m 9 * > m * ------ _ M MB css 2t iwd_ nmxwum,pf : : 48 & * s c H c i. ' '"m the mw y 95 MKK -- ~ ' ' ":'T:." e m * 4 ..wx;'%z e + p cap wag , « # s se party" was held at the {| _ ~~ * M o S 1 & % < "alle * ¢ uc !| -- 606 MILWAUKEE AVE LUIBERTYVILLE, ILL: = sn ha Af m 0 ' 1| k s TW -- P * . am&: ifl . fprek BR -- HHL P BB <-- _ . ce " Fias~ d sls homs -- "J . W . db . «ie ) C % , R Nee : . i < &7 lice of that city hay k) ve ine 'fintm " te Tbflmg were called to put: out : the "fire, ywere finally 'Wrm the restof the : Last Wednesday evening, a Ford seran. belonging at Waukegan was engulfed in 'dlames near. here, and the fire department soon-- put:out the fire and ~allowed them --to put _ -- Feat That Works You can dress and make up to make the world think you are as young as ever, but:you can't fool a slice of "Mm m es 'tm M'ftommmhauct their worties out of the way. LK FOREST MAN > CRASH IN SOUTH Mre. L. M. Cribb is spending a few Friday and Saturday, June 1st., and 2nd. . SUGCAR CURED HAMS }9#, & esd i fe: f $ ¥. ps k s % h ; $ hed . % ""} x 5'-- j f s ; : L T .A i 8. * m ! > > ; ) «3 e l d j é'fi ? @ ET! § k ¢ l Mee . .2 f & 4 S + | ; f n o am: e | EB Em a R i@ ies' 4 © & El C F3 k F f p p 3 & Fe--a s $ * Es t s Aec d oo e em----arrrienaretert-- / ~ *( C : prgn ¥ w# C 3 6 PORK: LOINS 94 ; Loo We c is o Neorne: m enadt . 1. reer Nok t o e e t e k s m e en un s oi i ol ho i o t t t T o_ o m e w o K +. 94 Ti e P m e -- "a% To C " 1 TT TT BP -- h A: ' P PAAA I s > s MAIV -- ATTLE--PIG HAM: = ~----10 repep ie s n + tm it 5 Mc n yo t omes .A a o x4 y kess s 1 * s 20 ow . 5> wb . _ pigt. . * gas «9y 319 .. Sats *~> # s " PR e Py s ols -- > CA +7 .t h ies m is + M : dal t * % VEAL ROAST MEATS NATIVE SIRLOIN 38¢ lb. AT LIBERTYYVILLE'S LEADING QUALITY MARKET k »20kn T Holte, Tcg « remrdent, of |onones ' *John T. Holst, long a resident of |Chance 606 MILWAUKEE AVE. FOR SALE ---- Desirable brick busi-- . ~~--~~*~*~ magse * ness building in Libertyville, well FOR RENT located and in first: class condition. ; A ren} deal for quick action. mmm room house on Sun: 442 Care : of Inmdependent 19 t "d;"m:mmodom 'lr:l; County hospital at 4 0'clock Monday morning. -- He was 50 years of age. ---- The doceased is survived by his wite and -- .Child. -- He --was : well mfih&iflm'wl&mhm'o bis home and likewise--had . many friends in other parts of the county. MirOnimus, AIvanhoe. ---- Telephone o CLASSIFIED ADS o U o 0 0o 0 o 0 o 0o 0o o 0 o Lake county, formerly in the ex--|a low price. For information call m"'mn.;'til: :Ah rotona_ nl!:;fi ville Garage. CX station. on Milwaukee -mu%x YR SALB--Abans Spring and 7-- bench in good condition. $125.00. iA N Arar . civrte A tz -- 2 4 e cA % sn e o o Nt EK0 in mt nc 2e ¥ e Are.n ie 6 SSkE 5 ¥ ta n* <¥ 35--" h Eons t en . mee in o o L 0 ce y thg Wonder of Wonders : -- |P°"**. B0x 181 For Lake, IIL. 20 3t Offers the following for LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS ~ Reputation Pot Roast sir Thousands of housewives shop with absoiute confidence at the Palace Cash Markets. Years of constientious dealing with the public, have given "The Palace" a reputation of dependability as to Highest Quality, Good Service and Fair Prices. * Come to the PALACE NATIVE FOR RENT--3 onecar garages. At 116 L. Cook Ave. Bee John Cole, at harness shop. 19 U ing rooms. 817 Second St. 1t > EXTRA FINE WHOLE OR HALF t $ h aw w ce hiz ir Rib Roast air BONELESS ROLLED JACK SPRAT 2 LBS FOR AUTOMOBILES WANTED--% Ans -- tomobiles, any condition, wanted at once. Spot cash; or will selil--on & per cent commission We never close. National Motor Market 622 Grand Ave., Waukegan, I!Il. Tele-- WANTEI)--Woman between 80 and 36 years old, for general house-- mklflwvfl?mddn- dM:nohIndry. mm tyville 283--W. 2% «U LAWN MOWERES sharpened and ao-- justed. James Laycock, 216 East Church St., Libertyville. 20 3t gquiries for houses to rent, espec-- fjally those that can be had for $50 per month or less. Can belp find you a renter if you will list your property. Llioyd C. Ray, 404 N. Mil-- waukee Ave. Phone 170 or 220--M. to loan on m"'n'.a farm or city property. We invite your inguiry. mx.wmmemm- HIGHEST QUALUTY AM RECEIVING NUMEROUS IN-- 8. Stewart Ave. for AT 1b. Apply at